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Reply Breeding Thickets
DD's March UNEDIT Breedings - Winners pg 7! Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 [>] [»|]

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Darkmoon Dancer

Shameless Ladykiller

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:16 pm

DD's March Unedit Breeding Slots!

[Format tweaked from Agneza's, which was earlier taken from Mobbu]

- - - - -
STARTS: nowwwwww---
ENDS: Saturday (30th) @ 12:01 PM PST (This means Noon! Lunch time!)
- - - - -


>>> SLOTS (3 Slots) <<<
I will be rolling in this order, first one first, etc.
Make sure to include the categories that your pair is eligible for in your form if you are not using the form I am providing you. I won't know if your pair is RP qualified unless you tell me so, so unless you tell me they are they will not make it to their list. Same goes for unedit, and LL.

  • 3 Unedit -- You may enter pairs that have edits, but the children will have NO EDITS. Read it again. None. No hair, no nothing. Stuff from trading post, maybe (definitely if parents have those), but no EDITS. (Template mixing is still fine, of course, so no worries there).

All of these breedings will be entirely unedited.
That is: all parts of each pony will be made up of store templates and will not have any customized edits.
You may enter a pair that has edits, but keep in mind that means that the kids will be translated to templates that come closest to what the parents have, while staying within current rules.
(Ie: A custom winged-wind, will pass down one of the templated styles of wings, whichever I think matches it closest.
A custom drawn unicorn tail will get you the regular templated unedited unicorn tail.
A wolf or cat tail will get translated into a cerynei, kirin or unicorn tail, whichever is closest.
(You will NOT get parts of any of the skinwalker templates in place of pelts or tails. The ONLY time the Skinwalker Pelts are to be used is when there is new skinwalkers.)

We do have templated paws and claws, so those will get passed down if the parents possess them. (ie: Harpies, however Harpy accessories are not templated, so those for example will get translated into the closest Trading Post items)
So the only possible mutations to get passed along in these uneditted breedings will be paws or claws, as that is the only mutation we have templated due to their prevalence (and use in other breeds). If your unicorn has 3 horns, they're still only going to get 1 unicorn horn as we do not have any 'sub' unicorn horns that would portray such a trait.

If you do not know what your edits may get changed into, go look through the Custom Information. You can see most of the available templates.
Seathi have a flowy tail option. [ Like this one ]
Cerynei have a few more antler options. [ Female ]
Flutters have 2 fantasy wing options. [ Mind's Fantasy Wings ] & [ Ryn's Fantasy Wings ]

EXAMPLE BREEDING: If Erato here, could breed with a clone of himself. (hey, some people are that narcissistic, ok?)

The kids would get one of these wings (probably Dove or Eagle), a Unicorn Tail, this Regular Hippogryph Mane, forefeet and beak (and maybe the feather fetlocks), and catwalker backfeet since those are what he has (without the extra fur fetlocks).



    • While I would LOVE it if you used my provided form, I am not going to hold you to it, if you have another one ready, you may use that one instead. BUT make sure you have all the categories that your pair qualifies for in your form, because if they are not present then they will be assumed to not qualify. Categories to include are: Unedited, Low Luck, and RP Qualified.
    • Be careful not to enter the same pair two times! Communicate with owners of your Soq's breeding partner before posting a form.
    • Be careful that the form you are entering is not an third entry for owner of your Soq's breeding partner. I will not disqualify you for this but your form will be removed from list.
    • When entering ancestors in the ''Previous generations'' section in my breedings, you don't need to enter whole family tree just enter those ancestors which you would like to pass some of their traits on to offspring.


