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The Lucani

PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:08 pm
If you have any problems and/or concerns, please PM the mule. There is no reason to post them in the thread.

Information will go here later.

All felines are allowed, even hybrids; both fertile and infertile, cheetahs and leopards.
Any colors are allowed. See the bottom of the third post to see how the pride would react to your coloring! If you're unsure, just post and I'll let you know how the old blood would see them.
Hyenas and wild dogs are not allowed.

Birds of all kinds and snakes are the primary familiars. No other familiars are currently allowed for simplicity's sake.
Snakes are only available in-pride to female members. Joining males are permitted to bring a snake, but may not obtain one once a full member, as at this time it is forbidden for them.

The default ranks are Mdogo (for cubs) > Mtoa (adol/adult females) or Erkek (adol/adult males).

Our cert background will be done by the amazing Kaelyndra. We're still looking for a cert symbol though!
PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:12 pm
History will go here.


Male dominated pride with female lions are forced into roles making them servants. The males are cruel and unforgiving of any wrong deeds. They are known to kill male cubs for less competition and cast out weak females or those that are infertile/produce small litters. The females of the pride pray to the only thing around them: the sun. The sun listens to their prayer and answers by sending it's warrior; a goddess (still looking for a goddess to fit this role! PM the mule if you're interested), to free them from their slavery. The first freed became the very first Kichwa, Mfuasi and those sisters freed with her became the first of the Lucani. With the males killed or chased off, the Lucani founding its roots.

That was six generations ago. Since then, Kichwa have come and gone. At some unknown point the Caldur moved up close to the Lucani's southern border and had begun causing trouble. The winds of change have made the Lucani a much more peaceful bunch, unwilling or scared to risk chasing out the Caldurem in fear of re-enslavement, especially under such a (suspected) brutal pride.

Recently though the pride was attacked by the Caldur, who came in the night. The lionesses (non-lions were not allowed at this point) fought back and defended their home, but in the chaos many were left dead or injured. Most turned tail and ran for their lives instead of fighting for their homeland. -to be detailed later-

The Lucani

The Lucani

PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:13 pm
[ Our Lands ]

Our lands are trying. The Kalahari Desert is a harsh mistress, but a giving one. While red sands surround us, there are small plants and fruits that grow and give life to the prey and to the predators. In this testing land dwells the Lucani. From their rocky den they look over their kingdom. As far as their eyes can see and their sun goddess' rays do touch is their's.

With no permanent natural water sources within these dunes, it is a time of joy when rain falls. The rainfall within the Kalahari is erratic at best and sparse even in the best of times. Because of these conditions, water is a precious thing to the pride. As they struggle to survive, they must constantly be on the look-out for water. The heat is an enemy within these sands despite their reverence to the sun. The acacia trees are one of the few comforts in this hot and relatively barren land, providing shade during the hot afternoons if a lioness is caught away from the dens. With it and the small shrubs that continue to grow in defiance to what nature may say where to grow and where not to grow, are some of the only pockets of shade and relief from the sun.

There are other animals that call the Kalahari home, such as meerkats, giraffes, warthogs, jackals, chacma baboons, and several species of antelope (including the eland, gemsbok, springbok, hartebeest, steenbok, kudu, and duiker). Wild dogs and hyenas also live in these sands, as well as other lions.

[ Out Traditions ]

Sun Marked
    Those descended from the line of Mfuasi are said to possess a tribal sun marking somewhere on their body. This trait has managed to survive through the generations though the blood is thin now and only a few lions now possess it and can trace their family back to Mfuasi. Any member of the pride in this marking is automatically looked on with more prestige by more traditional members. The sun marked are also typically the Kichwa within the pride. They can refuse the role and pass it to someone else though. When this non-sun marked Kichwa passes on, the role of matriarch will pass to the the oldest living sun marked to continue the line of rulers. So far, the line has not been broken so there is no protocol if there is not a sun-marked to take the helm.

