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Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[1v1]I Just Met You & This is Crazy (Alex & Belladonna) FIN! Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:03 pm
...But Belladonna wanted to fight.
It would be friendly, fun and totally worth it. She really, really needed the practice. So just a quick sparring match would do.
At least, it would do if someone would just come into the gym.

OK, so it had only been maybe five minutes, but Belladonna felt like she had been waiting forever!
It was just a normal Websday, but she was restless. Not in the mindset to take an open class, the witch instead opted to try for a fight at the gym. Nothing serious (if she wanted serious she would have tried to find that hallway to the Haunted House for a Hunter fight), just something to keep her occupied and to give her a bit more practice. That last Hunter fight had really taken a toll on her confidence, so she mostly just needed a punching bag... But she didn't really want to ask any of her friends to be her personal victim, so instead she looked for a stranger.

Because that was definitely a way better option. Maybe she could turn the stranger into a friend after the fight too!
With such a mindset, Belladonna lingered in the halls before the large sparring area and looked out for someone she could grab and force them into fighting her. Honestly, it was a flawless plan. Find someone to fight, win, then be friends and go for ice scream! Yes! Perfect!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:33 pm
Alexander wasn't looking for a fight. The only reason he was even heading to the gym right now was to see if Yin might be in there training, and maybe see if he wanted to go and grab something to eat. Literally, grab something, since Alex had no silver seeds to buy food with and they would need to go out and actually do some hunting.

But those were thoughts for later. Right now he actually needed to find the weremantis before anything else could happen, and he was being just as elusive as usual. It figured that anytime Alex was actually looking for him was the only time he could never actually find him.

And so he shambled up to the gym at his usual slow and relaxed pace, hands shoved into his pants pockets, black and white hair all disheveled as though he'd just rolled out of bed. His skeletal foot scraped nosily against the hallway floor as he dragged it along, probably announcing his arrival to anyone who might be nearby. As he approached he noticed a ghoul that was just sortof...standing in the hallway, though he didn't recognize her at all. He offered a smile anyways, always friendly, even with total strangers, unless they gave him reason to not be. She looked almost as if she was searching for something, or maybe someone, so before he could actually look to see if his boilfriend was nearby he stopped, giving her a curious look.

"Are you...looking for somebody?" He asked, as he considered offering himself up to help her. He reached a hand out of his pocket and pushed back his hair, which was just growing out to the point of brushing the top of his eyelids.  


Ice-Cold Hunter


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:59 pm
Somehow, the witch had distracted herself with the idea of willing someone to her, that she totally missed all the noise. It was't until a voice addressed her that she turned her face to him.
Aw! He was so pretty and friendly looking! For a moment, Belladonna felt a little bad that she was so suddenly going to pull him into battle, but surely he was here for a reason. And the only logical reason would be to fight, so she didn't feel bad for too long.

"Yes, actually! It just so happens to be you!" She replied with a friendly smile and bounce. Without wasting a moment she dashed behind him, situated her hands firmly on his shoulders and pushed him in the general direction of the sparring arena. "You see, I need someone to fight me. Just for fun! Nothing serious! I need the practice and I was hoping someone would need another partner to fight with and here you are! Hooray!" She chattered on in a high and excited voice. Poor thing, wouldn't know what hit him...

"I'm Belladonna Divine, its lovely to meet you Mr. Pretty Haired Zombie Boil!" Errr, if he didn't wanted to be addressed as that for the rest of the fight he might want to give her his name too. "Would you like to go first, or me? Oohh we could do Rock, Paper, Scissors?""

If you'd like to roll to see who goes first, that'd be excellent~
Seussi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 19 Total: 19 (1-20)
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:34 pm
Her answer was not at all what he had been expecting, and his eyebrows immediately shot up as his mouth just sort of gaped open. "Uhhhhhh...wh---?" He started to ask, but she just kept on talking and unholy hell this ghoul could really talk! And she was incredibly cheerful and...wait, did she just say fight?

Seriously, what in jack's name was......oh dear she was pushing him towards the sparring arena. He supposed she must have thought he was coming here looking for somebody to battle with, but this was all just happening so quickly, he couldn't even say no! "Just..for fun?" Well, that didn't sound like it could turn out too badly, even if Alexander had had awful experiences with sparring in the past.

Well, perhaps he just shouldn't think about that right now.