    Post certed Soqs -- I like seeing the Soqs without having to click every link so please post the image of the cert (or small sized uncert for those who lack certed Soq at the time)
    Names! -- Please provide full names for both the Soq entered and their owners/co-owners
    Entry line! -- I will adore you if you would fill it out but will not hold it against you if you don't.
    Forms -- Please fill out the form correctly. If I manage to spot something wrong I will point it out and you can repost it
    No editing forms/posts! -- Once I put the couple in the main list I will not be re-reading any of the information put. I’ll also be making a mental note of my CC picks as they are entered so I will only go back through them if I got back to scan over any other CC options. If you forget to add an uncert, or need to add/change throwback information, then you are free to edit your post for that. [Rule by Mindsend]
    Mistakes? -- If you need to fix something (be it by my request or your own) post it in thread that you are voiding your first entry to fix a mistake and that you’ll be reposting, so I can edit the list accordingly.
    A Reminder That:Each person can be involved in no more than two pairs in each raffle, and only win two slots per month.
    One person MAY now enter both of the couples they are involved with themselves if they need to, but make CERTAIN that couples are not posted twice. Work out ahead of time with your breeding partners who will be responsible for entering in a pair. If they are entered twice, they will be disqualified from that raffle. Furthermore, you must have basket rights to the breeding (and therefore also own or co-own one of the parents) in order to post the breeding. No Proxying.
    If you do not have breeding rights to a soquili you co-own, then it does not count towards your two-couple limit, but you may NOT receive a basket from that breeding in any way, shape, or form.
    You may only win two breedings per month total (CC or raffled breeding slots. Bribes do not count). If someone wins a breeding raffle slot, then they may only enter one couple for the remainder of the month's raffles.


>>> ENTRY FORM <<<

[b]Entry Line:[/b] Full mother name (Owner) x Full father name (Owner)
[code]Full mother name (Owner) x Full father name (Owner)

[b]Image of mother:[/b]
[img][/img] [url=][ Uncert ][/url]

[b]Image of father:[/b]
[img][/img] [url=][ Uncert ][/url]

[b]You understand that all offspring will be Unedited?:[/b] Yes/No

[b]Low Luck?: [/b] (Links to 20 unsuccessful tries at breeding raffles not including this one - link to your teepee or journal link list is fine.)
[b]RP Qualified?:[/b] Yes/No and link to post in qualified thread
[b]Lifemate?[/b] Yes/No
[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] (List who isn't getting baskets, AND link to the co-owner agreement)
[b]Teepees:[/b] (While this is not mandatory it would make my life easier if you were able to post links to the teepees of the owners for easy stat checking later on)
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more.)
[b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] (If said Yes to Throwbacks please link to all parents (and grandparents/etc, that you would like to pass on traits) NOTE: LINKS ONLY NO IMG TAGGING)
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b]


exclaim REMINDERS!!

Since rules change periodically when the need arises, please make sure you are up to date on everything listed here. THIS IS A NEW BREEDING RULES INFO THREAD!!
Failure to do so will result in disqualification. I am not obligated to inform you if you have broken a rule.


It has been required for both owners to post permission for the breeding in the MATES AND PERMISSION THREAD prior to the close of the raffle in order to be eligible for raffles now, so hopefully everyone has gotten the idea. However, just as a reminder:

UNLESS BOTH PARTIES HAVE POSTED PERMISSION IN THE PERMISSION THREAD (not this one, but the permission thread) BY THE TIME THE RAFFLE CLOSES, THEY ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE RAFFLE AND WILL BE REMOVED. This also includes co-owners; if you co-own a soquili and your agreement involves agreeing on mates or breeding, BOTH co-owners have to have posted permission.


If one of the co-owners of a horse in a pairing is NOT getting baskets from the breeding, please put the co-ownership agreement link in the form in the appropriate place and say who does or does not have breeding rights. We will assume that any pairing submitted without a form counts the breeding toward ALL co-owners. If it's not in the co-ownership agreement, the co-owner forfeiting will need to post here saying as much.

Remember guys if a owner has no rights to this breeding it MEANS NO RIGHTS. Aka, you cannot gift nor co own a basket with the person with no rights, Ala the new rules instated.


Major mistakes that are spotted after winners have been rolled, such as triple-entries into the breeding raffle or lack of permission can result in a nullification of the win. It is in your best interest to spot these ahead of time so that they can be corrected, or extraneous pairs removed instead of nullifying all of your chances.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:17 pm

Winners' List

Again, these slots have been covered, so no need to send trades, folks. A big thank you to Tefla <3

First Unedit Winners:
Katell (GrnGriff) x Orion's Verse (tefla) [ Link ]
User Image x User Image

Second Unedit Winners:
Dukker (Pollack) x Dieve (sage_the_vampirc_angel) [ Link ]
User Image x User Image

Third Unedit Winners:
Jiayi (Duclea) x Edan (Phail Ninja) [ Link ]
User Image x User Image

