Thank you.
That is both awesome and terribly confusing.
I love seeing the relative sizes, but . . . and partially because I can't fully tell what all of those are, there seems to be no consistency. Some breeds seem to be hitting at two or three distinct sizes. And there are a lot of obvious mutants in there making it more difficult to figure out where things really fit.
I was kind of hoping for something along the lines of
this. Generic breed silhouettes labeled to be identifiable and on a height chart to give reference lines. Something easy to look at and understand without a lot of 'but there's an angeni there and there and I don't know what that mutant counts at between them and . . .
I love your images, they are very lovely. And I'm sure they are a great representation for your herd, but they don't really answer the question of breed average.
What I would love to see is a few charts. One that gives relative difference in size between male and female, with war and draft variants included [possibly include a human height for reference]. One for the assorted 'standard' size breeds, one for the 'small' size breeds [with flutter appearing on both] and one that shows all familiars in relation to a basic soquili.
I know it's maybe asking a lot of work and I understand if no one wants to put that together. But I think it would be helpful and could become part of the RP Guidebook complete with a disclaimer denoting that there are variations within every breed and cross breeds, mutations, and owner choice can cause differences from the breed standard size.
I really do appreciate the look at those soquili and their relative sizes to each other. Unfortunately seeing what look to be hippogryphs in three or four different places doesn't really tell me what a hippogryph's size should be in relation to an angeni, that show up twice, one near the front and another near the end.
Seeing the sizes for the familiars is interesting. But both goats and raccoons seem to have two distinct sizes. I appreciate personal variance for individual characters. But it just confuses the matter for me on what breed standard actually falls into.
I love having them based on actual horse breeds, it makes total sense for me. But a draft of a regular seems like it ought to be the size of a
Clydesdale while a regular would be around
Quarter horse size. From there you get into the idea of
different breeds and some of them are larger or smaller and each draft size should be proportionally larger than each regular lines size. I'm not sure where
war horse falls in the rage, I would think between draft and regular but slightly closer to regular.
Then you get into Angeni versus Cerynei versus Kalona and the regular, draft and war variants of each of those . . .
And I just realized I'm rambling and shouldn't be typing when it is two am.
I really do appreciate seeing your herd sizes mind. It just doesn't quite tell me where a standard Kirin falls in relation to a standard Hippogryph. They are all lovely. Thank you for sharing.