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Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
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PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:09 pm

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:: Post 1 - ToC:: *YOU ARE HERE*
:: Post 2 - Intro and News::
:: Post 3 - Mares::
:: Post 4 - Stallions::
:: Post 5 - Single & Available::
:: Post 6 - Platonic Plots Only::
:: Post 7 - Herdless Soquili::
:: Post 8 - Plots I Want::
:: Post 9 - Reserved::
:: Post 10 - Reserved::
:: Post 11 - Reserved::
:: Post 12 - Linkage::
:: Post 13 - Code::

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:11 pm

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June 14, 2017 --
I graduated finally & I am back! My muse is a lot more amenable to plots at the moment, but some full RP could take place when I'm really feeling a character.

Gonna overhaul this thread and ponder character details for my Soq that don't have personality blurbs yet.

Looking for all sorts of plots so please offer away if you think you've a good fit!

September 20, 2014 - WOWWIE ZOWWIE this is out of date! Ummmm. PM me if you have plot ideas; there are Soq missing from here :3

January 15, 2014 - I have begun pondering updating this again; two soq to add and perhaps I shall also add a familiars section!

November 18, 2013 -- finally added my mares and their plots! Woo-hoo. 3nodding


Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
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Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
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PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:12 pm

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Sable is sweet, and a bit sassy. She's not afraid to speak her mind more than a bit bluntly, but rarely loses her cool. It's hard to ruffle her feathers.

As a foal, Sable was found wandering & lived in a tribe with Hoto and Hahalua. Although the tribe was mostly destroyed in a terrible fire, she managed to narrowly escape thanks to her quick feet, and found refuge in racing shortly thereafter. She is currently unaware that anyone else from the tribe survived. Sable wears feathers in her hair as a reminder of the tribe who raised her.

*Backstory RP - Sable escapes from the fire
---Currently playing this out with Chey's co-owned Nebula's Hymn.

*Meeting Hoto &/or Hahalua after the fire

*Herding & Herd-related Plots

*Traumatic accident/event, perhaps causing her to turn her back on racing? Or, some sort of injury preventing her from racing anymore.
---Need to start this RP with Dawns' Koemi.

*If she gets injured in said traumatic accident/event, have Aiko heal her as part of Aiko's major plotlines.

*Open for flings, suggested lifemating plots, etc.


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Aiko is very bright, always wanting to know more and to learn everything she can. She can be annoyingly persistent and a bit obnoxious, but nearly always has good intentions. Outgoing and friendly, Aiko is never short on acquaintances.

*Aiko will have an intense interest in healing and plants, and will need to explore and find a mentor to teach her from a young age.

*She is extremely friendly and does not understand the concept of unsociability. It would be good for her to encounter Soquili who are antisocial and/or are prickly, mean, or otherwise bad-tempered.

*Once an adult and well into her training as a healer, Aiko will encounter a Soquili that is badly injured. It will be the first time she has seen anything like it, and it will shake her badly. Whether the other Soquili survives unharmed or ends up with a permanent disability is (obviously) up to the owner of whoever volunteers for this plotline. This experience will cause her to redouble her efforts to become a better healer, although she may become someone emotionally scarred from this experience.
---May fill this with Sable's injury, but there is potential for major-injury-healing to happen more than once :3

*Also going to RP with Caj's wind Soq who loves bugs
---Have RP started but waiting for cert/stats to post.


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I don't have a totally set personality for her yet but I think I may need to RP her to fill in the gaps. So far, I know she is devious, predatory, and cold. She is a purist and believes that Kalona are the superior breed. She tends to ignore non-Kalona, and irrationally despises half-Kalona. Although she has a pretty typical Kalona attitude in that regard, she does not agree with the rampant cruelty and killing that was happening in the now-disbanded Kalona herd. She wants to have foals so that she can raise a small army of like-minded purebloods. Now she needs to find a mate who can tolerate her, who also has similarly-aligned beliefs and opinions.