Wait, what did she just call him. "Oh, uh, hi! My name is actually Alexander, not...whatever you just called me." She thought he had pretty hair. Pretty. Hair. Feeling thoroughly emasculated, he allowed the ghoul to push him wherever she pleased, not really having much of a choice in the matter it seemed.

When they stopped they were in the arena, and Alex quickly took a glance around. Nope, not a weremantis in sight. Drat! Oh, and the ghoul was starting to talk again. Alex turned his attention more fully to her, a grin spreading across his face. "You're really eager to spar with somebody, aren't you? Well, just go easy on me, okay? I'm not really the best fighter.." That was somewhat of a lie. Alex was actually a fairly decent fighter, though he was often quite brutal in his methods and it always left him feeling bad afterwards. And this ghoul...she just seemed so cheerful! Why in Halloween would she want to fight so bad? Maybe he could ask her later, but in the meantime....

"Either way works fine for me." He shrugged, bringing both hands up in what he hoped looked like a good fighting stance, mimicking what he'd seen Yin do in the past.



Ice-Cold Hunter

AyeAvast rolled 1 20-sided dice: 8 Total: 8 (1-20)


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:33 pm
"Alexander? What a delightfully masculine name! Refined, yet elegant. Wonderful. And my little nickname was merely a place holder, no worries." Belladonna chirruped happily, as though grabbing someone and randomly forcing them into a fight was an everyday occurrence. Maybe for her it was. After all, she was a rather outgoing and willful ghoul, who knows. She could do this sort of thing for fun?
Well, depending the outcome it may or may not happen again. Her fighting luck had been rather... Lack luster as of late.
Regardless of all that, she stopped Alexander in the middle of the arena and circled back around to stand in front of him. Not too close, but not too far away either. The absolute perfect distance for fighting.

"Eager? Oh yes. Always eager. But its alright, my sparing abilities haven't been up to snuff lately. So that's why we're practicing!" She told him with one of her pointer fingers held high. "This shall be just a fun, friendly match between new acquaintances. Nothing personal." She paused and took a moment to look him over. "Your fighting stance is all wrong. Don't tuck your thumbs underneath your fingers, or you'll crush it. Oh! Listen to me, yammering on like anything! Well, go first then." Her voice was friendly though she gave him instructions. It could not be said that Belladonna was rude in any manner, but she certainly was a little forceful.
While she waited for him to attack, she dug around in her pocket and finally brought out a tattered looking deck of cards. Though she said nothing, she did smile...

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 5, 6 Total: 11 (2-16)
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:25 pm
She might be telling him that his name was masculine and refined, but he still could not get over her earlier comment about his hair, nor over how easily she had been able to push him around. This was really some ghoul, and she was a little bit odd, but her cheerfulness was contagious. His own face split into a wide grin as she offered an explanation for their little spur of the moment (at least, it was spur of the moment for him) match up.

"Sounds reasonable enough." He supplied with a happy shrug of his shoulders, hands closing into fists just before she began criticizing him on his fighting stance. Having trained with Yin a couple of times and spent countless days watching the other boil in the gym, it was a little embarrassing to note that she was right, and that he was tucking his thumb into his fists instead of placing them over his fingers, as was proper. Really though, when had Alexander ever used his fists for fighting? He was more used to grabbing, clawing, tearing apart, and biting his opponents. Fists just felt...unnatural to him.

Correcting himself with a nod towards Belladonna to show that he appreciated the advice, it appeared that it was time to begin, and Alexander moved forward, calling upon what little experience and training he actually had to help him get through this. He threw a fist forward towards the ghouls shoulder in a feint to grab her attention, but instead the blow he was really trying to land came from below, as he swept a foot forward in an attempt to hook it behind her ankle and pull forward to knock her off of her feet. It was one of the first moves that his bonded had taught him, and really, Alex just didn't want to punch a ghoul, especially one he barely knew.

HP: 40/40
Damage: 5



Ice-Cold Hunter

AyeAvast rolled 2 8-sided dice: 1, 2 Total: 3 (2-16)


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:40 pm
Though she saw him dart forward, the witch ducked away in the wrong direction so that when he placed a foot behind her ankle, she fell for the trap, quite literally. With a tiny shriek she fell to the ground, hands splayed behind her helplessly. Ouch! That one kind of hurt more than she expected, but Belladonna only rolled out of the way and tried to toss a card his way.
Unfortunately, she only managed to throw all her cards, and they only formed a useless ring around her in the air. They would take no damage and only react when she used them, which hadn't worked. For a moment the witch pouted but she rose to her feet easily with a smile.

