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Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:31 pm
He thought that this was an awful idea. As he made his way towards the lost clans encampment with his sister in tow, the zomboil continuously cast her very disapproving glances. She wanted in, apparently, but did she even really know what she was asking to do? He couldn't fully explain it to her, not quite, and he knew that throwing a first year student into the initiates was not just a bad idea, but a terrible one.

But she had blackmailed him, threatened him with calls home to their mother, which he knew would lead to nothing less then disaster. It was the worst mistake of his unlife to have let her follow him that day with the horsemen into that hunters camp. The worst decision he had ever made to allow her to be there, to watch what it was that he did, to let her see the secret he had been hiding. And it hadn't just been her, but what had seemed like the entire school. They all knew now, and many of them disapproved.

But it was too late for him now. He had made this commitment. Sophie still had a chance to say no.

He finally stopped once they were in the encampment. Horsemen passed them by with barely a glance, probably used to the students who came and went. He made sure to leave his hand bare today, his black mark of the lost clans a stark contrast against his pale and rotting flesh. The skin around the mark was still peeling, still darkening in various parts of his hand but he paid it no mind. He was a zombie, and these things happened. It was the hand he used most often in battle, it was the one most often injured. The wear and tear on his flesh was telling.

But never mind that now. He turned towards his sister, his visible eye piercing into hers. "This is stupid, you know." He said. "You've seen the lair, you've seen what they expect us to do. You're a healer Sophie. Can you really make yourself do whatever they'll ask you to do? Do you really want this?" He had said it all before, but he was saying it again. His last attempt at getting her to change her mind.

we'll do a couple of posts each then quote zoo~
PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:44 pm
Sophie trudged along behind Alex, still pretty up of it though she was making a decent recovery. Her physical wounds had healed, at least. It was the mental ones that caused the most concern; wounds that might leave scarring. The disapproving looks did not go unnoticed, however; even though she had been receiving them since they returned from the lairs the first time. He was stubborn, no doubt about that. But the ghoul was just as, if not more stubborn. Especially when it came to important matters such as this.

She frowned. He was acting as if she hadn't given this any though. As if she was just doing it for something to do. But she had gone over everything in the days leading up to now. She'd gone over everything and even though she knew of the things that may get asked of her, protecting her friends; those she knew and even those she didn't know yet who were horsemen or initiates. Of course, she felt for the hunters in a small way. But it was either them or those she cared about and honestly, how could anyone expect her to choose any differently?

Sophie hadn't realised Alex had stopped until she bumped into him, jerking back a little and staring at the ground for a few moments. She felt awful, putting him through this. But she'd feel even worse if something happened to him and she wasn't there trying to do everything she could to stop it. How could she explain that to everyone? She couldn't. Not when she knew what he was getting in to. She looked up and her eyes locked with his. There was no anger in them. Worry and perhaps a little fear. "I know, Alex," she started. "I went over this time and time again. Trying to find a way to keep myself out of it while being okay with you still in it. Trying to stay out while still keeping you and everyone else I know safe. But I couldn't find one. I.." she paused and swallowed hard. "I know what they might ask of me. It's not like I like the idea. But it's something I have to do."

To be honest, she was terrified of the idea. Terrified if not being able to go through with it and being punished. But she knew if it came down to it. Life and death. She wouldn't hesitate. Not for a second. Clearing her throat, she shifted her wait,mad jousting her stance so she was straight and proper. "Let's keep going. Medea might not even want me once she sees how tiny I am," a half attempt at a joke matched with a half attempt at a smile. She continued walking, knowing Alex would follow.


Super Trash


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:18 am
Alexander pursed his lips together. He had kept what he had been doing a secret for so long he wasn't even sure anymore what he wasn't allowed to tell others or what he had just decided to keep to himself for the sake of his own privacy. Yin knew the most about it, had been told everything that the zomboil could risk telling him.

Well, until all of those students had followed them through that portal, of course. Now Yin probably knew the least of anybody, but maybe that would mean he could tell him more.