*Elvira is discovered eating a fresh kill and the Soq that discovers her asks what it's like. This will trigger memories, and she will relive her first kill.

*Elvira encounters a foal who is unabashed and unafraid. She tries to bully it but fails miserably. If the owner of said foal is up for it, foal becomes a lifelong friend.

*Elvira encounters a skinwalker and learns that there are bigger, scarier things out there than her and her fierce Kalona bretheren.

*Elvira tries to steal from someone who has something she fancies. Is she caught? Are there consequences? If she gets away with it, how does she react -- guilt, desire to steal more, indifference?

*Elvira meets her match -- someone with similar goals and morals, someone who she can get along with. They will become lifemates not for love, but instead to raise more Kalona who think like them. They will create their own small army.

*Elvira encounters and gets to know a half-Kalona but is completely unaware of its mixed heritage. Later, she finds out it is not a Pureblood. How this implodes remains to be seen...

{Roxana goes here}

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:13 pm

{Helix goes here}


Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
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Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
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PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:13 pm

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PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:14 pm

Platonic Plots Only
Helix - still figuring out personality.


Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
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Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
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PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:14 pm

I need a Family! (Herdless)
Sable - want to herd her here:
Astilbe Herd but need plot(s) to get her there.

Aiko (Possibly herded with parents?? Need to research)


PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:21 pm

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Currently empty


Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
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  • Lavish Tipper 200
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Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
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  • Lavish Tipper 200
  • Flatterer 200
PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:22 pm


PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:24 pm

The Harpy Flock!

My herd members post


Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
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  • Lavish Tipper 200
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Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Lavish Tipper 200
  • Flatterer 200
PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:32 pm


PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:44 pm

Custom Forms

Cause you always need a place to keep them!
form inside

[b]Edit Category:[/b] - Choose from Unedited, Minor, Moderate, Heavy, or Extreme
[b]Soquili Species:[/b] - What species or combination of species is your custom? (Uni, Wind, Regular, Kirin/Kalona etc.)
[b]Body Build:[/b] Choose from Regular, War, Draft
[b]Gender:[/b] Male or Female
[b]Starting Stage:[/b] Basket or Adult
[b]Concept Origin:[/b] Choose one -
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own
• Commercial Cosplay - Based on a commercial character. Specify. (Ex. Final Fantasy - Sephiroth)
• Original Character - Based on an OC of your own design or existing pet(s) of your own design.

[b]WIP Needed?[/b] Do you need a WIP for your custom? Producing WIP's will slow down your delivery time.

[b]~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ [/b]
[b]Body:[/b] Describe any colors and patterns on your horse's body
[b]Face:[/b] eye color, eyebrows, inner ear, expression, roman nose for drafts, blush, any facial markings
[b]Mane:[/b] Include premade style name for unedited, or Edited; describe style
[b]Tail:[/b] Include premade style name for unedited, or Edited; describe style.
[b]Hooves/Fetlocks:[/b] Fetlocks is the "fur" around the feet - Either stock or Edited; Describe style.
[b]Reference Image(s):[/b] If you have any visual References, link them here.
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~[/b]
[b]Horn(s):[/b] Describe Horn(s) - Uni, Kalona, Cerynei, & Kirin only
[b]Wings:[/b] Describe Wings - Wind, Kalona, Flutter, & Angeni only
[b]Fins:[/b] Describe Fins - Seathi, Mer & Kelpi only
[b]Scales:[/b] Describe Scales - Kirin only
[b]Pelt:[/b] Animal Species & Design - Skinwalker only
[b]Other Notes:[/b] Breed variants, traits not desired for halfbreeds, recustom, alt versions, non-standard traits, etc.

