Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:23 pm

A herd for soquili who are lost, abandoned or simply traveling
Join Form in the 'Job Title' post!
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:26 pm
The idea of the Astilbe herd was born when the leaders, Ryuichi and Zelia, were having a late night reflection of all their gains and losses. While they traveled they had adopted 3 usdia and a full-grown mare, on top of having 2 rogue children of their own. They had lost these 2 blood children, a curse set by the Halloween night they were conceived.
Together they decided to create the Astilbe herd, a open herd for the traveling, lost, abandoned, and misguided. While there is a hierarchy, like every herd, the Astilebe don't really believe in 'ranks'. Everyone is an equal, a large family unit working toward the same goals. These goals being the betterment of the herd and helping those who come to the herd. Every member, no matter if the visit is short or long, takes on a job to benefit the family. Every job is just as important as the last.
Violence and fighting will not be tolerated within the herd. Two arguing members will be driven apart and either talk through the problems with a Protector present or told to go for a walk to cool off. Every story had two sides and each side will be listened to with equal concern. Meat eating soquili are allowed into the Astilbe herd, it is just asked that such meals are taken away from the eyes of others as not to upset anyone. However, soquili who eat other soquili or are 'evil' are not permitted into the herd.
Members of the herd are not restricted by race unless Kalona, Skinwalker or other violent race. Foals can be adopted by short or long-term members, though permanent members are generally preferred. This must be a mutal agreement between foal and tentative guardian and neither can be forced into either role.
The Astilbe herd is open as resting area for weary travelers. No one is required to become a permanent member. They are free to come and go as they please. If they are searching for another, they can ask for assistance from the Astilbe Travelers or Protectors who will aid them in their search.
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:28 pm
Every adult member of the herd is required to take a job, no matter how short their stay. Children are not required to have jobs and are encouraged to play, have fun, and be children. All jobs have a Lead position. These are for permanant members of the herd and are to help teach new members the role. Protectors - These members protect the herd at all costs. They must be fit and know at least basic fighting skills. Not only to they protect from outside threats, they also deal with internal fights. Fights within the herd are broken up and it is up to the Protector to hear both sides and try to come to an agreement. Healers - These members heal wounded members of the herd. While most of the healers are at least half-unis, non-unis can also join this role and can heal with the use of medicinal herbs. Healing does not have to consist of skin lesions, they can also consist of internal injuries such as tummy aches. Guardians - These members watch over the foals and baskets. They entertain the children, teach them about the world around them, and protect them to the best of their ability. Gardeners - These members grow and forage for food. They don't only tend to food but can also grow flowers or herbs for healers. Storytellers - These members tell true and fantasy tales. These stories are to entertain or to teach lessons to members of the herd. Storytellers tend to be wizened soquili, with extensive knowledge or imagination. Guides - These members help others search and find missing individuals. They are often gone from the herd for various periods of time but will eventually return. Traveling soquili can request the help of a Guide to travel with them as they search for lost friends or family members. Midwifes - These members help pregnant mares through the process of labor. They also give advice on conception and adoption. Midwifes help Guardians with adoption if another member wishes to adopt a foal or basket. Joining the Herd - Please complete this form and post it here in the thread [b]Name:[/b] [b]Cert:[/b] [b]Uncert:[/b] [Not required] [b] Info: [/b] [A short description of your soquili's personality and story] [b]Basket, Foal or Adult?[/b] [b] Adoption?:[/b] [If you have a foal or basket, would you consider them having adoptive parents? It is okay if you do not know yet ] [b]Desired Job & Why:[/b] [Baskets & foals are not required to have jobs.] [b]Temporary or Permanent Resident?:[/b] [It is okay if you are unsure] [b]Other[/b] [ I probably for got something, if you can think of anything add it here ]
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:30 pm
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:41 pm
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:59 pm
I declare this herd open for posting!!
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:03 pm
And I claim a reserve post for me x3 <3
We would also love to hear what you think about our idea. If maybe you like the idea but are reserved to join because it is missing something?
We would also love any advice you may have. Fuzzy and I are very new to creating herds lol.
