Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:22 pm
This is all organized, I'm still adding stuff and Plots but feel free to peruse <3
The Layout Quick Links Notice's D'Vak Jentzerlok Angelique Polamalu Lav Stín Gideon Umbra Angeetia Zheadeos Omutia Timothy Todd Zippy O'Leary
~Rules~ i.Please be respectful. ii.  iii. I'm generally open to all Rp plots. Just let me know and I can see what I can do. iv. I'm a very busy person so I can't always respond right away but if you feel I'm taking to long you can nudge me. v. You need only ask once for an rp. If you think I over looked your request please politely point it out because if you think I did, then I most likely did. vi. At some point in time I will have my Priority Soquili's these soquilis will get the most attention from me all others will only be available through two rp slots. Any more then two it will have to be a good plot, or someone to fit in a plot that is just the beesnees. vii. If you'd like to contact me I have numerous forms of contact. -Pm's are Perfectly fine -AOL IM- shilohrose17 -My Cell phone number for text's and such can be provided in wished. I have no Problem giving it out for plotting because I always have my phone on me viii. We are here to have fun so lets keep it fun ^.^
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:17 pm
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:20 pm
Notices (Prime Subjects) Lav Stín is looking to grow <3 Plots available <3 Plots - Temper Tantrum:Lesson: Temper tantrums do not get you what you want. -I want Lav to find something that he really wants. Him being young he will just demand it and do everything like a spoiled brat thinking that because he wants it he will get it and I want him to be proven wrong so that this thought process is nipped in the butt and he learns that throwing a fit doesn't get him what he wants. ->What I Need: Someone who has something he would want. Shiny tends to work best because it tunes into to his inner "kitty". They have to be willing to put up with him being demanding, he may even try to resort to physical assault though this would not end in anyone but his ego getting hurt it would just be him trying to physically take the shiny object he wanted. He can get roughed up though because he needs to learn the lesson. Perhaps it could end with the other saying all he had to do was ask nicely but because he didn't to begin with he can't get it now. It could be a lie because they wouldn't have given it up all along but he doesn't need to know that. (Foal Preferred. M/F)
Smooth Sailing:Lesson: Sweet and soothing words get you want you want. - Lav finds someone who has something he wants. Rather than demand it though he decides to take on a new approach. He is going to be nice and ask for the thing he wants. It'll be simple and straight forward but it won't be so easy. It could lead to an adventure where the other leads Lav to where they found what he wants but he will learn that being nice and asking get you rewarded. ->What I Need: A Foal that has something that Lav wants in abundance. They can either tell him the story of how they got what they have or they can simply lead him to the place where they got the something he wants. This is very open to plotting more because it is a vague overview of what I want him to learn.
It Seems Impossible: Lesson: Somethings are are worth the wait. -Life isn't always going to give you what you want when you want it but just asking nicely. Sometimes it takes more than one try. You need all the details so you can manipulate the situation into your favor. Key in the manipulate. ->What I Need: I need a Foal that would be willing to go it the long haul. someone who would last a good long while for a series of roleplays. Someone who would easily play hard to get by either just enjoying it as a game or someone who doesn't like him and will eventually be won over by him because he will do something that wins them over. This can just be when they're foals, or it can continue into adulthood. This will be open for discussion.
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:24 pm
D'Vak Color: #00BFFF

About Him Parents : Jentzerlok & Angelique Basket:[Uncert].l.[Cert] Foal:[Uncert].l.[Cert] Stallion: [Uncert].l.[Cert] Details Spunky gaia_left Curious gaia_left Obedient gaia_left Adventurous
D'Vak is very full of life. He loves to kick up his feet and enjoy the life he's been blessed to have. He Loves his gentle mother and strong father and the only care in the world he has is what he's going to do next. He likes to make enjoyable quips that spark laughter and bringing joy bubbling to the surface makes his insides squee with delight sometimes so much that a squee gets out.
Curiosity killed the cat, but thankfully he's not cat. He wants to know what makes everything do what it does. He's fascinated by the unknown and is always trying to figure out the why of it all. He's intensely interested in what things do when he isn't trying to figure out why they do what they do. He aspires to have his fathers wealth of botanical knowledge someday so that he can heal others just with the plants he finds while exploring.
When you consider his mother it would be a surprise to find a foal not willing to do as she says. As a result D'vak is well behaved and he listens to his parents diligently and is very obedient of the rules just because it is the way he has been raised.
He loves to go on the ocassional adventure leading him across the land to meet others so that he can learn more about the ways of others. He has lived a very sheltered life and seeks to overcome such shelter by enjoying life and living it to it fullest.
