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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[PRP/1v1] A Woman Scorned (Deryk / Amrita) Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Enoh Love

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:01 pm
Why she entered the Haunted House in her actual body today was a mystery.

Lately, every time she visited the place she left her body somewhere hidden, and if she came across a Hunter, well...it worked in her favour. It meant she could mess with them without having to worry about them getting back to her sooner rather than later, and that made her feel safe. Today though, she didn't stash her patchwork self away...so today, hopefully, she wouldn't need to resort to using her particular...talents.

So she wandered the place, always amazed that she had yet to come across the same room twice. Today it seemed the place was keen to show her clutter, the same clutter that had probably built up over hundreds of likely thousand years. Toys she had never seen before, books so old they were practically dust...and yet in that one corner was a brand new bike, and over on that pile of garbage bags teetered a futuristic looking questionable sort device she didn't even want to touch out of curiousity.


There was so much clutter and so much to look at she didn't even think to keep her guard up, and the more she wandered this seemingly endless room of requirement the less she worried about coming across anyone; even if she did, there was plenty to hide behind and even more to use as weaponry.

"Whoops!" Amrita yelped as she backed up and into a pile of old candelabras, causing then to slide noisily to the ground and clatter around her. "...Ahem." She cleared her throat then, sidestepping the mess and whistling as if nothing happened.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:10 pm
Deryk had recovered for the most part. He wasn't quite 100% yet, but he could at least take on some easier tasks. Patrolling the Haunted House... sometimes was just that. It really depended on who else was in there, if anyone. With luck he'd either find a not so hostile student who won't attack him on sight, or no one at all.

Upon coming in, he found himself in what appeared to be a rather cluttered attic. There was all sorts of things in here and he found himself looking them over in curiosity. They all looked pretty old. How long was this place here? Did it really accumulate or was it just spawned this way by the house?

This house was full of mysteries to say in the very least.

His guard was lowered, until he heard someone yelping, followed by a crash. That voice was.. familiar. Fidgeting a bit, he decided to give a gamble. If things got too rough, he could try escaping. A fight was not something he wanted right now. Not when his body was still tender from his near death experience with Rep.

"Uh... Y-you alright? Something happen?" he called out, looking for the source.  

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

Enoh Love

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:17 pm
Amrita froze at the sound of a voice, her innocent whistle cutting off abruptly. It was a male voice, and a familiar one at that...but not the nice kind. It was one that poked at old wounds and grated on her nerves without even fully recognizing who it was. A voice that left a sour taste in her mouth already, after a whole of four words.

It was enough to make her pick up an item from a nearby pile - a frying pan, apparently, and to put her back towards a pile of junk, making it one less angle she had to look out for.

"I'm fine, no need to worry, carry on." She murmured dismissively, trying to lower her voice a couple octaves in the hopes he'd do as she asked. Hopefully he didn't have the same familiar feeling with her voice, and even more hopefully he wouldn't act any further on it.

His name was on the tip of her tongue, but it was one she didn't want to truly recognize.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:22 pm
She was speaking some more, and Deryk now had a better idea of who it was. The patchwork girl! One of the unfortunately students who.. had also been captured some time ago. It.. sounded like she was doing alright. Quite frankly, he was completely unaware that she had any sort of grudge against him and thought things were still cool between the two, so he found himself relaxing.

"Oh! Uh..Um.. darn...what was it... Ah! Amrita! That you? Been awhile... Everything been alright? Nothing crazy... er.. well. Too crazy happening?" he said while wandering around through the clutter.

It was kind of nice to know there was somewhat of a 'friendly' in this room.

Less chance of him getting his head cut off or something like that.  

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

Enoh Love rolled 2 10-sided dice: 2, 6 Total: 8 (2-20)

Enoh Love

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:52 pm

He called her name and he kept talking, so there was no way she could escape recognizing him now. She knew that voice very well, from this place and from the island. The Hunter known as Deryk Bond: the only Hunter she found herself liking, and the one she quite honestly believed betrayed her. The dread welled up inside her, that sour taste in her mouth turned acidic, and now whistling was the furthest thing from her mind. She wanted to run and cry, but at the same time she wanted to rend him to tiny, unrecognisable pieces.

