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[The Black Skull Herd] Calling all Kalona + allies! Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 7 8 9 10 [>] [»|]

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Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:00 pm

Welcome to the Black Skull herd, the first, the oldest, and the only herd composed of pureblood Kalona. As more and more Soquili come into the lands, the proud Kalona line has begun to weaken and die out. Even worse, with the threat of the Skinwalkers threatening to take out even the mightiest of Kalona, there is no time to waste energy on petty squabbles between themselves, or on lessers.

With the original Black Skull Protector dead, and the Alpha growing older, their eldest son has no choice but to step up and take control of the bruised and battered herd to try and nurture it back into something that should be both feared, and respected.

Do you think you have what it takes to be apart of the few remaining elite?

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(Thank you very much to Zee Oddwyn for our beautiful totem!)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:12 pm


1. Listen to your Alpha and Protector (played by Miss Cherie and Tsunake, respectively!) Maeryn and Nemesis run the show around these parts. Feel free to speak up and offer suggestions, but they have the final say-so.

2. Not all Kalona are alike. All sorts of strengths are valued here, though do know that most of the members tend to harbor darker, more wicked ways. Know that you are a superior race, and know it proudly!

3. Purity of the race is paramount. Do not sully your lineage by breeding with lessers (and if you do, be sure not to get caught, because there will be IC consequences!).

4. Protect your own. Aid your fellow Kalona if they need it. The world has become too dangerous for loners to wander about.

5. Above all, Skinwalkers are our primary enemy. Everything else is of lesser priority--including lessers.

6. Only purebloods may join. However, if you have a Soquili that has horns, wings, teeth, and the tail of a Kalona, they can lie and gain access. Basically, your Soquili must look like a Kalona to join! They also should keep quiet about not being pure--if anyone finds out, that's not going to end well. If they end up breeding, however, and their children have traits that are clearly not Kalona, they will be in deep trouble.


Territorial Friend


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:25 pm

What Makes a True Kalona?

First and foremost, a true Kalona has pride in what they and their race embody. Strength, skill, smarts are what set them apart. They are not like skinwalkers. They can think, plan, and coordinate with one another to achieve victory. They are not mindless, rabid beasts that have no goals except for mindless slaughter. There is strength in numbers, and every advantage should be used and exploited. Individuality is prized among Kalona. Foolish risk taking, however, is not.

Your Kalona does not have to agree with every other Kalona in the herd. Just do your best to get along, and try not to rip each other to shreds...
PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:54 pm


The story of the Black Skull herd is actually a love story at its core. Two Kalona with the same dream came together years ago to create a new world for themselves; a mare whose foalhood had taught her the cruelty lesser Soquili displayed toward her kind, and a stallion who had the strength to stand by her, and the courage to challenge their opposition. Maeryn and Rötschreck formed the Black Skull herd with what pure Kalona they could find who shared their ideals, or for whom the protection a herd offered was too great a boon to ignore. At the time of its formation, the herd was a controversial thing; indeed, what Kalona would submit to join forces in such a way, subsuming their individuality beneath the yoke of the herd?

In time, the untrusting Maeryn approached Rötschreck with the concern that theirs was a dying race, dwindling in numbers as time went by. Together, they brought foals into the world, and in time their uneasy truce blossomed into an unspoken love. They raised their children to be proud of their lineage, and to be vessels for the ideals of the herd. Together, they could surely protect the foals that might otherwise have died or forgotten what it means to be a Kalona. At that time, few among the Kalona had been raised to adulthood by their parents-- the idea was revolutionary, and met with resistance by and large.

Still, there were those who believed as the couple did, and slowly the tides turned. No longer was it unheard of for Kalona to raise their young, to imbue them with the strength of a herd. When Maeryn and Rot’s children grew into adulthood, they were cautioned to remain true to their parent’s ways. The herd-- or rather, the family, for that was what it was in truth-- was close knit, and banded together to face many trials. As the founding members grew older, a greater danger arose in the form of the Skinwalkers. Even true Kalona were not safe from the ravening hunger and madness of that evil, and it threatened the Black Skull Herd from its very inception.

Nothing is ever built to last, and one day the vigilance of the herd was not enough. The Skinwalker Wyrm challenged Rötschreck, hunted him the way Kalona hunted lesser creatures. The stallion fought bravely to defend his home, but in his advancing age his strength was not enough to surpass that of the Skinwalker’s. With his last strength, he managed to drive Wyrm off, but at the cost of his own life. As he lay dying, his family found him, and he shared his last moments with his mate and children. With his dying breath, he named Nemesis, the eldest son, as the new Protector of the herd. As Rötschreck died, Maeryn at last confessed her love, but too late to truly share it with him.