Mate N/A Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
History/Backstory: U/C
Plots Foal Plots: General Foal Rp is greatly welcomed Father Son Rp Through Thick and Thin - D'Vak wants to have a life long best friend his father is nomadic and even he has a close friend. So the Search has begun. Through tough and sticky situations I want these foals to become thick as molasses and as sticky as gorilla glue. So that when the day comes and D'Vak follows his Father's Nomadic ways he will be able to look back at this friendship and know no matter the distance he has someone he can always come back to to enjoy the old times. (Can be Filly or Colt)
Always and Forever - It's silly really but I want D'vak to meet another foal. A bossier more dominant foal that after a while decides that they will be together forever. Sorta like saying, one day we are gonna get married. (Not Breeding Plot) Taken By: Rainbow Cullen <3
Stallion Plots: Leaving the Nest - Curious about what an adventure really is D'Vak desires to leave his parents and strike out on his own to grow. I don't need much from this Rp just someone who is willing to nudge D'Vak forward on his choice to go adventuring. He is hesitant and needs encouragement of any sort (This could be a continued friendship & this soquili could become a major part in his Adventure Series if you want)
Dashing Danger - I want someone to come along that sweeps D'Vak off his hooves and into a rough and tumble adventure. This will be a fun and dangerous adventure. It could lead to confrontation with a mean/dangerous Soquili or it could simply be a dash across the land to a avoid a dangerous Soquili.
Looking for treasure - I need someone who is looking for treasure to drag this troll in for some reason. Maybe they will need help hauling the loot, or they will need some sort of body guard to protect the treasure, if you need help finding treasure in any way he is the stallion for you.
Open Adventure - Want to go on an adventure? Have something in mind that he can help with? Well here ya go <3 I need 3-4 Random adventures so that he gets a wide variety of experiences
*I'll be by your side - Along the way D'Vak will meet a number of soquili but I want him to meet a soquili along the way that will become his best friend and life partner. They will survive exploring and adventuring together. This can be either a lifemate or a lovemate. Details can be ironed out further later.
*Prior Rp Required for this plot
Request Form [color=#00BFFF][size=14][b]Lets go for a wild RIDE!!![/size][/color][/b]
Rp's [PRP]Strange Encounters (D'Vak & Aiushtha) Tag
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:27 pm
Jentzerlok Color: #3355CC

About Him Stallion: [Uncert].l.[Cert] Details Gruff gaia_left Hearty gaia_left Intelligent gaia_left Listener
Jentzerlok is a little rough around the edges. Sort of like a diamond in the rough because of all his better qualities hidden behind the gruff exterior. He's a hardened traveler that has seen a lot in his travels from his homeland. He's seen more than any should ever have to see and lost more than he has ever wanted to go without.
He is a happy guy though, once you get him out of his gruff ways he's jolly, hearty and always down for a good laugh. It just takes some patience to get through his exterior that has for so long protected him. He has even been known to stoop to pulling mischievous pranks because with all the evil and dark in the world you have to balance it out.
He is smart and while he may not seem to have the keenest wit he is very intelligent. Knowledge is a vital part to a Warlock's job. He has a hunger for knowledge because with knowledge he gets smarter and when he had access to his powers knowledge made his powers stronger. He hopes to someday return to his homeland and then his stored knowledge will be rewarded with more powers
To learn you must learn to listen. That's the first lesson in life that is the most important. Sure you can learn by doing but the real knowledge is in listening to the wiser ones. This lesson has been pelted into him so much that he often finds himself silently listening and thinking deeply on the conversations that are presented to him.
Mate Angelique Children:D'Vak
History/Backstory: It wasn’t so long ago that his homeland of Azeroth was close. He was a budding warlock enjoying his summoned minions glad to be serving his people. He had recently taken up the study of plants to supplement his knowledge when he found himself no longer home. He was without powers and without his best friend.
He traveled the land he had heard about looking for others of his kind. He caught wind of a gathering of trolls and he sought them out seeking to find a common ally in the unknown lands. He joined them for a short while before he drifted off ending up a nomadic stallion.
On his travels he met a mare that was a shadow mare. She was composed completely of shadows. He at first thought one of his may attempts to summon a minion had succeed till she promptly informed him of her true origins. It had been a sorrowful story that made him wish he had summoned her instead. He kept her around for a while having taken a fancy to the mare but nothing ever came of the companionship beyond no longer being alone. The shadow mare eventually drifted off one night as he slept.
Shortly thereafter he met a mare that was quite different in a whole other sense. She was a quiet and petite mare soft spoken, delicate and very polite. She spoke in a very proper but serene way. She was gentle bred and a real lady. He was fascinated with her immediately. She was nearly the polar opposite of the large lumbering troll with his bad grammar. He would watch for her whenever he was near the area she seemed to frequent but after the third occasion of meeting she was no longer found in the same area. He was worried she had moved on with another. Having given up on finding the mare that had caught his fancy he traveled.
It was nearing the summer festival in the lads he traveled ad it was at the start of this event that he would find the mare once more. She reacted unladylike upon seeing him. She had danced around like a filly finding a sweet treat all for her. It was a confusing sight for the troll. She had rushed to him after explaining how she had searched for him. It wasn’t long before she approached the discussion of being life mates. He was in no position to tell her no. He didn’t want her to be with another and she seemed set on him. She had even gone searching for him.
It wasn’t so bad and then the thought about how they would manage having foals would go and he wasn’t going to give up his nomadic ways. He wouldn’t be budging on it he wasn’t opposed to having children but they could be raised apart from him or as a nomadic family. She wanted him for how he was so he was content staying that way. Fearful she convinced him to come to the tiki to wish for a basket to help quit her fears over having foals. One foal from the tiki would be much easier to raise than two or three which was often what occurred in a natural birth. He waited for a week before he gave up on the tiki wish and went back to exploring.
