Each owner my only submit up to 3 Soquili to be the picked from as the main subject matter of artwork, with a short description of their personality. If they have relations with anyone entered in the contest, you may add what page they are on into the "Entered relations" part of their entry form.
You are welcome to edit your posts until this thread closes at 12AM CST Jan 3rd 2013, at which point this thread will be locked and the art contest opened.
Rules: - Please try to remember to uncheck the "attach Signature" Button on the bottom of your post. It's not really a rule, but it'll help artists browse through ponies faster. - have all of your submissions on ONE post. - If you'd like your pet to be in the contest then please use this thread. Those who have paid for slots and your pet has not arrived yet then please post the custom form. When the pet is finished then please edit your post with the pet's image. -Fill out the form below and post it in the thread. Every soquili owner may sign up Three Pets Max. If you co-own a pet then only one co-owner may sign up the pet so that we don't get multiple entries. - You may Link to 5 characters close to each soquili (Family, close friends, Rivals etc) that have not been entered as models. The CAN be drawn by the artists, but they cannot be the FOCUS of the art. - You may link to 5 RPs -- Any Soquili in the Rp can be drawn regardless of whether or not they are submitted officially or linked to your soquili, however they cannot be the FOCUS of the art.
[b]Your Username:[/b] [quote="Soquili Submission 1"] [b]Soquili's Full Name:[/b] [img][/img] [url=]Uncert[/url] [b]Entered Relations:[/b] [b]Short Personality Blurb:[/b] [b]Short Blurb of Recent Events:[/b]
Pet Prizes (note: All Prizes can choose to go lower in rarity if desired, and can choose to hybrid with anything at their current level or lower, as long as it is possible in breedings/customs)
Grand Prize - custom Edited (up to Heavily edited) Up to Super rare soquili such as Angeni, Ulun'suti or Skinwalkers(Cannot crossbreed with each other, Mers, or Minis. NO PUREWALKERS/MUTANTS)
1st Prize - custom Edited (up to Heavily edited) Up to Rare soquili 2nd Prize - custom Edited (up to Heavily edited) Up to uncommon soquili 3rd Prize - custom Edited (up to Heavily edited) Up to common soquili
Up to Three Honorable Mentions are POSSIBLE (but not guaranteed): Semi-Custom Edited Minor to moderate edits Common, Gender of your choice.
Gold Prizes
+25k gold goes to the EXISTING winner who made the most submissions +25k gold goes to the EXISTING winner who had made a single entry with the most Soquili in it. +25k gold goes to the EXISTING winner who had a submission with the most Daring Style
1. Best Group 200k 2. Best Scene from an RP 200k 3. Best Couple (the entry with the best entry of a romantic pairing (Or hate-but-breeding relationship for skinwalkers. NO LOVEYDOVEY FOR SKINWALKERS)) 200k 4. Best Friends/Family (the entry with the best example of friendship and Loyalty between two or more individuals in a platonic situation) 200k 5. Best 3D (3d Models, Sculptures, Stuffed Animals) 200k
6. Best Illustrative Story/Comic 100k 7. Best Setting/background 100k 8. Best Chibi 100k 9. Best Color 100k 10. Best Black and White 100k 11. Best Traditional 100k 12. Best Digital 100k
13. Best Anthro/Kenonomimi (Humanoid versions Cannot be of Media Cosplays. OC's are ok.. This also counts Centaurs) 50k 14. Silliest/funniest/Best at making us Laugh 50k 15. Meanest/Angriest/Darkest/Aggressive entry 50k 16. Happiest/Most Cheerful 50k 17. Most Sad/Somber/depressing entry 50k
---- Gold prizes that are situational and may or may not happen ----
PRIZE POOL: 3,000,000 gold (extra not necessarily used
Soquili's Full Name: Zelcion Uncert Entered Relations: Lilith- Future mate (Page 2) Short Personality Blurb: Zelcion is a tricky fellow. He's smarter than a lot of people and he likes to prove this by getting them into sticky, probably life threatening, situations. He is in no way a nice character and don't let his smile fool you, there's a devil behind that mask. I would attribute him to the trickster archetype like his father, Xelloss. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Zelcion has been busy recently. He's schemed to take down a major herd by killing off their leader with his brother and had that blow up in his face spectacularly. On top of that he's been doing his strange rendition of flirting via insults with Lilith.
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Tythoss | Uncert --Relation: Brother --Personality: Tythoss is wicked to the core. He is a snarky sadist and will only sometimes cover his disgust when he senses something heart-warming is occurring. He very much isn't someone to be trusted. His motives are generally not what they appear, and even his loyalty to his family and the Mazoku cause isn't set in stone. He doesn't betray those that currently fit with his life plan... but that can change in an instant. He is cunning and calculating, and only truly looking out for himself. 2)Yseult | Uncert --Relation: Servant and occasional lover --Personality: Yseult is arrogant and dangerous. She believes that her power is greater than anyone's and she isn't afraid to prove it. She feels that kalona are the greatest of all the breeds and generally regards everything else (sans skinwalkers) to be prey. She listens to Zelcion's orders more out of habit than loyalty. 3)Othelia | Uncert --Relation: Mother --Personality: Othelia is a very straightforward mare. She is a hunter and she doesn't feel any guilt over it. She is not big on emotions and doesn't generally feel much of anything beyond physical need. She doesn't tolerate stupidity or annoyance and will do what she feels necessary to be rid of whatever she finds stupid or annoying. 4)Xelloss | Uncert --Relation: Father --Personality: Obnoxious, devious, and fond of playing tricks on people. Xelloss quite enjoys playing innocent and trying to convince others that he is a "nice kalona," only to screw them over once he has taken them in. Occasionally though, he snaps and a truly sadistic monster emerges.
Soquili Submission 2
Soquili's Full Name: Quadrille Uncert Entered Relations: Taarab- Brother- Mindsend- Page 1 Vanwyn- Niece- x blame it on the --- x- Page 7 Short Personality Blurb: A spirited member of The Flock, Quadrille feels the most lively when she's out hunting or listening to the steady beat of drumming. She tends to view males as property and doesn't have any interest in them anyway. She values her Sisters more than anything else and will always do her part to help The Flock. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Nothing to note really, Quadrille's just been living life in the flock.
Soquili's Full Name: Gwendolen Uncert Entered Relations: None! She has none! Short Personality Blurb: Gwendolen is an assistant healer with a somewhat charitable heart. She tends to think quick and react faster with sound judgement in everything she does. She often wishes that she could do something else with her life but doesn't have the heart to drop her duties on someone else. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Gwendolen had been doing her job as a healer and helping some of her friends. Then Xelloss showed up, tricked her away, and set her home on fire, so she's been dealing with that.
Unentered Relations: She has no existing relations at the shop.
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:14 pm
Soquili Submission 1
Soquili's Full Name: Tae-Hyun UncertUnmasked Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb:
Tae believes that he is nothing like a Kalona. He may have wings and sharp teeth but his breed have a kind nature not a nasty one. He is conflicted though and has recently become unsure about his own beliefs. Whenever it rains and storms he becomes like a kalona if not worse. He grew up always wondering about why others ran away from him. He still believes that he is not a kalona but he might be more like one than he thinks. Short Blurb of Recent Events:
Not much has happened recently
RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name
Soquili Submission 2
Soquili's Full Name: Edmund Sylvilagus Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Edmund is as mad as a hare can be. He hates being called a rabbit and its a very unpredictable soq. He loves his tea and is still searching for wonderland even it even exists to him it does. Short Blurb of Recent Events:
RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name
Soquili Submission 3
Soquili's Full Name: Adalyn UncertUnmasked Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Short Blurb of Recent Events:
RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Titan | Uncert --Relation: --Personality:
Soquili's Full Name: Nymphalidae Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Nymphalidae is obsessed with proving herself to be worthy of her kalona heritage and purifying her bloodline; she is ashamed of her flutter wings and think them to be too delicate and a huge weakness. Despite having the least kalona-like appearance out of all her sisters, she turned out to be the most vicious, and left her family at a young age to find her place amongst "true" kalona. She looks down on all soquili who are not of kalona blood, believing them to be weak and lesser beings -- and all of them prey to be eaten. She is selfish, manipulative, and power-hungry -- the majority of her actions are carried out if she believes she can gain something out of it, and she is not above using and tricking other soquili to get what she wants. She hates showing weakness, feeling as though it makes her unworthy of her bloodline, and will often go out of her way to prove that she isn't weak at the risk of putting herself in great danger. She would sooner risk her life than admit to being unable to do something... but she does not always succeed in her attempts to prove herself, and in her humiliation she will become exceptionally violent and angry at whoever was around to see her in her weak moment. Her flutter heritage does nothing to help her insecurities; while she is bigger than most flutters, she is still also smaller than the average normal soquili (size comparison next to her mate). She cannot change sizes. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Hallows Bane (her current mate/future lifemate) and Nymphalidae formed a plan to infiltrate her mate's adoptive, peaceful herd, and after successfully infiltrating the herd and earning the trust of the members, she and her mate ambushed the herd and drove them out of their lands -- the pair of them quickly resorting to violence in order to do so. They have been savoring their victory on their newly aquired territory, but she and Hallows Bane are making plans to soon set out on a journey back to his homelands to face his family. Nymphalidae continues to feel conflicted about her feelings for the stallion; he is not a pure kalona, but she finds herself enjoying his company and encouragining his vicious nature that he had fought against to keep buried for so long. And, just recently, she has found herself gaining a suspicious amount of weight; there was no doubt about it, she was pregnant, and when she stumbled into the kalona Asmodeus, it was clear that he knew it, too. Enthralled by Asmodeus, she was quick to make promises to run away with him when she was no longer with foal, and he left her a parting gift -- Hródolf, her familiar. Little does she know, Asmodeus has no interest in the mare, what he would expect from her in return for his gift would end up being more than she bargained for: her son, Vanaheimr.
