User ImageLúhuì'Huā:
It was when Suki had gone off on his first mission. Lulu equipped him with the necessary tools in case he got in a jam. It had felt like, a normal routine to see Suki. Kind of how Dijinni used to be. But there was a point when Suki left... that she had started to think about Dijinni. When had she not, she missed her friend and for a few days now, she hadn't seen or spoke to him. Was he mad at her? Or was he just busy? These questions pressed but she was not one to think them over too long. It wasn't her business, and she would stay out of his life if that's what he wanted. But at the same time, her paws moved on their own. Getting up and putting her bag of herbs around her arm and neck and headed out. Maybe if they spoke, maybe things would be better. Usually- Her and Dijinni went solo on missions to get herbs, or he met her up at her den but since he failed to see her. It was rare to see her around the entertainer parts unless she was making a delivery. That was her excuse for today.

"Delivery for Dijinni." - As she slowly lifted her head, spoke then tried to proceed with going in to the entertainers dens but was stopped by the guard. "No one may see Dijnni." Her eyes grew, as she took a step back and looked up at him. "Sir, I meant Dijinni.." "He will not be taking visitors." Lulu's ears went back and worry slowly started to consume her. "Ok, thank you." Before she turned tail and went to another opening higher up in the levels and said. "I would like to give a delivery to Geisha Abila." The guard bowed to her and let her enter finally... The way she had to lie to get in? What had he done, gotten in to or what if he was sick? Unnessessary worry was creeping in her mind as she made her way to his tunnel. Upon arrival deep within she spoke up softly. "Dijinni." Tender, direct and with a hint of worry.

User ImageDjinni:
Djinni had spent several days with his mother, putting off the inevitable. He couldn't stand it, he missed Lulu, he hated that all of his regulars were turned away. He hadn't laughed or smiled in days and all because a spoiled princess hadn't gotten her way.
For the moment, he lay curled around a small crystal cluster, one he'd taken the last time he'd been to Lulu's special place, what seemed forever ago. Whenever he was lonely or just feeling poorly, he clung to it, trying to hard to remember better times.

As if conjured by his thoughts, he heard her say his name. His head jerked up, eyes wide as his tail coiled around to cover the crystal.
"Go away, you can't be here," he hissed softly, desperate pleading in his voice. It was a tone he'd never used before, Djinni was always so happy. This... was almost like he was in pain, not to mentioned terrified.
He couldn't say her name, didn't want to risk anyone listening. What would Ami do to her if she found out Lulu had broken her command, even if it was by accident. No, he couldn't risk it, Lulu needed to leave. If anything happened to her because of him, he... Hell, he'd probably die, one way or another.

He'd have to give in. Yes, that was what he'd do, he'd go see Ami before she heard he had a visitor. There would be no harm, right? Please don't let her find out.

There was a silence.. "Dijnni?" She questioned again and then a hissing sound came out. It was odd- she never heard that sort of tone come from him- it didn't even SOUND like him. Ears went back and her face got serious in her conviction on coming here. "Can't be here?" That's when she put herself in to view, lifting her head up and standing straight when usually she watched crouched to the ground- the shy demenour she held up and trying never to be seen. With Dijinni, that wasn't the case. She wanted to be seen. "Why can't anyone see you- the guard turned me away and-" Slowly taking a step only to realize what was in front of her. "DIJINNI!?" The loudest she had ever spoke which was about the tone of normal speech for others. Quickly she ran up to him and lowered her head to his. Poking her nose at anywhere she could get to. Taking up her small delicate paws around his head and lifted his cheeks.

Checking his eyes and face like a worried doctor..

Djinni flinched when she yelled his name ran to him, his eyes squeezing shut. He would have given anything for this and yet it couldn't have been at the worst possible time.
"Please, you have to go. I can't let you get in trouble," he begged, finally looking up at her for a moment before nudging her. He needed her to leave.

"I did something stupid, I was banned from seeing anyone, please go." My love. The words caught in his throat. He was glad that they didn't escape. Lulu would get in trouble if she was found sneaking to visit him, he didn't want to know what would happen if Ami found out that Lulu had his heart.
Still, it was impossible not to curl with her, reveling in her scent filling his head. No! He scrambled away from her. He couldn't go to Ami, not smelling like Lulu, the princess would know. Maybe not who, but certainly that he had been in very close contact with another individual.
"I don't want you punished because I was stupid."