"Remind me after this is over to tell you the story of how your older brother did something rash and stupid and desperate in an attempt to save the lives of six--no wait, I think it was actually seven students. Six was just the number of them that we managed to get back." He growled. He could have probably have told her before hand, but he had at least been kind enough to let her make her own decisions based on what she had seen.

Not that it meant he hadn't at least tried to convince her otherwise.

Turning, a feeling of hopelessness welling up inside of him, the zomboil continued shuffling along his way, past tents and small establishments, through an encampment that seemed not nearly as full as it used to, now that the lair was becoming more and more occupied. He hoped that Medea was even in, though somehow he was sure she likely already knew that they were coming...

He came to a halt outside of her tent, eyeing the guardian that stood outside.

"Last chance, Sophie...." He warned, before he addressed the towering man that guarded the entrance. "We're here to see Medea. New recruit." He jerked his thumb behind himself at his sister, whom the soldier glanced at, his face showing nothing but complete indifference before he shrugged and moved to the side.

"Well, go ahead." He gestured, sweeping his hand in a grand gesture towards the tent flap. "Ladies first." The smile he gave her was not in the least bit cheerful and did nothing to ease the intensity of the gaze he was giving her right now.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:24 pm
Sophie tilted her head. She wasn't exactly sure how something that saved lives could be considering resh, stupid or desperate but if there was a way she had no doubt in her mind that Alex had found it. Her fingers tugged on the bandages around her arms and she gave a simple nod. There wasn't much more she could say on the subject, was there. Not when she didn't know anything yet. Ah, but she'd have plenty to say when they had this little chat. This much was certain.

As they made their way to Medea's tent, Sophie kept her eyes on the ground. She didn't want any of the horsemen to see the nervousness in her eyes. The last thing she wanted to do was to go to all this effort only to be told to leave. That she was too weak. But wasn't that the point? Medea could make you stronger? Sophie didn't want to be stronger per se. She wasn't exactly going to be fighting all the time.. But she wanted to be able to protect her friends. Medea could give her that.

Alex's voice broke her from her thoughts and her eyes widened as she realised where they were. This was it. It was time. Alex's gaze didn't go unnoticed and she inwardly flinched. He'd never forgive her for this. Not completely. She avoided his gaze and stepped inside the tent, a bundle of nerves.




Super Trash


Magical Incubator

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:56 pm
There were actually several Priestesses inside, none of them bothering to even look up from their self-imposed Trance as they focused on one thing in the center of the room. The pyre, flickering deeply between several colours. Red. Green. Dark violet. And then a pure white.

Medea raised one hand just as the fire turned a deep black, before it diminished entirely. "Ah, guests." She moved quickly, past the other Horsemen to intercept the two at the door, the incense streaming thick. Was it their imagination or for a second as she scanned them, did she seem a little disappointed? It lasted only for the barest of seconds, before hiding in a reassuring smile.

"All those who seek guidance will receive it, no matter the current situation." It felt like the Head Priestess was reassuring them. "How may I help you students of Amityville today?"


PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:32 pm
Alexander's gaze bore into her as she made her way inside, hoping that somehow in the next five seconds she would change her mind and they could go on about their business back at Amityville. When she went through into the tent, he shuffled in after her, taking one last glance backwards into the day lit up by the pumpkin sun, knowing that when they left again, to him the world would seem just slightly darker then before.

He then turned back into the room and stopped dead in his tracks, pale eye widening at the sight. Priestesses, as in, more then just the one, all huddled around a pyre burning in colors that flickered and changed. As always, the smell of incense hung heavily in the air, and he made himself stop breathing, the scent making him feel faintly dizzy.

If Medea looked disappointed, he hadn't noticed. He had fixated his gaze on the pyre, though his usual uncontrollable fear of the flames seemed to have quelled quite a lot. That was really telling of how many of his experiences in Amity since arriving had involved fire, since he had really started to get used to it.

At Medea's question, his eye snapped towards her, and he nudged his sister forward.

"Go ahead, Sophie. Tell her what you want." He gave Medea a tight smile that didn't reach his eye.