[b]~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~[/b]
[b]Trading Post Items:[/b] If any, list them here and desired colors.
[b]Custom Items:[/b] List any custom accessories/items.
[b]Reference Image(s) for Items: [/b]

[b]~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~[/b]
[b]Name of horse:[/b] Name... of the horse. >_>
[b]Owner:[/b] Owner of the horse
[b]Breed:[/b] This does not have to be your horse's species - it can be a descriptor word or related to the concept origin.
[b]Temper:[/b] One temper or concept. Please keep it short.
[b]Mate:[/b] Lifemate, if any.
[b]Tag Background:[/b] See [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=17609839]Tag Gallery[/url] for choices
[b]Tag frame color:[/b] The color of the tag frame
[b]Tag feather color(s):[/b] The color of the tag feathers (short/long)
~*~ Existing Pets ~*~[/b]
[b]If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:[/b]

[b]~*~ Angeni ~*~[/b]
[b]Desired Domain:[/b] Angeni Only. Please check the [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=17977629]Reserved List[/url].
[b]Justification for Domain Choice:[/b] Explain why your Angeni has his or her domain.

[b]~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~[/b]
[b]Element: [/b]


Found a link for this in the Hatetalons herd description. Not sure if this is still open or not but it doesn't say closed so here goes!

Username: Nikkichomp
RP Examples: I track all RPs on the front page of my teepee

Northspring Harpies/Hatetalons

Mares Name: Alanna
Personality: Dark, twisted, self-centered. Her anger and desire for vengeance fuel her ruthlessness. It is not wise to cross Alanna, for when she holds a grudge, it lasts her lifetime. Forgiveness is not her way.

backstory: Her mind took her back, involuntarily, to the day everything changed...to the fateful day that shaped the rest of her life.

She was just a foal, still young enough to be impressionable. Young enough that the morals and values of her peaceful, herbivorous family had not fully sunken in. Alanna had been playing with another foal out of sight of the adults. They wandered along a hill, giggling and roughhousing. Suddenly, she was pushed a little too hard, losing her footing, and sliding partway down the hillside. Alanna glared at the other foal as she clambered back up. Testily, she swiped at the foal with a foot claw. Although she hadn't intended to actually make contact, a talon sunk into the foal's flesh, blood welling out of the wound. Alanna froze. The sharp, metallic smell of blood met her nose. She hadn't intended to hurt the foal but now that she had... she found she was pleased to have drawn blood. The desire to do it again struck her. The foal was just standing there, blood trickling down its forearm, staring at her. She walked in a half circle to stand behind the foal and slashed again across its back leg. The foal screamed and tried to walk away, but stumbled and fell. Alanna had aimed haphazardly and had managed to damage the tendon with that purposeful cut. She walked over to the fallen foal and lowered her nose to the wound, inhaling the scent of fear, of blood mixed with dust.

She paused. The blood smelled almost appetizing. Her tongue extended and tentatively licked the blood. The salty, warm liquid coated her tongue. Her eyes closed as she let the flavor permeate her taste buds. She immediately wanted more. Her muzzle nuzzled into the wound and she bit down, causing the foal to scream. Alanna lifted her stained muzzle and glared at the foal "Shut up, or I'll shut you up," she said menacingly. The foal's expression morphed from fearful into one of terror. It drew breath to scream, but she silenced it with a quick blow to the head before it could make a sound. She dug in ferociously, tearing strips of flesh and reveling in the wonderful taste of meat. Why had no one talked about how delicious it is?

Enthralled in eating the foal, she failed to notice the adults approaching the scene. When they rounded the corner, they began to shout and charged toward her. Alanna bared her teeth and stood defensively over her kill. The meat was hers and she was not going to let anyone else eat it, not after they'd kept meat from her all this time. No, it was hers, fair and square. She stood her ground as the Soquili ran at her, and at the last second lept into the air and out of the way of their charging bodies. They circled and stood around the body of the foal. There were too many of them and she couldn't get back to her meal. Angry, she screeched. "Give it back!" she demanded. "It's mine now!" She received stony glares and silence in response. Miffed, she landed and began marching back toward home to find her parents.

