It's mostly little kids on Black Ops 2. Either that, or men with high screeching voices that yell "noob" a lot. What's funny, is that Call of Duty is the same game I played on the playground in 2nd grade. Two teams... everyone running around making shooting noises at each other and yelling "I shot you first! I shot you first!" Same game... but it would be ridiculous if grown men were running around a park playing imaginary war.
Final Fantasy 1 for the win! Love that game.
On the playground"? ARe you serious? All we played on the playground was the playground facilities. I was in elementary school from 1996 to 2001 and didn't do any of that. Only thing that mattered was that one of our friends from elementary school in 2000 introduced us to RPGs in like 2000 and changed us ever since. Including Final Fantasy, and also Lunar series.