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Mandate 0f Heaven

PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:40 pm
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◘ Thalion ◘ Dark Fire Angel ◘ Alpaca Chobi ◘

We are now official! Come see us Here!

This pride is pending approval currently! All required rp's (And then some) are completed and the current founding member's list is up. This thread is being placed here for the sole purpose of gaining interest for the pride when it becomes official. Any interested members can post here, plot out ideas, ask questions, and request joining role plays from any of the current members. (Ie- Thalion, Dark Fire Angel, Alpaca Chobi, and Tahja Estes) We worked behind the scenes for nearly half a year. All ideas came about originally through character interaction and role playing. We felt it best that we begin the pride the way it started- between the rper's that brought it life. Now that we are ready to go official, we are opening the doors for new members.

We are not accepting suggestions, complaints, or whining. The application is in, the rules and standards have gone through months of polishing and (while there is still some work to be done as you can see) we are ready to go. If you want to suggest a plot or ask questions, feel free to poke us!

”Our story begins with two gods in a land far away by the great sea.

A large, powerful god swept over the land, surveying all below him as a king would his kingdom. To him, all the world was created for his own glory. His wings were large, his body strong, and his proud ebony fur shone like the finest obsidian in the sunlight. During his flight one morning, he spotted one of his kin, a small god, basking by the waters of the sea.

The god was small, wingless, and kind. The larger god questioned the god’s domain, humoring the young one. The small god responded “I am the god of Peace”, to which the larger god simply laughed, “That would explain your small stature.” The small god, confused by the larger god’s words, questioned why he was making light of his stature.

You see, so far from mortals have the gods become that they have forgotten that it is the praise of the mortals that sustains them as the flesh of an antelope sustains us. The larger god knew that and informed the small god that he was large, powerful, and respected because the mortals knew him. They praised him and held his domain close to their hearts. Peace, however, was becoming rare, so peace was small and weak, unable to tolerate even the sight and smell of blood.

This troubled peace well beyond the departure of the larger god, and for many nights he laid by the sea, his heart heavy. He took refuge within a pride and soon conflict erupted from within. Mortals spat on his name and blasphemed his existence. Feeling ill at spirit, the small god departed to seek answers. With him came his protector, his mate, and his future executioner.

They two sought the council of an older and wiser god, one who held dominion over the domain of Karma. This god understood the balance, fragile as it was, that maintained peace and gave away so easily to chaos. For days they listened, learning from his own experiences and past lives. As he concluded, the gods entered into a discussion.

Mortals lived such short lives. The stories of the truly noble were few and far between. The most virtuous of lions would still eventually pass away and those that replaced them weren't always as noble. Eventually, like everything else, morals and values would decay and rot. Chaos was much stronger than peace and far more seductive to the hearts of the mortals. If peace was to last- the gods themselves would have to bring it about.

The three gods sought out three seers- a triad of siblings fathered by innocence himself . These seers were the first Taiho. They were tasked with bridging the world of the mortals and the gods, and of using their powers to seek out rulers who could serve the gods as well as the mortals they served. The seers agreed to this and the three spread out into the world.

The first sought out a golden lion who had shown him kindness after he had fallen from exhaustion. The second sought out a lion who had known only hardship but sought to rise above it and better the lives of those around him, regardless of their origin. The third sought out a lion who, by all means, was the embodiment of evil deeds. He knew too well the temptation of the darkness and while he resisted, the third Taiho decided that she could, and would, reform him so a king could stand as proof that evil could be defeated within one's self.

Their tasks complete, the three Taiho returned to the gods and presented their rulers. Karma made it so the Taiho were unable to bow to any mortals but those they named kings and gave them the name "Saiho". The land was divided into four- three kingdoms for the first three kings and a fourth kingdom where the gods and the Taiho of the future would reside and oversee the land. ”
PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:41 pm
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xxx► The Three Kingdoms
There are three kingdoms currently, each founded by the very first Taiho. These seers were personally sought out and selected by the founding gods of peace, karma, and psychopathy. The seers were tasked with locating noble souls befitting a throne. The three separated for many months and returned not only with noble spirits, but those willing to follow them as their rulers. With the authority of the gods, the three seers were given the title of “Saiho” and given the task of advising the three rulers. The rulers were each given a territory to call their own and the task of governing those within their territory in a merciful, just, and fear manner.