Darkmoon Dancer

Shameless Ladykiller

Darkmoon Dancer

Shameless Ladykiller

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:17 pm

The List

Ze leest
  1. Destati (x-Ivory_Feld-x) x Niall (Mahogany Sunset)
  2. Niabianaami Ukuiyubamua (Hanging Gallow) x Maitreya (Roniel Targaryen)
  3. Kasi (wooga Paes) x Copper (Baby Pandah)
  4. Xing-Xing(Ath e a r t ) x Bedford (Nyx Queen of Darkness)
  5. Adella (Falenpants) x Gamut (mew-neko) - 21
  6. Bailey (Faid Shadowlight) x Laures (dawns_aura) - 30
  7. Bondi (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko) x Axl (NovaCracker)
  8. Damselfly (Yayoi) x Dragonfly (Yayoi)
  9. Mali (Laroawan) x Avery (Skylar14 and Alpha Hug Wolf (Soarin`)) - 21
  10. Ravyn (Kaitaia) x Dante (one over three)
  11. Anthem (Vistada) x Ziyad (Thalion)
  12. Itzel (NovaCracker) x Raktapaata (Redbud-Tree)
  13. Sargent Pepper (Saint Sergio) x Zhulik (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
  14. Katell (GrnGriff) x Orion's Verse (tefla)
  15. Bane (Vistada) x Zavis (Revel1984)
  16. Rahnya (Midnight Mare) x Abdiel (Belalusiia)
  17. Makayla (Huroggmeten) x Tuari Tse (Huroggmeten)
  18. Haizea (Kettyn) x Cinaed (DemeterJade) - 22
  19. Εἰλείθυια (Eileithyia) (Hyperthymesia) x Tori (Kara Asumie)
  20. Petal (AlexiaSilver) x Devi (AlexiaSilver)
  21. Kaycie (Amirynth) x Vex (xKOVAKtheWOLFx)
  22. Tajahi (Mameha Otome) x Seiram (ramenli)
  23. Trida Nidae (Lady Argentum Draconis) x Pontas (Mameha Otome)
  24. Midnight Shadow (dbz2010) x Asita (dbz2010)
  25. Ziva (Lovely-Guardian & Lita Rutherford) x Kenji (Sawaki)
  26. Macchiato (Sawaki) x Torren John (Jinx Creed)
  27. Sassa (the_scowling_cat) x Zaine (Moxxiie) - 22
  28. Elliot (Moxxiie) x Azguard (Natelie)
  29. Kacdaninymila ([ Lady Kiya ]) x Thunder Strafe (ChaosTheories)
  30. Dory (CitrusCupcake) x Gill (CitrusCupcake)
  31. Joy (CitrusCupcake) x Triumph (CitrusCupcake)
  32. Keres (Kiara Lime) x Apollo (Kiara Lime)
  33. Sari (Kiara Lime) x Talbot (Kiara Lime)
  34. Har'koa (StarieMichie) x Loque'nahak (LOLLI qAq)
  35. Kimi (Syaoran-Puu) x Dardanos (Dixie/Roniel Targaryen)
  36. Aerona ( Nim Haven ) x Damian ( techabyte )
  37. Naja (Midori_Keiko) x Jason Voorhee (Midori_Keiko)
  38. Amoena (Nisshou H) x Emmett (Summer Raven)
  39. Atalanta (Nymphalidae & Melwyn) x Parza (Tudora)
  40. Kimera (Sabin Duvert) x Argus (Sabin Duvert)
  41. Ellette (Faithofthefallen) x Aryon (-[The Spoof]-)
  42. Nidra (And be Blue & Lilwolfpard) x Barracus (Faithofthefallen) - 22
  43. Iolani (Nymphalidae) x Blue Moon (Nymphalidae)
  44. Yanamari (She-Ra of Etheria) x Cian Alastair (caffeinecraving) - 25
  45. Aleutian Ballad (She-Ra of Etheria) x Astraeus (Lunarflowermaiden)
  46. Lainathiel (Seiana_ZI) x Lorenzo (ATh e a r t/ArrancarYoruichi) - 28
  47. Timbira (Phail Ninja & slimycrow) x Dathuíl (FallenThroughMidnight)
  48. Jiayi (Duclea) x Edan (Phail Ninja)
