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[PRP] A New Home (Thrain & Shaheen)

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Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:57 am

The war chieftain sat back on her heels in the middle of the room, gaze sweeping over what little remained inside what was her bedroom, even as unused as it had been. A pile of blankets in a corner, a small table she had built herself in another with an unlit candle atop it, and broken glass that had been swept to the side by a broom that now rested next to the doorway. She reached up to swipe away the curly tendrils of hair that had fallen in front of her eyes with the back of her hand, then rose to her feet with an almost inaudible sigh.

She was really going to do this, then. She was going to abandon this house for another, one that she would have to share, and where almost none of the possessions belonged to her, save for what she would bring, and also where she was sure to spend almost every waking minute fighting with her fellow housemates.

A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and she turned away, leaning down only to make a grab for the bag that lay on the floor before she walked out and made her way to the front door, where two other smaller bags of items sat upon the floor. She reached out to open the door, with one hand, stepping over the threshold and outside, swinging her arm out to toss the bag she held, while also turning back towards the open doorway to grab for the other two bags.

If a blonde death horsemen happened to get walloped by the thrown bag, well, Shaheen really hadn't been paying that much attention to anybody that might have been passing by. Either that or she didn't really care.

Aye Avast-
this is the starter you get because idk
PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:41 am

For a total of one whole day, Thrain had been on the reserve. It was alright so far, but today he had to find his own place to live. They'd let him stay in one of the many guest rooms for the first night, but he really wanted to start working on his own little version of a safe place. Even if it was small, that was fine. So long as it was something to call a temporary home.
This necessitated that he wander the reserve in search of homes. It would be silly to stop and ask someone where he could get a home when he could just go out and do it himself. Unfortunately that meant he got a little lost and ended up finding something that looked like houses. Huh...
So placidly the horseman wandered by the houses, blinking at them and pausing every so often. One in particular had him pausing, especially when the door he'd stopped in front of opened.

It was just then that a certain blonde Death horseman did happen to get walloped by a certain thrown bag from a certain blonde War horsewoman. Thankfully, he had experienced a number of things being thrown at him over the years. Mostly cold things in the most recent of times, but always very heavy and painful to be on the receiving end of said object. To have a bag tossed at his face, one full of probably knick knacks or clothing, that was nothing! It was like having a pillow tossed at his face!
"Greetings, thrower of bags." Thrain spoke up as he held out his hands and watched the bag fall down to them. For a moment he blinked at the bag, then up at the woman in the doorway. War, rather tall, pretty but also a little scary.
"I do believe this belongs to you." Unsure of what else to do, he held out the bag to her with a neutral expression.


Ok help me decide which color is best for Thrain, this one that is his eye color

Ooooor this one that is his clothing color XD YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE heart


Sparkly Bunny


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:46 pm

Shaheen turned around abruptly, her head snapping towards the sound of a greeting that seemed to come from nowhere. She felt her fingers wrapping instantly around the hilt of a dagger, her upper lip curled back from her teeth, and she took a step backwards into her house, instinctively feeling a strong feeling of fight or flight, and looking as though she wasn't sure which option to choose.

When she caught sight of her not-assailant, however, she felt some tightening panic in her chest begin to ease, though it didn't disappear completely. Her dagger went unsummoned, there and gone again so quickly he might not have even seen it. She began to straighten from her partially crouched position, smoothing her face into what she hoped was a mask void of emotion, a face that was streaked with evidence of her affliction.

She looked him over carefully. He was not one that she recognized right away, though his garb would suggest that he was of Death. Funny, she didn't really know many of that clan, besides the obvious Head Priestess.

"Greetings." She replied, her voice wary as she reached out slowly towards the bag, and then stopped, and gave her head a small shake, and closed her eyes for just a second as though doing so would stifle the voices that were choosing that moment to raise in volume. When she opened them again, she felt only slightly better, and she grabbed for the bag and pulled it back towards herself rather hastily.