This was to be the law of the land. The three kingdoms remain separate, the kings are forbidden from invading each other’s territory with malice, and to each ruler a seer stands as their voice of reason. The Saiho represents the voice of the gods, and thanks to their powerful visions, they also serve as the will of the people. They are to be merciful, wise, and gentle.

The rulers must be mindful, at all times, of the balance of karma. If they are good, fair, and just, karma will smile on them and send forth peace to bless their land. The Saiho will remain healthy and true so long as the ruler lives. However, if the ruler becomes corrupted, full of malice and cruelty karma will be returned not only on them, but upon their entire kingdom. First the Saiho will grow gravely ill, their health fading faster with every corrupted action and every life taken. If the ruler does not right their ways, the Saiho will perish. At this point, Karma will unleash psychopathy on the land. Within a years’ time, the corrupted ruler will be dead and his people will suffer horribly.

At this point, a new Taiho will be selected by the gods and sent out into the kingdoms to seek out the next ruler.

xxx► The Three Gods

The god of karma is the head god, the authority of the pride, and the ordained of judgment. He sits as the balance between peace and chaos and can command either god to go forth to judge the kingdoms accordingly. He’s a fair god, observant, but stern. His word is final.
Peace is a gentle soul and perhaps the smallest of all gods. He can bring prosperity and good fortune to the land but he cannot tolerate even the scent or sight of blood. Being near it makes him ill and being touched by it can put him down for days. Because of this, he is extremely rare to be seen, well-guarded, and rarely descends.
Psychopathy is large, unforgiving, and vengeful. When she is ordered on the land, she leaves the one thing that grants her peace of mind and becomes a terrible blight on the land. She guards peace with a jealous fury because he grants her peace and clarity of mind. To cause harm to peace means to upset this dangerous goddess. Most hope never to see this ebony goddess.

xxx► The Taiho

Seers born into the pride are announced by their fellow seers dwelling within Kasai, the holy island at the center of the pride. When a seer is born, a Nyosen comes to retrieve them. The cub is removed from the family, the family given a blessing, and the young one is taken away to the island of Kasai to be raised by other Nyosen. From that point on, the only family that the Taiho will know is the Nyosen, the other Taiho, and the gods. They are raised to be wise, to embrace their visions and apply them for the benefit of the pride, to abhor violence, detest the sight and smell of blood, and to carry themselves with dignity.

The Taiho live a very peaceful existence, each of them awaiting the day when one of them is chosen to seek out a ruler to serve.

Presently, only three Saiho can exist at any one time. The Taiho look forward to this day though they are fully aware that their hope may also become their doom, for a corrupted ruler will eventually lead to their death. Regardless, the Taiho learn how to judge the quality of character and to watch over the people. They are seen as above mortals but just below gods. They are holy creatures, and as such, to harm one is seen as an unforgivable sin. To defy the word of the Taiho in regards to their choice in a ruler is seen as blasphemy.

When a Taiho ascends to Saiho, they must take on bodyguards to protect themselves. In their upbringing, they learn that to touch blood is to touch impurity. They cannot fight, even to defend themselves. Their bodyguards are creatures that they choose that will carry the honorable title of Shirei. The Shirei are the defenders of the Taiho and answer only to them and their ruler.

When a Taiho dies, their body is carried back to Kasai and laid to rest.

xxx► Life within the Kingdoms

There are many trades. Hunters, gatherers, crafters, bards, historians, story-tellers, caretakers, everything that is required to run a thriving pride are considered trades rather than ranks. All citizens carry the title of their kingdom along with the title ‘Roh’. A Roh is a native born citizen and will take on a trade of their own choosing. Most would follow in their family’s line of work, but it’s not always a requirement. So long as they work for the kingdom of their birth, they will be considered a Roh and an honorable member of their land.