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Hallows Bane | Uncert --Relation: Lifemate --Personality: 2) Desiderius | Uncert --Relation: Son, currently with Hallows Bane, as Nymphalidae could only steal away with one basket when she ran away. --Personality: 3) Ingveldur | Uncert --Relation: Daughter --Personality: 4) Vanaheimr | Uncert --Relation: Son, currently under Asmodeus' watch after having been stolen from Nymphalidae. --Personality: 5) Asmodeus | Uncert --Relation: Enemy --Personality:
Hródolf once served Asmodeus, although he was not Asmodeus' bonded familiar, and was sent with Nymphalidae to spy on her. However, the longer the pair are together, his alliance to the Kalona is slowly fading as he is realizing that Nymphalidae is his true bonded. He doesn't say much, but is a loyal and fierce protector of Nymphalidae (and all of her family), and his subservient personality makes him a perfect match for Nymphalidae's much more commanding one.
Soquili Submission 2
Soquili's Full Name: Marchosia Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Short Blurb of Recent Events:
RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Kumiho | Uncert --Relation: Mother --Personality: Sharp, sly, and deceptive, Kumiho is a malevolent trickster. More cunning than many of the Western cognates of skinwalkers, Kumiho enjoys planning, plotting, and maximizing the misery that she causes in others through elaborate tricks and deceptions. She is equally comfortable in either her fox-form or soquili-form, she will use what has the greatest potential for the situation. She is not a cursed skinwalker - she was born as she is, and considers herself as much a Fox as a mare. She also cares more for her appearance than most skinwalkers, to the point of being downright vain. However, she is as bloodthirsty and cruel and callous as any skinwalker. 2) Cerberus | Uncert --Relation: Father --Personality: His canine features go beyond physical attributes, and despite his ferocity and power, Cerberus is utterly loyal to the one who he calls his master. Cerberus was never evil but relentless and unquestioning of his duty - a vital role in keeping the balance between the land of the living and the land of the dead. From his countless years of Servitude as the Hound of Hell, Cerberus has become unhinged and ferocious. Relentless hunger clawing at his belly motivated him to feast on any living who dared approach the gates, or any spirit who tried to escape. Now, free after countless years, relieved of his duty and maddening hunger, he still bears deep psychological scars of his role as a guard dog. His great wings which bear resemblance to heads with gaping maws became figures in Cerberus's mind - other heads that growl and bay and whisper secretively to him. While he no longer has an insatiable hunger, he is still gluttonous when food presents itself - the ghost of maddning hunger still clings to him. And he does not feel at peace now that he is masterless and purposeless - and it is unlikely that Cerberus bears the presence of mind to find sanity again until he finds a purpose and a master once more. 3) Naberius | Uncert --Relation: Brother --Personality: 4) Youko | Uncert --Relation: Brother --Personality: Youko is a crafty, devious soquili. While he may not be as evil as his skinwalker mother, he is manipulative, vain, and entirely self-centered. If another soquili is seen as being to his advantage or benefit to be around, then he will abide by their company, especially if they play to his vanity. However, if they are no longer useful, then Youko quickly tires of their presence. He has very little empathy; he could really care less about the well being of soquili outside of his very small circle of friends or family.
Familiar(s): None
Soquili Submission 3
Soquili's Full Name: Ekundayo Uncert Entered Relations: Cuauhcoatl (Father, Page 1) Short Personality Blurb: Having reached her teenage years, Ekundayo is beginning to come out of her shell and learning more about herself and who she is -- and not just a foal shielded from everything by her mother. Ekundayo is endlessly curious about the world, knowing so little about it. She wishes to be everything her mother isn't -- not out of spite, because she loves her mother dearly, but so that she can better support her mother's weaknesses and protect her. Her mannerisms come off as extremely lady-like -- she is soft-spoken, elegant, and enjoys being treated as if she were a princess. However, in the face of danger she tries to firmly stand her ground, even if what she is facing terrifies her to the core. Ekundayo wants to be a brave knight while maintaining all the qualities of a dignified mare. She is easily offended or embarrassed by vulgarity, but her heart is large enough to forgive and give second chances time and time again. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Ekundayo knows little of the tragic history that lead up to her birth. As a foal, she would sometimes ask her mother about her father, but Kayla was too afraid of losing the only daughter she managed to "save" and would always tell Ekundayo that she would tell her when she was older. However, Ekundayo has recently matured into a young teenage mare, and she is questioning her mother more now than ever and claiming she is old enough. Kayla has continued to be reluctant to tell her daughter the story, and the flawless entity that Ekundayo has always seen in her mother was crumbling away; she is realizing that Kayla is kind hearted but cowardly, and while Ekundayo does not look down on her mother for this weakness, she knows she never wants to grow to be so fearful of everything herself. [The full story leading to her birth can be read here.]
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Kayla | Uncert --Relation: Mother --Personality: 2) Ikinya | Uncert --Relation: Step-Mother (Cuauhcoatl's lovemate) --Personality: Ikinya is a loving individual who still knows how to have fun. Spunky and with a real joy of life, she takes everyday to the fullest with her mate Cuauhcoatl. 3) Subira | Uncert --Relation: Sister --Personality: 4) Zyanya | Uncert --Relation: Sister --Personality: As cheerful as her adoptive mother Ikinya and curious as her father, Zyanya is a bright, kind, and happy young foal, fitting of her angeni heritage. However, due to the tramatic story of the loss of her youngest sister to their biological mother's discomfort over the way the herd was forming and her parents unconventional relationship, as well as the fact that, before she emerged from her basket, her godfather's only son had been kidnapped by 'Harpies, the young girl has a sharp sense of feeling there isn't someone out there to protect others. And she want's to be the one to protect them. While her angeni powers are greatly reduced due to her mixed breeding, even now, she trains it and focuses on making a code for behavior. The Code of someone more then just a hero. She wishes to be a Superhero. 5) Argent | Uncert --Relation: Fling --Personality:
Soquili's Full Name: Chandra Uncert Entered Relations: Brother (Drashi - below) Drashi and Chandra are actually very close! She does wish he would find himself a mate though! Short Personality Blurb: Chandra is a very sweet and gentle mare. She loves her family with all her heart, but has always refused to learn to fight. She has however recently taken over as Alpha for the Miakoda herd. Oh and she is a midwife who LOVEs foals! No matter what form they take. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Her father announced that he was leaving the herd, unable to watch him go alone Chandra decided to go with him, soon it seemed that several of their herd members wanted to come to and before long Chandra found herself as alpha for the small group... they are currently travelling to find peace and harmony, and her father is deserpate to find his way once more.
