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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[1v1] New Kids on the Block (Piper/Mathias) Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 9:44 am
Piper had never been in a gym before, not really. The "gym" at home consisted of the forest and hills since they lived out in the countryside; the enclosed walls of the original building were a bit much for her to handle for now, even if the ceiling was so high she cold barely see it. Rather, she had taken to exploring the outside portion with glee: an obstacle course, an arena, training dummies . . . So much better than her home. Well maybe not "better" but "more organized" definitely. Her old school had a gymnasium, sure, but since they were mostly younger scarelings it was more a playground than anything else. This was totally, totally professional looking as far as the ghoul was concerned.

In sneakers, shorts, and a sporty shirt, she arrived on the scene ready to break a sweat. Piper had once tried the exercise headband thing long ago when her hair didn't comprise of half her body volume; now it just swayed and bounced with every movement, most of it tied up and back to the best of her ability but still too puffy to quite tame.

Piper began to run laps along the track, far too full of energy to think about slowing down now. A new school, a new chance for education, and hopefully new friends along the way. What wasn't there to be excited about? Now if she could just pump up her noodly frame . . .
PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 11:23 am
Mathias had barely even moved in to his new "home" and he was off, exploring every possible nook and cranny of Amityville on his own, with little to no help at all from others. Sure he had spent an hour or more just finding his room in the maze of the monster dorm hallways and stairs. Sure he had just thrown his things on the floor of said room and turned to leave almost immediatly without bothering to get things unpacked, or getting himself properly settled in. Certainly it had taken him another hour or more just to find his way back out of the monster dorms again.

But he was here. His transfer from the all boils school that he had attended before was complete, much to the gratification and happiness of his professors. He had been their "delinquent troublemaker", their "over-excitable and hot-tempered scrapper". Some had even called him a "bully" but he didn't agree with that one bit! Any and all of his competition had given their consent, or had at least thrown the first punch before the brawls had began. He hadn't even won all of those brawls....or even the majority of them! Why was he the one being tagged as the bully?

Oh well, that was all in the past now. This was a fresh start with a fresh school. A chance to start over, and to prove what he was capable of in an entirely new setting. So what if there were ghouls here that he would have to pretty much constantly avoid making eye contact with? He was short enough that keeping his gaze averted was a fairly simple task.

When the young wolpertinger finally found himself within the vicinty of the gymnasium, after more hours of exploring and getting lost, he was almost beside himself with excitement. This was the place that he was told it was okay to do what he liked to do best. Or at least, that was the impression that was imposed upon him when he had first arrived.

Like Piper, he had inspected the indoor training area first, red eyes widening in awe at what there was to find, and lips sliding up into a small smile of approval. It was not the densly forested area of his home, where brawling took place on nothing more then dirt and pine needles, but it was still impressive nonetheless.

And then outside. Yes, he appreciated this outdoor area much more, as he stood with arms crossed over his chest, drinking it all in. The familiar sight of a race track caught his eye, something that his old school had also possessed, and something that he had often found time to work off a lot of his pent up energy using.

Without further thought, or any more desire to explore, the wolpertinger sat down, wrenching off his thickly soled boots to reveal clawed and furry feet. Next he doffed his jacket, folding it up neatly to set down beside. He was still overdressed, but less so then before. Standing back up he stepped slowly on to the track...

....And then he was just gone. He was running, though his feet barely seemed to touch the ground, his wings tucked in neatly behind him and his ears folding back from the rush of air that hit his face. He ran to burn off excess energy, knowing full well that if he didn't he would find other ways to do so, ones that his last school had frowned upon. He ran, and he closed his eyes, as though by doing so he could pretend that this wasn't a strip of tarmac in the middle of a giant field on school propery, but a dirt path leading to a giant meadow in the middle of his forest home.

When he opened his eyes again, it was just in time to see that he was rapidly heading on a collision course with somebody who was running the opposite direction as him. Where had she...



Mathias suddenly tripped over his own feet, stumbled, and fell right in front of her.  


Ice-Cold Hunter


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 11:38 am
Huff . . . huff . . . huff . . . Boil, this track was larger than she expected. It made her feel as though she wasn't making much distance at all even as she wound the oval several times. Had she done more than she would have back home? Less? The same? She missed having branches to leap and swing from . . .

But look, she wasn't alone! Someone else was also on the track, going . . . the opposite direction . . . well okay then? Did it have to be a particular way? Piper opened her mouth to suck in air and ask when the figure suddenly tripped over his own furry feet and fell before her. She had a split moment to react and tried to jump, but her foot got caught by his clothes; the mage fell unceremoniously on her face inches behind the fellow.

"OhJackohJack, ow," the ghoul whined as she rolled over, winded but alright. A hand to her head, Piper winced as she sat up and looked the boil over. "Hey, you doing okay? Rock or something tripped you up?" Oh, did she get to use her newly learned first aid skills? That would have been awesome practice right here!
PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 12:54 pm
Had Mathias been running the wrong way or had the ghoul? It was a thought that had entered his mind for maybe half a second before he was heading face first into the paved track ground, though he did have the forsight to try and turn his body so that he took the brunt of his impact on the shoulder instead, his wings flaring out behind him and giving a couple of rapid beats as though that could somehow soften his fall. It might have helped more, if he'd been falling from a great height, though it was perhaps fortouteous for him that considering his size, it wasn't far to fall for him at all.