Taika are individuals who, for whatever reason, have left their kingdom for another. They carry this title until the day of their death so that those around them know that they are not a native to the kingdom and thus, they have no say in the public affairs. This title can also be given to those born within the pride, who left, and returned for whatever reason.

xxx► Species

All species are welcome within the kingdoms. The ranks are non exclusive, even the ruling ranks. A Taiho will make no distinction between lion, cheetah, hyena, wild dog, and leopard. They look into the heart of an individual and a good ruler can come from anywhere.

The only race that will ever carry a different title are the hybrids. Every kingdom, every ruler, every era will have a different view of the hybrids, but regardless they will carry the title Hanjyuu. The Hanjyuu live in a state of uncertainty for their fates are tied into the kingdoms more than anyone. Even at times of peace, a ruler who looks down on the mixed blood of the Hanjyuu may restrict them severely within society. Because of this, it’s not uncommon for Hanjyuu to continually relocate between kingdoms.

xxx► Love and Mating

• While every ruler has his or her own way of ordaining what is pure and what is not, it’s generally accepted that pairs should remain exclusive between two individuals of the same sort. Felines with felines, canines with canines.
• Regarding same-sex attractions, this is a ‘do it at your own risk’ sort of a deal. The pride is founded on the ideals of karma, of balance, of yin and yang. Balance is found when a male and female come together, the two halves, to form a new life. Couplings that share a gender are frowned upon and if they are publicly witnessed, both parties can very well find themselves cast out of the pride.
• Marriage is a very big deal and seen as a sacred bond. This is exclusive to one male and one female and is generally a bond for life with the exception of very extreme cases. Marriages typically occur between two Rho but it is not unheard of for romance between kingdoms to blossom. One individual must move to their partner’s kingdom before they are wed officially.
• Mating between blood relations and adults/minors are strictly forbidden.

xxx► Cultural Taboos
• A relationship with the Taiho. Taiho are considered holy and something above the mortals within the pride. Even rulers are forbidden from courting with a Taiho. They are meant to be seen as speakers for the gods, pure and largely innocent by n ature. When a Taiho seeks to start a family, they are encouraged to take a god or goddess lover or, if no god or goddess is willing to mate with a Taiho, they can start a family with a Nyosen or another Taiho. However, any non-seer offspring will be returned to the mainland and put into the care of a family in one of the kingdoms. A Nyosen will seek out a married pair and place the cubs personally. After this point, the cubs are considered to be part of their new family. They will likely have no knowledge or contact with their birth parents. Because of this, Taiho rarely actively seek out mates.

xxx→ Saiho are able to travel freely within their Ou’s kingdom, so they will be able to visit with their offspring.
xxx→ Offspring of the Taiho and Saiho are not considered any more special or holy than other children. Only those blessed with the seer abilities are considered holy in any way.

• Ou of two kingdoms forming a romantic bond. Ou are generally expected to take mates from within their own kingdom. Starting a romance from across the border is rare enough, but two rulers falling for each other is unheard of.

• Flinging. Those that produce offspring outside of marriage are often frowned upon. However, when a kingdom is in chaos this would become more normal as the moral fiber of the kingdom begins to break down. Flings are allowed- but bear in mind that a character that engages in a fling, or heavens forbid, multiple flings will quickly loose respect within the kingdom and that may pass down to their offspring.

Mandate 0f Heaven

Mandate 0f Heaven

PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:42 pm
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The pride structure if a fairly simple one. The 'ranks' are more or indicators of class rather than of profession for the majority of the pride. The higher-classed members, or the holy ranks and the officials that serve them, all hold unique titles to their ranks. For the majority of the pride, this is not the case. Every citizen of their pride is a Roh. There are classes for those who are foreigners, hybrid, etc. but below official ranks, these ranks essentially dictate the sort of citizen they are.

Trades are not going to be seen on your cert because there are far too many to keep track of. Characters can be farmers, bards, merchants, caretakers, healers, teachers, students, you name it! Every kingdom will maintain a list of its common citizens where as the Holy and Official ranks will be listed on the main page. Within each kingdom, it is up to their ruler to maintain their list and keep track of trades.