Now, at this point she felt that she could quite easily just take two more steps backwards, and slam the door in the face of the man that stood there blinking at her. But there was just something about him that seemed...off. And not bad way, really. He wasn't showing any kind of emotion to give her any hints but....on a hunch she asked, her eyes narrowing at him as her brows furrowed in a look of confusion, her own mask slipping away.

"Are you...lost?"

Weren't they all...

hrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmm I think I like the blue~
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:48 am

While The Lairs were wholly unfamiliar for him, the War clan was only a little more familiar so when the woman before him literally bristled from hearing someone unknown that wasn't horribly out of place. But the reach for the dagger, a summoned weapon where it was not necessary made the Guardian tense up. Sudden attacks were everyday occurrences on post, for how was a good Guardian supposed to protect his Priestess if his response time was slow? But response time and the need to launch into an attack were not one in the same, the Guardian only stood there with his hands tensed around the bag, waiting for what would happen. As he stood there, the War woman looked him over, unsummoned her dagger and returned his greeting. Quite belatedly.
One eyebrow rose slowly at her cautious word, shifting slowly from tensed back to... Mildly confused. What was going on? It was his first day! He just... Wanted a home?

"Ah..." What a question! Because he was, but in more than just the directional sense. But it would be rude to assume this War woman was rude, perhaps just... Off kilter. Given what had happened to them all, her understood. So in attempt to ease her he squared his shoulders and let one side of his mouth tilt up in a friendly manner. "Yes. I am. I am... Looking for a place to live. I am new... Fresh off post and... Quite lost."

omg this sucks I'm sorry I love you


Sparkly Bunny


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:27 pm

Ah, so he was new then, but not one of the recently returned dead. She eased her way further out of the doorway, still gripping her small bag of belongings, though in a more relaxed manner then before. He had just gotten there, fresh off post as he had said it, and needed a place to live?

....Hrmmm...now that was an interesting prospect. Shaheen pursed her lips and tilted her head to the side as she silently studied him, some curly tendrils of hair falling in front of her eyes though she just ignored them like they weren't even there.

Another slow step towards him was taken, putting further distance between her and the relative safety of her home behind her. "So you have only just arrived, then?" She frowned a little, her head un-tilting. "I remember how that felt, when I first came here. There were no lairs then, just the reserve in Halloween, near that Academy. I was... a little late arriving myself, though for different reasons then your own." The insanity, the phoenix that had nearly consumed her....she shook her head against the memories of it now, as it only made the voices in her head worse to dwell on it for long.

"Anyways," Her voice suddenly cracked like a whip, whatever softness and calm curiosity she'd had instantly gone. "This is where those of War build their dwellings. You...you are of Death. They are over there somewhere." Yes she could tell, by his way of dress more then anything else, what clan he belonged to, and she had gestured vaguely in some random direction with her words, her lips curling up into a smirk.

"Maybe I could show you, but it would be rather pointless. There are hardly any open spaces left to build in here...unless you have connections, or of course, money?" She raised an eyebrow at him in question. Was any of it true? It might have been, considering how overcrowded they were, but she was basically just doing what she did best. Manipulation. And they hadn't even given each other their names yet.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:44 pm

Watching he move out from the house felt a bit like watching a large cat slink its way around. It felt an odd comparison, but Thrain really could not help but feel that if he were not careful he might be mistaken for a mouse. Which really would have done everyone a disservice for he'd hate to have to inform the War woman that he was not a mouse and because she was War she might want to fight and that would be a horrible way to come to the Lairs. Anyways! Ah! She was talking again, good.
"Yesterday, in fact. They let me stay in a spare room over the night but informed me I should... Set up my own residence, as they put it." As for arriving late, Thrain ducked his head in semblance of an apology though he eyes did not raise from the ground. It was one thing to be among those that were left behind but had not been there when it happened. It was another thing entirely to talk with someone who had seen it all, who had most likely watched their loved ones perish. That was unimaginable. "I am sorry for your own delay, but I extend my warm regards in the knowledge that you did arrive at all." That was... Well that wasn't exactly what he'd meant to say but oh well. It'd been said so he hurried on, letting his gaze return back up toward her.