    The snakes of the Kalahari are seen as allies to the Lucani and aid them in their day-to-day routines. They are personal guards, assistants and friends to their bonded feline. In older times any males within the pride could not possess their own snakes as they were seen as the living blood of their warrior goddess. The males of the pride were thought that they could not control or appreciate the deadly grace of the serpents. This ban still exists, but there are a few Erkek within the pride that seek to change this.

    The specific snakes bred by the Lucani are known for their paralytic venom used by the hunters during patrols for stray rogues seeking to do them harm or in ambushes during hunts. These snakes were often used to trade for drinking rights when water was scarce. This practice is still in place today.

The Great Race
    Do de do.

Major Gods
    The Lucani do not, as a whole, worship any other god aside their sun goddess, who, sort of ironically, lacks a proper name. She has never told it to them, and who are they to place a name upon her form? She is simply called 'the Matron', as well as the sun, fire, light, anything that has to do with the actual sun above them as they believe she is watching them during the day while her brother, the moon, watches them coldly at night.

    The moon was the previous patron of the pride prior to their release from slavery, so while the pride works quite a bit during the night, they hold no reverence for the moon that lights the night. Some choose to work solely during the day under the Matron's gaze instead while others, due to mostly health concerns, work strictly at night. No matter what time of day, the pride is at least somewhat active.

Minor Gods
    Within the Lucani, there are many minor gods that are looked to for guidance, for their wisdom and for their blessings. These are the SoA gods and they are believed to be the living rays of the Matron, given to mortals for both their survival and their destruction. Offerings are made to these gods are various locations throughout the Kalahari thought to be a place where the god would likely visit; such as a small shrine to the goddess of rain and the god of water at an oasis that is fed by an underground source. Or a rock cave that is home to the shrine to the goddess of caves and the goddess of fertility in the case of a birthing den. There are many others shrines, all built during by a passing creature during a time when that god's blessing was sought after by someone. While none of these gods are patrons to the pride, they are all occasionally prayed to when the time arises.

    Seers of old were considered magical things, and while some still believe they are, it was to a higher extreme only generations ago. Any seer born into the pride was raised with care and doted on by the elders of the pride. They were thought to be blessed by the Matron as either by personal blessing (rolled) or by being birthed through the union of mortal and one of her many rays (god child). As such, their lives were spent devoted to the Matron and to give the pride information as to what she wished them to do. To better connect with their visions and in turn the Matron, most seers willingly blinded themselves by staring into the sun.

    This practice has been mostly forgotten, but some still treat seers higher then others and believe that the kichwa should also be a seer as it would only make sense to have a servant of the Matron become their guide in the Kalahari. Seers of today are treated, by the pride as a whole, no different from the rest of the members. They are expected to work just as the pride does and are granted no special treatment.

[ Information ]

A Dying Language
    In older times, the Lucani had a much harder time communicating with any creature from the north due to the difference in language. Most lions in the old Lucani speak a very broken 'common'; or the language spoken by the creatures of the River Valley. During the recent attack though, a majority of those who fluently spoke this language either died or fled. Those that remain are skeptical to the idea of teaching it to the new rogue blood. Because of this, the language is dying out and is not available to be used in roleplay except in rare, approved instances. An example of the language being used can be seen here.

Hyenas and Wild Dogs
    Both are competitors for the limited resources in the Kalahari and if seen in the Lucani lands they should be chased out, no questions asked. Some females may choose to give the canine one warning, or allow them to pass on the borders with escort, but not all are as forgiving. Skirmishes along the border are common as well as while out hunting. Because of this, hyenas and wild dogs are not welcome as members of the Lucani. There has been talk of this law being revoked and to allow all species of the desert into the Lucani. As they are all brothers and sisters of the sands, there is no reason for them to compete, rather work together for their continued survival.

Males of Any Species
    Due to the history of the pride, males, regardless of species, are generally seen as less; as if making up for mistakes for their sex's wrongs to the Lucani in the past, than their female counterparts. Despite this they are not treated unkindly. They may be bossed around but they are not abused, treated as slaves or forced into doing anything. A male member of the pride may leave if they so choose to with no consequence to themselves. Though a male who refuses to aid a female is subject to possibly being thrown out (assuming there is not a valid reason why he did not help, such as being sick, tending to a birthing mother, etc.) of the pride simply because in the harsh terrain, there is no room for selfishness.