Military trades, such as captains, guards, etc. are still considered Roh, but they carry military trades. These are somewhat more reinforced by the kingdom's ruler and their commanders.

Holy Ranks

Shinsen is a rank held only by gods. These are the ultimate authorities of the pride. They founded the pride, they established the lands, they give blessings and deal judgement, and they protect the pride from their own kin, preventing other blessings or curses from disrupting the lands and the harmony within them. Officially, these are the pride leaders, even if the majority of the pride will never (knowingly) come into contact with them.

A rank exclusive to seers. Taiho are considered the bridge between the gods and the mortal world. They live separately from the mortals in the central kingdom, living in peace with the gods. Only three are chosen to go out from their home- these three are charged with seeking out and naming the next ruler of their respective kingom. When they name a ruler, they become Saiho. The Taiho are raised to be 100% passive. They will learn to hate blood, violence, and will even grow ill at the sight of it. Li Wei will be their 'father' of sorts, and they will learn his ways.

There are only ever three Saiho alive. The Saiho are Taiho that have left the central kingdom and have successfully located their kingdom‘s ruler. From this point on, their life revolves around their ruler. They serve as their advisor, their voice of mercy, the ruler‘s link to the gods, and the voice of the people. The visions are used to guide their rulers‘ reign. The Saiho will fall ill from karma‘s curse if their ruler strays from a virtuous path. If the ruler does not resign their reign or life, the Saiho will die from the illness. If the Saiho dies, the ruler will pass away within a short period of time.

xxx→ The Saiho change their names upon ascending to this rank. Their names are the name of the kingdom + Ki (if male) or Rin (if female.)

[Kingdom Name] - Ou
The king or queen of a nation. Ou means "ruler". The kingdom they represent will be the first half of their title. The ruler is chosen by the Saiho and the entire kingdom's fate is on their shoulders. A good, just, and fair ruler will bring the blessing of peace and their land and people will prosper. A ruler that violates the will of heaven, shows malice, or cruelty will eventually lead his Saiho to karma's illness. Depending on the severity of their fall from grace, the ruler must either step down, give up their life, or go into exile. The ruler can be male or female, any race, and even any age. The Saiho looks at what's inside.

These are the mate, offspring, and siblings of the current rulers. They are considered holy as well. The role of Sennin is normally to serve as aids to the current ruler, but sometimes they use their rank as an excuse to enjoy a privileged life.

There are up to six Chousai per kingdom. These are the high advisors to the ruler.

Nyosen, or oracles, are the only mortals allowed to live within the central kingdom. They are caretakers to the Taiho. They serve them, they hunt for them, prepare their food, groom them, and essentially raise them up. When a seer child is born within the kingdoms, a Nyosen takes the cub from their family and take it to live among other seers. The oracles are not allowed to take mates and live in the central island. If they take a mate, they must leave the central island and they are no longer Nyosen, and can no longer return. However, a Nyosen can take a god lover to provide the pride with more seers and they are still considered pure enough to serve the Taiho. The Nyosen are all female and of any species.

Shirei are chosen bodyguards to the Saiho. These creatures travel with the Saiho, never leaving their side. Shirei are raised to be firmly against violence to the point where bloodshed will disgust them, even at their own paws. So the Shirei do the dirty work. If the Saiho or the ruler is in danger, the Shirei will defend them with their lives. Only a Saiho can choose a Shirei for him or herself.

Official Ranks

This is essentially the commander of the guards, the leader of the army. There is only one per kingdom and they are appointed by the Ou.

This is essentially the judge of the kingdom. There’s one per kingdom, each appointed by the Ou. The Daishiko is in charge of overhearing any charges, sentencing criminals, maintaining the law, and validating marriages.

Common Ranks

[Kingdom name] - Roh
This is the common rank for full citizens. There are no ranks for healers, caretakers, merchants, hunters, gatherers, etc. These are trades, not ranks. Everyone born to a kingdom is a Roh, no matter their profession. Roh is the rank for all stages, all species, and all genders.