"I'm just here for moral support." That was such a joke, but it wasn't in the least bit funny.




Ice-Cold Hunter


Super Trash

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:50 pm
As they entered the tent, Sophie's eyes burnt a little; the smoke from the pyre and the incense not agreeing with her. The fire itself made her uncomfortable; but she tried her best to keep that fact hidden, less she offend the Priestesses. Priestesses.. plural. It suddenly hit her. Was it normal to have more than one? Had they interrupted something important? She shifted awkwardly, a hand reaching up to smooth and stroke one of her pigtails. She tried to calm herself, taking a deep breath out of habit more than necessity. Her hands dropped from her pigtails and she stood tall, trying to seem a little less small than she was sure she looked at the moment.

And then Medea addressed them and she stared up at her in wonder. She held such power and yet her she was, willing to gift that power to those who wanted it. And Sophie wanted it. She needed it to protect those she cared about and those she would come to care about - the ones she had not met yet. And the Horsemen. She knew she did not understand the whole story and perhaps there were more sides to it, but all she knew was that Hunters had attacked Alex before that day and that itself was enough to put them on the ghoul's 'punch first, ask questions later' list.

She stumbled forward a little and her hand twitched, itching to grasp a pigtail for comfort. No, Sophie. Let's not look like a weirdo in front of the Priestess, she mentally chastised herself before looking up. "I wish.. I wish for power to protect those I care about," she looked down at hands that were now upturned, fingers slightly curled. "I'm not strong enough as I am and I'm tired of watching them be hurt or...," she swallowed hard. "Worse." Her gaze fell. "I understand the risks involved and what I may have to do. I've come to terms with it."


PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:17 pm
"Ah, there are no greater sacrifices then that of young spirit." Medea regarded Sophie in almost a fond fashion. "You seek for this guidance and power, already aware of the risks, but it is one thing to hear a tale and another to experience such a path. Tell me, child, if you were asked to take your given power and fight as a warrior, fight to protect as a warrior, would this task suit your decision? You may answer me honestly, we value privacy of choices just as importantly."



Magical Incubator


Super Trash

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:01 am
Sophie shifted a little, wondering if perhaps her answer would get her in trouble. She had fought for the Priestess before, though she wasn't asked. She wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place. Still, she had joined the battle field, given her life - even if only for a brief moment - and had every intention of killing the enemies she had made by simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she had been taken by surprise; hadn't been given a choice like she was being given now. Could she do it again when asked?

Her eyes drifted up and her lips pursed ever so lightly as she gave a nod. "I have fought as a warrior and to protect many times before without being asked to. I fought during the battle that just recently passed - protected those I knew and those I didn't know just as equally. If you will ask that of me and give me the power to do so, I will gladly accept."

Quickly, she shot a quick glance to Alex who was still showing his obvious dislike of what she was doing. He'd get over it eventually, but it would take time and perhaps a lot of ties.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:34 am
The Head Priestess smiled, faintly. "Indeed you have strong bonds, child, and these will be your guilding paths forward, great yet overwhelming. Remember always, your own voice: only you alone can nurture this power you seek, of a warrior and of an ally."

Medea paused enough to break from conversation, moving towards the pyre. The flames dimmed, lessened, and then began to glow a deep, sea-green tinged with the lightest hits of red. "Now then, let us begin. Your hand, young student." She opened her own hand, palm up, inviting.



Magical Incubator


Super Trash

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:15 am
A sigh of relief escaped Sophie's lips and she let herself relax for a very brief moment before she presented her hand to Medea, placing palm against palm. She eyed the flames and instantly she felt a sick feeling in her stomach. She didn't know how it happened but she had an idea it wasn't going to be something she'd enjoy. Painless, maybe - hopefully - but fire none the less. Or perhaps that was just for show.