RP List: --Rp: A Storm Breaks ----- Soquili Involved: Crown Cullen | Balrog | Thunderbird | Cerberus | Stormwild | Kumiho Chandra delivers Stormwild and Balrog's babies. During the birth Kumiho and Cerberus attack, Chandra and Crown do their best to help the others to protect the baskest. Chandra sits over the baskets using her four wings to protect each of the four baskets. She gets her head wing broken by Cerberus.
--Rp: A Fallen Star... for my fair mate? ----- Soquili Involved: Sonnet Sonnet brings Chandra a fallen star and asks her to become his mate. She gladly accepts.
--Rp: Lost in the Woods. ----- Soquili Involved: Caelius NB: Chandra was a foal during this RP. She found herself lost in the forest and runs into Cael who takes her back home, she see's him as her knight in shining armour and always holds a special place for him in her heart.
--Rp: Three baskets... don't panic! ----- Soquili Involved: Sonnet | Auva (basket) | Zaniah (basket) | Heze (basket) NB: Chandra was a foal during this RP. She found herself lost in the forest and runs into Cael who takes her back home, she see's him as her knight in shining armour and always holds a special place for him in her heart.
Unentered Relations: 1)Maion --Relation: Father --Personality: Usually he is the rock of the herd, gentle yet fierce when he needs to be. Like the Ocean he can be calm and wild. He is a very open and caring stallion who will do anything and everything he can for those around him. He has a soft spot for his granddaughters.
2)Sonnet --Relation: Mate --Personality: Sonnet is her protector and her heart. He is a sweet and caring stallion who considers her his 'North Star'. They would do anything for the other.. and danced under the fireflies together the night of their mating.
3)Crown Cullen --Relation: Herdmate - one of the first baskets she helped deliver! --Personality: Crown is a reliable stallion who has a soft spot for Chandra and her father. He will do whatever is needed... and is rather attached to Chandras daughter Heze, who used to sneak around to watch the training of the protectors. Crown would often help her practise in secret.
4)Heze --Relation: Daughter (eldest of 3) --Personality: She is fiesty and wants to protect her family despite being a girl. The complete opposite to her mother but they love each other all the same.
5)Auva --Relation: Daughter (youngest of 3) --Personality: She is very quiet, believed to be a mute. She has recently been given a bell for her hair and uses it to make a 'noise'. When she was a foal she was attacked by a kalona (rear leg) and injured... her parents worried like mad about it and some believed that Sonnet and Chandra would actually end up divorced because of it, especially since it had been Chandra who had left her with her now dead grandmother.
Familiar(s): Moon. Painted like Chandra's sister Io (Io has a bat painted like Chandra) When ever Chandra see's Moon she thinks of her sister.
Soquili Submission 2
Soquili's Full Name: Drashi Uncert Entered Relations: Sister (Chandra - above) Chandra and Drashi are actually very close! Short Personality Blurb: He is rather disturbed at the moment, he is struggling with yet another heartbreak and feels lost because of it. Deep down he is a strong stallion who loves his family and just wanted a place to belong.... Short Blurb of Recent Events: He had his heartbroken again, and ended up leaving the Miakoda herd in order to get some space and time to thing alone.
RP List: --Rp: A Walk Turned into a Kidnapping ----- Soquili Involved: Maion (before elderhood) | Crown Cullen | Eden Cullen | Deception | Aveve Engel The two kalonas (Deception and Engel) attack the group while they are out on an exploration walk. Maion orders Drashi to take the foals away and ends up getting kidnapped. Drashi (a little reluctantly) leaves his father and ensures that Crown and Eden are safe.
--Rp: Lingering Sadness ----- Soquili Involved: Heze Drashi breaks the news to Heze that he is leaving, before he does they dance together and he allows himself a single close moment with the mare he had started to develop mixed feelings for... but since she is the daughter of his 'sister' Chandra he would never act on them. Despite everything, including Heze finding her own 'mate' in Hakidonmuya, Drashi will always have a special place in his heart for Heze.
Unentered Relations: 1)Maion --Relation: Father (adopted) --Personality: Usually he is the rock of the herd, gentle yet fierce when he needs to be. Like the Ocean he can be calm and wild. He is a very open and caring stallion who will do anything and everything he can for those around him. He adopted Drashi after finding him in the forest beaten and bloody and holding the dead body of his sister. Since then he has made the lad his son and brought his children up to see him as a brother. Drashi is particularly close with Chandra (above).
2)Heze --Relation: Niece (adopted) --Personality: She is a stubborn and fiesty mare, who would often beg him to teach her some new moves for the protectors since it was her dream to be one. He had a soft spot for her and would often help her out, treating her with more kindness and conversation than he offered most in the herd. They opened up very easily to each other and spent lots of time just talking or playing or training.
3)Ariashi --Relation: Son --Personality: Meloncoly stallion. He and Drashi are currently trying to rekindle their relationship... Drashi always had a tough time around his son since he looks so much like the mare who abandoned him and broke his heart.
4)Crown Cullen --Relation: Herdmate and student --Personality: Crown is stubborn and loyal, things that Drashi appreciated. He would always try his best and so Drashi would give him more of his time and would teach him everything he wanted to know and more.
5)Sato Shibuya --Relation: Friend --Personality: She is a stubborn and cocky mare most of the time, and most think she has an attitude problem. She met Drashi when she was emotionally weak and had been crying because she felt like things were too much with her mate and his family... they bonded over their need to be alone and became friends.
Familiar(s): Drashi doesn't have his own familiar BUT he does get on with the very shy and timid Elijah, a fox that Maion saved from a skinwalker and pretty much lives in his mane. She is actually female but when Maion met her he gave her a boys name and she has accepted that ever since.
Soquili Submission 3
Soquili's Full Name: Demon Uncert Human Form Entered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb: Demon believes he is the baddest thing on four legs, and will not hesitate to attack or mame anything or anyone that is foolish enough to come too close. He has an attitude problem -but deep down I think he just needs a hug XD- and like his father looks for what he considers 'worthy'. Short Blurb of Recent Events: He finally has his mate 'Cherish' back, and now he also has the Wolf Pack under his control. While you might think things are finally going to settle down you are very wrong! You see... a two legger tribe has just settled at the edge of his forest and Demon is currently planning how to kill them all and be done with the threat once and for all. No mercy.
RP List: --Rp: Mine to command ----- Soquili Familiar's Involved: Wolf | Rose | Wrath | Kouga | Pup | Grey | White | Flame | Lupita During this RP the Wolf Pack agree to follow Demon's orders in order to have the chance to be given the forest as their home. They do actually fight to start with... which is interesting to watch, all these little wolves clinging to Demon haha.
--Rp: Chains of Hell ----- Soquili Involved: Nori Demon and Nori fight. Both end up blood and tattered and decide that they can respect the strength of the other and eventually call the match a draw.
--Rp: Demon's Armyl ----- Soquili Involved: Regulus | Fang | Kaida | Felina | Rinkini | Oberon | Fusion | Sciophobia ----- Familiars Involved: Hell | Wolf | Embri Demon forms an army to get Cherish back after she was stolen away from him by her family. He blackmails, bribes and forces his soldiers to join him, binding them to him until the day that Cherish is rescued and at his side once more.
Unentered Relations: 1)Cherish --Relation: Mate --Personality: She is a very odd mare, she sings rather than talks and is considered 'simple' by most... but Demon has developed a strange attachment to her and will not let anyone take her from him... ever!
2)Gishoni --Relation: Father --Personality: He has a fascination with wings and is always striving to find the perfect female and create the perfect spawn. He has to admit he did a pretty good job the first time... if only more had been boys.
3)Blood-Queen Lana'thel --Relation: Enemy --Personality: She is a wicked mare, takes what she wants and uses others any way she pleases. When Demon was a foal she caught him and chained him up, taught him to fight and tried to make him in her to perfect soldier... he escaped, and eventually grew up without her care only to one day come back to face her once more.
4)Midnights Whisper --Relation: Target --Personality: Stubborn mare. She was the first soquili that Demon ever managed to use his blackmagic on. Had a unicorn not come by he would have killed her too. For her it effected her like a sickness.
5)Fathom --Relation: Sister --Personality: She is evil just like him, and she is the only family member that he remotely close to. They are like double trouble when they are together... she does submit slightly to him, but only because he saved their lives as foals.
Familiar(s): Hell - Demon's personal Bat Familiar.
Demon controls the WOLF PACK. Images and details can be found in here.
