Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:25 pm
☼~Opening Post~☼
Greetings to my plot thread. Feel free to look through the plots to see if one of your lucky soquili could be eligible for.
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:47 pm
☼~Table of Contents~☼
o. Opening i. ToC ii. Featured Soquili iii. Plots: Part 1 iv. Plots: Part 2 v. Taken plots vi. RP list vii. Form to fill out viii-ivx. Reserved
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:50 pm
☼~Featured Soquili~☼ Name: Yoi Kihaku Stage: Adult Species: Half Unicorn Gender: Female Temper: Felicitous Mate: No one Friends: None Enemies: No one Color typed in: Dark goldenrod
Personality: It's almost easy to describe Kihaku in one word. Happy! The girl is almost always delighted about something, whether it was big or small. Waking up to a new day is especially pleasing to her and she's always thankful to see it. She can't go on with the day without thanking it and her parents first. Once done with this task, she goes off to do whatever it was she planned for the day. But, Kihaku can't be described by only one word, she's not that simple. There's a whole slew of words that make up this felicitous unicorn.
Not only is she happy, she is very genial and pleasant. Just like her name means, she has a good soul and it is easy to see. The uni is cordial, always being wholehearted, and jovial. She has a spirit of good-fellowship and this spirit seems to seep out from her and into almost everything she does. She's friendly, kind, generous... and a number of other virtuous traits. Sincere in every way, Kihaku can't seem to find herself able to tell a lie, even if it would save her life. Many would say that she is so sweet it is sickening or disgusting... many of them would be right.
Because she is the first filly her father had to raise himself, he found himself being a little more protective of her than his first children. This and that he didn't want to make the same mistakes he made before. So, this lead to Kihaku being a bit sheltered, naive and curious about the world. Now this "reclusive" lifestyle didn't really hinder her, it just left her coy and modest. But truly being her father's daughter, she can be a little coquette. Occasionally, she will find herself, as she's talking, starting to flirt with the other and not even realize that she may be or may have done so. On the other hand, when she gets to know someone and becomes friends, she will more consciously flirt and tease with a soquili, but more in a playful manner... not with the same intent as her father. That being said though, something too blatant or "dirty" would still make her blush or even uneasy. Just because her father is a pervert, doesn't necessarily mean Kihaku is too. In fact, quite the opposite. She's rather dainty and feminine, so as stated earlier, most of her flirting is purely in play.
Other than this, the uni is quite animated and buoyant. It normally takes a lot for her to become upset or depressed, but that isn't to say that she can't become saddened over something. When she is bothered by something, usually a happy thought or image cheers her up again. Aware of her own feelings, how it is to have them hurt, and rather civil; Kihaku is sure to be considerate of others feelings, never wanting to hurt them, no matter if they may even deserve it. In fact, her magnanimous heart allows her to easily and quickly forgive transgressions made against her. This brings up her amiable and obliging nature. She's easily approachable as well as easy to talk to and loves to help others. This is so true, that one could ask her for a favor and rarely get a no as an answer. Unfortunately, one could take advantage of this and she would almost be blissfully unaware.
In the end, Kihaku is a comely, pleasant, and jolly unicorn.
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:54 pm
☼~Plots: Part One~☼Foal RP

Where am I? For Kihaku's first part in this long going plot, the young foal will find herself getting lost while on a trip with her father (self RP in tee-pee). During this time, they will both frantically search for each other, to no avail. While she is lost, she runs into another horse; either a foal that has to be home by a certain time, a foal or even an adult that stay or try to stay with her for the whole 5 days she will be lost for, or a soquili; foal or otherwise, that doesn't really care what happens to her. Note: No kalonas or skinwalkers at this point of time; full, half or any type of mix. More than one soquili may apply.
That's gruesome... Am I next?! In this plot, day two of being lost, Kihaku will meet her first Kalona. She comes across the soquili as it catches and eats another animal. Unable to run from sheer fright/disgust, the kalona senses or sees her. Now whether Kihaku gets attacked is up to the Kalona or if they are still hungry, but Kihaku will find herself barely escaping. Any gender can apply. Pure kalonas are preferred, but half-kalonas can apply as well as long as they're more kalona-ish in nature.
I can't swim! Day three of being lost and narrowly escaping death, the foal continues her search for home, help, or either of her parents. On this day, she comes across a river that she has to cross. Now, she's unsure if she could cross it, but on the other hand, she really had to. Finally, her need outweighed her common sense and she attempts to swim across. As she does, she finds that the current is too fast and that she is a poor swimmer at this point of her life and she is swept downstream. Now, she could meet another soquili before she comes across the river, still be with the one she met when she initially got lost, or "run into" another soquili as she's swept downstream, or she can run into numerous horses that may try to help. Any gender or species can apply, though an adult is preferred, a foal(s) can be accepted.
Oh... he's cute! This isn't necessarily a "bad luck" plot per say. But on the fourth day of being lost, Kihaku just runs into a colt she finds attractive and finds herself getting these unknown feelings for him. Pretty much a crush. She keeps these feelings to herself, thinking that they are things that one shouldn't have. Now this plot can go several ways after they separate: 1) She can grow up, never seeing him again and regret not ever telling the colt/stallion her feelings for him. 2) She can meet him again when they're both grown, tell him her feelings, and he can reject her (either nicely or not). 3) She can meet him again when they're both grown, tell him her feelings, he returns them, but in the end, ends up leaving her (See first plot under [As an adult]) 4) She can meet him again when they're both grown, tell him her feelings, he returns them and they become mates. (See second plot under Good luck/happenings) Any of the above can be discussed. Only foals can apply at this time.