She couldn't understand what was going on but her friend looked distressed and in trouble. Was he delusional? She jumped when he moved and quickly wrapped around him, sat down and lifted his face. Checking in his ears, his nose. The places her teacher had taught her. If only she could be a better healer than the paw of death. But she had learned at least the basics. Distress, his fur was on points and slightly dry. She knew when her friend was down in the dumps, but she'd never seen him like this, like all his energy got sucked away.

"Listen- I don't care about being punished. If your in trouble- I don't care the consequences." Looking him directly in his eyes, she was serious- the most serious she had ever been in front of him. That conviction in her, it was beacsue she cared- and it was more than a friend. This was something different. When moments before, she thought of disowning him as a friend- all she could think about was helping him. "I got something.." She knew bringing her bag would come in handy, as she pulled out the tall grass. "This will get you some energy. Have you eaten." Her tail curl around any limb of his- she could. Her worry was genuine.

"I've come to grips that most in this pride are stupid." Having to deal with fighters on a daily basis. "You can't be banned for seeing a doctor." She looked to him. "I am a doctor you know." Trying to give him a playful reassurance. "How long has it been?" But she answred her own question when she looked to the side with a couple days old cuts of meat. "Wha-Why-" Looking back at her friend with confusion and sadness. "Why aren't you eating.." This had been more serious than she thought. Slowly she pressed her forehead against his. "What is going on. Please. tell me."

If your in trouble, I can help. Please- I can help Dijinni.. I can. Let me."

"I..." He tried, but she just kept talking. Wait, oh, she was brilliant! That was the perfect excuse, he'd been feeling a little under the weather and requested a doctor come visit him. Some of the tension left him and he finally let out a slow breath, letting her fuss over him. Beautiful, brilliant, she was his angel.
"I... pissed off one of the princesses. I haven't been allowed to see anyone but my mother for days," Djinni finally explained, giving into the urge and curling around her. He glanced at the food he'd been little more than picking at.

"I haven't felt like eating, that's all. I'm so sorry for what I said, I didn't mean to upset you, I've been wanting so bad to say that." There was more he should say but he still couldn't manage it. He glanced away and shook his head.
"I can fix it. I just need to... go see her. It's my stupid pride, she demands I confide in her and... That's something I give by choice, not because I'm told to." He paused to nuzzle her cheek. "I can't bring myself to share my secrets with anyone but you."

The cheetah was peeved, worried and even slightly upset but that wouldn't show in her disposition. The emotional part of her was little to none by nature. Worry was something she tried expressing through her actions, but he brought out the tone from her. The bags under his eyes. His disposition, she didn't like this. Softly she ran her paw through his mohawk mane.. Trying to sooth him like she had seen her master do to patients in need.. "You what?" Shaking her head, she wanted to laugh- it sounded stupid but she knew how horrible the royals could be. It was only Emi she trusted in, and Buluu- her mate was also a kind leader. The two of them had a good head on their shoulders and their reasoning is fair. As for their children, she didn't know them too well... "Aren't they younger than us?" She questioned. "What did you do to the princess-?" When he coiled around her, she sighed.

"Well not eating can cause delusions, and serious fatigue." Being the doctor in training like she was, a professional. Then looked down to see the crystal from which was from her spot. A heaviness came to her chest, then looked back at him when he spoke. "For..what you said?" Then she was brought back to when he said the pride needed her- the pride.. this place.. the chains. She shook her head. "You have a way of picking them." The only joke she could even possibly muster up, and she wasn't the joking type at all. "Don't worry about it.." For what he said, she was the only pondering on it. But those thoughts were put to the side, she had a patient in her paws that needed her attention.. A friend. As she checked the rest of his fur out and to assess him- as he spoke personally.. Had he really only told her his secrets? They were friends... that was what they were suppose to do. But, she thought entertainers shared those same secrets.. It didn't make sense.