"You can hit me, you know. I promise not to tell my boilfriend!" She meant it as a joke, but she was fairly certain Mort wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. Besides, Belladonna was the one who had looked for a fight, however friendly.

HP: 35
Damage: 0

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 1, 5 Total: 6 (2-16)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:46 pm
Alexander felt a small sense of elation as his little maneuver seemed to work just as he had planned. Now would have probably been the best time to go in for a quick punch or kick while she was down but the zombie was much slower then his opponent, and she rolled out of the way before he could even take a shuffling step forward.


And then, much to his surprise, she flung...deck of cards at him? He looked at the cards curiously as they circled her, momentarily distracted until her voice broke his concentration. Of course, there was only one thing that she said that he could really focus on at the moment.

"Boilfriend??" His voice may have actually gone up an octave, which was no easy trick. He was fighting a ghoul who had a boilfriend. He was probably some massive monster or an insanely jealous Reaper or maybe even a fire demon and oh dear jack what had Alex gotten himself into now???

He was too worried about this current train of thought to even think about hitting her now.

Damage: 0



Ice-Cold Hunter

AyeAvast rolled 2 8-sided dice: 7, 2 Total: 9 (2-16)


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:41 pm
"Yeah!" Belladonna chirruped happily to Alexander's question. Oooh~ Lovely! He was the kind to ask questions during a fight! Most excellent! The last person the witch had fought had been rather tight lipped during the fight, which had been ridiculously annoying for the witch. She needed answers and just throwing punches was so boring.
Oh, this was most excellent indeed!

Now that her cards were out, the witch grabbed one at random and tossed it at Alexander. It wasn't a very good throw, but it was something and the card left a small, stinging paper cut. It wasn't much, but it was still a first hit. The witch bounced happily and gave the boil a grin.
"You might know him! Its Mort! Mortimer McNeal!" Oh, wasn't that just a fabulous thing to say! She could have sung it with how happy she was!

HP: 35
Damage: 3

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6, 5 Total: 11 (2-16)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:08 pm
Again, as she only confirmed Alex's fears, all the zomboil could do at that moment was imagine what this ghouls boilfriend might do to him if he beat her up too severely. He was going to have to try to be very, very careful and--

--Something went zinging by, slicing into Alexander's upper arm as it whizzed past. He glanced down to the shallow, stinging wound, marvelling at how a mere card could do such swift and effective damage. Slowly, a dark and very sluggish looking and horrible smelling blood began to well up in the wound, though Alexander chose to ignore it in favor of focusing on this newest little tidbit of information.

Her boilfriend was Mort. And if Alexander had any doubt that she might have meant his Mort, as in, the zombie Mort that he considered to be a good friend, a zombro, if you will, she gave his name in full.

"Mort!?" He blurted out, much like he had shouted out 'boilfriend' shortly before. That just seemed...almost impossible really. He didn't even know that the other zombie had an interest, let alone actually asked a ghoul out. "But he's...he's never even mentioned you before!"

Maybe that wasn't the most tactful thing to say, but apparently Alexander wasn't thinking clearly just yet. Realizing what he had just said, he began to backtrack a little. "I mean, yes, I know him. Nice guy. We were on a team for the horsemen trials and hang out from time to time. I haven't seen him in a little while though..." But wait, weren't they supposed to be battling right now? And this ghoul seemed like she meant business. Not wanting to have another of those cards flung his way because he was too busy chatting, Alex shook his head as though to clear it and got back into position.

Eyeing the ghoul suspiciously as he moved towards her, with his guard raised, he desperately tried to think of a way he could possibly spar with this ghoul without actually hurting her in any serious way. Mort was his friend. He couldn't go around mutilating his friends ghoulfriend! Still, as he got closer, it was hard to resist instinct, and Alex's hand suddenly lashed out to grab for the ghouls wrist. His nails would dig in painfully to whatever part of her he managed to grab a hold, as he used his death grip to pull her towards him, lips suddenly pulling back from his teeth as though preparing to bite her.