Soquili's Full Name: Cockery Uncert Entered Relations: Twitchy Short Personality Blurb: Cockery is the last member of the once great ninja macaw clan. A very bad man came with fire and destroyed everyone. His mother, father, small foals, everyone was gone. Cockery's sensai, with his dying breath, sent Cockery out into the world to avenge this wretched act, and to rebuild the clan. Short Blurb of Recent Events: In the process of building up his once great clan.
Soquili's Full Name: Twitchy Uncert Entered Relations: Cockery Short Personality Blurb: Twitchy is a recent escapee of tyrannical overlords. She was built for one thing: running. Day in and day out Twitchy ran the purple plains, always going faster, faster, faster while trying to avoid the explosive stars laid out before her. The only company she had was the occasional dolphin, but they weren't really much for conversation. Short Blurb of Recent Events: They are both actually crazy and delusional. Cockery is a Mary Sue hero looking for vengeance on the evil man who destroyed his clan of ninja macaws. Twitchy is running, running, always running from the star makers who force her to forever travel the purple plains.
This is a couple very much in love. They both admire each others strength and will to press on. Cockery and Twitchy are ecstatic to be parents, because the baskets are a shining beacon of hope in the dark, dank, scary night.
Soquili's Full Name: xXPoniGrrlXx Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Poni loves to party. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Poni had some children, but she's really too busy having a good time to really care about it.
Soquili's Full Name: Cuauhcoatl Clothed|Nekkid Entered Relations: Ekundayo: Missing Daughter (pg 1 post 5) | Xolotlcoatl: Little Sister (pg 7 post 6)
Short Personality Blurb:Despite being the size of a large Clydesdale and being brightly colored, Cuauhcoatl is a rather nervous, shy individual, not comfortable around strangers, thus making him stutter a lot. He's an extremely gentle personality, and feels what is on the inside is what matters, not the outside.
Cuauhcoatl is an Angeni of Learning.. Literally: His Domain is "Learning". However, he has a relatively poor memory about a lot of things, and tends to have to hunt around for them in his head before he can remember them, often times having to relearn it several times before it finally sticking. He's made up his own form of written code, though as it's adapted over the years he has to decipher and translate his older writings. He's facinated with the concept and tries to learn the coded images of various cultures
Short Blurb of Recent Events:
RP List: (optional) --Rp: Worlds Apart ----- Soquili Involved: Ikinya ----- Summary: Cuauhcoatl meets the Usdia Ikinya under an apple tree, and takes her on a flight to see his home and to weather a storm
--Rp: Saviour ----- Soquili Involved: Ikinya | Howl | Adom (Basket) ----- Summary: A skinwalker decides that Ikinya and a small little Usdia basket she found would make a good meal after the mare started a journey back to Cuauhcoatl's home, having realized she had fallen in love with the Angeni despite their immense physical differences. Cuauhcoatl, having been out flying listlessly in his missing the Usdia, thankfully is there in time to save the day.
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Ikinya | Uncert --Relation: Lovemate --Personality: She's bigger than her body gives her credit for; Maternal, protective, affectionate, she's the true heart and core of Yectenehua, the herd she and Cuauhcoatl made together.
2)Darius | Uncert --Relation: Adoptive son --Personality: Originally going by the name Chompy when he was abandoned, Cuauhcoatl and Ikinya adopted the boy and raised him up into a smart young man, though he's still rather playful and almost puppylike.
3) Xocoyolcoatl | Uncert (Nekkid | Markings) --Relation: Brother --Info Is currently MIA -- Cuauhcoatl doesn't know that two of his siblings have come down to the Kawani lands.
Familiar(s): (optional) Xochicoatl: This Harpy Eagle is Cuauhcoatl's spirit sister, The stallion remembering her from before he took a physical, mortal form. The two help each other out often. Xochicoatl is also something of a mother hen and has the tendency to spoil anyone she can regardless of their size, species, or age.
Soquili Submission 2
Soquili's Full Name: Taarab Uncert Entered Relations: Vanya (Pg 5 Post 2): One of his Main Mistresses and co-worker in the Artisan guild. Quadrille (Pg 1 Post3): Younger Sister Vanwyn: Daughter (pg 7 post 6)
Short Personality Blurb: Taarab is first and foremost an overall happy go lucky well, bright, quick witted, eager to please, and well adjusted young artist.
Secondly, he was born within "The Flock", a herd of amazonian Harpy Soquili, to one of the commanders to the queen. This does not entail him any special treatment, and his good mood and calm, cheerful demeanor isn't actually all that uncommon to stallions born to the flock.
His life has been in a well structured environment, his boundaries placed and made aware of, understanding the gender roles of males and females in the flock were different, and that the females had responsibilities to keep the flock safe and well fed, while his place was to be protected, and make the flock not only pleasant to live in, but held a vital key to keeping their 'breed' and culture alive in this harsh new world of outsiders who see their warrior based (and gender switched) ways as 'evil', simply because it is different from the norm.
As an artist, he tries a little bit of everything, using his father's teachings from Cabriole's godfather (Cuauhcoatl, the angeni of Learning) to learn how to make many arts, putting his dexterous claws to make items for the flock, from jewelry and woodcarving, loom weaving and pottery -- things Cuauhcoatl had taught Cabriole originally for the sake of learning.
Because of this, he likes showing off his art, and thus the only things he wears ALWAYS are his bells, beads, and armbands, which he had been given at various points of his life, but he regularly wears dyed and painted feathers, clothes, additional bells, beads, and jewelry, showing off his most recent pride and joys, even occasionally painting himself in fur-paints with patterns. He also specializes in making meads.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently got into a fight with Neva, a Batwalker, while defending his latest set of Foals and was pretty badly Injured. Gersemi will be working on his rehabilitation.
RP List: (optional) --Rp: On Ancestral Grounds ----- Soquili Involved: Aviania | Aylin ----- Summary: Queen of the Harpy arrives with the proud of the fact he was hand selected and trusted to venture from the Territory with their queen Taarab at the ancestral grounds of the Harpy's to Meet Oracle Aylin, the Stallion having come to bring tribute to their spiritual leader and ways to make her life alone in the temple more tolerable. Little did he know that Aviania had selected him to be part of the care package he had brought with him.
--Rp: Borders of Fear ----- Soquili Involved: Vanya | Vanwyn | Vaniania | Vanmoriel | Neva | Aquilina | Kamunyak | Galla Sile | Morkin ----- Summary: Vanya and Taarab are taking their foals about to look for resources for the artisan guild and to teach about foraging, and some of the girls Venture out of Flock Territory, where they're endangered by Neva, a Batwalker. Taarab comes to the rescue, but is left worse for wear from it, and is escorted to a campground to be healed.
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1))Aylin | Uncert --Relation: His Main Mistress and Oracle/Spiritual Leader of The Flock. --Personality: Wise, witty, and patient. While males are the 'weaker of the two sexes' in Flock standards, She does see their well being as important: Happy males usually means her Sisters-in-Arms are happy and thriving.
2)Vaniania | Uncert --Relation: One of his daughters --Personality: Quirky and kindhearted, if mischievous and flirty. Builds and Plays Drums.
3)Laveda | Uncert --Relation: Daughter --Personality: Efficient and calm, and surprisingly logical for a Priestess,
4)Cabriole Amachii | Uncert --Relation: Father, Friend, and Co-worker. --Personality: Cheerful, goofy, and casually affectionate, Cabriole marches to the beat of his own drum, and is generally pleased as punch now with his life in the Flock as Zahraa's preferred pet. He especially enjoys Singing and Dancing now that he's figured out why he couldnt do it right before, and helping build up the sustainability of survival of the flock by introducing things he's learned from Cuauhcoatl.
5)Zahraa' | Uncert --Relation: Mother --Personality: Zahraa' is one of the two commanders directly under the Queen within her flock/herd and extremely possessive and protective of her children and has grown secretly fond and proud of her "Pet" Cabriole, pleased at what a good example of a proper stallion he's been and how useful he's been to the flock above and beyond his role as a breeder.
Familiar(s): Click the Spoiler to see: He has a lot attached to him..