Now, shaken to their very core, the herd is pushing past its grief to swear revenge on the beasts that dared to cross them. To do that though, they will need more than their dwindling numbers at present.


Territorial Friend


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:56 pm

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(Shop map, drawn by Mindsend and borrowed for our purposes!)

Claimed Territory

The Black Skull herd reside in the Western Mountains, near the A-ta-lv-yi Pass. It is extremely treacherous to navigate, and only winged Soquili can access it easily. It makes the perfect fortress of sorts for the Kalona herd. Members are free to come and go as they will. They are not required to stay, because Nemesis knows too well what wanderlust feels like. However, they should check in regularly (can be assumed ICly!), bringing news from other parts of the world with them.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:07 pm

Roles in the Herd

The Alpha
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With the loss of her mate, Maeryn is truly feeling her age. For a time she was a mere shadow of her old self, but with the introduction of young Keiran into her life, the venerable mare has slowly begun to regain her strength and determination. Black Skull was a vision she shared with Rötschreck, the lifemate torn down by the ravening hunger and madness of Skinwalkers, and she considers it to be his legacy. Maeryn has grown to be a wise, compassionate mare with a core of steel. She is fierce in her protection of her family, and utterly ruthless and cruel when the occasion calls for it, but no longer full of bitterness and loathing. It is her great purpose in life to see the revival of the Kalona, and to that end she will press unrelentingly. The darkness of the Kalona calls to her, and she answers it with every breath, ready to fight through increasing age (and the pains that it brings with it) to defend her herd and kindred.

The Protector
User Image
Stern, taciturn, and entirely gruff, Nemesis is a massive stallion that you just don't want to mess with. He's had to grow up a lot, so he's done his best to try and rein in his ferocious temper. For as vicious as he can be when provoked, Nemesis truly wants to see the pureblooded Kalona reunited again so they can wipe out the Skinwalker menace--including the one who murdered his father. Combined, these Kalona can become a new legion, and Nemesis will not tolerate anyone who tries to get in the way of that.

-The strong, the brave, and the brutal. These soquili are the backbone of the Black Skull herd and patrol the territory for threats and outsiders alike. Few can go head-to-head with these Kalona and live to tell the tale.

-Sometimes, sneakier, more subtle methods are needed to succeed Not everything is about brute strength--in fact, knowledge can tip the scales in most battles. Informants scour the lands, taking note of conflicts unfolding or interesting events springing up without warning. They then report back to the herd with what they've found--all without being caught!

-The silver-tongued charmers do very well in this ranking. These are the manipulators, the deceivers, and the ones that make the magic happen. In the upcoming Skinwalker battles, it might be very important, for example, to convince some Unicorns to help heal the Warrior Kalona from the clashes. Who better to convince--or threaten--said unicorns into cooperating than the Diplomats?

-This is something of a sub-category: Kalona usually have duties belonging to one of the three above ranks, but they also know something in the name of first-aid. They serve as midwives, and have some knowledge on how to treat battle wounds and diseases. Though it may not seem very dastardly, this role is one regarded with great honor. After all, why rely on outsiders if you can be taken care of by one of your own?


Territorial Friend


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:39 pm

Name // Rank // Owner

Maeryn // Alpha // Played by Miss Cherie

Nemesis // Protector // Played by Tsunake

Keiran // Warrior // Played by Uta

Ruin // Warrior // Played by Miss Cherie

Bane // Warrior + Medic // Played by Miss Cherie

Sin // Diplomat // Played by Miss Cherie

Izusa // Diplomat // Played by Kamiki

Soul-Lexis // Diplomat // Played by Nyhility

Deception // Warrior // Played by Devil NightShade

Angra Mainyu // ??? // Played by Green Ever After

Theia // Informant + Medic // Played by Tsunake

Valefar // Diplomat // Played by [ Lady Kiya ]
PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:51 pm

Allies of the Black Skull herd

Have a Soquili you'd like to play with the herd, but they aren't a pureblood--or even a Kalona? Do they have skills or abilities that could be really useful against fighting something as vicious as a Skinwalker? Though these Soquili would not be in the main herd, they would be considered allies. For their services, they are their families would not be preyed on by members of the Black Skull herd.