Ow... I can't move my leg! On the last day of being lost, she's getting closer to escaping the forest and making it into the clearing. Anxiously, she hurriedly ran through the trees, especially after hearing her father call for her. On her way, she trips over something or crashes into something that leaves her with a broken limb. Just like the river plot, she can meet another soquili before she breaks the leg, still be with the one(s) she met earlier, or stumble across new soquili after obtaining the injury. Any gender, age, or species can apply.
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:57 pm
☼~Plots: Part 2~☼
Adult RP
Why does my heart feel like it was ripped out of my chest? In this plot, the grown Kihaku finds herself meeting a stallion, getting some feelings for him and confessing them. Now, he claims to share these feelings and the two stay together for awhile. But as she finds herself getting even closer to him, he just up and leaves, with or without, reason. Note: This is NOT a breeding plot, so no baskets will be produced before or after the stallion leaves. The stallion can be either one she never met before, or the same colt from the Oh... he's cute! plot. Any species can apply.
Can you make me feel better? [Pt. 1] After getting her heartbroken by a stallion, she's going to keep her head and hopes up. In fact, she does meet another stallion and hopes he will mend her heart. Any species can apply.
Are you sure this is right? [Pt. 2] The second part of this plot is that the stallion she finds, ends up using her or taking advantage of her somehow. (Can be discussed). Over time, she realizes what's happening is wrong, or a friend makes her aware of it and leaves the stallion, or the stallion can just get bored and leave himself. Again, this is not a breeding plot.
Why are you doing this to me?[Alt Pt. 2] Another "ending" of the two part plot could be that instead of using her, the stallion ends up abusing her. As for why, it doesn't really matter. It could be numerous reasons from; being in their nature, some deep seated hatred that happened as a foal, or just for fun. The abuse stops, either when her father finds out and chases the stallion away or the stallion just leaves on his own. Again, this is not a breeding plot.
I'm lost again?! [Pt. 1] Once again, Kihaku finds herself lost, this time at night. Now, she's not as scared as she was as a foal, so there's not much worry. Here, she can run into any other soquili to keep her company or maybe help her find her way, they can stick around or leave. Any species or age can apply.
Oh... hello there. What an interesting fur pelt. Oh no!!! [Pt. 2.] Once again, while lost, Kihaku runs into a not so nice soquili. This time, a skinwalker. Again, how injured she escapes as depends on the soquili, but she will be escaping. Only skinwalkers may apply, whether pure or not.
Good luck/happenings: Oh... my true friend... is life really worth living? Kihaku is normally hard to be found depressed, especially for such a long time, but after so much that has happened to her, as a foal and adult, she finds herself just moments from giving up on life. Just as she is about to lose heart, she comes across her best friend, who then talks her out of giving up and slowly brings her back to her normal, happy self.
Can this be true love? Can I trust you? After getting some confidence back, Kihaku finds herself willing to go back out into the world. Now after her father finally gets a mate, she starts feeling a bit lonely herself, but with her past experiences, also feeling a bit distrustful. Once again, she meets a stallion, but this time, she's a little more skittish and gives him a run for his money for her affections. Here is where he has to prove himself trustworthy. Now there are a few positions the stallion could be: 1) A brand new stallion she never met before. 2) The stallion from the first love plot trying to apologize for what he did before. 3) The same colt from the Oh... he's cute! plot. Any species can apply, but winds are preferred.
You want me to be your WHAT?! This is her final plot in this series. After meeting this stallion who was/is trying to win her heart, she eventually returns his feelings once she feels she can trust him. At this point of time, the stallion will ask her to be his lifemate where she will happily accept. This IS a breeding plot.
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:06 pm
☼~Taken Plots~☼
Plots taken so far
Part 1: -Where am I? • Aaron owned by vballlvr5 • Sah'erir owned by zephira738 *
-That's gruesome... Am I next?! • Open
-I can't swim! • Hathi, owned by Juliette078 *
-Oh... he's cute! • Jonathon Sparrow, owned by Devil Nightshade *
-Ow... I can't move my leg! • Aaron owned by vballlvr5
Part 2: -Why does my heart feel like it was ripped out of my chest? • Jonathon Sparrow, owned by Devil Nightshade *
-Can you make me feel better? [Pt. 1] -Are you sure this is right? [Pt. 2] -Why are you doing this to me?[Alt Pt. 2] • Open
-I'm lost again?! [Pt. 1] • Open
-Oh... hello there. What an interesting fur pelt. Oh no!!! [Pt. 2.] • Einar, owned by stormflower
-Oh... my true friend... is life really worth living? • Aaron owned by vballlvr5
-Can this be true love? Can I trust you? -You want me to be your WHAT?! • Frost owned by [+Katch+]
* = Unsure of status of RP/interest of continuing with plot, no replies have been posted in some time.
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:10 pm
☼~RP List~☼Current RPs with Kihaku (Plot related and non-plot related)
[<3] ○ Aaron. Tagged [<3] ○ Merashik. Tagged [<3] ○ Sah’erir. Tagged [<3] ○ Hathi Tagged [<3] ○ Johnathan Sparrow. Tagged [<3] ○ Tarik. Discontinued [<3] ○ Izefiah. No reply [<3] ○ Sakura. Tagged
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:05 pm
☼~Form~☼Form for you to fill out[size=24][color=#cc6699][b]I'm interested![/b][/color][/size] [size=9][img]Put your Soq here[/img] [b]Your Soquili's name:[/b] [b]Brief summary of personality:[/b] [b]Plot interested in:[/b] [b]Plot suggestions (If not interested in any listed plots):[/b][/size]
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:10 pm
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:13 pm
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:14 pm
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:15 pm
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:17 pm
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:21 pm
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:22 pm