HP: 37/40
Damage: 5



Ice-Cold Hunter

AyeAvast rolled 7 4-sided dice: 3, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 1 Total: 17 (7-28)


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:09 am
Oh Alexander, you were such a fun thing! Going about, shouting things!
Belladonna found him ever so delightful a fighting partner.
She had just started a vigorous and excited nod to show that yes, she and Mort really and truly were dating and it was wonderful! When suddenly, he dropped a rather unfortunate bomb on her.
With a glare that witch darted backwards and narrowed her eyebrows at him, waiting for him to explain. He did, more or less, but it still didn't ease her anger.
"Of course he hasn't mentioned me! This is a very recent development!" The witch shouted as she sent her cards in a dramatic spin around her. "He's been very down lately and hasn't gotten out much!"

With a swipe she grabbed out a card and tossed it high into the sky above her, but when she looked back to Alexander, he was suddenly right before her. Actually, he was right on her and had grabbed her wrist. His lips pulled back and his nails dug painfully into her skin. With a shriek the witch jerked back, but before she could fully break away, a large, armored hand landed on Alexander's forearm.
A few inches taller than the witch and standing right behind her, massive in width and covered from head to foot in blackened armor, was a skeleton.
With a petulant look, Belladonna narrowed her eyes at Alexander and ducked down as the skeleton gave a very decided punch to Alexander.
After the punch, it only took one step backward and disappeared back into a card that returned to Belladonna's circle of cards.

"Did anything horrid happen to you on the Horseman Trials?" Belladonna asked in a slightly sheepish voice. Honestly, she felt a little bad about such a powerful FEAR attack so soon, but yanno... He had been a little rude in that whole 'Never heard of her'. Hmph! Show him to go about insulting ladies.

HP: 30
Damage: 14

Seussi rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:48 am
Well, it seemed like he may have upset the ghoul by blurting out that Mort had never actually mentioned her before. Really, he hadn't even seen the other boil since they got back from the Horsemen Isles. It dawned on him that at some point, he was going to have to rectify this, because hearing now from this complete stranger that Mort actually had a ghoulfriend was just going to show how much out of the loop he had become.

With his death grip firmly secured to her arm, there was no chance in the seven hells that Alex was ever going to let go! Once he had his hands on something, it was near impossible to loosen it unless he chose to. It was fortunate for Belladonna that a towering skeleton wearing armor was enough to make Alexander choose to pull his hand away from her, and with wide eyes he attempted to stumble back away from her, but it was much too late as an armored fist came pummeling into his stomach, doubling him over in pain, his eyes wincing shut as he hugged his assaulted area and took a few shuffling steps back, his head snapping up to glare at the witch his eerie, pale eyes.

Straightening up slowly, his face cold and impassive, Alex answered her question while he quickly gathered his own fear. If it was a fear fight she wanted, it was a fear fight she was going to get. And he had a pretty good feeling she was not going to like what he was about to do to her.

If it actually worked, which in the past, Alexander had never been able to get it to.

"Well, lets see." Voice flat, cold just like his features. "First there was the trial of famine, that wasn't so bad." A rippling wave almost seemed to move up Alex's body from his feet, causing his clothing to ruffle up like in a breeze. "Then there was the the trial of war. Again, not so bad...of course, that was until my boilfriend fell off of a cliff and ended up in the medical tent with nearly every bone in his body broken and his ribs poking out of his chest. No, that part wasn't so nice." Something..something bright in a shade of vibrant green was beginning to gather around Alex's fist, wisps of it floating up into the air. If Belladonna was really observant, she might notice that the smell in the air was becoming quite rancid, like rotting meat that was left out in the sun, only much worse.

"And then there was the trial of death. Well, if Mort didn't tell you about how bad that little adventure was, maybe you should ask him. He got to watch both my boilfriend and I get turned into weapons, before also witnessing the death of our other two team mates. Yes, I'd say that it was pretty damned horrid." Obviously this was a bit of a touchy subject for Alex, who while he might for all intents and purposes be attempting to act calm and cool about this entire thing, the pain of talking about it was clear in his eyes.

And with that, he suddenly smiled, though it did nothing to wash away that pain. "So sorry about this," At least he sounded sincere? He suddenly and in one swift motion punched his fist forward, that gathering mass of green flying from his fist, straight towards it's intended target, and bursting in a cloud of green gas once it hit Belladonna.

She was probably going to be having a little trouble concentrating on anything other then trying to breathe through the putrid scent he had just doused her with for the next little while.

HP: 23
Damage: N/A

Fear attack: Headlights
Y2: Stench Stunner: Using his FEAR, Alex can intensify his normal rotting stench, concentrate it to a more physical mass, and direct it towards his opponent to 'stun' them for a turn.
Opponent skips next attack round, User gets extra attack.