She held her breath; regardless of whether she was actually breathing or not.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:09 am
It didn't hurt as Medea pulled Sophie closer to the flames. It didn't sting as her hand was drawn literally, over the fire, the contact unusual, a strange distant pulling sensation-

-As for a brief second everything inverted, the colours strange distorted oranges, blues, whites-

-As someone seemed to stare at Sophie, something even more intimidating, ancient than the Head Priestess herself, a presence-

-And then everything was right again. There was something cold pressed against the undead's palm. A simple fragment shard, and then burning on the back of her hand, the sigil of the Lost Clans. Medea nodded, encouragingly. "You are one of us, and we are a part of you: our paths have converged. This fragment, your fragment is your proof as a warrior, it will grant you power, but use it wisely as all power comes at a price."

The Head Priestess nodded. "Your fragment, your distortion crystalcommands great power. I am sure your close one will show and guide you our path, and when the time comes, so will we. Remember you are now protected. If you come to harm, as an initiate, you can call upon us as well. Your path shows promise and potential. It is a good omen."

She quieted, stirring back to her usual place, giving Sophie some time herself to think and reflect on what had transpired.



Magical Incubator


Super Trash

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:44 pm
Her eyes closed shut for a brief moment, waiting for the burning of the fire to cling to her hand. But nothing came and she slowly opened her eyes, the colours of the world twisting and the feeling of something staring at her taking over the ghoul. A chill went down her spine and as much as made her want to look away, she kept her eyes on the pyre. Just as quickly as it happened, it was over and she let herself relax a little.

Fingers curled around the fragment and she looked it over; red in colour she mused over the fact that something so small could grant her the power she needed; something so seemingly innocent and pretty. A price? Of course, this couldn't be something that was just handed over without any consequences.

As it was explained to her, Sophie nodded, taking in everything Medea said. "Thank you."It was done and she couldn't help but feel a little pride well up inside her. She'd been deemed worthy by the Priestess and it was something Sophie thought the world of; even if no one else would. Speaking of which.. she turned from the pyre and let her eyes fall on Alex who had stayed silent during the whole ceremony. She stepped towards him, her eyes focusing on the ground for fear of meeting his and seeing.. anger? Disappointment? Sadness? Most likely, all of the above. "So..."


PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:13 pm
He watched the exchange between the two silently, feeling almost as though he should leave and let them have the moment in private. Though he had gone through something similar under the watchful eyes of Salbei, it had been under much different circumstances. Desperation had driven him, then. Love for his bonded who he thought might be lost otherwise. He had taken on the role of an initiate for what Medea had done to help him, but he still wasn't sure how much he liked what it was that they were being asked to do.

He instantly and unconsciously tensed up as Sophie allowed her hand to be drawn towards the flames. He knew from experience that it didn't hurt, but the back of his right hand, where his own lost clans sigil lay etched into his rotting flesh, tingled nonetheless. All he had to do was step forward, reach towards her, and pull her back. All he had to do was tell her no, absolutely not, he was not going to allow her to do this...

And yet he stayed silent, watched until it was finished, watched until she had her own mark, just like his, on the back of her hand. Watched as a crystal appeared in her hand, glimmering red, just like his own as well. Blood relations they might not be, but he felt that now they were tied together in so many more ways, and the burden of what came next weighed heavily upon his shoulders.

"I will." He answered Medea, as he tore his gaze away from Sophie's distortion shard and let his eyes lock on those of the Priestesses.

And then it was simply over, and his sister was stood before him, eyes downcast, but why? Shame? Embarrassment? It was no good trying to hide herself now, and he sighed before he pressed his lips together into a firm line.

"So, we should get out of here, and let the Head Priestess get back to her work." Was his reply, and he tried to keep any emotions he might be feeling out of his voice, though he was sure a little bit of his annoyance still managed to slip through.

And then another sigh. It was over now, so what reason was there to still be upset with her? What was done was done. Now all he could really do was teach her all of the rest, explain the dangers, let her choose her own risks, and give her the grand tour.

"Come on." His tone shifted to something more grudging. "I'll take you to the Lair and show you around."




Ice-Cold Hunter


Magical Incubator

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:53 am
Medea simply smiled as both made their exit. "When the time is right, you will be called. You will be called perhaps, to make the time right." She simply waited patiently for the two to make their exit.


All done! She can participate in Lair Tasks now too!
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