User ImageLúhuì'Huā:
After an hour or so, Lulu shook her head. Her long mane coiled behind her as her cheeks rubbed in to it. "Di.." She leaned her head to the side and saw Dijinni's color. Something about the color merely was softened her features and she exhaled deeply. Yet, happy. Then her body shot up and a scream was let out. "Crystals!" In a frantic phase, and tried getting up, but was tossing and turning to get up the strength to get up while her arm was bandaged and the clothes started to soak in blood again.

User ImageDjinni:
Djinni had at some point fallen into a doze, so it didn't take much to wake him. Lulu screaming and thrashing certainly did the trick.
He sat up with a start, eyes wide in terror when he saw that she was making herself bleed again.
"Lulu, stop!" he exclaimed as he wrapped himself around her, trying to get her to stop moving while still trying not to hurt her more.
"It's okay, everything will be okay, just lie still. Please." His voice was low, strained, but he managed a small smile in an attempt to help calm her.

"I'll get you a thousand crystals from you know where if you just lie back down for me." And he would, no doubt about that. Anything to help her get better.


The frantic feeling of losing those crystals. The pain in her shoulder shot up and she felt a body upon her. Throwing her head back in to the ground and groaned in pain. Then finally she came to the realization that she shouldn't be moving, her bandages now soaked in blood as she looked up and saw Dijnni's face.. Everything about her softened.. and a small smile etched at the edges of her maw. Content looking.

"I broke the crystal.. didn't I.." A hiss and pause between the sentance as she brought her good paw to rub at her head. Thinking hurt- as she took in her breath to try and stable herself, her concious mind was coming back and as such tried to logically think about the situation at hand.

If the crystal was broken, then the memories of her and Dijinni were broken and he would have given up on their friendship. Not even she knew how much she loved him, he was the dearest friend she had. She ... loved him enough to go through any lengths to keep what they had alive.

Even if it would take a toll on her.

Walking would be near impossible and from the feel of it, the pain was so great that most of her body was numb. Soon she would probably feel it all, for now she was lucky.

"Does this... mean your leaving forever." Her voice was innocent, her eyes gently closed. Her thoughts were not on her wounds but on him, and on them. She wasn't apart of this pride by blood- she was different and she knew how the bloodlines were. She knew how important his was, and she was far from that. On top of that, why would he continue to stay around her. He had the princess now, and their time had expired.

The crystal from you know where, she hadn't been in so long that it even made a tear or two run down her cheek even thinking about. The memories. "I guess I am just a mudblood."

"Don't think about it. I'll get more, it was just one in a hundred just like it. You're what's important," Djinni replied, surveying her wounds. The stains on her bandages worried him, should he go get someone? The fact that she hissed and rubbed her head made him fret all the more.
"Does it hurt? Should I go get help?" He was already sitting up, started to stand. Yes, he should get someone, that would be the right thing to do. She was awake, someone who knew what they were doing should come and take a look at her now that she was awake.

Her words, however, stopped him cold.
"Wh-... What?" A confused frown etched deep furrows into his brow as he stared down at her, trying to comprehend her words. Leave her forever? If only he could. He sighed and ran a paw into his ruff, rubbing as if to relieve an ache.

"I should. The gods know I've brought far too much bad luck on you..." he replied in a pained tone. But he didn't leave, didn't even turn away from her, just settled back down, lying next to her, their noses almost touching. He moved to nudge her tear with his nose, wiping it away.
"But I just can't. Call me selfish, but I..." You can do it, he thought to himself, Everyone else probably already knows, don't let her be the last one. "How can I leave you when you're all that matters to me?"

No, that wasn't right, he still hadn't said it. Djinni squeezed his own eyes shut, pressing his cheek to hers.
"I'm not doing this right... I love you, Lúhuì'Huā. For so long. I just..." He paused to let out a short laugh that was far from amused. "I was terrified to tell you. I didn't want to lose your friendship if you didn't feel the same."

Every moment that passed, and the tingling sensation happened, she exhaled with some trouble but had calmed significantly after. It was a toll on her. 'Bad luck' and 'selfish'. Well that was good to hear, as she phased in and out. Did she need anyone to look her over? No, she could mend herself. At least she knew that much, and right when she was going to attempt to get up, the pain started and she leaned back down rather quickly. Another groan in feeling uncomfortable but still an ease to her face in comfortablity because he was there. That's all that mattered.