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:36 pm
Name: Clef Cert: Uncert: XxX Info: Clef grew up in a not so conventional family, he has two fathers Lijep and Tsubasa. His mother comes from the ice tiger family line and decided to help Lijep start his family. At first things seemed fine but, Clef grew weak / sickly and had to stop his young explorations. As such he never got to see as much of the outside world..he's a bit naive when it comes to 'love' etc. (Like I said he needs rp x - x ) Loving, kind and still a bit fragile as an adult he has a huge heart..not much of a fighter but, a lover who spends his days going on small expeditions out into the world. Currently he lives with Tsu and Lijep because his fathers are a little overprotective and want to make sure he doesn't over do anything. This however could change..Clef knows he cannot stay there forever and, longs to see more of the world. So he will leave them and, stumble upon this herd c; Tis my plan~ He's a little rough around the edges personality wise but, I think he would fit in well! Basket, Foal or Adult? Adult Adoption?: N/A Desired Job & Why: Gardener; Having been sick for most of his young life / young adult life he'd really love to help grow herbs for healing and, is always eager to collect food o v o Temporary or Permanent Resident?: Temporary for now? c: Other Nothing that I know of
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:49 pm
Name: Annika Cert: Uncert: XxX Info: Quiet, a bit lost..Annika used to lash out and not care about others but, after many bad encounters with some very mean/ evil soq she's become a better albeit slightly paranoid mare. Kind, skittish and gentle it would take a lot to stir her up and even then it would be hard to have her fight..she fears being hurt again so tends to shy away from conflict. Most recently Annika's future lifemate left her injured, alone and scared..with the last bit of strength she stumbled about in search of help (Which is how she'd end up in the herd's land/ area where they are.) After receiving help she'd have no where else to go and would feel completely broken/lost/ betrayed..so Annika would ask to stay as a permanent member. Basket, Foal or Adult? Adult Adoption?: N/A Desired Job & Why: Maybe Midwife / a midwife's apprentice of some sort xD ; She's never had foals but, would enjoy helping bring new life into the world..I think it would distract her from the current situation she's in. Temporary or Permanent Resident?: Permanent Other N/A
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:42 pm
May have to volunteer a Lead Storyteller, but will have to ask his mate's owner first... ninja
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:08 am
My apologies for my delayed reply! I'm currently out of town!
Both Annika and Clef are accepted!
Latonia - I look forward to hearing back from you!
Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:52 am
Name: Berry Cert: Uncert: Berry Uncert Info: Berry was found as a basket by her adoptive Mother and Father, a pair of Wild Horses. She grew up outside the Soquili lands, watching her adoptive Father wander off protecting the herd. When she was old enough she wanted to know what he kept leaving the herd to go off and do, and eventually found her way to the Soquili lands. She's a sweetheart with a natural curiosity and almost child-like quality, she loves to play and explore and meet new possible friends. Basket, Foal or Adult? Adult Adoption?: N/A Desired Job & Why: Gardener. Her curiosity is acting up and she wants to learn something new! She could also be a Storyteller, though her stories would be more of fantasy and of her old home outside the Soquili lands. Or she could be a Guardian, as she loves to play and have fun as well and can be protective if the need arises, she doesn't like seeing others sad or injured. she'd be pretty pleased to be doing any of these 3 jobs during her stay. Temporary or Permanent Resident?: Temporary with a possibility for permanent. Other Her Child-like quality usually comes out around foals or other playful adults. For her full story see my teepee!
Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:41 pm
Name: Kelakohr Cert:  Uncert: N/A Info: Kelakohr is part of a large family, and so delights in being in the thick of a group whom he cares deeply about. He is a family-oriented Soq and hopes to start his own (soon enough) now that he has a Lady he can see spending forever with. Being from a distant land, he comes bearing tales of what his life was once like, and is happy to share all that he knows with any that has time to hear it. As far as being part of a group, outside of tale-telling Kel is simply a comforting, quiet presence. He is rarely angered (and usually it has something to do with his sibling) and is capable of staying cool in a stressful situation due to some warrior background (though rarely does he share tales of this). Kel has a traveler's heart and a storyteller's soul, and thinks he'd fit in well with this little band. Basket, Foal or Adult? Adult Adoption?: N/A (But he would adopt, if we're looking at it that way.) Desired Job & Why: Lead Storyteller- As said above, Kel comes from a distant land with many stories -of his family, their mythical background, the land and history in general- to share. He picks up tales here and there in this land as well, and is always glad to share a story. While he is musical like many of his family, he prefers to talk rather than sing. Temporary or Permanent Resident?: Permanent (As long as he has time to be with his Mate and visit his family) Other Skills: As a Unicorn Kel is also a Healer, and music rushes strongly through his veins so he can dance and sing (though it is a rare occurrence he shares this with others).
Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:35 pm
I'm happy to say that all of your soq have been approved into the Astilbe Herd! Let me know if you would like a induction rp :3
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:30 pm
Name: Yanamari Cert: CertUncert: Uncert Info: InformationBasket, Foal or Adult? Adult Desired Job & Why: Midwife. Growing up as the oldest of seven siblings, I think that Yanamari has experienced enough of childbirth and childrearing to find a place as a midwife in this heard. Temporary or Permanent Resident?: Permanent. As for now, she is a wanderer, but it would be wonderful for her to find a place where she could feel at home. Other heart