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Small paws ran quickly, the stars high above head, as the pup had managed to get away from her siblings and family for what seemed like the first time in a long time. Being in the spotlight wasn't exactly something she enjoyed being in and the problem was that her, her siblings as well as her mother's rivals' litter were all in the same boat together. They were the children of the only two Baraza for the pack currently and a lot of the pack looked to them for their future. Dyanna couldn't help but worry, perhaps this was putting too much on someone too young? The pups were still, well, pups. They were not adolescents, nor adults. They needed their time to just enjoy being young for now without fear of disappointing the entire pack.

A sigh left the young pup's mouth as she headed up to her mother's favorite spot; a slightly elevated hill where she told them she stargazed and sought the advice of those that came before and the gods above. Perhaps they would have some kind of guidance for the young pup that evening. White tipped paws made their way through the cool grass and up to the spot Alnilam had described to her and her siblings a few times. It was obviously hers by the wear in the grass where Dyanna could only assume her mother spent countless nights sitting...thinking. This was where her mother sought the help from above, maybe one day it was be Dyanna's as well.

She sat herself down within the dip in the earth. As her rump sank into her mother's impression it all started to become more real. The thought of spending so many nights in her mother's shadow was a very real thought. As most Baraza before passed the title on, such as her mother's father to Alnilam so should she possibly pass it to one of the four of them. Dyanna's expression sunk at the thought. It was huge responsibility, but a great honor as well. What if she didn't want to do that though? Or even chart the stars like the pack?!

That was what their pilgrimage was for. Some dogs left, expecting to never return again while others left in hope of returning their own constellations. Some never stopped searching, but never found theirs. Some even found theirs while not even looking for it. It all depended on what the stars had planned for them. The pup sunk even further into the indention, unsure of her own future at this point. Would she even find her place in the sky? If so, would it be too much for her? Such worried were something a pup should not be worrying about at such a young age, but she was.

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Oh where was she? The Baraza was in a frantic state at this point. She had just gotten out of a meeting with Alnitak and Mebsuta, who acted as a third Baraza at the time, a temporary position and with no real power as Alnitak kept reminding them both as it was an acting position, an adviser rather then a council-member. But after she had got the star-watcher who was assigned to keep watch over the litter while she was away, she had learned that her first-born, Dyanna, was missing. Of course she was a mother and worried for the safety of her daughter. What if she had been kidnapped that unruly hyena that had wandered into their borders so many months ago? What if she had fallen into a sinkhole and needed help but no one could hear her?

Alnilam shook her head frantically, trying to rid her mind of all the horrible thoughts that ran rampart in it. No, Dyanna was a smart girl. She would have done something to alert a Colossus if there was danger within the pack's lands and with it being the dead of night, the pack was at it's most active state of the day. A Howler or a patrolling Colossus would have found her if she was trapped somewhere. Still, she couldn't help but want to look for her and look for her is what the Baraza did.

An hour passed and the worried mother had searched what seemed like everywhere. She was close to alerting the pack itself that her daughter was missing, not even caring for her own pride should Alnitak find out and ridicule her for losing one of her four children when the red Baraza had many more to care for, double the starry female's litter size. Alnilam was going to consult the stars before taking the matter to the pack and sending out search group to try and find any trace of the little one. As she approached her usual spot to stargaze, familiar white-trimmed ears peaked out of the grass.

Alnilam's heart raced as she ran the last feet between her and her worn in spot. There, in the center of the indention was her daughter, sleeping peacefully under the stars. Her eyes softened as a smile spread of the mother's muzzle. Why Dyanna had come up here did not matter to her at this point, only that her child was safe and sound with her again. She leaned down, nosing the napping pup's cheek softly as she gave her a quick lick.

"M-mama?" Dyanna mumbled as her dual-colored eyes opened slowly, trying to rid the sleep from them. She had fallen asleep! The pack was nocturnal, but as other animals rest during the day and sleep through the night, the pack itself rested sometimes during the night and slept through the day. It wasn't usual, but when had she fallen asleep?!

"I'm so glad you're alright..." The older female whispered, nuzzling her pup, trying not to lose her hold on her emotions, but it was starting to become overwhelming the most she resisted. "Come on then, you're late for your lessons."

"Yes, mama."

The little pup got up from the spot and padded over to beside her mother as the two made their way back towards the center of the pack. Perhaps the future wasn't so scary, after all, she had her mother there to guide her along the way.

[Word Count: 1039]