User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Water had always been relatively hard to come by, specially in the desert, however, recent events had made the searching all that more... well, difficult, really. Or not so much difficult as dangerous; Sinbad's words, not hers though, Maji thought to herself as she rolled her eyes slightly, shaking her head as she padded the desert dunes. The day was bright, it was hot, dry and very much reminded her of that day, long ago, when she'd first stumbled (mostly on accident) upon Firekin territory.

It mostly mirrored that day, except for one thing.

Her head turned to look over her shoulder at the large, male flanking her side; his head was lowered, his ears flattened, his shoulders almost droopy. Everything about him had changed, and yet, he was still the same guy. more or less. It was strange though, specially for Maji, whom had seen what had transpired between Karma and Sinbad and knew exactly what was 'wrong' with him. She'd gotten used to him, though, even befriended him after his curse.

Technically, it was a bit more than friendship, on her end at this point, not that she'd be stupid enough to voice that out loud though; Maji had never been greedy, when it came to love. She was... mostly just content enough to still be alive, safe, secure, and within a pride that would protect her, so long she was loyal and pulled her own weight; it seemed logical, and a good arrangement, if you asked her, "I don't think we're going to find any water here. Might as well turn around," her eyes scanned the horizon, "Might as well go find somewhere to spend the night before the sun lowers down entirely. I'd hate for a sand storm to catch us unawares, so far from the pride dens," that aside, she bumped her smaller frame against his almost playfully and began to turn around, "Was it really necessary for you to come along? I think I can take care of myself, more or less by now. And..." she'd been about to make a comment about his family, but snapped her jaws shut before sound came out.

Too soon, "Anyhow, yeah."