Awendela // Healer // The Dawn of Twilight

Ugilanistoroa // Informant // [ Lady Kiya ]

Alestra Saito // ??? // XxPrimevalPandaxX


Territorial Friend


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:39 pm

Keiran gives his hoof-stamp of approval. ;3
PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:45 pm

He betta, though big brother Nemmy is pleased. <3


Territorial Friend


Fandom Fox

20,600 Points
  • Elysium's Hero 500
  • Marathon 300
  • Perfect Attendance 400
PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:22 pm

User Image Izusa is getting long in the tooth, but she's never quite felt like she belonged. Being the first Kalona in the Kawani lands, she never had guidance or a home or knew what was 'normal' or expected of her. She had two sets of children in the past -once with a charming wind that playing with her skeptical heart, and the other with a dark shadow-unicorn. She grew a hatred for the stallion that broke her heart, though her relationship with the shadow-unicorn Taraxippus is more of an alliance built from mutual respect.

However, I feel that its about time Izusa finds her true calling: a group of like-minded Soquili were can really feel like she can be herself without judgement or fear of being left behind. I think it would be a great transformation for Izusa to really revel in her darker, stronger nature.

I think she would be a good Diplomat, as she does have several ties to other Soquili and made a few alliances. She could also be a broodmother for any younglings as she has raised six children in the past.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:31 pm


Amaaaaaaazing, yes, yes, and yes! She'd be welcomed into the herd without question~ Nemesis can definitely respect her age and experience, and the fact that she does have alliances with other Soquili/races is a major benefit should the Skinwalkers come back again.

Plus, I adore Izusa and am just clutching my face in starry-eyed joy right now. emotion_kirakira /going to bed now, because what is sleep


Territorial Friend


Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:30 pm

Zomg yes! This is just the kind of motivation I was hoping for to get back into rping! ;~;

Allow me to introduce Soul-Lexis:

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Basic Bio:
Soul Lexis is truly one unique character, if one can ever pinpoint it. While being a Kalona has it's perks, Soul doesn't always live up to the title. He's not bloodthirsty and nor is he violent....well, not like most people believe Kalonas to be. Amongst others of his kin, Soul is actually regarded as puny and weak- a disgrace even if still a dark character. But he does not linger on the opinions of others, and is confident in creating his own wayward path of distruction and chaos. This male is the type to be seen leaning against a wall, observing everyone else and smirking at their antics. Should he find a crack in the system, he loves to slide his way in to work havoc on other peoples emotions. Acting like a friend or a mentor, even an admirer, Soul is suave when he makes his appearances. But be careful, there is no justice behind that grin of his. He has no concern or guilt for one's fate, and will easily throw others to the predators if it ensures his survival and entertainment. Life is short and Soul-Lexis figures that one should enjoy it while it lasts. Everyone else's happiness be damned, so long as he is content and has his eyes on the prize(s) worth collecting, life is good.

Herd Potential:
Given his selfish disposition, Soul is not the highest candidate for a herd life. However, he is a rather sociable creature, and if there was any crowd he'd choose to involve himself with, it would be with other 'true' kalona. So long as he is given a loose chain and not under the tight rule and demands of a leader, he can manage just fine. I imagine he will be more like the youthful prankster of the group, rather than a mature adult. Soul is through and through a rebel, after all. So given that detail, I have no trouble with him getting into ic brawls of dominance with other kalona and failing miserably. All the more fun using him as a comic relief in an otherwise dark-natured herd. x3

Of all the roles listed, I believe he'd shockingly fit best as a diplomat. While he is unruly and sadistic to those that know him, he loves putting on a mask to tempt or torment strangers. It is a task that lets him roam freely while still on errands for the better 'good' of the kalona herd.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:34 pm


-spazzy flail of excitement!-

Eee, Silent! <3 I love Soul, so this is very exciting for meeee and Cheriiiie. Sometimes, being the strongest and most powerful doesn't mean you're the best, after all. Soul is going to be soooo super useful, being able to sneak under people's graces and stuff. xD

Ahh! <3 Thank you so much for considering us, and welcome aboard! Nemesis is already not sure what he thinks about mistah Soul-Lexis, but a Kalona is a Kalona!


Territorial Friend


Sparkly Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:38 pm

Omg you guys just have no idea how excited we are about your apps! Super awesome! <333

I look forward to this so much!
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