  49. Indilwen (CheshireKttty) x Eyota (Thalea)
  50. Mercy (JetAlmeara) x Kolli (Cheshirekttty)
  51. Árvakr (Junglerunner) x Damien (Meeki and [Alchemist.exe])
  52. Odila (~Kiana_Nala~) x Adrian Dragonshadow (Tygress Dream)
  53. Adara (xxx Yuki Bear xxx) x Olor (xKOVAKtheWOLFx)
  54. Omen Dragonkin (Andranis) x Santaro (ShadowsCursed) - 21
  55. Amu (ImAHarumiBunny) x Kuro-Yume (Kara Asumie)
  56. Paikea (Laroawan) x Kiinaagii (ShadowsCursed)
  57. Amitola (Mahogany Sunset) x Ha'aheo (Lestragne & ladyfirefox89)
  58. Caoraigh (FallenThroughMidnight) x Char (zephira73 cool
  59. Whisk (FitzRoyal) x Vesia (FitzRoyal)
  60. Muse (Rein_Carnation) x Tooki (Kaliskanny)
  61. Shiya (catmagick) x SkullCat (Kaliskanny)
  62. Rainbow Sky (Jynk) x Huapala (Teh_Sil)
  63. Brennivin (Agneza) x Berceuse (Cowboy Peep)
  64. Toxic Sludge (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. and UniWingdFox) x Lyka Rockstar (Sylent Nyte)
  65. Glitter (Pinka) x Shoshan Blythe (Rhyleigh)
  66. Keelin Odalis (Rhyleigh) x Reese (Saint Sergio)
  67. Zudinmulamshius ([ Lady Kiya ]) x Kajika Zuya (hanging gallow)
  68. Niquissë (LadyKirin) x Mithriluin (LadyKirin)
  69. Sonadora (Bouncy_Pineapple) x Tomtubrus Taccardi (ladyfirefox89)
  70. Pyralis (AlexiaSilver/NimHaven) x Conleth (AlexiaSilver/techabyte)
  71. Aimee (Painted Moose) x Tanis (elvyralani)
  72. Claudine Braen Bronach (~Kiana_Nala~) x Christian (Painted Moose)
  73. Katilana (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Chaz (Mia Lovasz )
  74. Sinopah (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) x Caius ( Caitlyn Hellstorm)
  75. Dukker (Pollack) x Dieve (sage_the_vampirc_angel)
  76. ZuZu (StarieMichie) x Rockin' Blues (Katjive/Sweenys_Revenge)
  77. Sunset's Coda (tefla) x Illarion (Nyx Queen of Darkness)
  78. Mizuki (catmagick) x Rayne (catmagick)
  79. Zakariah (Mia Lovasz) x Zainan (White Neko Chan)
  80. Kachina (Kirowyn Love & dndrules3) x Sheppard (Jinx Creed)
  81. Rime (Kamiki) x Orpheus (II--Gen3sis--II)
  82. Sah'erir (zephira73 cool x проказник 'Prokaz' (Kyrieko)
  83. Eleanor (Rita Zyon) x Najinca (Rita Zyon)
  84. Rain Curl (Rita Zyon) x Ardin (Lunarflowermaiden)
  85. Sayoko (ImAHarumiBunny & irishgirl1017) x Meso `s` Nogama (Green Ever After)
  86. Mijuwua (Pinkdog) x Dart (SylverStar)
  87. Vasilissa (LOLTERNATIVE) x Alexi (LOLTERNATIVE)
  88. Nimueh (Kettyn) x Zamphyr (Kettyn)
  89. Sherbert (Lestragne) x Darius (Faid Shadowlight)
  90. Katarzyna (Seiana_Zi) x Dakarei-reth (Amira Keller)
  91. Blessita (Summer Raven) x Umojani'Jeuri (Summer Raven) - 26
  92. Melody (Rein_Carnation) x Cotton Candy (Rein_Carnation/Naru_Uchiha007)
  93. Francesca (Epine de Rose) x Biddulphia (LydaLynn)
  94. Lunathiel (Nisshou H) x Shadow (Kyaishi)
  95. Lilian (Fea Line) x Saluki (Seruta)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:30 pm