Cashmere: Younger of two Artisan guild Raccoon Twins, Cashmere, while Un-bonded to the mutant hippogryph, works along side him and is rather fond of the stallion. Works as a Weaver making blankets and fine decorative fabrics. She's better at weaving designs into fabrics than her sister is, and can weave tightly. Angora: Angora is the eldest of the two Weaver Racoons in the artisan guild, and often assists Those without digits on Weaving blankets and helping them with it, letting them do what little work they can until they can figure out how to use the mouth tools that allow them to weave. Also specializes in Dyeing fibers and fabrics. Her materials tend to be mottled or solid colors and of a looser weave than her siblings, as she prefers to work with the dyes. Jaylyn: Jaylyn is a rather hyperactive decorator who often forages for shiney and colorful things. While she means well, and does have a keen eye for color and balance, she has little idea for functionality and will often barge into other peoples projects and try to 'help' by adding things to the design they have no desire for. After all, claw-covers made for a warrior do NOT need fragile beads and dangling feathers. Yaotl: This "Harpy Eagle" is truly loyal to the flock, and acts as messenger between Taarab and his Mistress Aylin, as well as sending messages for the Priestesses and acting as guard when not on duty as messenger.
Soquili Submission 3
Soquili's Full Name: Hedia Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Hedia was a young foal, the daughter of a 'wealthy' noble of one of the many Original Cerynei herds when their original homeland burned, chasing them from their territory and causing her to lose her mother in all the smoke and flames.
Because of this, the young mare was spoiled rotten by her father, coddled and coveted as he redeveloped his fortunes and settled into the new land, and let Hedia become the hedonistic brat that she is today. She's not evil, or means to be cruel, but she's spoiled, Vain, and thinks of herself as better than most.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Lately, she's been feeling a little under the weather and doesn't really have much of an appetite.
Familiar(s): A hardworking and matronly mare, Daisy Gene has been Hedia's nanny and caretaker since she was a Foal. However she does have the habit of being a little under appreciated for just how much work it takes to keep Hedia's hair looking luxurious as she wants or putting up with the spoiled mare's attitude. Generally jovial and quick to laugh, though not exactly cuddly either. She loves having 'guests' since she can make them things and feed them, though its tiring for the middle aged Raccoon.
Short Personality Blurb: Balrog is hot-headed, egotistical, and confrontational. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. Some might call him an a*****e or even downright vicious to a soquili that gets on his wrong side. And, if you're Balrog, that isn't difficult. He is severely prejudiced against any non-winged Soquili, calling them weak and inferior.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Balrog has become protector of his and Stormwild's herd, The Thunderbird herd, defended it from attackers, and has recently had his last group of four foals with his mate, Stormwild. Check out the link to the herd for a lot of Balrog's RPs.
Soquili's Full Name: Pooka Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Pooka is a dark, strange soquili. She's bright, but doesn't always show her hand. She delights in manipulating language, spinning stories and lies for intriguing results. What she truly thinks about things is usually a close-guarded secret and difficult to decipher. Whether she uses her tall tales, lies, and mindgames to distract herself from her distant father, or if she just has a few inherited mental issues is difficult to tell. Pooka has recently found a familiar - a rabbit dubbed "Harvey". Pooka claims that it's her spirit animal, soul, or any number of impromptu claims - each more unbelievable than the last. But regardless, with a like-minded cohort, Pooka can get into even more fun devious escapades.
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Anju | Uncert --Relation: Father --Personality: Sinister, manipulative, and twisted monster.
Humanoid Design by Parue (I really like this interpretation, but I see her having her tail as well :3 )
Entered Relations:
Short Personality Blurb: Fianna's Irish ancestry comes in strong in both her nature and appearance. She has a lot of her grandmother's (Rosemary) coloration in her red hair and green eyes in addition to her fiery spirit. She is sharp, a little flirty, and spirited. She also has a lot of her father's wanderlust and curiosity - and ironically leads her into much of the same predicament as he himself - curious to her parentage and the outside world. In general, Fianna is genial; she has no idea how much of her missing father's personality she has inherited. She's not as serious as her mother, but loves her blessing of wings and the freedom it has allowed her. She was always quite the handful keeping in herd-grounds from the moment she learned to use them.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Fianna had been questing to fin her father, Ethan, but was quite disappointed when she found him to discover that he wasn't this wise stallion that had all the answers,but was little more than a slightly older version of herself - another lost foal in the world. Her travling companion, Dae'Ruil is a chivalrous fluttercorn who admirers her greatly, and Fianna didn't even realize for the longest time how much he meant to her until after she succumbed to her depression and the charms of a traveling stallion, Einar. When Dae'Ruil found her again afterwards and helped her raise the foals, she felt guilty. He was snared by an evil Kalona, causing her to finally completely snap out of her funk and help rescue him, finally earning a happy ending with each other.
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Dae'Ruil | Uncert --Lifemate: --Personality: Dae'ruil is an elegant young stallion. He is noble, but quiet and reserved and painfully shy. He is curious, but has a difficult time overcoming his withdrawn introversion. Dae'ruil appreciates the beauty in life, and has for most of his life been a quiet observer of nature, and an appreciator of finery. He is quite soft spoken and nervous, but when he wears his mask, it lends him a bit of a sense of anonymity and security, giving him a bit more courage to act how he wishes he could be.
2)Ethan | Uncert --Relation: Father --Personality: Ethan has set out into the world on the grand quest to find his Father. He has come face to face with the the issue of his demonic influences and how it makes others think about him. But if anything, it has made him want to prove to others all the more that he's good on the inside.
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:41 pm
Your Username: Ishtanballa
Soquili Submission 1
Soquili's Full Name: Tallak Without ArmorUncertUncert 2 Entered Relations: None at this time Short Personality Blurb: When on the job, Tallak is as serious a he can get. Nothing short of death will stop him from completing a job once he's taken it on. And anyone that stands in his way, and is not his brother, will be struck down. The Soq could be his best friend, and Tallak would still strike them down. When off the job, Tallak can be quite friendly. Provided the other Soq could put up with the fact that outside of knowledge related to his job, Tallak's about as smart as a boulder, they may find him to be great company. Unless that Soq goes after his brother, in a violent or non-violent manner. Then Tallak will have to cause that Soq pain. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Tallak is new to the lands and is currently seeking contacts and employers. What does he do? He's a smuggler for hire and an acquirer of goods.
RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)[Takkun | Uncert --Relation: (Brother) --Personality: Reserved
Soquili Submission 2
Soquili's Full Name: Hroarr Darkbane Uncert Entered Relations: None at this time Short Personality Blurb: Don't let his appearance fool you. Hroarr may look like the type who'd have a vicious temper, but he just doesn't have it in him. Even at a young age, Hroarr was a peace keeper. Whether it be a sibling argument or one between friends, he feels compelled to act as mediator to try and steer the argument towards a peaceful resolution. But if you mess with someone that he loves, his inner kalona will come out. And when engaging an enemy, he has been taught to never show mercy. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Hroarr has been spending much of his time nursing his injured friend, Fermata.
RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Iona Darkbane | Uncert --Relation: Sister --Personality: Cosmic 2)Eirith Darkbane | Uncert --Relation: Sister --Personality: She can be sweet and playful at times, and straight up mean at other times. Seem emotionless one moment, and very emotional the next. She tends to be a little judgmental of those who are different than her and her family.
Luckily she didn't inherit her father's weakness to sunlight. However, her eyes are very sensitive to light. She of course, prefers nighttime like her parents. She now has a mask she wears which helps protect her eyes. 3)Nykto | Uncert --Relation: Father --Personality: He's a Kalona... or half Kalona. He has no horns so he's a halfbreed ;D Anyways! He's evil! No not really, but he can be very evil and cruel and vicious. When meeting someone new, he's either cold and uncaring, rude and violent, or friendly/flirtacious. The latter is usually faking for his own amusement. He can sometimes be very calm, collected and seem pretty normal tempered. He's only violent when he's angry for any reason, even if he's not angry at the one he's being violent towards. Despite his sometimes unapproachable personality, he hates being alone. He enjoys the company of others even if he doesn't act like it. He's also extremely and violently possessive and protective of what he cares about, be it another Soquili, his views and opinions, or even an item. He loves to fight, but he won't pick on weaker or helpless beings. He might make a good enemy if that's what you're looking for. He won't usually rely on violence, but if another seems up for it, he would be glad to oblige. He has a soft spot for anything cute and cuddly, especially furry little animals or foals. He'd never intentionally harm a foal, though he might be rough with them. 4)Eydis Darkbane | Uncert --Relation: Mother --Personality: Free from the shackles of her past, she now wanders the lands. Her head held high with pride, and confidence fueling each step. She seeks to make her mark on this land, whether it be good, or bad.