Taika are individuals who have moved from one kingdom to become a citizen of another or a member that was born within the pride, left for whatever reason, and returned to re-join the pride. They live and serve as every day members. They can be merchants, hunters, or scouts.

Individuals who don’t exactly belong to any kingdom. They are traveling performers, merchants with rare wares, and are permitted to move between the kingdoms. Kizi members can hold this rank, though they will not be considered full members. Some ‘local‘ Shusei remain within the pride, but they don‘t belong to any one kingdom.

Hanjyuu is the word for hybrids. These beings are often a bit of a hot topic. Depending on the ruler, depending on the kingdom, depending on the time period- they can either be normal citizens, favored, or even discriminated against. Hanjyuu sometimes travel between kingdoms in order to maintain a comfortable status among the common folk.

These are outsiders to the pride. New members will always take this role until they gain permission from their kingdom’s ruler for citizenship. This often requires a waiting period, proof that they will benefit the kingdom, and some sort of trade. Kaikyaku aren’t generally liked or trusted, so it’s best that an individual not remain within this rank.

These are the lowest of the low. Fallen rulers, criminals, and traitors are given this rank. They have no trade, they are not allowed to reproduce, and they are forced to live on the mercy of their fellow citizens.

This is the rank given to all familiars.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:48 pm
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◘ Thalion ◘ Dark Fire Angel ◘ Alpaca Chobi ◘

Residents ||

xxx► Shinsen
Samsara | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♂ |
Li Wei | Thalion | Image | ♂ |
Mauaji | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♂ |

xxx► Taiho
Meztli | Alpaca Chobi | Image | ♀ |
Rhonwen | Thalion | Image | ♀ |

xxx► Nyosen
Sigune | Thalion | Image | ♀ |
Mei | Alpaca Chobi | Image | ♀ |

Landscape ||
Kasai simply means "Fire", and the name was aptly chosen. Kasai is an island situated in the center of the large lake bordering the three founding kingdoms. Raising out of the island is a structure known as Mt.Hou. This mountain is actually an extinct volcano that has since become a small, sheltered paradise. Protected by the risen walls of the volcano, the residents live in a fertile valley blessed by the gods. Their water source is a clear, pure pond at the center of their valley. Much of the terrain is a lush grassland with a few forested areas to provide shelter from the sunlight or the rain. The dens are situated within the walls and cliffs of the volcano itself. These structures were carved out by the gods so they resemble maze-like halls, dens, and rooms.

The dens themselves are furnished with riches fetched to make the Taiho as comfortable as possible. Some are gifts of tribute brought by the Nyosen while still others are gifts of tribute made by the citizens of the kingdoms themselves. The gods exist within this valley, living closely beside the Taiho and instructing them in their ways.

There is only one way to enter the volcano by paw, and that is a narrow road that winds through the rock itself, a lava flow. This path is heavily guarded by the Nyosen. Unwanted intruders are captured by either the Nyosen or the gods themselves and, depending on the circumstances surrounding the intruder's arrival, punished severely.

Current Laws & Traditions ||
◘ All seer-born cubs or god-born cubs are to be brought to Kasai where they will be raised by the Nyosen collective.
◘ All Taiho are to learn the ways of peace and karma, embrace these ideals, and prepare for the day when they may be chosen as Saiho.
◘ All Taiho are forbidden from leaving Kasai.
◘ Taiho are permitted to take a mate with another Taiho, one of the gods, or among the Nyosen.
xxx• As the Taiho are in a closely watched, closely protected area, secret relationships are next to impossible. Breaking the taboos of suitable partnerships are forbidden. (See "Love and Mating")
◘ Taiho are forbidden to engage in violent activities, especially against one another.

Kingdom Culture ||
The culture of Kasai revolves around the Taiho. The Taiho live better than the kings and queens. From the time they are brought to Kasai, the Taiho are revered and looked after. Their every need and comfort is seen to by the Nyosen. They wake and a Nyosen will groom them, bring them their meal, see to any aches and pains, escort them wherever they wish to go, and ensure that life is an endless paradise.