(Information on his exploring to be back plotted)
(Information to be filled in on meeting his son once the rp finishes)
Plots Ah am nah ya servant: I would like someone who isn't his leader to try and order him around, either a princess or someone who thinks they are above him and such. He would not take kindly to being ordered around and would likely be vocal about whomever is ordering him around. (No Trolls allowed >.> don't want him to find a reason to dislike a family of trolls cause of one bad apple)
Ah dinnah do Voodoo!: Jentzerlok would be the first to defend that he doesn't do voodoo. Cause he doesn't do voodoo. Just because he'd wouldn't mind becoming a witch doctor one day doesn't mean he does voodoo at current. He heals others with his potions not his spells. Anyway he'd would likely become very defensive and depending on how someone approached him about would determine how exactly he reacted be it aggressively defensive or calmly defensive(as in they only said it cause they are incompetent on the dark arts)
Partner in Crime: He is Mischievous, he loves to play trick and can even go so far as to being mean to others with his tricks like a relentless older brother bent on giving his kid sister hell. I'd like him to meet someone else that could be a part time partner in crime.
The Nomadic Life and Fatherhood - I would need a Stallion who is nomadic like Jentzerlok and has a family of his own. I'd like the two to talk and have the other stallion give his tales of fatherhood. They could travel a ways together or just meet around a watering hole and talk.
Request Form
[color=#3355CC][size=14][b]You come from a land down under, For the Horde[/b][/size][/color]
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:28 pm
Angelique Color: #9F7DF2

About Her Mare(Before Mating): [Uncert].l.[Cert] Mare (After Mating): [Uncert].l.[Cert] Details Southern Bell gaia_left Quiet gaia_left Creative gaia_left Polite
Angelique is all about being respectable. She was raised a lady and she by darn is going to be a lady. She can have the fiery spirit of the South but only in a rare non-ladylike moment. She speaks with a quaint little southern lilt and just imagines being a grand hostess someday because she wants to be hospitable. The South puts great weight on hospitality and she just wants to try her own.
She is quiet spoken because ladies should never be loud or obnoxious. The Sweet gals get their prince charming and the quiet ones get the knight in shining armor. The Gentlemen callers like a lady who can keep quiet when it comes to the men talk. At least that's the way she was raised.
There were few things that weren't squished at an early age for her and one of those was her creativity, and that was safe because if she was to become a true lady and end up with a gentlemen caller she was told she would, she would need an activity to pass the time as she waited for her Stallion to return to her. She loves to express herself in the things she paints and in the flowers she arranges. It was one of the only ways she was ever allowed to express her true feelings.
She could never imagine being rude to another even when they are rude to her. You win more battles with honey than fire was something her mother always said and it's something that she has always believed because she has yet to have it proven wrong.
Mate:Jenzerlok Children D'Vak
I’ll be your Comfort: I’d like to have her help someone cope with a loss or help them handle an issue that needs some friendly comfort. She’ll listen to them, and try to help them as best she can. She’ll be like a counselor or a therapist, someone who helps you talk it though and such.
Girl You need a Wing-Man… Better yet a Wing Wo-Man Everyone needs a wing man but I need a mare so more specifically a wing woman xD. This will be the best friend that sticks up for her seeing as she’s to polite to do it for herself. It wouldn't be a one sided relationship either. I’d want her to be there for her friend in any way she could be. No judgment on either side a true friend through thick and thin.
Request Form
[size=14][color=#9F7DF2][b]I'll Take a little tea with my sugar! Lovin' that Southern Sweet Tea[/color][/size][/b]
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:30 pm
Polamalu Color: #885500

About Him Stallion: [Uncert].l.[Cert] Details Protective gaia_left Gentle gaia_left Kind gaia_left Stern
Polamalu is severely protective. There isn't anything he wouldn't do to protect someone that he cares about. To fall into his protective zone isn't always where one would like to be though. The upside is that you wouldn't have to worry about others hurting you, however for the one upside there are two downsides. First downside is that he goes so far as to protect them from himself but not getting too close because he doesn't want to hurt them. Second downside is that he can think you are a danger to yourself and then he can become seriously overbearing.
He's truly a gentle giant. Always cautious of his movement to make sure he doesn't disturb the land or her creatures. He can't bare the thought of hurting anything, so long as it's innocent. He's a big softy when it comes to foals because they are his true weakness, he adores the foals innocence of life. No matter how hard their life may have been up till meeting him he will always think them innocent. He is also very cautious with mare because of their dainty in size nature.
He has a heart of gold. He was raised in the desert where you had to get along with your neighbors or risk everything. It was dangerous and he learned early on that you get furthered with being kind and sharing than being greedy and mean. The greedy and mean saw no help in survival in fact they were kept from the whispers and secrets.
Tough love. Life is precious and being protective he has no room to be lenient when it comes to ones safety. Additionally he likes control and structure and rules are a prime part in structure and keeping things under control. Life in the desert was often survival of the fittest but the fittest used their head and utilized the concept of unity. Unity which brought numbers and numbers brought protection.
Mate: Looking for Lifemate(Looking into something)
Plots My Desert Princess Polamalu left the desert to seek a mare more beautiful than most that would be willing to come with him back to the desert to be his mate. He has always longed to find a mare that would still his affection that he could pamper and love just as if she were a queen because in truth she would be the queen of his heart.
