User ImageName: Andreas Papadakias
Nickname: Papa
Age: 25
Position: Seme
Likes: classical music, poetry, fine art, cute things, cooking, moonlit walks.
Dislikes: crowds, noise, cruelty, rudeness, laziness, not being in control
Personality: Andreas has very refined manners, he is quiet, reserved, dedicated, loyal, kind, romantic, sensual, and gentle; however he can also be possessive and jealous and vengeful at times. He is very mature for his age due a strict and isolated upbringing.
Bio: Andreas comes from a very wealthy and powerful Greek family however he has more or less disowned his family, refused his inheritance, sold his shares in the family businesses and disappeared to make his own independent life - this was due to moral and ethical issues he had with his father on a personal basis and the family on a business basis.

Slave: None yet. Andeas is seeking an uke slave younger than himself as a companion, he's seeking someone he can educate, nurture and protect. He will most likely be drawn to someone who genuinely needs the theraputic careTLC he can give.