"It's ... either she doesn't know how to express herself. Or she does." Looking at him, she was level headed. Studying all types of animals and their behaviors. "The royal children have it hard- Emi has put them to train and understand each part of the pride. They hold a lot of stress, maybe this princess is trying to give you a break since she knows you have so many clients. Emi once told me she feels bad for entertainers." Making sense of this. "Maybe your thinking to hard-" But maybe he was getting it wrong, or maybe she was. "Or she could have a thing for you... Regardless- attention from a princess is something a lot of other entertainers would have liked." She was losing him... "Maybe I could speak with her.. or Emi? Emi would be the better choice huh." This was the most she had spoken to anyone. He was the only one she spoke to- other than Suki and Emi. Lady Emi wanted to know how to heal, what herbs she should know. This leader was different and for that she knew at least she had some pull, maybe she could help him out. "Well eat, and get some rest...Whether you fix this or not, you shouldn't mistreat your body or no one will have the pleasure of knowing you anymore." So cold... because as she touched him, it felt different, like he wasn't hers anymore- the feeling of being foreign.

Glancing back at the crystal... Remember the spot she hadn't been to in so long... She needed to revisit it, and soon. "Could be making a big deal out of something that may be a misunderstanding. But I understand.. this pride could destroy you with any piece of information they know of you.." But Lady Emi was trustworthy.. she couldn't imagen Emi's kids being too far from her.

"She is. She said she's been watching my performances for a long time..." He sounded tired, as if he suddenly lost his will. Once upon a time, he'd liked being an entertainer. It made him happy to bring out joy in others. But his encounter with the princess... It had made him feel worthless, like he was no more than an object, not a living, breathing cheetah with a heart and mind.

Djinni heard her words, but didn't agree. When it seemed she might be getting ready to leave, he curled a bit tighter around her. He didn't want her to leave, not yet. Just a few more moments.
"She wants me like this, too. Close. I don't do that, that isn't how I work. My clients know that. Pat or hug to console, sit with to talk and sing, but never... I am not some pretty ********." His mouth snapped shut as soon as the words came out. Vulgarity wasn't in his nature, his mother would be speechless if she had heard him say such a thing. But he wasn't! He was a singer, a dancer, a trickster, and a fool. He was a secret-keeper and advice-giver when he was able. He knew there were entertainers that were more than that, but he worked so hard to be the best at everything else he did so that none would ask that of him. None but a princess.

"Don't. You don't need to be dragged into this. I'll... figure it out. Maybe you're right, I just misunderstood. I was tired-" And aching. "when she tried talking to me. I snapped when she called me a liar. I know I shouldn't have. Perhaps if I apologize everything will turn out okay."

Most watched his performances, she heard rumors of his dancing and singing- and the rumors of how many hand wanted him and he had declined. Or those rumors that he did- but again, others boasted about lies and truths and she learned not to listen. There are truth to every lie and lie in every truth and to reap them of each other, she would need time to process and think but those rumors- she didn't care not a lick enough to read in to. It wasn't her business and she kept to that. Entertainers were many things, but she know Dijinni on the outside- the one not trapped being an entertainer and that's all the Dijinni she needed to know. When she thought him good, she was about to stand and leave- probably drop the bag off of herbs but he clung closer to her.

Her eyes went soft having a sigh follow immediately after. Then his outburst, so vulgar got her to take a cautious look to him, her head drew back a little. For him to tell her that she couldn't help. Well what was the point in her being here... there was no use. "You should apologize... if you snapped on her." Like he had done just now, but with her- the direction of his anger wasn't AT her- she could only imagen how he spoken to the princess.. Maybe this was how they showed dominance, but not sparing even just one slip up. Maybe this was what entertainers were punished with. "You have no further use for me then." Uncurling herself around him, letting her tail softly slide against one side of the crystal. "I didn't know you had this..." Her voice was soft and she drew her paw pad over it to feel its ridges. "I haven't been there in a while. I miss it there..." The place she deemed as hers- but soon it became theirs after a while. The memories they had,

"I know I should. I shouldn't have asked her to tell me what to say if she wouldn't believe me. She's a princess, I should have just..." Just what? Lied down and done whatever she wanted of him because she was in power? He couldn't fathom letting anyone do something like that to him.