Familiar(s): He's small, he's fluffy, and he thinks he can kick the a** of anyone. If tossed into a ring with some skinwalkers, he would charge in with a squawk as his battle cry and feel no fear. Of course, he most likely wouldn't come back out. Unlike Hroarr, violence is always this chicken's answer for everything.
Soquili Submission 3
Soquili's Full Name: Valkyrie Uncert Entered Relations: None at this time Short Personality Blurb: It takes a lot for Valkyrie to care. She doesn't care if it's cold or hot. She doesn't care if a Soquili before her is well or drawing its last breath. It's not something done out of cruelty, this uncaring nature, it's just who she is. She used to try in the past, to pretend to care, but that grew tiresome. So now she simply wanders, and watches. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently Valkyrie took ill and found herself in the care of a young colt. A shy thing that watched her night and day, acting as her nursemaid. Cai Shen is his name, and having gained her loyalty, she now assists Cai in walking the beaches at dusk and dawn, acting as his beacon of light. Through these ventures she came to meet her mate, the fearsome Wendigo.
RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Wendigo | Uncert --Relation: Lifemate --Personality: Malevolent
Romantic Spotter
Skilled Hellraiser
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:55 pm
Your Username: cyhorse
Soquili Submission 1
Soquili's Full Name: Gypsy Song Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Musical Short Blurb of Recent Events: N/A
RP List: (optional)
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5)
Familiar(s): (optional)
Soquili Submission 2
Soquili's Full Name: Morana Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Crazy yet beautiful. She uses her beauty to get what she wants. She jumps between being cold hearted and being gentle and motherly. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Had her son, Ahriman. Broke a lifemating and has become more cold hearted than ever.
RP List: (optional)
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Ahriman | Uncert --Relation: Son --Personality: Baneful
Familiar(s): (optional)
Soquili Submission 3
Soquili's Full Name: Aurelia Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: As a foal: outgoing, friendly, clumsy
Once she becomes a mare, Aurelia will be the epitome of confidence. She is elegant, charming and very out-going. Her heart is large and she cares greatly for her family members, even to the point of fighting for them if she is pushed to the point. Although she may be loving towards her family, when it comes to new soquili, she simply uses her charm around them to play with their minds. Stallions are her favorite play things. She uses stallions for compliments and she will tease them for a bit before she leaves them in the dust to find the next big thing. As for mares, she simply likes to charm them into being her friend then using them to her advantage in one way or another. Short Blurb of Recent Events: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: When Emille first came out of her basket, the filly was a mute. She communicated by motions and actions until she was attacked by a Skinwalker and had to call for help. After that, her speech consisted mostly of stuttering. During her time as a young mare, Emille was very obsessed with meeting her 'prince'. After she had a one night stand and had foals, Emille was heartbroken and almost left the foals to die. During that stormy night, a young colt (Alaric) came and wanted to take care of the baskets himself, which caused her to finally step it up as a mother. When she and one of her daughters (Louvia) was attacked by yet another skinwalker, that was when she felt like it was proper for her to learn how to fight as well as teach others.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: As of now, Emille is working towards training others to protect themselves. Whether the Soquili decides to stay with her a day or a year, Emille is willing to train whomever wants help. She is also a good Soquili to find if someone is interested in finding inner strength as well.
Unentered Relations: *will be edited if they are entered* 1)Meru | Uncert --Relation: Mother --Personality: ((None that I can find, but based off the character Meru from the game Legend of Dragoon)) 2)Albert | Uncert --Relation: Father --Personality: (from SkyDragono's Teepee) He is very loyal, and it hurts him when those he cares for die. He put down his way of life to walk the path of the traveler when one of those friends died protecting him. Now he's trying to live their life for them. 3)Redondo | Uncert --Relation: Ex-Lover --Personality: (from Elfstar's Teepee) Redondo is a stranger to these parts, and one of the strangest in these lands...a flying tiger Soquili.... He's a bit of a flirt, though love for Nirmala, whom he calls Butterfly, has settled this tendency down a lot.
Familiar(s): Prince is Emille's familiar. He is pretty much a gentle guide for whenever Emille feels lost.
Short Personality Blurb: Louvia started off as a very hyper filly. She didn't start calming down until her biological father started to show up to try and 'be a part of' her life. This is also where her hatred of males started to grow. She only really liked one male, her childhood friend (Adakias). Louvia actually had a small crush on him, but that went away since her feelings were ignored. As a young adult, that friend had a crush on her, but Louvia chose to ignore it because of how she was treated before. Eventually, Louvia was alone again and she hated all males. It wasn't until one day where she found out about a stallion that took care of her as a basket (Alaric) did she start to open up again.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Louvia is trying to get used to the feeling of actually being with someone. She has always had her mother, but since her first love left her (Adakias) she's had a hard time adjusting.
RP List: - none as of now -
Unentered Relations: *will be edited if they are entered* 1)Adakias | Uncert --Relation: Childhood friend; Ex-Love (No foals) --Personality: Their relationship started off as Louvia having a crush on Adakias as a foal. He was oblivious to it, so Louvia gave up. As young adults, Adakias had a crush on Louvia, but Louvia ignored him.
Familiar(s): Lenus is Louvia's bear familiar. They met when Louvia was a young mare and he kept Louvia sane and prevented her from attempting to kill males.
Short Personality Blurb: When he first came out of his basket, Alaric was very sure that he wasn't being taught by his blood father. Despite that, however, he didn't mind and wasn't one of those that felt like he needed to find whom he was related to. If they came to him, then he'd be happy, but he felt like he could do without them at the same time. His life changed when he stumbled upon baskets that he though was abandoned. This is when his desire for adventure/travel sparked. On his travels, he met many that were attracted to him, but none that he felt the same for. Eventually, he headed back to Emille and her kids, watching over them from afar. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Alaric can be one of those stallions that every mare falls for. He'd even string them along, but unknowingly. In reality though, his heart was captured by one basket (Louvia) at first meeting. Right now, despite others being attracted to him, he tries to reassure Louvia that she is his one and only.
Unentered Relations: *will be edited if they are entered* 1)Iris | UncertWingless Uncert --Relation: Cousin --Personality: ((None found in Alexia's teepee)) Alaric's cousin on his mother's side whom delivered Alaric's basket to Chessur. The basket was abandoned because the impure Angeni blood in the basket (Alaric's mother bred with a cat-based Soquili). 2)Chessur | Uncert --Relation: Adopted Father --Personality: Soquili whom took in Alaric's basket. ((Taken from CheshireKttty's Teepee)) Likes: Himself, quiet, confusing people, traveling, speculating, talking to others
Soquili's Full Name: Engel Uncert Entered Relations: None yet! If Fee enters Jaloo, Toke, or Khat, I'll edit this heart Short Personality Blurb: Somewhat hyper, Engel's temperament has tempered just a bit since he met his mate and had four sons with her. He's mildly confused that two of his sons came out so... MELLOW. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Euphoria and Khat grew to adults
RP List: (optional) No RP here!
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Jaloo | Uncert --Relation: Mate --Personality: Epic... Do I need to really say more? 2)Toke | Uncert --Relation: Son --Personality: Mellow 3)Reefer | Uncert --Relation: Son --Personality: Philosophical 4)Khat | Uncert --Relation: Son (Mockbreeding son?) --Personality: Talkative 5)Euphoria | Uncert --Relation: Son (Mockbreeding son?) --Personality: Bubbly
Familiar(s):Ambros - Engel's familiar(Unfortunately, I forgot who colored him gonk )
Soquili Submission 2
Soquili's Full Name: Xiuying Uncert Entered Relations: None entered Short Personality Blurb: A naughty girl, Xiuying enjoys playing little pranks on others, like the classic thumbtack on the chair, or dropping water on someone. She can be rather impish. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Tengfei arrived in her life
RP List: (optional) No RPs
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Tengfei | Uncert --Relation: Mate --Personality: Just call him Xiuying's partner in crime!