When she faced back in, and with him being so close, and her slightly on the more emotional side, when he nudged her tears.. She gulped. Her chest tightened, her stomach turned and her eyes were closed shut. Biting on her lip to contain hoe it seemed like he was going to end it all. Then he said 'Im not doing this right' which made her slit her eyes and turn to him. "L-...l-" She .. didn't know what to say, that word was the same that was forbidden in the entertainers den, the same word mother and father used to show commitment. Something she didn't know she could handle. It felt permanent to a feeling that seemed as fickle, well in her immediate conscious, but the words were so thick she had to take a moment to digest it. A huge feeling pressed against her chest.

"Dijinni..." She slowly opened her eyes, and extended her good paw. Touching his cheek softly. Letting her eyes find her digits as she extended them to feel his cheek bones. Trace in to his ear. "I lo- li.. like you too.. But..." The feeling of uncertainty in herself, how she felt for him, what she saw when she saw him. "You are my friend.. " Sighing. "I care about you more than myself but I don't think I can be or that-thats- forbidden...- we're friends.. that as friends.. right?" She was almost clueless on the subject. She didn't know her actions meant she loved him, or how she looked at him, what she felt. His company was desired more than everyone elses's but he was also a lot of others fantasies. But then she figured, that he was meaning the other love, like an entertainer love. In which she shook her head. "Oh... im sorry.. guess I .. thought something else.." The pain surged and she hissed a little. "I love you too.. Dijinni." But how she was it was too light, carefree- as if used like water. Like entertainers said to wrap their prey around their digit. He couldn't have meant it like her mother and father. Her disposition was a lot more laid back and carefree, even lighter in speech.

"I need my bandages changed.. "

No. No, not as friends. Far more, far deeper than that. She didn't understand what he was trying to tell her.
Good. Let it go, let her think the wrong thing. Let her think it was his sweet, entertainer's words, let her think it was the kind of love he would have shared for any other friend. She would think that and perhaps she would grow away from him and stop getting hurt for it.

"No, Lulu, not like that." Gods, I'm such an idiot. Why couldn't he keep his stupid mouth shut? Djinni stared at her, wanting desperately to make her understand. He could ruin everything in this moment. But it had all started pouring out and there was just no stopping it.
"I know it's forbidden. At this moment, right now, I don't care that I say it. And I won't stop feeling like this. I love you, only you. Being away from you is agony, second only to seeing you hurt because of me or something I did. I would do anything, leave everything behind if it would make you happy." Hell, he would petition the queen to make him something else, he might even relish becoming a slave if he were Lulu's.

He sat up and brushed his paw over her ruff, gently smoothing it out of her face.
"It's okay, though, if it's just me. I won't, ah... I won't force it on you, I mean. Whatever makes you happy is all I care about. Even if it's not me."
Djinni looked over her bandages, then glanced to the den's entrance for a moment before returning his attention to her face. "Would you let me, or should I... go get someone else?"

'Love' This forbidden thing that they once spoke about about. Whe she was younger and how he would feel when someone you love came along. Like her mother and father. How they were devoted to one another, no matter how sick her mother was. The nurse came in and poked her head in, then left as soon as she heard 'serious' tones of talking. Which left Lulu to his care. Her feelings for him were just as serious but she didn't know. But her father did something that would always make her mother's ailing stop. Always make her calm. Her paws were brought to him and pulled him close and drew him over her body.

Then she looked deeply in his eyes, and let her paw pads touch on his face as if she were blind. "Shuu. Just for a minute." She whispered and lifted her head enough to touch his mussle with her own. It was got and cold all at once. Her cheeks got warm and when she drew her head back.... Her eyes wide to him.. Almost dumbfounded with herself.

" ......else.."

Katapatan ran in. "Djinni!"

Her paws were on his face, drawing him down, she was shushing him. Djinni hadn't even heard the nurse peek in, he was far too wrapped up in matters of the heart to care about anything outside of the tiny world he shared with Lulu. If just for a moment.
Her muzzle pressed against his and his heart soared. This was it, this was all he wanted. She didn't hate him, didn't push him away, didn't dread what he had told her. He could take anything after this, face anyone.

He needed to move, though, soon. She would let him change her bandages. He had almost no idea on how to properly do so, what little he knew about those sorts of things was mostly for little things he might have had to deal with in the roguelands. But he would do anything for her,
"I'll do my be-" Djinni jerked up mid-sentence, his eyes wide. At this point, he had at least a small measure of trust in Katapatan, since she seemed to know his thoughts in regards to Lulu. It wasn't that he was worried she saw how they held one another, it was her haste. Was his time up?

"What is it?" he asked, sitting up in a straighter position, the wrist of one paw still pressed against Lulu's fur, his tail still curled around her. He wasn't curled around her anymore, but damned if he was going to break his contact with her until he absolutely had to.
And, honestly? Maybe not even then.

(WC: 2,105)