But when she relayed her story to them, their reactions were even worse. They pushed her out of the home they all shared and refused to let her back in. She appealed to them in every way she could think of, but tears, anger, threats, and despair had no effect. Her home was gone. She threw herself into the sky and vowed vengeance against the herd. How dare they ostracize her - she who had discovered this plentiful source of food! She who was one of them.

One day...one day, they will pay, she promised herself.


Fave Breeds in Order or preference: Full Hippogryph, Cerenyi/Gryph cross, Cerenyi/Wind cross

Favorite Colorscheme ideas:
Black and gold, tribal markings
charcoal and emerald, stripes

Long hair
patterns (tribal, swirls, etc)

excessive gore

Concept idea refs/Plushies:
certed plush
uncerted plush

Also took from Artemeisia (in 300: Rise of an Empire). Obviously not a Cosplay, just a personality / color scheme inspiration. url to her sweet spiny outfit

As a note, this harpy mare would be applying to the herd as a Slayer.

[b]Edit Category:[/b] - Heavy/Extreme??
[b]Soquili Species:[/b] - Hippogryph
[b]Body Build:[/b] War
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Starting Stage:[/b] Adult
[b]Concept Origin:[/b] Choose one -
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own

[b]WIP Needed?[/b] Yes

[b]~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ [/b]
[b]Body:[/b] Black and gold tribal markings across her face and body
[b]Face:[/b] CC, see plush
[b]Mane:[/b] CC, I forget if hippogryphs have hair for manes or if they have feathers?? Prefer a hairstyle that would make sense for a warrior
[b]Tail:[/b] CC, prefer a style that makes sense for a warrior
[b]Hooves/Fetlocks:[/b] CC, all 4 feet should have claws though
[b]Reference Image(s):[/b] [url=https://res.cloudinary.com/pyrrh/image/upload/v1589909176/plushie-blackgold.png]uncert plushie[/url] [url=https://res.cloudinary.com/pyrrh/image/upload/v1589909176/plushie-blackgold-cert.png]cert plushie[/url]
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~[/b]
[b]Horn(s):[/b] CC
[b]Wings:[/b] CC
[b]Fins:[/b] N/A
[b]Scales:[/b] N/A
[b]Pelt:[/b] N/A
[b]Other Notes:[/b] Have fun! CC :) I've done a little bit of a mashup of a plush I'd love to see as a Soq, and Artemeisia from 200: Rise of an Empire, feel free to take inspiration from both places as needed!

[b]~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~[/b]
[b]Trading Post Items:[/b] If any, list them here and desired colors.
[b]Custom Items:[/b] She has fitted armor with spikes down her spine and across her withers & chest.
[b]Reference Image(s) for Items: [/b][url=http://www.movieramblings.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/300-rise-of-an-empire-eva-520x625.jpg]armor ref[/url]

[b]~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~[/b]
[b]Name of horse:[/b] Alanna
[b]Owner:[/b] Nikkichomp
[b]Breed:[/b] Warrior Harpy
[b]Temper:[/b] Vengeful
[b]Mate:[/b] N/A
[b]Tag Background:[/b] CC
[b]Tag frame color:[/b] CC
[b]Tag feather color(s):[/b] CC
~*~ Existing Pets ~*~[/b]
[b]If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:[/b] N/A

Vindictus Sinclair:

[b]Edit Category:[/b] Heavy
[b]Soquili Species:[/b] Angeni-Kalona-Uni cross
[b]Body Build:[/b] Draft
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Starting Stage:[/b] Basket
[b]Concept Origin:[/b] Original concept + Mockbreeding {permission [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=27&t=24256741#373628111]here[/url]}
[b]WIP Needed?[/b] Nah only if you want