During the day, the Taiho walk with the gods and learn from them personally. They are taught philosophy, history, the prides rules and government, and are told dozens of stories from each of the three gods regarding the world outside. These lessons help shape the Taiho into just, benevolent creatures with hatred only for violence.

The Nyosen live for the Taiho. They spend their days serving them, playing with the young cubs, preparing meals, and caring for any hurts and concerns that the Taiho bring to them. The Nyosen are essentially the mothers of the Taiho, the sisters, the best friends, and the caretakers. They're a close-knit group who, for the most part, swear an oath of celibacy. The only exceptions they take are when and if a Taiho or God approaches them for romance.

Kingdom History||
Thus far, there lives only a few Taiho. Three have already been appointed as the founding Saiho. These three siblings will set the standard and blaze the trail for those to follow in their pawprints. At present, the gods live with very few others on the holy mountain. Their history is the history of Kasai.

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◘ Thalion ◘

Government ||

xxx► Saiho
Kennard (“Kaze-Ki”) | Thalion | Uncert | ♂ |

xxx► Kaze-Ou
Sion Astal | Thalion | Uncert | ♂ |

xxx► Sennin
Maa-nefer | Tahja Estes | Uncert | ♀ |

xxx► Shirei
Paol | Thalion | Image |
Pitoo | Alpaca Chobi | Image | ♂ |

xxx► Chousai
Zaphnath-paaneah | Thalion | Image | ♂ |

xxx► Daishiba
Vilhelm | Thalion | Uncert | ♂ |

xxx► Daishiko
Baran | Thalion | Image | ♂ |

xxxxxx------→ Kingdom Memberlist

xxx► Kaze-Roh
Akhom | Thalion | Uncert | ♂ |
Ashur | Thalion | Uncert | ♂ |
Rashad | Thalion | Uncert | ♂ |
Uovu | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♂ |
Imani | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♀ |
Samandiriel | Alpaca Chobi | Image | ♂ |
Kefira | Thalion | Uncert | ♀ |
Gaddith | Thalion | Uncert | ♂ |
Mahilaa Asita'agni | Tahja Estes | Uncert | ♀ |

xxx► Hanjyuu
Baird | Thalion | Uncert | ♂ |
Bahari | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♀ |
Kafil | Thalion | Image | ♂ |
xxx► Taika

xxx► Kaikyaku

xxx► Fumin

xxx► Youma
Asali | Tahja Estes | Uncert | ♂ |

Landscape ||
Kaze means "wind" and was given this name because of its vast, almost endless grasslands. The wind runs free over the green hills and fields, unbridled by valleys or mountains. The only structure that breaks the free reign of the wind itself is a large crescent-shaped series of cliffs overlooking the lake. Here, the king and his court reside. The caves were formed by the gods themselves, or so they say. This structure is informally known as "The Wind Palace" by the locals.

The majority of the pride members live in the grassland, free as the wind. Their primary source of water is a narrow but long lake that stands between the bulk of the grasslands and the Wind Palace. The secondary, of course, is the holy lake itself. Kori borders on the west and Mizu to the east. Kaze is the central kingdom at present.

Current Laws & Traditions ||
◘ Every citizen has an equal opportunity to advance in rank or better their lives. Roh, Taika, Hanjyuu, Kaikyaku, Fumin, and Youma alike are equal. It's the deeds of the individual that defines them, not the circumstances of their birth.
◘ Marriage is to be honored. Fidelity is praised and promoted because within the structure of a loyal family consisting of a male and female, cubs have the best chance at a solid foundation. Flings are frowned down upon and romantic relationships outside of those that can naturally produce offspring are prohibited. Hybrids are the only exceptions to this rule.
◘ Unprompted violence against anyone, regardless of rank, is unacceptable.
◘ Citizens cannot prevent the passing or entry of outsiders. They can redirect them to a figure of authority, but Kaze's borders are open to any looking to find a place of peace in which to rest their paws.