Harem Every Desert Prince needs a Harem right? Well not really but I would like him to have one in a sense. Any mare that came into his harem would be under his protection but free to roam and free to mate elsewhere because his heart would belong to his desert princess. There are five mares needed to make the complete harem but all seperate rp's to start. (Mares with foals are welcome/ foal's in need of protection) > Positions ->The Healer - If anyone is to ever get hurt he would need a healer. The start could be with a friend of his getting hurt and the healer offering to heal her which would have him extend an offer to her to travel with him. ->The Drama Queen - The goal with this mare is for her to try and create drama between everyone most specifically witht the mare chosen to be his mate. How she comes to be in the Harem is open to discussion. ->The Meek - A mare that is fearful of being on her own and who isn't read to go it alone that seeks merely the security and protection of the harem. ->The Equal - A mare that is as rough and tough as Polamalu. She'd be willing to put him in his place as an equal if it came to it but refrains in msot cases because he is the designated "protector" They would have a mutual resect thing going. Mainly so if he's caught away from the harem they aren't defenseless ->The Story Teller - Good Old Fashion entertainment is what should be good at keeping drama down. Besides if any of the mare's in the Harem end up with foal the foals would need something to entertain them and story tellers tend to give stories with great morals and life lessons.
Request Form [color=#885500][size=16]I can take on that gentle Giant[/color][/size]
Rp's Not So Delicate (Larena X Palomalu) Tag [PRP]Kidnapped & Returned (PM RP Log to Come)
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:31 pm
Lav Stín Color: #FBB1170

About Him Parents: Umbra & Kamau Siblings:Basket 2 & Basket 3 Basket:[Uncert].l.[Cert] Foal:[Uncert].l.[Cert] Stallion: [Uncert].l.[Cert] Details Self Indulgent gaia_left Protective gaia_left Family Oriented gaia_left TBD
Lav Stín wants what he wants. If he see's something that he wants he goes for it. He doesn't stop to contemplate how it'll effect others. If he cares about someone he wants all the same things they want. They want a flower he wants to give them a flower. If they want someone to be there friend then he will do his best to make them friends. He isn't pure to say the very least everything he does he does for personal gain.
He likes what he likes and wants to keep what he likes safe. It's purely self serving but it is what it is. He can't be something that he is not and what he is is self centered. He wants every one and everything as safe as can be. He can get pretty intense on the protective streak .
Mate: Need a Fling (RP Required) Slot 1: Fling Slot 2: Lovemate Slot 3: Lovemate
Plots Foal Plots: Temper Tantrum:Lesson: Temper tantrums do not get you what you want. -I want Lav to find something that he really wants. Him being young he will just demand it and do everything like a spoiled brat thinking that because he wants it he will get it and I want him to be proven wrong so that this thought process is nipped in the butt and he learns that throwing a fit doesn't get him what he wants. ->What I Need: Someone who has something he would want. Shiny tends to work best because it tunes into to his inner "kitty". They have to be willing to put up with him being demanding, he may even try to resort to physical assault though this would not end in anyone but his ego getting hurt it would just be him trying to physically take the shiny object he wanted. He can get roughed up though because he needs to learn the lesson. Perhaps it could end with the other saying all he had to do was ask nicely but because he didn't to begin with he can't get it now. It could be a lie because they wouldn't have given it up all along but he doesn't need to know that. (Foal Preferred. M/F)
Smooth Sailing:Lesson: Sweet and soothing words get you want you want. - Lav finds someone who has something he wants. Rather than demand it though he decides to take on a new approach. He is going to be nice and ask for the thing he wants. It'll be simple and straight forward but it won't be so easy. It could lead to an adventure where the other leads Lav to where they found what he wants but he will learn that being nice and asking get you rewarded. ->What I Need: A Foal that has something that Lav wants in abundance. They can either tell him the story of how they got what they have or they can simply lead him to the place where they got the something he wants. This is very open to plotting more because it is a vague overview of what I want him to learn.
It Seems Impossible: Lesson: Somethings are are worth the wait. -Life isn't always going to give you what you want when you want it but just asking nicely. Sometimes it takes more than one try. You need all the details so you can manipulate the situation into your favor. Key in the manipulate. ->What I Need: I need a Foal that would be willing to go it the long haul. someone who would last a good long while for a series of roleplays. Someone who would easily play hard to get by either just enjoying it as a game or someone who doesn't like him and will eventually be won over by him because he will do something that wins them over. This can just be when they're foals, or it can continue into adulthood. This will be open for discussion.
Regular Childhood Role-Plays Lesson: It'll depend on the rp xD
Stallion Plots:
I'm Not Your Ordinary Collector Lesson: N/A - Lav loves to collect anything and everything and that doesn't fall short of collecting other soquili -> What I Need:
You've Got Some Splainin' Ta Do Lesson: You can't take what you want and claim it as your own without permission. - -> What I Need:
You're Not Just Any Treasure to MeFling PlotLesson: N/A - -> What I Need:
Not Quite the SameLovemate PlotLesson: N/A - -> What I Need:
Request Form [color=#003300][size=14][b]I Wanna Take a Turn in Those Shadows![/color][/size][/b]
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:32 pm
Gideon Color: #003300

About Him Parents: Angeetia & Terrance Chamberland Siblings: Shirlyn Chamberland & Deanneth Chamberland & Pandora & Umbra Basket:[Uncert].l.[Cert] Foal:[Uncert].l.[Cert] Stallion: [Uncert].l.[Cert] Details Adventurous gaia_left Creative gaia_left Childish gaia_left Outlandish
For Gideon he has a wild side a million miles wide. Crazy and eccentric he's always active looking for the new thing to keep him entertained. Always looking for the newest thrill to keep his ever short attention span entertained.