[b]-- Colors & Markings -- [/b]
[b]Body:[/b] Colors CC from parents; I'd love to see some speckling from Vapor and some of the Halloween-y markings from Arcadia (web, skull)
[b]Face:[/b] CC colors/markings from parents; eye style like Vapor (glowing slit pupil)
[b]Mane:[/b] Loose and flowy like Arcadia, I'd like it to be longer (down to forearm/knee)
[b]Tail:[/b] CC
[b]Hooves/Fetlocks:[/b] Very feathery
[b]Reference Image(s):[/b] Mock parents & family info can be seen here: [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24758567&page=1]xx[/url]

[b]-- Physical Breed Traits -- [/b]
[b]Horn(s):[/b] CC
[b]Wings:[/b] Triwing, CC. All three wings should have eyes on them like Arcadia's top wing. I love the floaty bits on Arcadia's wings but also the tearing on Vapor's.
[b]Fins:[/b] --
[b]Scales:[/b] --
[b]Pelt:[/b] --
[b]Other Notes:[/b]
Vapor also has these really cool talon-like spikes on his wings all over the place, let's give Vindictus some of those somewhere. Maybe down his spine?
Here's the concept that he will be fulfilling:
[color=purple][size=15][b]Mad Hatter, or Just Mr. Hat?[/b][/size][/color]
[size=11][b]Username[/b]: Nikkichomp
[b]Name[/b]: Vindictus Sinclair
[b]Personality[/b]: Vindictus varies wildly between being spunky, confident, and outgoing and being sullen, withdrawn, and fearful. This is due to the fact that he frequently hallucinates. When there are no visions in sight, he is at his best. When the things he sees are dark, twisted, and terrifying, he is at his worst. He begins becoming a bit detached from reality as soon as any hallucinations appear, sometimes even talking aloud to them. However, no matter how terrifying the apparitions are, he has always made it a point to work as hard as he can to make sure he is not lashing out at his loved ones, for they are his world and he would move heaven and earth for them.

As a foal, Vin had a lot of difficulty describing and explaining his visions. Having seen Arcadia making art, he attempts to mimic her style and portray the things appearing to him. As he grows older, he continues to take after his mother by making art, but he moves from paint to 3-D objects, using rocks, branches, leaves, and any other movable objects to form sculptures of the hallucinations appearing to him instead.

Vindictus is attached to and cares for his family members, but his favorite is Vapor. From a young age, he has taken to verbally sparring with the colorful stallion, especially when he is feeling feisty. To him, the banter is a sign of endearment, no matter how rough it gets.

[b]Plot Ideas[/b]:

*The First Hallucination: Vindi has his first hallucination as a young foal. How does his family react? (this can be comprised of any combination of parents and siblings)

*Monkey See, Monkey Do: Vindi has seen Vapor fighting with just about everyone in the family, but only Arcadia and Veri stand up to him. He thinks that it is funny when his moms stun Vapor into silence and wonders if he can do the same. Vindi goads Vapor into a verbal sparring match. How does Vapor react?

*Oops...: By now, banter and bickering between Vindi and Vapor has become a common occurrence. But this time, Vindi decides to use a few bad words he has overheard Vapor using in the past. One of his moms overhears and intervenes.

*Sibling and Family Bonding (misc)

*Secret Garden: Vin has decided that he wants to try to create sculptures of his most terrifying recurrent hallucinations. However, he doesn't want them to be stumbled upon by just anyone. Because of this, he needs to find a place off the beaten path to build them and keep them safe. (This will likely result in several RPs -- solo, while finding the place, and while building a variety of sculptures; he may also show the sculptures to a very select few, and there is always the possibility of another Soquili finding him and his secret place)

*Search for Companionship: Vindictus is often content on his own, but as time has passed he has seen more and more of his family members forming couples or other romantic groups. He wants to find that for himself, but not just anyone will do. He decides to go on a journey and see if he can find someone with interesting enough characteristics to fit in with his family. (this could easily turn into a family journey if either sister or other relatives also wanted to make a similar trip)

