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Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[1v1] IRL Sassy (Zar vs. Hel) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:43 pm
Well, Hel’s last few run-ins at the gym hadn’t gone so well…but luckily that didn’t dampen her urge to fight. Especially against another student who she hadn’t met before. Hel was all too eager to get to the gym now after that Zar fellow posted a request for spars on the Critter.

Thus, at the appointed next morning, the ghoul could be found in the gym, with her hands on her hips, and waiting.  
Baneful rolled 1 20-sided dice: 20 Total: 20 (1-20)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:33 pm

Zar was nothing if not punctual, and arrived at the agreed time, dressed in comfortable loose clothing rather than his usual perfectly straightened and pressed suit, he was beginning to really enjoy these arranged spars and was feeling fitter than he had in years

He gave Hel a polite bow when he arrived. "Glad you took me up on my offer." he said with an equally courteous but toothy smile. He wasn't exactly sure what to expect from the ghoul, whether she'd be serious fighter or simply a dabbler like himself, and had no real combat experience to guess one way or the other.

"I hope I can be worth your time~"


Dramatic Hunter

Lucyal rolled 1 20-sided dice: 20 Total: 20 (1-20)


PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:32 pm
Wow…someone punctual. Hel wasn’t used to that lately…especially when dealing with certain creeple (like Junko). Hel grinned, and waved a hand to him in response. “Glad there is someone else around who actually has balls.” She replied cheerfully, already liking him in person already. The ghoul slid into her fighting stance, raising her fists and angling herself towards him.

“Oh, I am more than certain you will be.” She nodded her head at him. “After you, friend.” Hel was apparently in a good mood.

Oh wow...two 20s...uh....YOU GO FIRST <3
Baneful rolled 2 8-sided dice: 1, 3 Total: 4 (2-16)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:19 am

Zar's grin turned toothy and he rather playfully replied. "I wouldn't be much of an Incubus if I lacked them." His recent confidence spike was keeping him more stable and balanced than he had been in years, possibly ever, he wasn't even afraid as he got ready to strike. Losing no longer scared him in the least.

It always took him a short while to get anywhere close to warmed up, he wasn't phenomenally fit. It was anyone's guess if his first strike was intended to be a feint.

HP: 40/40
DMG: Miss



Dramatic Hunter

Lucyal rolled 2 10-sided dice: 9, 6 Total: 15 (2-20)


PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:07 am
This seemed to take Hel by surprise for a moment. Well, it was obvious he was a demon…but an incubus, really? It may have been mentioned on Critter, maybe, but then, Hel didn’t really pay attention…plus she was sort of humoring a ‘stereotypical’ image of an incubus in her head. You know…shirtless, body sculpted like some kind of marble statue…wind tousled hair…bed room eyes?


Expectations were shattered everyday…this time not in a bad way!

Hel was zoned out when Zar did his feint, and she snapped back, shaking her head before out of reflex she lunged towards him and delivered a kick to his mid-section.

“An Incubus…” She mused as she leapt back a bit, shifting her weight from foot to foot. “So…” She grinned. “That means you seduce, ya? Have you done that yet?”

HP: 50 / 50
DMG: 9

Baneful rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6, 3 Total: 9 (2-16)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:22 am

The kick hurt, enough that it sent Zar reeling, surprised that someone without hooves could deliver such a punishing blow. He didn't mind though, he was starting to find that pain itself was a very lively sensation and that anything that wasn't the dead and heavy greyness of being locked in his dorm room all day every day was frankly invigorating.

He gathered his composure, tail flicking like an irate cat as he tried to focus properly on landing a blow himself. This time feinting with his claws, only to follow up with a swing from his tail which turned out to be apparently all muscle.

"I was convinced I was an office demon for some time, so I am rather behind on feeling out my own nature. Seduction though? Quite a few times." It had partially been the trigger to his coming to terms with himself and his own nature. He wasn't bragging, more surprised himself at the number of times he'd been successful.

HP: 31/40
DMG: 3



Dramatic Hunter

Lucyal rolled 2 10-sided dice: 3, 8 Total: 11 (2-20)


PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:25 am
Studying his movements, it became apparent to Hel that he wasn’t exactly uh…as battle savvy as she was, and that was okay. Briefly the ghoul wondered if she should take it easy on him, but then decided against it. No one learned from half-hearted attempts after all, well, in her opinion anyways.