All his adventures would be boring if it didn't have his personal spin to it. His unstable mentality lends to his very unique creativity. He will often get lost in himself and being something that he is has decided to pretend to be so much that he believes that he is what he thinks he is.
He never grew up even though his body grew. He never did, lost in the peace that is his childhood harbored within him he has clung ever so tightly to it. It's his comfort and his guidance.
Nothing is ever too much. He can do whatever he wants and likes because there is no such thing as too much. If its interesting he's going to do it. If he has to act like a mare he will.
Mate: Slot 1: Eira Lynn Slot 2: Orangish Serbert's Breeding Slot 3: Undecided
Plots Foal Plots: SCARED Witless: I want Gideon to meet another foal, and during the meeting switch to his alter Ego. It'll be a dramatic change, between the two egos.
Found // Besties <3: A Best friend. Male or female, I'd just love to have a childhood friend. Someone that even at their age can handle his hyperness. I think it'd be cool if he could find a counter balance to his hyperness that can maybe help him cool his hooves and smell the roses. I would like this friendship to continue on into adulthood with a similar effect, because he most likely wont change all too much, I'd love if there was someone that had a calming effect on him.
Your INSANE! I want someone to call him out on his alter Ego he won't understand whats going on or such but you get the idea <3
Stallion Plots: A Dark Tryst Gideon can sometimes decide to play the part of a dark knight. Noble but wicked. I want a sort of story plot where he swipes away a mare for his own keeping. His reasons could be good or could be bad it would depend. If you want him to rescue your fair maiden then he can do that, but he's not a knight in shining armor. He'd sooner bite her head off then have her showering eternal thanks. He'd rescue her for greedy or personal reasons. Like if she's pretty. He likes pretty mares.
That Alluring Kinda Gal A pretty Mare!!! That's Vital to it all. I want a mare that will play with Gideon's little heart. I want a mare that will ensnare him. What happens or how she does it open for discussion. Non Breeding Plot
Request Form [color=#003300][size=14][b]All aboard the Crazy Train!!![/color][/size][/b]
Rp's [PRP] Family Adventure ... to where? Tag [PRP]The Inner Conflicted Workings of... (Gideon & Garence) Log of Sorts [PRP]Boys will be Boys... Extremely Boys (Lucian & Gideon) Tag [PRP]Lost in the Illusion(Gideon Chamberland & Isilmé Taur� Tag Bits and Pieces (Risti & Gideon)
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:33 pm
Umbra Color: Indigo

About Her Parents: Angeetia & Einar Siblings: Pandora & Shirlyn Chamberland & Deanneth Chamberland & Gideon/Garence Chamberland Basket:[Uncert].l.[Cert] Foal:[Uncert].l.[Cert] Mare: [Uncert].l.[Cert] Details Protective gaia_left Sincere gaia_left Guarded gaia_left Reserve
Umbra is severely protective of all that she holds near and dear. She was not given the luxury of of being protected as a filly and it has shown her the harsh truth of life. She doesn't want others to have to worry about the harsh ways of life.
She is never false in her truth of self anything she says she says with absolute certainty of being as true to self as possible. She is never false in her words and very aware of every words she says.
She is very cautious of the world around her because so many times in the past she has trusted and been hurt. She's has her heart torn out and trampled on, she had her trust betrayed and thus she isn't willing to let anyone else have that chance to hurt her.
She is very demure and cautious about everything because she was on her own at such an early age. She was very skittish and had to learn how to survive on her own. Her method was to be quiet and unnoticeable. Sticking to the shadows in a way that they were her friend and they protected her. Mate: Kamau Children Basket 1 (SJG) & Basket 2 (Maho) & Basket 3 (Techno Rocket)
Plots Come play in the dark Encountered with a frightening soul I want her to be caught at night with someone that scares her and causes her to have to stick with the shadows. It could be that they want to hurt her or that they want to merely toy with her. Sort of like a mental attack
ImportantPretty little KittyI want someone to kidnap Umbra. She is in an odd situation. She felt and believed that she was to have foals. It has been so long though and she hasn't shown in the least bit. Her body as slender as it has ever been. She is sure that she will not be having foals. I want someone to come in and steal her away from Kamau her mate. Believing that something is wrong with her she is a mess. They can either seek to hurt Kamau who loves his mate or seek merely to take advantage of Umbra and attempt to break her mating. This would be temporary because she is going to have foals. When she has them she will hide them till she can find a way to get her baskets away to safety (One of my stallions will likely come upon her in one of her attempts to move them)
Being a Mother Being so fearful that she'll make a poor mother I'd like for her to come across a mare that was raised poorly but overcame the way she was raised to raise her foals.