--------------------- ROLEPLAY SECTION ---------------------

[b]RP Examples[/b]:
1. [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24175443]Aiko (gifted basket) - foal RP[/url]
2. [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24405837]Faye - malicious personality RP[/url]
3. [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=24517645#368655983]Rayleigh - falling in love RP[/url]
4. [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24545873]Scout (gifted familiar) - RP w/ personality quirk (rarely speaks)[/url]
5. [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24283727]Roxana - solo/backstory RP[/url]

[b]Bonus RP[/b]: [Reason for filling out: bonus points!]
Prompt: It's the foal's first solstice ceremony, and it's time to declare its commitment to the family! The foal approaches the herd's totem with the knife it has just been given by one of its parents, and it knows what it must do: make a little cut, bleed a little blood, and become part of the herd. What thoughts run through its head? Pride? Fear? Something else entirely, perhaps? (Take care not to god mode other characters, as regular soquili RP does not allow that without permission. <3 )

Response: Vindictus carried the knife carefully between his teeth as he walked toward the totem, a visible spring in his step. His hide nearly twitched with excitement. Today was the day that he would finally officially become a part of the family he was born into. He was sure that nothing would ever make him feel more proud than to be accepted as an official member of the herd. He had been waiting impatiently for this since the first day he heard of the special ceremony. Vindi stopped in front of the totem and looked around. It seemed that the fates were smiling on him today as well, for there were no objects appearing in front of his eyes which the others could not see. Carefully, he lowered the knife to the ground without disturbing the hat perched on his head. He lifted his right foreleg and used his hoof to pin the handle of the knife against the earth so that the blade was at an angle tilting toward him. His hooves shuffled against the ground as he slid his left leg against the knife, drawing a thin, red line of blood from beneath his skin. The line swelled and formed a droplet which slowly rolled down his fetlock and into the dust beneath him. Vindictus grinned and looked up at the totem, joy shining in his eyes. His smile grew even larger when the totem staring back at him winked, welcoming him to the family.

--------------------- CHARACTER QUESTIONNAIRE ---------------------

These answers aren't required, but we would like to see them!

[b]Question[/b]:[i] The Sinclair Family teaches acceptance of the kalona breed's darker impulses, but this child knows that Arcadia and Vapor both have qualms about hunting. How does the foal feel about hunting? Does it feel the need to hunt, or is its blood diluted enough that it can subsist on greens alone? [/i]
[b]Answer[/b]: Vindictus only hunts when his visions force him to. While most of his hallucinations do not affect his predatory drive, there are some which give him a nearly uncontrollable need to hunt and feed. He has remained self-aware enough to direct that drive toward prey animals instead of any Soquili who are around him, but once the urges subside, he experiences immense guilt and shame. For this reason, he suppresses any natural instinct he may feel to hunt.

[b]Question[/b]:[i] How does the foal feel about art? Is it creative? Analytic? Indifferent? [/i]
[b]Answer:[/b] Vin picked up art out of necessity and has grown quite attached to creating it. He is appreciative and shows interest in the art of others, but his primary focus is his own sculptures.

[b]Question[/b]:[i] What kind of relationship do you picture the foal having with its parents and siblings? Is it attached to any one or few of them in particular? What about extended family? [/i]
[b]Answer:[/b] Vin is quite attached to all members of his family, both immediate and extended. He believes there is no stronger bond than that of blood; no other relationship will ever be as important to him as his familial relationships, especially those of his parents and siblings. He loves his immediate family dearly. His favorite relation is Vapor, and he would do anything to protect his sisters if they were ever in need of it. However, he is not overbearing or overprotective of them.