Kingdom Culture ||

Kingdom History||
Kaze's first king was born a lowly b*****d to a noble. Mothered by a commoner, as a youngster the king was bullied, tormented, and shunned by the majority of his pride. He grew without knowing the strength and pride of a father and found shelter only under the gentle humility of his mother. His half siblings sought to end him, if only to eliminate a stain to their noble house and another threat to the throne. After his mother passed, Sion fled into the wild lands to seek out a territory for himself. Young, and perhaps a little too idealistic, Sion sought to create a place for those such as himself. Bastards, blights, stains, the vagabonds and unwanted of the world.

After three fateful meetings, he met the lioness who would become his queen. Every time their paths crossed, Sion grew a bit more both as a lion and as a leader. He drew outcasts to him and gave them a cause to fight for and a future to believe in. During his travels, he encountered the lion who would become his Saiho. The Taiho bowed at his paws and proclaimed his lifelong loyalty, promising a kingdom and a land in which to rule. Accepting the Taiho's offer, Sion then sent for his queen. Along with their misfits, the small band traveled to what is now known as Kaze.

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◘ Dark Fire Angel ◘

Government ||

xxx► Saiho
(“Mizu-Ren”) Mungu akipenda | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♀ |

xxx► Mizu-Ou
Jelani | Thalion | Image | ♂ |
xxx► Sennin
Tsi Hilu | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♀ |
xxx► Shirei
Ehn | Alpaca Chobi | Image | ♂ |
Reshiram | Thalion | Imate | ♂ |

xxx► Chousai

xxx► Daishiba
Sukari | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♀ |

xxx► Daishiko

xxxxxx------→ Kingdom Memberlist

xxx► Mizu-Roh
Chrnobog | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♂ |
??? | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♂ |
Farore | Thalion | Image | ♀ |
Ntombi | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♀ |
Kip | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♀ |
Rushil | Thalion | Image | ♂ |

xxx► Hanjyuu

xxx► Taika

xxx► Kaikyaku

xxx► Fumin

xxx► Youma

Landscape ||

Current Laws & Traditions ||

Kingdom Culture ||

Kingdom History||

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◘ Alpaca Chobi ◘

Government ||

xxx► Saiho
Bastian (“Kōri-Ki”) | Alpaca Chobi | Image | ♂ |

xxx► Kōri-Ou
Zerrin | Alpaca Chobi | Image | ♂ |

xxx► Sennin

xxx► Shirei
Pit | Thalion | Image | ♂ |

xxx► Chousai

xxx► Daishiba
Mii'Zer | Alpaca Chobi | Image | ♂ |

xxx► Daishiko

xxxxxx------→ Kingdom Memberlist

xxx► Kōri-Roh
Rhoshan | Thalion | Image | ♀ |
Siladhiel | Thalion | Image | ♀ |
Nukapana | Dark Fire Angel | Image | ♂ |
Sa-ji | Alpaca Chobi | Image | ♀ |
Duguda | Thalion | Image | ♀ |
Kassuq | Alpaca Chobi | Image | ♀ |

xxx► Hanjyuu

xxx► Taika

xxx► Kaikyaku

xxx► Fumin

xxx► Youma

Landscape ||
Kōri means "ice" which is a just name for a landscape glittering with snow and ice, at least at the highest peak of Mt Muzai where ther heart of kingdom survives. The further down Mt Muzai the snow is more sparse and the temperatures are a lot warmer. Usually, living further down the mountain is a habit of visitors and outsiders who haven't yet been fully accepted in to the kingdom.

At the heart of the kingdom, on the top of the mountain, the kingdoms dens can be found. Most are ice caverns that glitter when the sun rises and sets. The most beautiful and central ice cavern belongs to the Kōri-Ou and their family. The Kōri-Ki has their own wing with in the Kōri-Ou's cavern.

The kingdom of Kōri pride them selves in their magnificent hot springs along with the beauty of the ice. It is not uncommon for travelers to visit purely to partake in the soothing hot springs.