Didn't make it hurt less. And then, of course, the ghoul snagged her foot on the partially opened collar of his button up shirt, popping a couple of the buttons below that, and forcefully turning him over so that the back of his head thudded against the ground as well.

"Scheisse!" He hissed, closing his eyes, taking in deep breaths to calm the annoyance that was rapidly raising. He had been going the right way. He knew he was. Stupid ghoul! Oh wait, right, breathing. Breathing. Calm. Calm. Cal----

A voice, which he had been previously ignoring as it complained about her own foolish injury, piped up much closer to his own personal space. "Nein!--I mean, no!" He turned his head and opened his eyes, glowering out across the field, as he began to speak rapidly in a thickly accented voice "You tripped me up! Vur you even vatching vhere you vur going, nah? Of course not." At this point he rolled over, away from her, and to his hands and knees, where he swiftly sprang back up to his feet and began to dust himself off.

"And you have ruined my shirt!" He fingered the area where the buttons once were, leaving bare a tanned chest that was crisscrossed with scars, while his wings twitched behind him in irratation.



Ice-Cold Hunter


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 7:25 pm
She had been fine up until the boil started making assumptions, really. Sure, she figured the dude would be upset, and that did suck that his clothes were ruined, but "Kṣamā karēṁ? Who goes to work out in those clothes?" she asked with a frown. "I didn't even touch you, you tripped on your own. And right in front of me too!"

Chest, great. Scars, awesome. Attitude, gtfo.

"Look, guy, I bet I could fix it up or something if you really need to," Piper offered, though she still looked unhappy about being blamed at all. With a small sound she got to her feet and also began to straighten herself out. "Next time, how about wearing normal clothes before getting sweaty? Ugh, now I've got stuff in my hair too . . ." Do you know how long she took just to wash her hair.
PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 7:49 pm
Mathias was positively glowering, and wishing he could direct that glower straight at the ghouls face, while he began working on unbuttoning the rest of his shirt and stripping it off, bunching it up in his clawed hands. "Hä?" He paused, giving the ghoul a sidelong glance, barely flicking his eyes up to her face before looking away once more. And then as she continued on her little tirade about how it was all his fault, he shook his head, and rolled his eyes. "Verdammt nochmal..."

With a sigh, he closed his eyes again, tilting his head back towards the sky. "I vear the clothing I vish to vhere, vhether I am to be running or not." He spoke as slowly and calmly as he could manage, but the way his hands clutched tightly at his shirt betrayed how annoyed he still remained.

He ignored her somewhat of an offer to fix it, eyes flaring open once again, as he focused on something else entirely. "I vill show you, these clothes do not matter. How about friendly...oh vhat is the vord." He reached up and rubbed at his forehead, his eyes closing as if deep in thought.




Ice-Cold Hunter


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 8:05 pm
Normally Piper would be okay with people muttering about her (who cared what they thought, right?), but the language sounded so harsh . . . Oh Jack he was talking crap about her wasn't he. That little - ! "Suit yourself," she dismissed with a wave of her hand, itching for a reason to get back at him for ruining both a good run and her most amazing hair. "I say that's ruining good clothes just to get all sweaty, but what do I know about big bunnies anyway?"

The offer of a challenge was too good to pass up, though. Piper's frown flipped into a smirk. "Yeah, I could go for that. Just a 'see who's better', or are there going to be consequences for the loser?"
PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 9:23 pm
Bunny? BUNNY?!?

The wolpertingers eyes flew open again as a disgusted sound escaped from the back of his throat. "I am not bunny!" He sounded highly offended, because lets face it, he was.

"I am volpertinger." He stated, with a baring of teeth that fully exposed his small fangs, which just barely poked out over his bottom lip, while his wings flared out behind him in indignation.

"And wut are you supposed to be?" He asked, crossing arms over his bare chest, one hand still clutching at his shirt. "A bad hair day monster?" From what little he had caught glimpse of, it looked atrocious.

As for consequences, the wolpertinger cast his glance down to the ground, mulling the idea over. "Vut exactly did you have in mind?"

some day they will get to the actual sparring. Some day.


Ice-Cold Hunter


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 7:02 pm
A voleperwhatnow? "So . . . You're a bunny with fangs and horns and wings," she surmised gleefully. "Cute!" Half of it was real, and the other half was just to rile him up.

Piper grinned proudly as she thumbed her chest. "I am a mage! A jack of all trades--elements, whatever. So I can kick your butt by frying it with fire, drowning it with water, you name it! So let's see, uh . . ." She moved up and tapped her chin in thought. "How about loser buys the other person eyescream?" she suggested.
Seussi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 10 Total: 10 (1-20)
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 12:04 pm
Mathias could feel his face warming up, and his hands were clenching into fists at his sides, his claws digging into his palms almost painfully. "Volperinger." He said again, only this time it was punctuated by a sharp stamp of his foot against the pavement, which ended up sounding more like a dull thump.