His voice was getting closer and her grip on the frying pan became tighter and tighter, her knuckles changing colour with every ounce of pressure. Each step, each word seemed to limit her chances of running as she hoped, which really left only one option:

When he rounded the pile of junk on her left her eyes narrowed, lips peeled back in a threatening sneer...and then she threw the frying pan at his head with all her might.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:59 pm
Deryk blinked as he didn't hear a response from Amrita. Was something wrong? He began to look for her, and as he came around a large pile of junk, he saw something coming at him of the corner of his eyes. Turning, there was a loud THUNK as the frying pan him him squarely on the head.

"OW!" he yelped before grabbing his head. That hurt! With a groan, he squinted across the way to see the patchwork there. Maybe she was just jumpy... Maybe she didn't recognize him? He knew these students could be rather wary of the hunters.

And for good reason.

"Oooww.. what was that for?" he whined, "Tis me, Deryk. Remember? Not looking for a fight. No."

He kept one hand on his head but brought the other up to try and wave defensively at her. From the looks of things, he didn't even have Tooley summoned at the moment.

HP: 48  

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

Enoh Love rolled 2 10-sided dice: 7, 10 Total: 17 (2-20)

Enoh Love

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:17 pm
There was a small glimpse of smug pride when the telling thud of metal hitting flesh rang through the air, but it was quickly swept up under the disgust that filled her, the betrayal that still ate away at her, and the discomfort of the parasite she imagined she could still feel.

He was whining at her, but she wasn't listening. Instead she reached into the pile again, blindly grabbing something as if taking her eyes off him would spell disaster. It didn't matter that his weapon wasn't summoned. In fact, she didn't even notice he was unarmed. Nothing mattered except for her own selfish pain for once.

"Don't you take another JACKING step!" She nearly growled. Whatever she had been holding was thrown at him, and immediately after she was searching for yet another thing to throw. Luckily, there were plenty...and she seemed hell bent on throwing everything at him. "Get OUT!" Another thing, lobbed.
Blade Kuroda rolled 1 8-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-8)
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:22 pm
Much to his dismay, Deryk was now being assaulted with a bunch of flying objects.

"ACK! OW! owowowowow! cutitout! AH!"

The hunter flailed and retreated behind a suit of armor that was standing. Hopefully it would help keep him safe from the flying objects. He didn't want to fight right now still. Little did he know, this suit of armor was of extremely poor quality.

"Calmdown! What'sgotten into you!?" he cried out before wincing. Too much activity was aggravating his wound. Not to mention he got hit in the chest a couple of times.

HP: 37
Defense: 1  

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

Enoh Love rolled 2 10-sided dice: 10, 10 Total: 20 (2-20)

Enoh Love

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:30 pm
"You don't get to tell me what to do!" Amrita's voice was hard and angry, pausing her assault for a moment and only to get her point across. She was seething, she was angry, and she had a whole room of various things at her disposal. There was no way Deryk was getting out of this, not on her watch.

"I TRUSTED YOU!" This time she screamed, her voice pitched with pain. She threw one more thing at him but it was half hearted at best; this was the first time since it happened that she was expressing herself about it, truly letting out all the rage and pain she had felt since it happened but never let out. Her strength returned to her and her assault continued, keeping him at a distance by throwing as many heavy things at him as she could manage. The bottle she had been keeping it locked up in was not only uncorked, but thoroughly shattered.

It took her long enough, really.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:44 pm

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

Blade Kuroda rolled 1 8-sided dice: 8 Total: 8 (1-8)

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:54 pm
Okay. Amrita did recognize him apparently, but Deryk was incredibly confused. She sounded livid. She claimed that he betrayed her. He... didn't really know what she was talking about. Did she blame him for her capture..? She certainly didn't act that way when he spoke with her during the interrogations..

The armor he was hiding behind crumbled and he was under a full assault once more. The hunter retreated back, trying to find something heavier to hide behind. He found a desk, and he quickly took cover behind it. Damn his body was hurting right now though.

Haunted house patrol was a bad idea. He should have done something like pod duty instead. That would have been a lot safer.

"Don't... know what you're talking about..." he said, though it was more quiet. Shouting just hurt a little more.

"You blame me for your capture..? Wasn't the one who made that call. Wasn't the one to decide... anything... Sorry you were taken but.. you got out right? You.. seem fine now..?"

If he had learned anything, it was that he really had no weight among the hunters. He had to obey orders. The end.