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Mandate 0f Heaven

Mandate 0f Heaven

PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:50 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:51 pm
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Mandate 0f Heaven

Mandate 0f Heaven

PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:55 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:06 pm
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Interested? Want to request a jrp when we're official? Do you have any questions? If you wish to join when we're official, post the form below. If you have questions, comments, inquires, etc. just post away.


xxxxxxI want to join!

[color=gold][size=14][b]Sign me up for a JRP[/b][/size][/color]
[b]Your SoA:[/b] [URL=URL of image]Name[/URL] | Gender (♀ or ♂)
[b]Which Kingdom?[/b] (Kasai (*Seer or Nyosen (♀) only!*), Kaze, Mizu, Kōri, or Unaligned)
[b]What Rank?[/b] (If in a kingdom, only the common ranks are open. If Kasai specify if your character is a seer or Nyosen.)
[b]What Trade?[/b] (This is an uncerted profession. It can be anything from a medic to a bard, from a guard to a scout. If you have a question about trades, let us know!)
[b]Any plots?[/b] (What would you like to rp coming in? Your JRP can be the kick-off point for this plot.)
[b]Additional thoughts or questions?[/b] (OOC.)[/size]

Mandate 0f Heaven

Mandate 0f Heaven

PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:07 pm
Open for posting~
PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 10:49 am
Sign me up for a JRP

Your SoA: Daakara | ♂
Which Kingdom? Kasai?
What Rank? Would really love for him to be groomed into a Shirei... If need to be I shall talk with Thal about this over AIM <3
What Trade? He'll likely have more bulk for the trait of guard. Seeing as his Father was a brute of a male.
Any plots? I wouldn't mind seeing him brought in as sort of a lost soul [ since he is essentially lost ] that one of the seers, or Taiho or someone sees potential in. Someone who offers to take him under their wing. He's a blank slate at this point, so I really want someone willing to take him in, and RP with him and make him into the Shirei[?] or whatever that he is destined to be.
Additional thoughts or questions? I need more lions to throw at this place. You have no idea >w>


Charitable Informer

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Conservative Seeker

PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:51 am

o: Depending on who takes him as a Shirei would depend on which kingdom he lives in. I can set up an rp with Ken and see if they're a good match? He's going to take a few Shirei beyond the ones listed here. :3 If Ken takes him, he'll be in Kaze.

;A; I'm glad you like it!  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:53 am
Is Ken doesn't work out out, he's welcome to try with Nina (Mizu-Ren) XD  


Adorable Lionheart

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Tahja Estes

Fashionable Loiterer

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:25 pm
Sign me up for a JRP

Your SoA: Msimbo Kiba | ♂
Which Kingdom? Kaze
What Rank? Kaze-Roh eventually
What Trade? King of naps No really working sucks AUGH FINE Guard I GUESS...
Any plots? ... What would actually be hilarious would be if the scouts/guards dragged him in for "skulking" around the border (I volunteer Asita) before Sion, or have Sion just happen by. Sion meet the laziest lion on Earth.
Additional thoughts or questions? Nope!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:40 pm
Heeeeeeeeeeeee <3  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade


Charitable Informer

15,050 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:58 pm

o: Depending on who takes him as a Shirei would depend on which kingdom he lives in. I can set up an rp with Ken and see if they're a good match? He's going to take a few Shirei beyond the ones listed here. :3 If Ken takes him, he'll be in Kaze.

;A; I'm glad you like it!

Dark Fire Angel
Is Ken doesn't work out out, he's welcome to try with Nina (Mizu-Ren) XD

I'd definitely like to try him out with Ken, and if he doesn't mesh well with Ken for some reason, then YES I totally want to throw him at Nina!

Poor little guy is just that one puzzle piece that doesn't fit anywhere. I think its about time he finally found a place that he fits <3

I"ll pop on AIM soon and get with Thal for a JRP! Since the pride is now officially official!

But it might have to wait until tomorrow, as i'm feeling a bit down today. First day back in classes really took it out of me XD
[OOC] Plot Recruitment Threads [OOC]

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