Entry Line: Destati (x-Ivory_Feld-x) x Niall (Mahogany Sunset)
Destati (x-Ivory_Feld-x) x Niall (Mahogany Sunset)

Image of mother:
User Image [ Uncert ]

Image of father:
User Image [ Uncert ]

Unedited?: Yes
Low Luck?: No (this is 14)
RP Qualified?: No
Lifemate? Yes
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Ivory | Maho
Throwbacks?: Yes!
Link to previous Generations:
Father | Mother
Grandmother | Grandfather
Great-Grandmother | Great-Grandfather

Niall is first generation.
Link to Breeding Agreement: [post four]

xo maho

Dainty Dreamer

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:33 pm

Entry Line: Niabianaami Ukuiyubamua (Hanging Gallow) x Maitreya (Roniel Targaryen)
Niabianaami Ukuiyubamua (Hanging Gallow) x Maitreya (Roniel Targaryen)

Image of mother:
User Image

Image of father:
User Image

Unedited?: Close enough that we don't mind unedit kids!
Low Luck?: n/a
RP Qualified?: N
Lifemate? N
Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Roniel's teepee, HG's teepee
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations:
Maitreya's family:



Link to Breeding Agreement: Here
PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:46 pm

Kasi (wooga Paes) x Copper (Baby Pandah)

Image of mother: Kasi (wooga Paes)
User Image
[ Uncert ]

Image of father: Copper (Baby Pandah)
User Image
[ Uncert ]

Low Luck?: No.
Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Baby Pandah, wooga Paes
RPed couple?: Yes
Throwbacks?: Yes. <3
Link to previous Generations: Grandfather, Grandmother is Rowanoak. Don't happen to have her image. D:
Lifemate?: Yes.
Link to Breeding Agreement: Selective, **Current Lifemating

Baby Pandah

Popular Sex Symbol

9,650 Points
  • Thread Flip 150
  • Partygoer 500
  • Ultimate Player 200

Nyx Queen of Darkness

Devout Bloodsucker

28,200 Points
  • Grunny Rainbow 100
  • Medalist 100
  • Grunny Grabber 50
PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:48 pm

Entry Line: Xing-Xing(Ath e a r t ) x Bedford (Nyx Queen of Darkness)
Xing-Xing(Ath e a r t ) x Bedford (Nyx Queen of Darkness)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Xing Xing/ATheart)
User ImageUNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Bedford/Nyx Queen of Darkness)
User Image UNCERT
Low Luck?: Nope!
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: ATh e a r t || Nyx
RPed couple?: Yes!
Throwbacks?: Yes!
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Lifemate?: Yes!
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here <3
PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:12 pm

Entry Line: Adella (Falenpants) x Gamut (mew-neko)
Adella (Falenpants) x Gamut (mew-neko)

Image of mother:
User Image [ Uncert ]

Image of father:
User Image
no uncert

You understand that all offspring will be Unedited?: Yes

Low Luck?: Lowluck?: yes
attempt one
attempt two
attempt three
attempt four
attempt five
attempt six
attempt seven
attempt eight
attempt nine
attempt ten
attempt eleven
attempt twelve
attempt thirteen
attempt fourteen
attempt fifteen
attempt sixteen
attempt seventeen
attempt eighteen
attempt nineteen
attempt twenty
attempt twenty one

RP Qualified?: no
Lifemate? No
Co Ownership?: no
Teepees: Mew-Neko's and
Throwbacks?: no
Link to previous Generations: no
Link to Breeding Agreement: Ta-da!


Familiar Fatcat

7,700 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Tipsy 100
  • Bunny Spotter 50


Peaceful Demigod

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:14 pm

Entry Line: Bailey (Faid Shadowlight) x Laures (dawns_aura)
Bailey (Faid Shadowlight) x Laures (dawns_aura)

Bailey x Laures

Image of mother: Bailey (Faid Shadowlight)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Laures (dawns_aura)
User Image Uncert

You understand that all offspring will be Unedited?: Yes

Unedited?: No
Low Luck?: Yes
(1.) Agenza Feb 2011
(2.) Rapid Feb 2011
(3.) Agenza April 2011
(4.) Nerp April 2011
(5.) Jules April 2011
(6.) Bee April 2011
(7.) Riri May 2011
(8.) Jules May 2011
(9.) Riri June 2011
(10.) Bee July 2011
(11.) Neza Aug 2011
(12.) Mind Aug 2011
(13.) Riri Sept 2011
(14.) Halloween Twisted Tunnel 2011
(15.) Sisi Changeling Breeding
(16.) Neph Jan 2012
(17.) Mind Feb 2012
(18.) Moon Feb 2012
(19.) Bee March 2012
(20.) Mind April 2012
(21.) Gallows Easter 2012
(22.) Neph April 2012
(23.) Agneza May 2012
(24.) Tiki Tunnel 2012
(25.) DD's Twisted breedings 2012
(26.)DD's November breedings 2012
(27.)Agneza's January 2013 breedings
(28.)DD's February couples breeding 2013
(29.)Feb. madness (Mind, Heart, and HG) 2013
(30.)Riri's LL breedings march 2013