HP: 24
Enoh Love rolled 2 10-sided dice: 5, 5 Total: 10 (2-20)
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:05 pm
"FINE? DO I LOOK FINE TO YOU?! Yeah, right you don't know!" Amrita growled out, at least proving that she was listening despite her rage. "He said we were chosen by someone! And you---" A computer mouse was picked up and thrown at him, or at least in his direction. She wasn't even sure any more. "---You were the only Hunter that wouldn't have tried killed me on the spot! Never of this Candidate bullshit from them!" Her eye was burning and the acid in her mouth was starting to feel like cotton.

"You told me you hated the way things were being run! You tried to be nice to me while I was on the island! You made me trust you! I thought you were different! A-and then---" Her voice hitched and her assault finally stopped, if only for a stitched hand to hold her mouth to stifle a pain filled sob. "-Was the tag your idea, too? Wh-when I couldn't just skip along like Israfel did, did you suggest they do that to me? To us?" She was angry, that much was clear; but her voice was breaking as more and more sobs tried to tear free from her throat.

Enoh Love

Blade Kuroda rolled 1 8-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-8)

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:14 pm
Things were hitting the desk. Deryk didn't dare peek out until the items stopped flying. Even if he were to try and fight back right now, he'd have to volley things back. There was no way he could come fight normally while he was pinned down like this. The things she said worried him more.

"Wh-what? Who said that?" he managed to stammer out, completely confused. What was going on here?

"I-I don'tknowwhatyou'retalkingabout! WHAT tag? Caelius said you guys were going to be let out! I DO hate the way things are run. WAS NEARLY EXECUTED BECAUSE I TRIED TO DEFY ORDERS!" he said as his voice began to rise. He was getting distressed, "And now someone else has a stupid bracelet on them that could get him killed if the higher ups decides he messed up again! Two people were exiled in the sahara desert, for the horsemen to deal with or to just die cuz of it. Don't like the way things are run. Have no power to change things. Have to obey orders or I will die. Or someone else has to suffer because of it. Don't know what you are talking about... "

He could hear her voice breaking and the hunter just pulled his knees up as he huddled behind the desk some more. This was so ******** up. Apart from being stuck in his trap on the island, it seemed like he was losing Halloween allies too. Amrita was one, but did Lizzy also change her mind about him? Was he really going to have to be forced to take action against them?

HP: 24
Defense: 6  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:37 pm
"Caelius, who else?!" Amrita shouted back, the items no longer flying as Deryk started talking; she needed the time to wipe her face and compose herself any way. She pressed her hands against her face, pawing her eye to clear it of the almost congealed substance that were apparently her tears. Part of her was listening to him as she fought to control herself, to bite back the sobs and stifle any attempt her body made to cry. She had done enough of that on her own, and she certainly didn't need this Hunter to see or hear her breaking down.

"Yeah, he let us out...after he tagged us!" The venom in her voice was back, and only seemed to get worse the longer she spoke. "Now I have to watch what I say, and who I look at, and what I do...and maybe one day I'll be forced to turn on my friends! All because of this JACKING TAG!" She cried out before she sniffled, which was a vaguely odd noise coming from someone with half a nose at best. Deryk had a way of making her feel bad for him, even despite all her rage; maybe this was all his fault, but maybe he was forced to betray her, too? Regardless, she was sure it was him that did it, even with all his honest-sounding words of confusion to the contrary.

"I don't believe you! If you hate it that much why don't you just leave them? Why did you even join them in the first place?" She scoffed, folding her arms across her chest.

At least she wasn't throwing things any more.

For now.

Enoh Love

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:43 pm

Suddenly Deryk paled, not that Amrita could see right now.

"You mean... everything I j-just said... th-they might have heard that..?" he said in a very small voice. He was now. Very. Very worried for his own welfare. It sounded like she had some sort of bug on her. He was going to have to look into what it was exactly when he got back.. assuming that he wasn't decapitated for the things he had just said.

"Didn't know what I was getting into. Just thought I might be able to be like a hero. Beating up bad and saving people. I guess... in a way. Yeah. that still happens."

When dealing with horsemen and their attacks on the human world at least.

"There's no leaving," he said, sounding rather nervous. He wasn't sure how much he should really say about voicing what he felt. Not if she had something like a listening device on her.

"Not unless I wanna die. Or go crazy like Mike did," he murmured before saying more loudly, "N-Not that I plan on deserting! Nope. Not gonna be a deserter."  
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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