"Wait..." No, no, what had he done? He'd done something wrong again, she was leaving and her tone... Why couldn't he be right with her? "I want... I..."
Djinni glanced down at the crystal and smiled, the first he'd managed in a while.
"I haven't, either. I... I took it to have a piece of it always." So that he could look at it on days when he hadn't or couldn't see her, when he messed things up between them, when he just wanted to close his eyes and pretend she was there.
"I'm sorry, I should have asked but I guess I just don't think things through enough. Please don't be angry with me."

Her demeanor had changed since her family left. Suki came in to her life and had made it bareable, but this was only because Dijinni wasn't there. Nights she would remember how Dijinni spent speaking about his missions while she worked. It made the time fly.. Now there was Suki snuggling her every moment he got, he would show her the sense of touch- affection. It was out in the open but she hadn't understood what that would mean. She looked in to Dijinni's face for answers for questions she didn't know to ask.

"Princesses or not, you can refuse. It's the illusion of not having a choice that is bred in to you. You HAVE a choice. You can give in. Or stand your ground. But you must understand the consequences of both." Sincere in her words to him, litertaely finding his eyes to stare in to.

She wanted to know why she felt so sad and hurt- maybe even estranged from him. Have they truly grown apart since his extended leave?

"It's ok- I haven't been there. I wasn't.. smart enough to take a crystal with me." Now she realized maybe that was why things had gotten so hard, she worked so much that she had forgotten to visit the place they called an 'escape'. "I guess I'm jealous that you have a piece of the place we dream about. Where we can- ....Never mind." The softness of her pads against the crystal.

Lúhuì'Huā and Guards:
"HEY! STRICT ORDERS NO VISITORS! DOWN DOWN DOWN!" Lulu hadn't even heard them before she quickly rose and got on the defensive side, hovering over Dijinni's form. "I am a Doctor- I came to-" "SHUT IT! STRICT ORDERS!" Before three other guards flooded the room and pulled Lulu off of him. "Explain yourself." Lulu's eyes went soft and surreal, even the hint of darkness and danger. "You ... are hurting my paws.." Having her pinned down by the neck while the other two pulled at her arms on the ground.


Lulu cringed- she couldn't speak with them tightening their grip on her.
What had Dijinni get himself mixed up in... She wondered if maybe he was right in his suspicions but regardless- the word of a royal was law. The fangs of the leopard on top of her- crushing her throat. "A day with the slaves! Maybe it will remind you of where your place is- " The Entertainer Guard head looked at Dijinni... A look of anger. "Take her away." There was no chances, the way of their pride- it was strict to keep everyone from killing one another. But Lady Emi would hear of this soon enough..

Getting tied and thrown on the back of the leopard that had bounded and bit in to her.

"No visitors. The next will not be treated so kindly." The guard stepped up as they took Lulu away. "You are ungrateful..."

Honestly, he wasn't so sure of that. What would happen to him if he outright refused the princess? She could no doubt do such terrible things to him if she wanted, and it wouldn't matter who his mother was or even that he was friends with Lulu.
But she was right. He could give in or stand his ground. And for all he was a coward at heart, there were some things even he couldn't let himself do. Perhaps if he explained to the princess that it would be difficult to relax if she pressed him - in more ways than one - then she would stop and just let him be himself. Would she accept his explanation? Or... or would she feel slighted and punish him for being an entertainer that refused her?

Djinni's ears flicked back a bit when Lulu said she was sad she didn't have one of her own. He couldn't let that stand, not at all. So one paw moved, lightly pushing the cluster more to her paw.
"You can have this one, then. I can find time to go get another-" He didn't get to finish the sentence before his den was invaded. His eyes snapped wide as Lulu tried to explain her presence, but the guards stopped her, wouldn't listen as they all but pounced her, trussing her up to take her.

"No! Wait, st-ngh." He didn't even have to fake the cringe that halted his words. Being with Lulu had let him ignore his pain, headaches from hunger he couldn't bear to sate, occasional nausea from thirst he hadn't really had enough to quench. But the sudden stress was more than enough to bring it right back to the forefront. He rose one paw and pressed the back firmly against one closed eye, hoping that would help the dully throbbing pressure-pain, staring at the guards with just the other eye.

"I sent for her. I wanted to know if I was getting sick," he said, his tone low and strained.