Request Form [color=Indigo][size=14][b]I'm Stronger than yesterday[/b][/size][/color]
Rp's You look weird, your shadow is flat (Umbra & Frost) LOG A night time shadow game(Umbra & Kamau) FIN All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues---KarloffxUmbra TAG A Nightime Meeting (Kamau X Umbra) Fin [PRP] Lost in Thought/A Shot at her Heart (Umbra & Kamau) Tag [PRP]Story Time Sisters(Umbra & Shirlyn Chamberland) [PRP]A Little Mom & Daughter Time (Umbra & Kararti) [PRP] Pretty Little Kitty (Umbra & Morsmordre)
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:33 pm
Angeetia Color: Purple

About Her Mare: [Uncert].l.[Cert] Details Disturbed gaia_left Aloft gaia_left Quiet gaia_left Lost
Disconnected from the world Angeetia spent too much time at home in the shadows that compose her body. Too much time in the dark tends to lead to some insane mental stability. She often gets pleasure out of others discomfort.
Being one with the shadows she felt more like a shadow than a mare. She remained aloft from all others because they are Soquili and not shadows. Why should she concern herself with others when the shadows as her friends.
Words are for those that need to communicate. And thus she has no need to talk overmuch, Sometimes it is necessary rarely is it required. She and the shadows need no words to make a connection.
She's never really found her way out of the darkness and a part of her will always be searching for the little bit of light to lead her to sanity.
Mate Terrance Chamberland (Future Lifemate) Slot 1: Einar (2 Baskets) Slot 2: Terrance Chamberland (3 Baskets) Slot 3: Terrance Chamberland (On Hold) Children Umbra & Pandora (1st Breeding)& Shirlyn Chamberland & Deanneth Chamberland & Gideon/Garence Chamberland (2nd Breeding)
History/Backstory You can only hang around in the background before you begin to fade into nothingness...
Angeetia was born a normal mare, no shadows and such, she had been a plain mare but was none the less considered a normal mare. She was severely shy and in turn drew no attention to herself. She hung back in the shadows content to live her life through watching others live there lives. Though life wasn't so grand passing on like a shadow she watched as young foals grew to young adults. One day an odd looking man lured her to his side and gave her attention that she had come to believe she had no need of. He was a man that played in the dark magics, or black magics. One night as she traveled with him she lay resting next to a small campfire he did something that altered his own form and because she'd become so close to him his alteration also altered her. He shifted into a shadow form of himself and that is how Angeetia became a shadow pony.
Though Angeetia did not quite realize that the man had done this to her, no in fact she lost most all memory of the man upon waking to find her new form overcome with shadows. Such a severe change in her form created an alternate personality so to speak. Angeetia nearly went insane with a sudden loss of who she was where she was and how she got there, her sanity nearly snapped right then and there, as a result subconsciously she created an alternate persona that was in a sense linked with the shadows, that preserved Angeetia's sanity on a small level. Though she thinks the shadows talk to her, but it's really her alternate persona, that is typically talking to her in her head but can at times leak through her own voice to seem as if they really are talking.
Shortly after the alteration Angeetia found within herself a deep hatred of regular soquili. She blamed them and their neglect of her for her alteration. They allowed her to be forgotten and drift into shadows. She harbors no ill will toward foal of any kind. Forgetting that in her life before the shadows she didn't mind being just in the background.
In her lofty Mountain home Angeetia came across a Cursed Skinwalker, He went by the name of Einar. She saw in him a toy, and wicked and twisted game laying in wait. Together they destroyed humans, leaving those alive an empty shell of who they once were. However this game ended very badly. She ended up pregnant without realizing what would come. She had birthed two baskets, precious little monsters bred from her and Einar's destructive ways. Only these babies were no monsters but young little fillies, pure an innocent at the start. Oozeing with the shadows that came from Angeetia. She had payed no mind to them, they were little concern to her true they were her children but they were no fun as toys at all. They were just there till the day that Einar returned to see them out of their baskets. Strong young fillies that they were, was not enough for her precious kitty. He had disowned them from the start, even attacked the smaller or the two, because she had to throw a fit, but what mattered was that he left her, her only toy that had survived her games decided her unfit. She was thrown off guard by his reaction and set off leaving her own daughter alone in her mountain home. The bigger filly had set off to prove Einar wrong.
Who would have thought a large barbaric looking stallion would pull her back, reign in her insanity. Not her in the least. Wandering lost without a purpose in life Angeetia had alienated her daughters and found no reason to be alive, till one day she came across a stallion doing something odd. Out of curiosity she had approached, little did she know he was too change her life in a dramatic way. Jentzerlok the Warlok Troll from Azeroth became her traveling companion. (Too be filled in more)
After some time Angeetia managed to slip away from the troll. One night in a drunken haze she found herself with foal once more. This time with a stallion much better for her. With Terrance Chamberland they raised their three beautiful children as a family. Aloof and apart most of the time she was still there keeping her children forever in her sight. Even though she never understood the concept of the family she felt warm deep inside when she was around them. As they grew older she began to sense a small hollow feeling. They were different from her earlier children. They began to drift away from her in their older age and eventually drifted off to do their own thing. With their distance Angeetia herself began to drift with the shadows.
