Cosplay Rules
Just a reminder of what a cosplay is, feel free to post any I miss.
• Cosplay Soquili are not required to be edited - if your cosplay only requires coloring, it still counts as a cosplay.
• Cosplays can be bought of commercial characters or your own original characters. Non-commercial designs are off limits unless you obtain written permission from the creator.
• Soquili based on an existing pet (or pets) that you own are considered Original Characters.
• Real life people are not allowed as Soquili cosplays.
IE, A cosplay of Jack Sparrow is allowed. A cosplay of Johnny Depp is not. Likewise, you can have cosplays of outfits/designs inspired by one in a music video, but the soquili will NOT be a cosplay of the singer/performer and actually falls under Artwork.
• Character Cosplays - Only ONE Soquili of any named, unique character can exist.
Rules on Variant Versions of Cosplays: 1. Characters with Multiple Forms - when a character has two very distinct looking forms from the same series (either able to change back and forth, or representing a drastic change over time) multiple versions of the character CAN exist in soquili, IF permission is granted from the owner of the first version made. It is up to the owner(s) to decide how to work out the stories in soquili-world, but they cannot ICly be the SAME soquili due to the multiple-version rule, if multiple versions are made. Alternatively, with permission from the shop owner (if a change in breed is required), one version may be re-customed into the alternate version by the same owner, but there is no ability of the soquili to switch between forms. The change is permanent.
Examples: Darth Vader & Annakin Skywalker, Link & Wolf-Link
2. Multiple Incarnations in the same series - If a character has been re-invisioned in the series, there can only be ONE soquili based on the character. The soquili can be redone to represent a different version if the owner changes their mind, but it replaces the original.
Examples: There can only be 1 Sephiroth, regardless of if KH version or FFVII, or the movie. 1 Joker, regardless of if Heath Ledger version, Jack Nicholson, animated batman versions, comic book batman versions, etc.
3. Re-invisionments in different Series - Some characters from series which have become open domain have been reinvisioned in different forms. IF the character has a different name, and is at least 50% different from another soquili version, then an alternate version of the character can be made.
Examples: The Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz vs Glitch from "Tin Man" vs Fiyero (human-form) from "Wicked"
4. Twins and Clones - if a character has a twin or clone that existed independently from its counterpart with a different name in its source material, then both can exist in Soquili.
Examples: Fred & George Weasley
arrow Please note that Pokemon & WoW mounts are NOT cosplays:
LIMITED THEME *NEW*: Limited Theme has been Removed from the restrictions: in a shop this big We cannot keep track of what is a Limited species and what is an Original character made with a base of something that exists.
However soquili made out Gaia Evolving Items, Wildlife (Real world - ex: Reticulated Giraffe, Grevy's Zebra, Red Eyed Treefrog, etc. - And Fictional - Pokemon, WoW Mounts, Dungeons & Dragons monsters, Moogles.), Flora (real World and Fictional), and Artwork CANNOT be identical to existing Wildlife soquili of a similar base and must be treated like an Original Character. (Ex. Black Jaguar Soquili A is a Half Unicorn with Wild templated hair. Black Jaguar Soquili B is a regular with an Up-do and a feather-layered tail, Jewelry, and a feathered headdress. Black Jaguar Soquili C has Forever Foal Mane and a long tail. Due to the reproduction of items, the base markings are all different in layout and hue, despite all being clearly based on Black Jaguars.)
This rule change is due to the fact that there are too many OC's from other shops and variations made in soquili and nature itself to really make restricting people in this field near impossible with a shop this size.
They can only have bare minimum similarity with existing ones (meaning: different marking set ups, different hairstyles, different accessories.) REGARDLESS of Gender (So a male and female ninetails cannot be identical/same style to each other unless they are siblings and permission is given by the owner of the existing one)