The ghoul chuckled though as she instinctively reacted to the claw strike, only for him to feint successfully this time and strike her with his tail. That stung! Hel shook herself, before she went right in again, and this time swung her fist at him. This being was very interesting! The reaper let out a choked laugh. “An office demon?” She cried, echoing it in disbelief. “No offense, friend, but that sounds ******** boring to me! Though I imagine you must not find that surprising!” Critter, and her appearance, for example.

The ghoul hummed thoughtfully though, and grinned. “Hey…nothing wrong with figuring yourself out…better late than never I think!” She pumped a fist into the air before she lowered it back down in case she needed to block. “Hmmm…a few times…Well, do tell!” This was Hel being nosy and curious, because she found these kinds of topics fun.

HP: 47 / 50
DMG: 5

Baneful rolled 2 8-sided dice: 3, 1 Total: 4 (2-16)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:08 am

Zar was just as quickly realising that Hel far outstripped him in fighting capabilities, but it didn't dishearten him, there was no better teacher than someone who actually knew what they were doing. The punch connected with the same ferocity he'd come to expect from her, and he kept on regardless.

"It was. I was trying to divert urges by quelling them with sheer force of tedium." he shook his head. "It didn't work."

He readied himself, tail curling thoughtfully behind him, a subtle unconscious giveaway of when he meant to strike. "As for who.." The tail stayed lazy behind him. "I had a pet ghost for a while, Nuru. Weaponised now. A horsewoman, Lily, A demon, Barth, even a hunter. Rin. Almost all accidental, but I just can't say no to prey offering itself."

HP: 26
DMG: Miss



Dramatic Hunter

Lucyal rolled 2 10-sided dice: 7, 10 Total: 17 (2-20)


PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:55 pm
Hel’s brows furrowed at some of the words Zar was using. Tedium…sounded like…tedious. Hopefully that was right…she wasn’t going to ask. Sometimes keeping your mouth shut made you seem smarter!


“Ah, got ya.” She replied, eyeing his tail, waiting and anticipating his next strike…which apparently wasn’t coming? That took a back seat though, as Zar spoke, and one fragment of his words in particular caught Hel’s attention. Someone he knew had been weaponized…Oh…wow. Despite this shocking news, it didn’t stop Hel from moving back in, after all this was still a spar, and delivering another kick to the demon before she backed up. “Ah…I am sorry to hear that.” She murmured, and she meant it. Picking back up with the current conversation seemed kind of challenging now…but maybe it was for the best.

She nodded, and looked surprised at the last. “You swayed a hunter?” She questioned, her eyes going a bit wide.

HP: 47 / 50
DMG: 11

Baneful rolled 2 8-sided dice: 3, 6 Total: 9 (2-16)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 4:31 pm

Zar was getting a sound thrashing in this battle, but at this point that was just a given, he was completely outclassed by Hel in every possible way. When the follow up kick landed, this time it was enough to send him sprawling to the ground and knock the air out of his lungs. A fact he found rather hilarious as he laughed giddily, picking himself up. "You are one serious fighter." he commented with a grin.

"And yes, a hunter. In the haunted house. Human's are easy." he said, wavering and shifting into his human form, in this case a rakish looking young man in a business suit with impeccably combed long hair. "Not much good for anything in our world but..."

He stayed in the human shape as he swung out in a right hook. "Does the job in theirs."

HP: 15
DMG: 3



Dramatic Hunter

Lucyal rolled 2 10-sided dice: 10, 5 Total: 15 (2-20)


PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:51 am
Hel blinked as Zar was knocked to the ground and started to laugh, but the confusion smoothed over once he spoke up, and she grinned back. “Ah, ya…do not let it get you down, friend. I have been training to battle since I could walk.” She laughed. Experience, that’s why she had the upper hand.

The reaper lost all her battle composure and posture though as Zar show cased one of his talents. “UNHOLY CANDLE JACK!” She cried, throwing her hands into the air in exclamation as Zar shifted from his demonic appearance to a human’s. “THAT IS SO JACKIN’ AWESOME!” She cried, awed. Mightily impressed, she was. As a reaper, she appreciated that she could blend into the human world if she so desired…so it was awesome in her opinion to see someone else do it too who wasn’t a reaper.

But this awe earned her a punch, which knocked her out of her stunned stupor, and she immediately retaliated with a punch of her own. “Say…since we are on the subject…” Hel paused for a moment, and backed up once more, shaking out her hand idly. “…How do you feel about Hunters…?” This was something on her mind for a while, and she found herself wanting to ask others.