Soquili's Full Name: Kaleo Uncert Entered Relations: No relations Short Personality Blurb: Kaleo is a spitfire, having quite the attitude. He takes dookey from NOBODY! He also fancies himself the hottest thing to come out of the luau. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Kaleo burned his tail at the Tiki Party
RP List: (optional) No RP
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) Kaleo has no relations (Mate/children/parents/siblings/etc.) Familiar(s): Kaleo has no familiar at this time
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:03 pm
Your Username: XBlind-DarknessX
Soquili Submission 1
Soquili's Full Name: Roman Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Roman is a troubled young stallion who has lost his way. His parents were both brutally murdered by the same Skinwalker and his younger brother died of an unknown illness. He is a gruff stallion, cynical in all ways and not trusting. He prefers to be left alone but as of late has been feeling a little more drawn to others. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Roman recently encountered the Skinwalker who killed his parents. He was severly injured in the fight and took flight in order to save himself. He has now been found and rescued by an interesting Angeni.
Soquili's Full Name: Prince Craevan Evarcrest Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Craevan was once a well known Prince to a formerly prosperous herd. His father ended up losing his mind and determining that all of his decisions would be based on the flip of a coin that humans had left behind. Though Craevan knew this to be wrong he was too cowardly to speak out against his father, and deemed himself as 'just a prince' and nothing more. Because of this a curse was placed on him causing him to become bloodthirsty. Through this he murdered his father and subjects and to this day hides out in a forest. He has spread many horrendous rumors about the forest so that no one will come and tempt him with their blood. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Not much other than hanging out in his forest and hoping that no one will tempt him.
RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name
Soquili's Full Name: Callan Mactaíl Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Callan is a very devoted father, grandfather, great grandfather and great great grandfather. He cares about each member of his family with everything he has. He loves his mate Bella completely and has vowed to be hers and hers alone for the rest of their days. The only downfall of this knight is that he is very traditional whereas is family is not. Many of his daughters have come home from journeys bearing foals without so much as introducing Callan to the stallion responsible. This irritates him greatly as he believes that a stallion should meet him first and ask for his daugher's hoof later. Even so, he is a strong, skilled, honorable stallion with plenty of love. Short Blurb of Recent Events: HIs grandaughter Lumriel came home pregnant and the stallion responsible took off and left her. Callan, though angered by this, has been supportive of his grandaughter and even helped her with the children. One of the baskets was taken by its father Nightmare, and has yet to be seen. Callan still wonders where this unknown foal bearing his blood is now, but he has obligations to care for those who are still home with him.
RP List: (optional) --Rp: A New Chapter ----- Soquili Involved: Callan and Bella Swan --Rp: A tree, a god, and a knight ----- Soquili Involved: Callan and Háidēs
Soquili's Full Name: Calixte Uncert Entered Relations: 1. Ithillún | Daughter | See below. 2. Kenton | Lifemate | Page 6, Post 2 | Uncert. 3. Rishy | Mortal Enemy | Page 6, Post 2 | Uncert.
Short Personality Blurb: Caring and defensive, Calixte has a distinct air of protectiveness and caution about her - she will protect her own at any price and will fight to defend them. Not much will get in her way when she is angry. She especially cares for those sick or hurt, and is impressed semi-easily. As a Dryad, she believes that everything has a spirit, including rocks, trees, and other things. Calixte also has a sort of 'sixth sense' that should be noted - her ears, working extremely well as antennae, pick up sounds that less sensitive ears would not. As such, Cali hears things - rustling leaves and cracking branches - normally associated with the hoofbeats of other soquili in a different way than most. For example, if someone is nearby, but their footsteps would not be heard by normal ears, Cali can hear that. However, she processes it differently. Anything that would not be heard by normal ears is, to her, the voice of nature - trees whispering, that kind of thing. So while this might seem like she's mildly schizophrenic, the 'whispering of the plants' or the 'gossip line of nature' is really just her own explanation for her extraordinary hearing.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: With the Vanaras established as a haven for Cerynei, Cali and Kenton have just had their first biological children together. They are extremely protective of them - Cali tries her best not to let them out of her sight without the protection of the main herd or a babysitter. Her first foals, Tinuviel and Enaran, were attacked by purewalkers the moment they tried to go play in the woods, and Cali and Kenton have learned their lessons. These foals, however, will eventually be ambushed as well. In the meantime, Cali's preparing to meet Tinuviel's "fiance".
RP List: (Reverse chronological order.) --1. Guided by Nature ---- Soquili Involved: Calixte | Amaltheia | (Calixte and Amaltheia share some quality mother-daughter time, and Cali answers her questions.) --2. The Tip of the Iceberg ----- Soquili Involved: Calixte | Kenton | Tinuviel | Enaran | Oke | Rishy | Frostbite (sbuggy166) | (Skinwalkers attack the family.) --3. An Unexpected Secret ----- Soquili Involved: Calixte | Kenton | (Cali tells Kenton that she's having children for the good of the herd. She asks him to be the foster father and they declare mateship.) --4. A Tentative Idea ----- Soquili Involved: Calixte | Fayearan | (Cali and Faye discuss having foals for the good of the herd.) --5. An Accidental Reunion ---- Soquili Involved: Calixte | Kenton | Trovin | Bella Lillian | (Calixte, Kenton, and Trovin set out to find Cerynei to begin a herd.)
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Tinúviel | Uncert --Relation: Daughter. --Personality: Tinúviel was taught to dance by her mother, and is, so far, the only thing that has stuck. Tin is forever flirting with something, though usually unknowingly - disaster, the wind, boys, and even girls. Once her mother taught her to dance, however, she began to contain herself. Now far more reserved in public, Tin expresses herself through dance. Being confronted by a mother-daughter pair of purewalkers as a child, though, has scarred her; she is careful to keep her distance from friends in case the walkers come back to hurt them. If someone gets too close, she shuts them down before they can get hurt by the monsters from her nightmares. She likes to spend time alone, but will always take an opportunity to cause trouble with her brother. Though Tin was raised to be the next Mistress of Ceremonies, she secretly resents her mother for not considering that she might want to do something else with her life. Her biological father is unknown to her, but she is close to finding him - not having a speck of brown on her shiny dark coat, she knows that she is not Kenton's daughter, though she will always call him 'Daddy.'
2)Faun | Uncert --Relation: Daughter. --Personality: Faun is incredibly in-tune with nature. It's almost scary how much she knows based off of what she hears. She hears the voices of the trees and the plants and the wind almost louder than someone who is speaking to her. It's because of this that she seems distracted or distant when you try to talk to her. For the most part, she just sits in meditation and listens to forest, unaware of anything else that is going around her. Faun has a tendency to be withdrawn from the world and serious about things. She does not really play that much; it just does not interest her that much, not to mention that the little fire on her head could get in the way. She does not question her oddities. To her, the fire is simply a part of her, and her wings are simply something she was born with, so there is nothing odd about it at all. Despite her calm and distant side, Faun is not a push over. In fact, she will simply ignore you if you try to get her to do something that she does not like.
3)Amaltheia | Uncert --Relation: Daughter --Personality: Carved by the way nature intended, Amaltheia serves as a giver to those around her. She holds her family, her friends and her herd dear to her like all good and loyal members should. She would give her life for somebody she barely even knew if she felt that their intentions were good. Realising that loyalty is something invaluable, she chooses to be the one you can always rely on and put faith in. From a secret to a hand crafted war, she would be at the side of them all the way through. She does come across as strange to others because of her appearance and especially her tendencies to talk to the 'shadows.' It unnerves people and whereas she has come to understand this over time, she will take in consideration the feelings of those around her but she will not stop entirely believing that this gift of hers will do a great deed one day. Behind the curtain she still stands for as long as she has spare to 'talk' to them and will do till the day she dies feeling no shame for it. Beside the semi-serious part of her nature, Amaltheia is rather playful. She is always up for playing games feeling it as a challenge of some sort, a trait she may of gotten from her mother. Whether it is by mouth or action she can be a gentle tease. She loves a banter and will not deny it, be it stallion or mare she is a people person. She tries to do what is right even if that means being the bad guy through opinion or the eyes of someone else and will not hold the choice against them.
4)Enaran | Uncert --Relation: Son. --Personality: Innocent and sweet, Enaran is the son of Cali and Fayearan. Raised by Kenton and Cali, he likes to cause trouble with his sisters.
5)Fayearan | Uncert --Relation: Fling & partner/colleague. --Personality: The secret father of Tin and Enaran, Calixte chose to keep his identity a secret from her children. Though they will find him eventually, he watches them closely from a short distance. He is the Master of Ceremonies with Calixte in the Cerynei Herd.