Lúhuì'Huā and Guards:
"Sick- You ask US. You ask the Princess. Thinking on your own? Just because your in the spotlight do you think you can bypass the orders of the Royals!?" He came up to the male. "Have you forgotten your rank-" The hissing sound of being upset. "We protect you. We make sure no one comes in and kills you in your sleep. This pride is of yes sirs- yes mams. Or have you forgotten. Blood of the seer.." Lifting the male's chin and examining it. "I wouldn't give you a moments of my time. Entertainers are one of the most expandable things in this pride. There are MANY of you so when a royal shows interest.... be thankful. THEY saved YOUR life.. Remember that." He looked back at where they took Lulu through the opening. "You 'friend'.. You think I have forgotten her? How many times you go see her- and she to you? Ive seen it. I monitor. I know every thing you do up even to how many times you breath and sleep a day. Don't bullshit me... " For most of his speech- he showed his teeth, with the intent on looking angry.

"We are a part of a whole. The pride is our blood and our soul. It will kill for us as we kill for it. Or do you not have pride in your PRIDE. I have heard that you haven't killed before. A prey beast very few and far between. Take a hit.. come on. Or will you break your pretty paw." Coaxing him then finally he rolled his eyes. "Now your friend is paying for your stupidity....and ungrateful nature. Make sure to tell her your welcome."

It didn't take them long before they had secured Lulu inside the deeper caves. Slaves were held there but this one was a singled out one. They'd throw her to the general slave population soon enough. "You're lucky its feeding time.. " One guard said. When the other left, one stayed behind and went close to her. "Your..really a doctor right...?" Lulu looked away. "My daughter is sick.. and I don't have enough credits and loot to give you.. But she needs help. She doesn't sleep at night.. only screams.." The green cheetah looked back at the guard- her same blank nature. "He was sick too- and you refused him treatment." Cold and almost appalled he'd ask for his daughter when he condemned another. "It's my orders.. and I needed the guard credits enough to pay you. Please." A sigh came out of her. "I'm no use with my paws strained and I do not have a way to know what she is sick of. I'm to be enslaved for perhaps a day or more. Im sorry- I can't help." Closing her eyes and looking away. "My daughter can die!" A soft yet dark answer slipped out of her. "She isn't alive in here anyway."

"Sorry, I was mostly just thinking I should make sure I'm not contagious before going to see the princess." The lies came out so easily, when had that happened? He never lied, never. Except for Lulu. He'd do anything to protect her. Djinni let his paw fall when the guard touched his chin. It felt like someone was banging a rock wrapped in pelts around inside his skull, but still he met the guard's gaze.

Did he think he didn't know that? Of course he knew he was expendable, that wasn't the point. He didn't become an entertainer so that he could be one in a hundred, nor did he do it to stand up above the rest. He was what he was because he liked doing it. He liked doing things for others and making them smile or laugh, he liked taking away their pain and worries.
And, frankly, he still did. His normal clients, the ones that knew him, they at least seemed to accept his boundaries. And making them feel better helped keep his spirits up. He didn't like doing shows, not really. He'd much rather have smaller groups or simply one-on-one.

"Am I not allowed to have friends? I don't remember that rule in my training." Oh, he knew what the guard was insinuating, but he ignored it. There was nothing between Lulu and him besides friendship, no matter how much he would have wished otherwise.
His eyes narrowed, the pain and anger over this whole messed-up situation growing within him with increasing fervor. Gone in this moment was the happy-go-lucky friend that anyone should have been able to count on. The side of him that wanted to laugh and joke with others had fled, leaving nothing behind but the bitter little cub who just couldn't understand why his mirror image couldn't stand him, felt the need to wail on him until he was forced to strike back, to learn how to fight back.
Something within him bent, like a piece of metal that had been gradually heated and pressed upon over time, growing hotter and hotter until it was weak enough to be bent by the slight pressure. Bent, but not broken. Yet.