My attack roll for the current round is next post (I had to check in with maru to make sure I was doing it right. Never actually had the attack hit before XD.) SORRY BELLA!


Ice-Cold Hunter

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 3, 6 Total: 9 (2-16)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:11 am
Once his fear attack actually hit, Alex wasted no time on moving in to do some actual damage. As far as he was aware, the 'gas' that he had hit Belladonna with wouldn't actually do her any harm, but it was an attack meant to stun, not to hurt. It was meant to give him more time to attack, while his opponent was left too disoriented to attack him back. He was actually quite excited that it had actually worked, this being the first time he'd been able to have it succeed without blowing up all over himself.

He moved towards that cloud of gas, the smell of it not bothering him in the slightest, especially since he didn't actually need to breathe. It was already starting to dissipate, wisps of green trailing up into the air to disappear, so he was easily able to make out Belladonna's form. Once he judged himself to be near enough, he did what she had asked earlier, and he threw a punch in her direction, though he tried not to use too much force.

HP: 23

And now Bella get's a reaction post before Alex attacks again and the rounds go back to normal <3
AyeAvast rolled 2 8-sided dice: 3, 8 Total: 11 (2-16)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:01 pm
The suddenly somber and very aggressive look on his face totally distracted the witch, and it wasn't until it was too late that she noticed the stench.
Instead of bothering to move or even try to get away, the witch only stayed entrance by his gaze and even more so by his words. The more he spoke, the more her face crumpled up into one of pity and she wished she had gone easier on him. With a growing sense of worry, he told her of his awful time and his story certainly coincided with Mort's. Oh Hecate, he'd been one of the friends Mort had watched turn into a weapon? Now she felt just awful, and she could have cried when Alexander told of his own boilfriend who had gotten severely injured.
"I'm so sorry..." The witch mumbled as she tried to drop her gaze but discovered she couldn't. For whatever reason, she was stuck in his line of sight and it only broke when he smiled and a cloud surrounded the witch.

Belladonna let out a shriek as she tottered backwards and waved her hands dramatically in attempts to get rid of the smoke, but it stuck around and she couldn't find Alexander in it. The longer she stayed in the smoke, the harder it got to breath and after a deep breath she began to sputter and cough. This was awful! She did not like this one bit!!
Both hands were clamped over her mouth and nose and the witch darted forward in attempt to escape the cloud. Unfortunately she darted forward toward Alexander, but darted quick enough that she was only nicked by his punch.
"Is this your FEAR? Its wonderful! But goodness, the smell!" She shouted as she freed herself from the cloud and threw a card at the boil. Honestly, she really liked it. If she weren't the one he was fighting she would have enjoyed it more.

HP: 27
Damage: 5

Hopefully I did that right. XD


Sparkly Bunny

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 4, 1 Total: 5 (2-16)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:19 pm
She had said she was sorry, and Alex felt inclined to believe her. Nobody would have liked to go through what he and his team, and probably half of the student body of the school, had gone through. It had been the most horrible experience of his unlife, equal only to the events that had unfolded on the horsemen Isles before they had returned back to the school, and the insanity that had plagued him afterwards. No, nothing else could even compare, and he was actually trying very hard to forget that any of it had ever happened. Repress, repress, repress.

Her comments about his fear attack startled him, and his eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Wonderful?" apparently he was just full of questions today. "I--I've never heard anybody call it that, before." Especially not somebody who had been on the receiving end. It was quite a disgusting ability, really, though it was actually quite nice to hear that somebody appreciated it.

He was momentarily surprised when she was able to compose herself enough to throw another card at him, though he was easily able to side step it. It seemed that the effects of his attack were wearing off quite quickly, and while he should have been taking what little time he had left to lunge into another attack, he stopped, feeling a little badly about unleashing that particular attack on the ghoul that was apparently dating his zombro.

"I hope you'll be able to get the smell out of your clothes." Yes, because clearly that was the biggest concern she would have had at the moment.

HP: 23
Damage: lol no~

Actually Bella wasn't supposed to attack yet, she had to skip a turn and Alex got an additional one (he got to immediately attack after using his fear, Bella gets a reaction post but can not attack, and he gets to attack again ^_^ it's okay though, I'll just not take the damage~ Next post Bella can go back to attacking as usual!
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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