[b]Question[/b]:[i] This foal has discovered, after a little observation of several families, that its own family does not have quite a "normal" dynamic. Does this upset it, make it feel special, question things? Or can such a thing be brushed off? [/i]
[b]Answer:[/b] Vindictus would be proud that his family was not boring and 'normal' if he stopped to think about the fact that they might not seem quite right to an outside observer. In fact, he would feel a bit sorry for all the other Soquili who were not lucky enough to be a part of his family, because he knows that they are the most wonderful family any Soquili could ask for.

[b]Question[/b]:[i] Coming from such a complicated family can be hard and/or create bonds stronger than time. How does the foal feel about all the different idiosyncrasies in the group? Does it have any of its own? [/i]
[b]Answer:[/b] He accepts everyone exactly how they are, and seeks the same kind of understanding and tolerance from others. He is not the sort to try to change any Soquili; to him, doing his best to understand them is the only appropriate response. He does have hallucinations which vary widely from non-existent to absolutely terrifying. His mood is highly dependent on the things that are appearing before him.

[b]-- Accessories & Edits --[/b]
[b]Trading Post Items:[/b] If any, list them here and desired colors.
[b]Custom Items:[/b] Vindi is a sculptor, so some kind of art tool(s) would be awesome
[b]Reference Image(s) for Items: [/b]

[b]-- Existing Pets --[/b]
[b]If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:[/b] Original concept

[b]— Angeni --[/b]
[b]Desired Domain:[/b] I don't think Angeni crosses get a domain but let me know if I'm wrong :3

2020 pawed plushie conversion

[b]Entry Tag:[/b] Nikkichomp | Wind Kirin Suti | Unedited | Solo
[b]Soquili Species:[/b] - What species or combination of species is your custom? pawed wind-kirin-suti
[b]Body Build:[/b] draft
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Starting Stage:[/b] Adult
[b]Concept Origin:[/b] plushie
[b]WIP Needed?[/b] yes please

[b]-- Colors & Markings -- [/b]
[b]Body:[/b] markings are delicate and curly (see plush for example), elven in style (see add'l refs)
[b]Face:[/b] roman nose, lavender eyes, multiple nose horns. large coyote ears please
[b]Mane:[/b] cc
[b]Tail:[/b] kirin tail, with the spikes & the fin only at the end
[b]Hooves/Fetlocks:[/b] paws
[b]Reference Image(s):[/b] [url=https://res.cloudinary.com/pyrrh/image/upload/v1608784866/2020 plushies/fayt-plush-uncert-2020.png]plush uncert[/url]
[url=https://res.cloudinary.com/pyrrh/image/upload/v1611808965/2020 plushies/download_2.png]elvish script sample[/url]
[url=https://res.cloudinary.com/pyrrh/image/upload/v1611808965/2020 plushies/download_9.jpg]delicate curls sample[/url]

[b]-- Physical Breed Traits -- [/b]
[b]Horn(s):[/b] nose horns only (3 if they will all fit, otherwise 2)
[b]Wings:[/b] 2 sets of large feathered wings
[b]Fins:[/b] has head fin, suti crystals along the back, tail as previously described with fin at the end
[b]Scales:[/b] chest & belly scales
[b]Pelt:[/b] n/a
[b]Other Notes:[/b] I do not like Heron wing style

[b]-- Accessories & Edits --[/b]
[b]Trading Post Items:[/b] none
[b]Custom Items:[/b] none
[b]Reference Image(s) for Items: [/b]n/a

[b]-- Existing Pets --[/b]
[b]If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:[/b] plushie, see certlu
[url=https://res.cloudinary.com/pyrrh/image/upload/v1608784865/2020 plushies/fayt-plush-cert-2020.png]certed plush[/url]

[b]-- Ulun'suti --[/b]
[b]Element: [/b] I think this boy is watered down enough he doesn't get a domain anymore but if I am incorrect please lmk!


Magical Gekko

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Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
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PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:44 pm


PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:45 pm


Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
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Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Lavish Tipper 200
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PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:45 pm


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