RP Qualified?: Yes
Lifemate? Yes
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: dawns & Faid
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: Permission

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:14 pm

Entry Line: Bondi (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko) x Axl (NovaCracker)
Bondi (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko) x Axl (NovaCracker)

Image of mother:
User Image [ Uncert ]

Image of father:
User Image [ Uncert ]

You understand that all offspring will be Unedited?: Yes

Low Luck?: No
RP Qualified?: No
Lifemate? No
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko, NovaCracker
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Axl - Father, Mother
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko


Shameless Elocutionist


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:17 pm

Entry Line: Damselfly (Yayoi) x Dragonfly (Yayoi)
Damselfly (Yayoi) x Dragonfly (Yayoi)

Image of mother:
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. [ Uncert ]

Image of father:
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. [ Uncert ]

You understand that all offspring will be Unedited?: Yes

Low Luck?: N
RP Qualified?: N
Lifemate? Yes
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Yayoi's teepee
Throwbacks?: Sure why not if you want
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: I own both.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:17 pm

Entry Line: Mali (Laroawan) x Avery (Skylar14 and Alpha Hug Wolf (Soarin`))
Mali (Laroawan) x Avery ([strike]Skylar14[/strike] and Alpha Hug Wolf (Soarin`))

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Mali (Laroawan)
User Image

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Avery (Skylar14 and Alpha Hug Wolf (Soarin`))
User Image

You understand that all offspring will be Unedited?: Yes

Low Luck?: Yes
1. Infi May Breeding
2. Samuality August Breeding
3. Ririka November Breeding
4. Niloufer November Breeding
5. Fel January Breeding
6. Agneza January Breeding
7. Riri January Breeding
8. Agneza February Breeding
9. Rapid February Breeding
10. RiRis May Breeding
11. Bees July Breeding
12. Riris September Breeding
13. Sisis Changeling Breeding
14. Moons Feb Breeding
15. Bees March Breeding
16. Gallows Easter Breeding
17. Tropical Tiki
18. Agenzas January Breedings
19. DDs Valentine Breeding
20. Cupids Breeding
21. Riris LL Breedings
RP Qualified?: Yes
Lifemate? Yes
Co Ownership?: Skylar14 is not getting a basket. Averys Co Ownership Agreement
Teepees: Laroawan and Skylar14
Link to previous Generations:
Mali's parents:
Ayelen & Gethin
Avery's parents:
Rhapsody & Leilani
Avery's Grandparents:
Colonel & Daisy
Link to Breeding Agreement: Breeding Agreement


Dangerous Hunter

one over three

Feline Cat

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:27 pm

Entry Line: Ravyn (Kaitaia) x Dante (one over three)
Ravyn (Kaitaia) x Dante (one over three)

Image of mother:
User Image [ Uncert ]

Image of father:
User Image [ Uncert ]

You understand that all offspring will be Unedited?: Yes
Low Luck?: N/a
RP Qualified?: No
Lifemate? Yes
Co Ownership?: No
Teepees: one over three & Kaitaia
Throwbacks?: No
Link to previous Generations: N/a
Link to Breeding Agreement: here
PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:28 pm

Entry Line: Anthem (Vistada) x Ziyad (Thalion)
Anthem (Vistada) x Ziyad (Thalion)

Image of mother:
User Image [ Uncert ]

Image of father:
User Image [ Uncert ]

You understand that all offspring will be Unedited?: Yes

Low Luck?: No
RP Qualified?: No
Lifemate? Yes
Co Ownership?: No
Thalion's Teepee
Vistada's Teepee
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Family Tree
Link to Breeding Agreement:


Conservative Seeker

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:34 pm

Entry Line: Itzel (NovaCracker) x Raktapaata (Redbud-Tree)
Itzel (NovaCracker) x Raktapaata (Redbud-Tree)

Image of mother:
User Image [ Uncert ]

Image of father:
User Image [ Uncert ] [ Peltless Marking Reference ]

You understand that all offspring will be Unedited?: Yes

Low Luck?: No
RP Qualified?: No
Lifemate? No
Co Ownership?: No
Teepees: NovaCracker; Redbud-Tree
Throwbacks?: No
Link to previous Generations: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: Sealed signed delivered with a stamp.
Breeding Thickets

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