HP: 44 / 50
DMG: 9

Baneful rolled 2 8-sided dice: 2, 5 Total: 7 (2-16)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:53 am

Zar was pleasantly surprised at Hel's reaction to his shapeshift, most people were entirely indifferent to it, it was no flashy monster or potent power, simply a subtle shift alteration to an appearance which came naturally to reapers in general. He couldn't help but beam delightedly.

The punch from her once again potently taught him exactly how a punch should be delivered and he found himself taking notes, not falling this time, learning to seize his balance back a bit more effectively after a blow.

"How do I feel about them?" he repeated, "I don't mind them. They've been nothing but courteous to me. I was on their island once, they offered to let me become a weapon, but it was my own choice. I was able to leave. They've been more friendly to me, in general than my peers ever have." And he knew part of that was his own fault, distancing himself from his fellow students until it looked like the hunters were the only way out, until their perception of his usefulness as a weapon became the only useful thing he felt like he could do.

When he kicked out again - remarking as he did how different feet were from hooves - it was with just a touch of bitterness. "So yeah, I don't hate them like a lot of people seem to."

HP: 6
DMG: 1



Dramatic Hunter

Lucyal rolled 2 10-sided dice: 4, 4 Total: 8 (2-20)


PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:58 am
Hel’s posture relaxed a bit as Zar spoke, and she was listening oh so intently to his words. Someone else’s opinion on Hunters…someone who she wasn’t familiar with. Once again, she looked surprised as he just seemed so…casual about them? Actually, a lot of what he was saying was a shock to her system. Civil…it was his choice whether he wanted to become a weapon or not? Treated better than his own kind…

Hel’s brows furrowed.

This was a conflicting subject, and it was apparent on her face. She should hate the Hunters…she should. They had tortured one of her friends, and destroyed the Horsemen Isles…their homes and their people, and yet, despite those atrocious acts…she found herself in the middle ground.

She didn’t hate them, but she wasn’t fine with them either.

Hel was bumped out of her musings by the kick, which she caught. Her hands held onto his foot before she released him and pushed him back with a small shove.

“Even though they weaponized your friend?” She asked after.

HP: 43 / 50
DMG: 2

Oops, quoted and didn't fill in the first time! SORRY!
Baneful rolled 2 8-sided dice: 5, 3 Total: 8 (2-16)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:39 pm

It was a bottomless sort of sadness he always felt when he thought about Nuru. The boil had been a lesson learned in many ways, he'd been warned since he was a scareling by his mother that love was both dangerous and overrated. It was an emotion unbecoming of a demon and even more unbecoming of an Incubus. In his brashness he'd thought that he could handle it and that he could be equal to the unwavering loyalty the barghest afforded him. But he had fallen impossibly short of the mark, unable to return affection, cold and callous and cruel to him, possessed by creeping insanity. He'd taken him to the prom and fought with him. He had learned that his mother was right and the lesson had almost driven him to give up entirely.

"If he went to them, it was with full knowledge of what he was doing." he said. "They can't convert what doesn't want to be converted, at least not easily. I assume he went because he wanted a companion who would have no choice but to care for him back." In ways that Zar himself never could.

He shook his head, feeling his strength waning, but determined not to give up until he had no choice to. "They just do what they have to do, same as us. There are no good or bad individuals, simply different perspectives and reasons." And since the recent manifestation of his ability to feel, or at least taste the emotions of others simply by contact, he was learning this fact more than ever.

He attempted another punch and commented. "No wonder humans need us though, they are just not a very dangerous species. Well, other than their minds." Without their minds, it didn't bear thinking about.

HP: 4
DMG: 2

No problem <3


Dramatic Hunter

Lucyal rolled 2 10-sided dice: 7, 10 Total: 17 (2-20)


PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:07 am
Wow…more ******** grey areas. Sometimes it was easier if things could be slotted to black and white, but more often than not, Hel found herself faced with thoughts and feelings and matters that were just grey. As if this matter with his friend wasn’t thought jarring enough, his next words were as well. So was it true? Good and bad was just a social construct? Lou said that once, as did Nox. Hel, at this point though, was now getting flustered. Not because of Zar though, just because he was bringing up thoughtful points that her had thinking, but that were also undermining what she was comfortable in believing in.

The punch Zar delivered seemed to go unnoticed, as Hel just shrugged it up and pulled back her own fist. “I think I can see it.” She replied, and then punched him. She probably took out some of her frustration in that punch, for she then realized that she didn’t need to hit him that hard.

Oh s**t!” She hissed.

HP: 41 / 50
DMG: 11

Oops...SORRY ZAR D :
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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