Plots Always Looking
Request Form [color=purple][size=16]I can be your guiding Light[/color][/size]
Rp's A Mind Game of Twisted Proportions (Angeetia & Einar)[Finished] This is your Reaction?!?Fin Enter the Darkness (Angeetia & & Pnevyma Kolokytha)
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:34 pm
Zheadeos Color: Grey

About Him Parents: Riverfaith & Saeran Siblings: Bambi & Cadmium & Lorcan & Aster & Sheba & Sita & Milagro & LittleWind & Rhydian Niece's/Nephews: Halyn & Ligane & Little Whisper & Chogan & Crosswind* *Had Foals SwiftWind & Nisha & Koemi Basket:[Uncert].l.[Cert] Foal:[Uncert].l.[Cert] Stallion: [Uncert].l.[Cert] Speech Bubbles - Colt - Stallion Details Protective gaia_left Gentle gaia_left Quiet Spoken gaia_left Intuitive
The true heart of a knight, Zheadeos grew up knowing he wanted to help others. He hold all he feels a connection to with close regards and will protect them with his own life. He is a very passionate stallion he felt like his father at such a young age was the same and growing up that's all he ever wanted to be, just like his father. Genetics stopped him from looking exactly like his father in body so he dedicated his life to being juatvlike him and he was very protective his family
All Life is precious and should be treated with the utmost respect
He doesn't talk much but that is because he is shy in most cases unless something deeper propels him to talk without hesitance.
Something just draws Zhea to those in need of comfort, care, or a gentle shoulder to lean on. He can't explain how it happens but it has happened since he was a foal he had somesort of connection with those that have been hurt . He has always been glad to have such a gift where others might dislike the fact that they would just call them off into the unknown to seek out someone many miles away that was in need but he loves helping others so it isn't a bother.
Mate:Open to Plot Ideas Slot 1: Reserved for Lifemate Slot 2: Reserved for Lifemate Slot 3: Reserved for Lifemate Children None Yet
History/Backstory: (Under Construction) Zheadeos was raised in a very close and loving family. Though as soon as he was grown he left to explore the world feeling that he had a deeper calling pulling him away. On his journey he met a mare named Hafwyn and he spent an evening with her though he cannot recall any of it because it's all a haze in his mind. He awoke in the morning to find her gone and feeling a deep sense of unease about the night prior. (ICCLY that mated and he will have foals he doesn't know about OCCLY we have been trying and they are at a LL Count) Since that time he continued his journey searching far a wide for anyone one who needed his comforting shoulder or a good ear to listen to.
Plots Always Looking
Request Form [size=14][color=grey]Let's go down this road and just enjoy the peace[/color][/size]
Rp's Nature's voice [Riverfaith & Zheadeos] FIN A little time in the field [Rhyd, LittleWind, Zhea] Fin Reflection. [Saeran and Zheadeos] Fin PRP Uncle Knows Best [Chogan x Zheadeos] Tag [PRP] Just Foaling Around (Sakura & Zheadeos)TAG
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:45 pm
Omutia Color: Gold

About Her Mare: [Uncert].l.[Cert] Details Moody gaia_left Reserve gaia_left Out Spoken gaia_left Caring
Omutia is very temperamental one moment she's your pal the next she can't stand to be near you, true to the palimino nature. Usually these swings are triggered by an outside source pulling at something from her past linking her mood to a more trying and difficult time prior to her leaving the messenger service.
It has happened before that her sour mood mixed her into a bad situation with a skinwalker. This incident left her broken in spirit and badly injured. Since that time she has fallen back into herself keeping away from other as a precaution to protect herself from the dangers of others
For any close to her though she is more than willing to give you an ear full of her opinions. Good bad and otherwise she is very opinionated. If she doesn't like you, you'll know if she loves you you'll know. She has never had a problem complaining and whining no matter how annoying it can be because she wants everyone to know exactly what is on her mind
Regardless of her outwardly bossy and vocal ways she is very caring. She holds on tightly to those she cares about because she doesn't know where she would be without them. Often she thinks back on her dark years and the companionship that so few had in those dirty shelters and how those who weren't alone seemed to hold out longer. She found Berk in that situation. After that she lost him for a time but she never discounted how their mibir friendship/team up saved her from the severe bonds of harsh servitude.
Mate Berk Children None
History/Backstory: Before freedom all Omutia knew was the life of a messenger horse. Life was harsh. She wasn't always treated harsh but everyone knew that they would someday have one of those harsh men as their riders and it was never something one looked forward to. She had grown up in the environment. Born and bred to be used as transportation. It was a horrible life that had little bright sides. Sometimes there was a nice rider and those would be great for awhile but then they all turned. They would beat the others displeased because they weren't fast enough or they stumbled. Silly little things that were not the the steeds fault. They were rider errors. Errors placed by angry and unhappy men.
Having had enough Omutia was never an obedient steed. More than willing to take the punishments dished out to her because it meant all the others looked good when it came down to choosing her and another. She took the men on and in the end one. Sometimes there would be bets on who could break her. She knew it, she had seen them pass around coin and sure enough next day one of the men from the circle would saddle her up. They never beat her though.
Days didn't get dark until she started to pay attention to the others around her. The stronger steeds all had something in common that they lacked. A friend or someone they cared for. She had never let herself get close to another. The men watched those things and used those things to their advantage. It was sick. That didn't stop the seed of jealousy that found itself seated deep down inside of her. When the jealousy was nearing its peak though she got transferred to a new camp. Her stubborn reputation causing her to go to a tougher group of men. She stayed the same stubborn and mean to all those foolish enough to be near her mouth when it wasn't tied shut.