"Call me stupid, insult me all you want. I may be too stupid to not break under pressure, but I sure as hell am smart enough not to take the likes of you on. I won't break my paw, but you might and I really don't want to add to the beating I'm already taking. Especially when you just sent my doctor away." Djinni finally stood, doing his best to ignore everything. The pain in his head, in his heart, in his battered soul. He'd had enough of bullies, he'd been bullied since day one and he was sick of it.
"Go preach to someone who will listen or stop wasting my air," he snapped, moving away to a shadowed corner where he stashed his crystal deep in a scar in the rock. His paws were so thin and the crevice so narrow, only a cheetah would be able to get at it, if they knew where to look. On top of that, there was a bend, around which he tucked the crystal. A searching paw would probably miss it.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I should probably go see the princess before she begins to think I'm avoiding her on purpose. Or escort me, I don't know what your orders are." Of course, he was avoiding her on purpose, but it wasn't like he actually wanted her to think that. With a few quick rubs against his walls and pallet to smooth his fur (And to remove as many traces of Lulu's scent as possible), he stepped past the guard, ready to face the cruel child that had started all of this.

Lúhuì'Huā and Guards:
He was right one point, Lulu was something to him. A doctor- did he think himself that great to take someone so important? No- He knew Lulu quite well. Everyone did. She was the specialist in wrapping the fine line of your kill to newer levels. "Hmph." He answered in return, as if he would believe the cheetah. Right, and their cuddle-y fun was just his imagination. Insulting the intelligence of a guard whom been around for years, other guards maybe so would believe such a beautiful male cheetah. He- did not. He knew the secret loves of each and every one of the entertainers. The ones that they acted different around, the ones they'd seek. Yes, nothing was too much of a secret in the pride of gangsters.

"You must not have read the fine print." A gruff of irritation. "You'll need to be escorted. The likes of your kind- I wouldn't trust any of you and I won't let the princess do the same." Noting that he cared about the royal family, enough to listen in on everyone's business. But when the kid snapped, he tossed the cheetah's face aside. He was about to smack him across the face, but tightened his grip. "You are lucky the Princess wants you.. Or that pretty face would have likely gotten beaten." Turning tail as he stopped by the entrance. "You will need to be washed before you enter her chambers. Make sure at least your paws are cleaned before being in sacred grounds." Of course it was simple to guard someone- but to know an in dept about the lives of others- to care for them was something more than a guard and that was exactly what he was. He cared about both entertainers- and the royals but some entertainers... were lower than dirt. Some he'd love to weed about but his was restrained.

"For the last time, there is nothing but cubhood friendship between the doctor and I," Djinni snapped. There was an honest resignation in his tone, his eyes, the resignation of a male who knew that there would never be anything but the friendship of youth. Let the guard know that, he didn't care. If rumor spread, it would just be rumor, after all. He hadn't made some grave confession, he knew Lulu didn't care for him that way, and if anyone even began to ask him over his feelings, he would deny it. He knew his place, he didn't, couldn't love her. It was best that he didn't, that he bury those feelings deep so that they only hurt a little and didn't make him do something even more stupid than he had already done.

The young male didn't even flinch at the threat of a beating. He simply glanced down at himself and nodded at the order of cleaning up. He did need a wash.
So his first steps pointed him towards the bathing pool he preferred, but stopped after no more than two or three. His ears flicked back as he paused, considering what he was about to do.
"It's my fault the doctor came. If I take a beating, would her punishment be reduced? The pride needs her in her place." Not to his face of course, no one wanted that. But, like his parents, he had a habit of sometimes wearing cloth around his shoulders, back, and sides. Should he take a beating there, it would be easily covered up. He'd never been punished before, had never done anything to warrant it. But this, this was his fault. It wasn't fair that Lulu should be punished because he was selfish enough to not force her away.

"If we had come in to see a crime commited- and our word disrespected. She would have gotten far worse. But to say that you would take the beatings for her. That is rich.." The guard laughed loudly. "Maybe.. maybe it won't. You can try- but why would a guard lay a paw on an entertainer that the princess seeks? Do you think us as stupid as to let something happen to you when the princess has her eye on you? Heh.. All those looks and no brains it seems." As the guard escorted him through the tunnels. "I wonder where she is at now, she should be digging tunnels by now.. Or ...worse.." Chuckling to himself.

Djinni sneered and turned away again.
"Don't mock me for trying to do the right thing. It's not my fault you guards are too stupid to know how to beat a person where it wouldn't show or hinder," he replied and ignored the a*****e while he went to clean up. It was no wonder he clung so hard to Lulu. He'd been born into the wrong pride, he didn't belong here. And, frankly, neither did she. But he couldn't leave his mother and sisters any more than he could leave her.