"Over... Over where exactly? Even a point in the general direction would do me a world of good. I just--" Oh...... Oh.
The Guardian dropped his casual demeanor and frowned at the War woman, not to mean any ill will but because of what she had said. Connections or money? How in the world was he supposed to have either of those when he'd been gone for years? A large handful of years?
And what had happened to what he'd heard? That the Clans had all banded together in this time of need, had put aside their differences, had become one?
"And how is one to earn connections and money when both are useless? Half the connections one might have had are presumably gone and money... Is there still currency here?" He asked her with a fold of arms over his barrel chest. This was not what he had wanted to hear and was not making his first actual day on the Lairs any better.



Sparkly Bunny


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 8:20 pm

Her eyes narrowed at him, arms crossing over her chest. Yes, she was lucky to have even arrived at all, she knew that, and she knew what he meant even if the way he said it sounded a bit off. Anyways, it was clear he wanted to move on with the conversation anyways, so she let him.

She sighed, arms uncrossing, and the war woman turned a slow circle, the feathers of her wings brushing against the man from death that she had found practically on her doorstep. She raised one arm to point, towards an area where in the distance, faint wisps of smoke could be seen rising in the air. "The priestesses still practice the art of trance even now, and offer it up to any who would find use in it." Shaheen herself never had been a fan, though she knew it had it's merits.

Not that he had asked or anything, but his confused expression made her feel obligated to explain further. "We are the lost clans now, but each clan still tends to group together. We are forced to live under one roof, but our differences still separate us more then such a short span of time can overcome." She hoped that made sense, she wasn't really one for words most of the time. He was actually getting more out of her then she would have normally spoken at once.

"Money is not useless." She turned back towards him, frowning at him in a "are you kidding me?" kind of way. "We are living in a different world now. Here we are in the lairs, but out there, we are back in Halloween. They have currency, we need to buy things to build with. Everyone contributes in some way. Scavenging, building, collecting Fear...." Wait no, this was too much, he was spinning her completely off track now!

"We are sent on tasks, we collect Fear, we get "paid" in a sense...." She reached up to rub at her forehead as if this was all quite obvious and explaining it was somehow painful.

"Look, I'll level with you. As you can see here, I'm moving out. I've been made an offer to live elsewhere in the sanctuary." Offer, demand...same thing. "But this is still my house, and I need it to be taken care of in case...well in case I need to come back." It was always a possibility, eventually. "Why don't I save you the trouble of all of the rest of it, and you can just move in here?"

PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 11:52 am

Years and years and years had been spent training in the coldest of perpetual winters, constant diligence required to keep from freezing and rigorous torments put on one's body during that time. Countenance had to be cast in iron and steel to keep from breaking under the strain of it, but it was that narrowed gaze and fold of arms from this War woman that almost had Thrain turning around and just noping his way back to post. If it was at all possible to say 'screw this I'm going home', he definitely would have. But as he kind of didn't have that option, mostly because he didn't have a home, and also because cowering against this woman would have been.... Not one bit manly, the Guardian only swallowed whatever he had wanted to say and tried to square his shoulders.
Thankfully he was freed from the harsh glare (hadn't he heard tale of how War Clansmen could stop their next kill with just a well executed frown?), but not freed from whatever game she was playing. She turned on her step so that a wing reached out toward him, invaded his space and actually touched him. Stepping back would show he was lesser, show that he was inferior so Thrain only kept his mouth a stern line as that particular feel of feathers grazed over his exposed arms.