That transfer saved her though. In more ways than she'll ever admit out loud. If she had never been transferred she would have never met the one stallion she could never really live without. Berk was broad and strong like all the others but the dapple caught her eye at the very start. Days went by and she barely talked to anyone just noticing colors and never remembering names. She knew she would likely be transferred again before long. After a particularly long day though the dapple stallion approached her. They had a pleasant conversation including ways to best make a scene with two-leggers.
That conversation was just the start of a very interesting night. After they had finished talking they had entered their individual paddocks. Late in the night Omutia awoke to a ruckus. To her surprise the frightened two-legger that was suppose to lock her paddock had not latched it. It was loose. She peered through her door to find the dapple Berk causing the ruckus. His ruckus and escape created the perfect window for her to escape. It was a perfect escape. She galloped after the dapple. They traveled together for a short while just as they were making sure they were clear of all the two-leggers. Something however never set right with Omutia after they parted ways.
Time went by and something was always wrong. Something was always missing. She always thought it was the fact that she was alone. She was alone till she met Squirrel Squirrel the Gnome attacker. He was her savior. He filled the void for the longest time till she once came across Berk in her travels. Things seemed to fall into place. It was only a brief meeting but one that left her longing for more.
She traveled more trying to figure things out and ended up in a scuffle with a skinwalker. Left wounded and scarred Omutia had given up on life when a sweet alicorn nursed her back to health. She was a slightly changed mare after that time but she still had all the fight she originally had.
Plots Always Looking
Request Form [size=16][color=gold]I;m grabbing the Bull by the horns![/size][/color]
Rp's Game of Cat & Mouse or rather Wolf & Prey: Omutia & Rime Fin Do I... I know you!!!: Omutia & Berk TAG First Meeting (Omutia & Berk) LOG [PRP] Some Healing Time (Omutia & Sakura)TAG
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:46 pm
Timothy Todd Color: Blue

About Him Stallion: [Uncert].l.[Cert] Chipper gaia_left Jolly gaia_left Eccentric gaia_left Lovable
Timothy Todd is always chipper and looking at the glass half full not half empty. He has a very optimistic outlook on life and is excited to see each and every new day like a new chapter in his story book of life.
He loves to have a good laugh and has what some would say a great sense of humor. He tends to stray away from incense situations because he has been known to cause fights just by trying to lighten the mood. When he is around friends he will often do his best to diffuse an upset situation by making it jolly!
He isn't necessarily the most normal stallion. He can be considered outlandish and unique with his ways. He believes that he can talk to the spirits of monsters and will at times even get lost in conversation with these spirits. There is no way to prove if he can or cannot talk to these spirits.
You can't help but love this adorable little guy. He's very charismatic with his optimism. And can often get flustered when he is very excited because he can stumble upon his words of say them so fast they seem to run together.
Mate Open Slot 1: Lifemate Slot 2: Lifemate Slot 3: Lifemate Children None
Plots Always Looking
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[size=14][color=blue]I'll take a small fry please[/size][/color]
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:48 pm
Zippy O'Leary Red About Him: Stallion: [Uncert].l.[Cert] Details (Still Building) Obsessive gaia_left Paranoid gaia_left Creative gaia_left TBD
Zippy is obsessive, he has OCD when it comes to organization and planning. Everything must go exactly according to plan and if it doesn't it drives him nuts. He likes to be in control of everything because then he knows what is going to happen and he can prepare himself for it. When things don't go according to plan it's the end of the world. Everything is against him and out to get him. Nothing is safe. It's kind of extreme but he is an extreme all or nothing kind of guy. With all of his extreme qualities he is extremely creative. He shines most around christmas time because it is his time. He loves to plan parties most imparticular Christmas parties. If he can plan a party it's sure to be out of this world awesome. If you give him limited resources to work with he can still manage to figure out something amazing to be held within the object so as a result he sees the beauty in side everything. Trait Personality Summery (TBD) - To be developed
MateMare Name Children: Child's Name
History/Backstory: Soquili's History
Plots: Oh Christmas: It's no where near Christmas but Christmas is forefront in Zippy's mind. He is obsessed with Christmas. I would like him to meet someone that is willing to help him prepare for Christmas, Yeah sure there is quite a long while till Christmas but it's what he is obsessed with. (Someone that is willing to plan throughout the year leading up to a Christmas Bash)
Give Up! Someone to shot him down with his Christmas Spirit. It is over 6 months till Christmas and there is bound to be someone berate him for his folly which will send him into depression thinking Christmas is won't be coming this year. (Someone who isn't all about Christmas all year around)
Tempering the Tide: Zippy is radical between happy and depressed all the time when it deals to Christmas. So I want someone who can learn to handle his radical moods. Once they learn to handle his moods they will then teach him to handle the moods himself. He would still be radical because he will still be obsessed with Christmas and he will get paranoid that Christmas will be cancelled but the goal is to temper them so that his mood swings aren't so severe. (Mare or Stallion it doesn't matter which. This may not lead to a breeding. If it comes to it then we will discuss. This will be a series of Rp's it may only be three rp's but that's still more than one.)
Request Form [color=Red][size=14][b]I'll Jingle those Bells[/size][/color][/b]
Rp's [Title][Soquili Name's] Tag