Familiar(s): [Uncert]. Oke is like... a sweet little boy. He likes to wander through the woods, chasing butterflies and things. If someone is hurt, the first thing he will do is try to help them, or run to get help. He's very simple, cute, and innocent, and loves Cali with the entirety of his heart - he would do anything for her. He protects her, and she protects him. Cali found him after his mother's disappearance, and takes care of him like a son. He hates baths.
Soquili Submission 2
Soquili's Full Name: Ithillún Uncert Entered Relations: 1. Calixte | Mother | See above. 2. Kenton | Father | Page 6, Post 2 | Uncert.
Short Personality Blurb: Ithillún has two distinct parts of her personality - the withdrawn thinker and the happy little filly - that manifest depending on whether or not she is with company. When by herself or with people she doesn't know well, she becomes very introspective, her shyness so acute that she will refuse to talk until she knows enough about the other person to understand that they stand on the side of good. This knowledge isn't so much what one tells her, but what she notices and learns about one's mannerisms. Lún is very observant and tends to pass judgement that is not easily reversed. However, as her parents raised her to not judge a book by its cover, this judgement is made after getting to know someone and not based on first impressions. When with her family or the herd, she's extremely playful and open. Lún has a tendency to organize things a certain way, and has a quiet respect for her elders, including her older siblings, whom she loves dearly and looks up to. With an aptitude for learning, she likes to wander the woods under the watchful eye of a guardian (usually Tinúviel) and find plants to study. This studying is not to find uses for them, but rather to imprint them in her mind. Lún is the only one of her sisters that cannot 'hear' the forest like her mother.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Lún has been playing with her sisters and just growing up. <3 She, her sisters, and her parents will soon be ambushed by purewalkers.
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Tinúviel | Uncert --Relation: Half-Sister (IC Full). --Personality: Tinúviel was taught to dance by her mother, and is, so far, the only thing that has stuck. Tin is forever flirting with something, though usually unknowingly - disaster, the wind, boys, and even girls. Once her mother taught her to dance, however, she began to contain herself. Now far more reserved in public, Tin expresses herself through dance. Being confronted by a mother-daughter pair of purewalkers as a child, though, has scarred her; she is careful to keep her distance from friends in case the walkers come back to hurt them. If someone gets too close, she shuts them down before they can get hurt by the monsters from her nightmares. She likes to spend time alone, but will always take an opportunity to cause trouble with her brother. Though Tin was raised to be the next Mistress of Ceremonies, she secretly resents her mother for not considering that she might want to do something else with her life. Her biological father is unknown to her, but she is close to finding him - not having a speck of brown on her shiny dark coat, she knows that she is not Kenton's daughter, though she will always call him 'Daddy.'
2)Faun | Uncert --Relation: Sister. --Personality: Faun is incredibly in-tune with nature. It's almost scary how much she knows based off of what she hears. She hears the voices of the trees and the plants and the wind almost louder than someone who is speaking to her. It's because of this that she seems distracted or distant when you try to talk to her. For the most part, she just sits in meditation and listens to forest, unaware of anything else that is going around her. Faun has a tendency to be withdrawn from the world and serious about things. She does not really play that much; it just does not interest her that much, not to mention that the little fire on her head could get in the way. She does not question her oddities. To her, the fire is simply a part of her, and her wings are simply something she was born with, so there is nothing odd about it at all. Despite her calm and distant side, Faun is not a push over. In fact, she will simply ignore you if you try to get her to do something that she does not like.
3)Amaltheia | Uncert --Relation: Sister. --Personality: Carved by the way nature intended, Amaltheia serves as a giver to those around her. She holds her family, her friends and her herd dear to her like all good and loyal members should. She would give her life for somebody she barely even knew if she felt that their intentions were good. Realising that loyalty is something invaluable, she chooses to be the one you can always rely on and put faith in. From a secret to a hand crafted war, she would be at the side of them all the way through. She does come across as strange to others because of her appearance and especially her tendencies to talk to the 'shadows.' It unnerves people and whereas she has come to understand this over time, she will take in consideration the feelings of those around her but she will not stop entirely believing that this gift of hers will do a great deed one day. Behind the curtain she still stands for as long as she has spare to 'talk' to them and will do till the day she dies feeling no shame for it. Beside the semi-serious part of her nature, Amaltheia is rather playful. She is always up for playing games feeling it as a challenge of some sort, a trait she may of gotten from her mother. Whether it is by mouth or action she can be a gentle tease. She loves a banter and will not deny it, be it stallion or mare she is a people person. She tries to do what is right even if that means being the bad guy through opinion or the eyes of someone else and will not hold the choice against them.
4)Enaran | Uncert --Relation: Half-brother (IC Full). --Personality: Innocent and sweet, Enaran is the son of Cali and Fayearan. Raised by Kenton and Cali, he likes to cause trouble with his sisters.
5)Retrieve | Uncert --Relation: Foalhood Friend. --Personality: Okay, the family is known well enough and lets admit it, their not your usual bunch. Retrieve in that sense is no different, he's an odd ball, a freakish joke of nature though he personally is blissfully ignorant of the fact. He has an obsessive nature, much like a child when you tell them to stop doing something, Retrieve will stop, focus on what you've asked him to focus upon but his mind will simply wonder back to that thing he wasn't meant to be doing and gradually he'll revert back to his mischief. As a foal he drove his gentle natured mother mad, and as an adult he still worries her, he simply will not, never, grow up.
His obsession's are generally to do with the smaller things in life, he loves insects of any description, frogs, fish, snakes; the creatures most Soquili usually find a little distasteful or scary. He has a habit of following them about, simply seeing what they get up to and every so often he might just take pleasure in aggravating them. His nose is scarred with tiny bite marks and scratches, and has in the past be severely ill from licking a frog, he went blind for a couple of days after pestering a beetle who simply had enough and turned to spray a chemical mist in Retrieve's face. So you see his interest in all things great, and especially, small has in the past gotten him into a lot of trouble. Because of his obsession though he generally never strays far from his family home, the swamp and surrounding woodland is abundant in all the things which keep him happy, including mushrooms.
All children love sweets, and in Retrieve's case, he has a weakness for mushrooms. He'll do anything for you if you have one upon you... so if you want him to pay attention and to put his mischief on hold, just dangle one in front of his nose and he's all yours.
Familiar(s): (optional)
Soquili Submission 3
Soquili's Full Name: Bedwyr Uncert Entered Relations: 1. Fergus | Mock Son | Page four, post two.
Short Personality Blurb: Bedwyr is a healer. He loves nature and simplicities and complexities it displays, along with its amazing ability to adapt... He loves to help others and is bold in his defense of the meek, and in his loyalty and protection of his children, whom he loves as the reason for his existence. If anyone ever hurt them, I'm pretty sure he'd try to fight them and/or teach them a lesson. He is quirky in that he has a... fairly strange and quick kind of sense of humor, though he is always ready with a smile. He's mostly good-natured, and would welcome anyone in need into his home if they needed a safe place to stay and/or hide. At the moment though, he's extremely depressed, as he and his lifemate broke up; though he told her it was a mutual break up and he was okay with it (for the second time), he is completely devastated - meanwhile, she has moved on. He's on the edge of snapping, and has been out of contact with his family for some time. He needs to find the light again - since he's been so sad and has darkness in his heart at the moment, he has been unable to use his healing powers.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: He and his lifemate, Lavender, broke up for a second time. Though they said it was mutual, Bedwyr is in emotional agony. He cannot use his horn, and feels lost. For now, he's just trying to find a way to heal himself and remember what it was like to be happy.
Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1)Lavender | Uncert --Relation: Ex-lifemate, mother of his three children. --Personality: Lavender has a bad case of wanderlust, and was always away. After their children were born, Bedwyr began to feel her pull away from, and they eventually broke it off.
2)Bardán | Uncert --Relation: Son. --Personality: Like his mother, Bardán loves to travel.
3)Ishika | Uncert --Relation: Daughter. --Personality: Daddy's little girl, Ishika is pure through and through. She learned to heal from her father.
Familiar(s): | Uncert Lancelot is the rash companion to Bedwyr's fatherhood and wisdom. When Bedwyr is reserved, Lancelot will express all the emotions needed and then some.