The explanation was appreciated, however random it might have been and the Guardian ducked his head in a curt nod. Information was still useful in all regards, especially for one such as him who had been away for too long. The Four Clans were now The Lost Clans, all one but still separated by their former ways. Unfortunate, he supposed, but good to know they had not lost everything. They as a whole might be lost, but they themselves were not.
Yet the woman turned back around and frowned again, an action that caused him to stiffen under her gaze.
"Out there is a school! A school. Of children, why did we get sent here? Why not anywhere else in Halloween?" He asked in a low voice, not necessarily meaning to get her off her current track of discussion. But he had questions and so far she'd done a pretty good job of giving him answers.
"Halloween currency, tasks to collect Fear, paid for that--" He ticked off the points she made out loud, doing his best to remember all this now to be used later. Another question popped up but died when she rubbed at her forehead. Was she... Was this... Difficult for her? Those of War were naturally more standoffish and sharp, but she looked downright troubled...

However it was the offer of a home, a nice home, that made Thrain drop everything. His upright stance, his stern look, his guard. Shoulders sagged, knees relaxed from their locked position and he gave the woman a flat, incredulous look.
"What." It was supposed to be a question but it didn't really come out as such. Better to try again. "You're... You're joking with me, right? Pulling my leg, as it were? What is it you War Clan say? Pulling my feathers?" So he didn't have any of those, but the sentiment should have shone through all the same. Thrain was pretty damn sure he was being trolled and gave the War woman the appropriate 'nope' face.



Sparkly Bunny


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 5:00 pm

Shaheen gave the man of death a hard look, trying very hard to keep in mind that he was new here, and while she'd had months upon months to get used to these new living conditions, he was like a fish out of water, and likely devastated to have the loss of his former life now so brutally driven home by the stark reality of their current situation. "Yes. Out there is a school. Out there is the allotment of land that was so graciously given to the lost clans out of the kindness of Halloween's heart. Here, however, we are in one of our own lairs, one that was not lost to us, a small shred of our former lives....okay well, maybe if one is used to living in the sand like those of famine." She kicked at the ground to make a point, a spray of sand fanning out into the open air before settling back down again.

She sighed, again reminding herself not to get worked up. The voices just made it so damned difficult to keep her emotions in check....

"It is no joke. This is just your lucky day, or how is it that they put it? Ah, yes. You are very simply in the right place, at the right time. Stop gawking at me."
She narrowed her eyes into a glare. "And do not insult me by assuming I lie. You will live here." She pointed to the house. "And you will like it."

Apparently she was now telling him what he was going to do, rather than asking him if he wished to.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:22 pm

Throughout the entirety of his time dealing with this War woman had given Thrain a number of very unkind and harsh looks, but this last one was tinged with an odd sense of frustration very different from the usual kind. It was something else entirely and Thrain let out a heavy huff of his own sort. It wasn't really fair that this was all confusing, but in an odd way he was glad that the woman was at least trying. That he could work with.
Her words, however, weren't necessarily all that helpful. The way she talked made it seem like the school had taken pity on them rather than done what was right. Odd way of looking at it, something that made the Guardian uncomfortable, made his skin crawl. And that was mostly because it made it seem like The Clans should be grateful for their kindness. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, as it were, Thrain shifted from one foot to other, doing what he could to hastily consider this new idea.
Should he be grateful for the little plot of sandy land where things probably couldn't grow and it would be hard to build upon? For this little bit of temporary home the Clans had been given, their poor souls nearly destroyed by the big bad Hunters?
It was not a thought that made him feel any better.

"My lucky day? Truly?" One corner of his mouth quirked up a little as a hand found his hip. "I apologize, lady. I am not gawking I am... Simply in a state of disbelief." For who would just give away their home like that? Besides someone with something else going on...
Thrain let the smile that had been threatening to break through shine through along with a small laugh.
"I will live here? Is there some reason you are vacating the place, what with those bags and things?" A finger pointed, waved between the War woman and her bags.
And he would like it? What an odd situation he had found himself in! His first day on the reservation and he had found a house so suddenly. Maybe his luck wasn't as bad as he thought it would be...

This sucks I sorry u3u;;;;


Sparkly Bunny

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