.......Did she just call him cute??

"Du bist ein..." He started, and then cut himself off, ears twitching with annoyance.

"Fine." He conceded to her terms, though he had very little idea what "eyescream" even was. It was something he'd heard of, but had no interest in seeking out to try for himself.

The fight itself was all the prize he needed.

"After you, Miss Jack of all trades, " He motioned away from the track and to a cleared area off to the side, one that he could only assume was used for sparring.



Ice-Cold Hunter

medigel rolled 1 20-sided dice: 20 Total: 20 (1-20)


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 1:19 pm
She giggled with a most mischievous look, because while seriously that foot thumping was just adorable, she had to get ready to kick some tail. Ahahahahah punssssss. "I'm fighting a bunny on my second day here. Oh my Jack, they'll love to hear that story at home," she remarked as she took a few strides back to give them some room, bouncing on toes of her feet.  
medigel rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4, 3 Total: 7 (2-12)
PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 1:24 pm
Her jug was summoned in an instant, looking heavy at her side even though she was accustomed to its current weight. "Alrighty, Jackrabbit," Piper said congenially, clapping her hands and producing little palm-sized flames that crackled merrily. "Let's see how nimble you really are!" One of them was chucked his way, but rather than stay a solid group of flames, it burst into several smaller tongues as it neared to cover a wider area.

HP: 30
Damage: 1
Fear: Y1 Barrier


Anxious Spirit

Seussi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3, 1 Total: 4 (2-12)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 2:31 pm
His face felt even warmer, if that was possible, and he could feel his annoyance shifting quickly to anger. She kept insisting on insulting him, repeatedly, after he had made it quite obvious that it was not appreciated. Well, the only way to handle this was to do what he did best, and kick arsche all the way back to whatever ridiculous hair tribe she came from.

As they got into position to begin, her newest remark had his head tilting to the side, and his nose crinkling up in disgust. Jackrabbit was hardly better then bunny, and Mathias new at that moment he was going to take much pleasure in this, fighting a ghoul or not.

"You vill be talking me to death, then?" He grumbled, waiting for her to make a move, which was actually pretty difficult considering he couldn't look directly at her face, or pay too much attention to her body in general. Still, flames were hard to ignore, and his ears stood up straight at the sight. He was not a fan of magic, preferring fists and feet and claws. But he oddly enough did not consider her to be at an advantage by any means, and as the flames spread out and shot towards him, he hopped and dodged his way around most. One, however, did manage to graze his arm painfully, but he shrugged it off, almost revealing in it more then anything.

"Nimble enough." His lips twitched up into a smile, but the look of determination in his eyes didn't falter.

"Is this the best you have?" Let's face it. That was nothing.

HP: 29
Damage: 0
Fear: Y1 Swift Strikes  
medigel rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4, 3 Total: 7 (2-12)
PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 2:37 pm
The boil seemed to be taking his pretty seriously; some people just couldn't roll with the jokes, could they? Well whatever, Clumsy Paws there was the one who had fallen in the first place, so as far as Piper was concerned, he was just being sour and macho and what have you. Silly.

"I'll talk all I want, thanks~" she chirped, though the innocent phrase was punctuated by another toss of fire to keep him bouncing. Those things weren't supposed to break up--her Fear control was still iffy even if she was used to manifesting the element-- but it seemed to be working, so she played it off with a grin of her own and hoped her luck held out. A second batch of firey goodness was sent his way, splitting into halves about halfway through the arc. "C'mon, I want to see how good you dance~ Besides, I'm just getting warmed up."

All the bad puns.

She started to pace herself backwards, however, wary of letting those feet and horns and teeth she was poking fun about a moment before getting too close. If it wasn't apparent yet (which it might not be; the guy seemed to have trouble looking at her), Piper was . . . noodly as far as muscle went. Lean, sure, but she definitely couldn't best a monster in a contest of strength.

HP: 30
Damage: 1
Fear: Y1 Barrier


Anxious Spirit

Seussi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6, 5 Total: 11 (2-12)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 7:26 pm
Piper could tell as many bad puns as she wanted, because Mathias...well, he just didn't quite get it. He migh have found the phrase, warmed up, associatively humourous when combined with her fire attack, but he was focusing far too much on the fight itself, because that was much more important to him right now. That and not getting burned by the flames that spread out as they neared him once more, flames that he again darted around, only feeling a trail of searing pain that glanced against his side this time.

He let out a small snort, and gave a sharp shake of his head, ears folding back as he made sure his movements took him closer towards her rather then further away. He had very little by way of long range battle skills, and would prefer to get a bit more up close and personal, if at all possible. She was backing away, however, always moving just out of reach, and his lips pulled up in a sardonic smile. "Vut are you vorried I might bite?" He mocked her, flashing his fangs and clicking his teeth together in a biting motion.

"I promise, it is not meine zahne you must be looking out for."

No sooner then the words were out of his mouth, the wolpertinger closed the distance between them with several rapid, almost hopping like movements, before striking out at her with two sets of claws.


Damage: 5
Fear: Y1 Swift Strikes

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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