    There has been whispers of Adrestia changing this and allowing males to become more than just Erkek, but allow them the option of Mtoa. Due to their history in the pride though, it is unlikely males will ever be allowed to rise any higher in the ranks then that. But these whispers are just that; whispers. Rumors spread around by gossiping old women who have nothing else to do.

    Within this pride, the survival of one's line is immensely important. Despite this, the Lucani do not shun those who decide for themselves to take a partner that would make them an infertile couple. All are welcome in the Lucani if they can pull their own weight. To make up for this allowance of all, there are no restrictions placed on a male or female breeding in or outside of the pride and what with. Being that hybrids are allowed, breedings between different feline species is possible.
      Bottom Line:
      • Hyrbid breedings are OK!
      • Mix-N-Match is OK!
      • Rogue-breedings are OK!
      • Flings are OK!
      • Life-mates are OK!
      • No permission is needed for breedings. Period.

Birthing & Growing Up in the Lucani
    The birthing is attended by the Watu and the Ndae. Occasionally one or two Erkek will be present as well. During this time, singing occurs, to welcome the cub into the world. Each song is different for each cub and these are the first words they hear. The song usually stays with the cub as a tune stuck in their head, a comfort, as it is repeated at time of great joy during their growing into adulthood. As they grow, the cubs are taught of the dangers of the desert. Snakes, scorpions, and the sun. Dehydration is the largest known killer of cubs and because of this, they are all taught how to retrieve water from the melons that grow naturally in the Kalahari.

    Once a cub reaches their juvenile stage they join a Skyn-Jag, or a mock hunt. This a group of cubs headed by one Mtoa, usually a parent of one or more of the cubs and who is only there is protect and watch over the cubs. The cubs must then hunt small game, such as hare and mice as a team, preparing them for the life of hunting that awaits them.

    At the beginning of adolescence, the cubs go on their first hunt as a rite of passage. They must do this hunt by themselves or with one sibling of similar age. The rite is complete with they bring home a kill. The family of the cub rejoices, feasts on the kill and welcomes the cub into adulthood and a full member of the pride.

Rain-Watering Holes
    Because of the rarity of water in the Kalahari, when rain clouds appears in the sky the entire pride makes keeping their large basins in the harder sands to hold the rain water clean of too much loose sand. These basins are temporary and need to be re-dug almost constantly to keep sand from filling back in. It is a daily duty for the entire pride to ensure that these holes are open and ready in case rain falls. During the dry season, this is halted as rainfall is so much rarer.

    In this barren land there is a salvation and it comes in the form of a fruit. The tsamma melon is native to the Kalahari and grows frequently after a good rain. Smaller cousins to the watermelon we are all familiar with, they look nearly identical. Most varieties of this melon are bitter and hard to eat but some sweeter ones exist. Regardless of they taste, they are edible and can be eaten raw for a boost of liquid! To read more information about the tsamma melons click here.

    Another kind of melon exists that is referred to as a the horned melon which grows similarly to the tsamma in that they grow on a long, sprawling vine but is considerably much smaller. In fact, they're just a small oval shape with small, dull spines growing all of it. This means that it would likely fit in a human hand, this also meaning they are much easier for the lions of the Kalahari to deal with. Inside the fruit is a jelly-like, green flesh with a mild tart taste though with the consistency of a cucumber. During the Kalahari's dry season this fruit is the only source of water. To read more information about the horned melon click here.

The Caldur
    The most well known pride in the area aside from the Lucani is the Caldur. The members of the Caldur are known to the Lucani as the Caldurem and reside in the deserts to the south of the Lucani's territory. The Caldur consist of lions that are thinner and always seen with pelts that are light brown in color, varying shades of cream and white, and seem much more consistent in their colors than their cousins up north. The males in the pride also always seem to sport black manes, in fact many of the pride itself have dark brown or black manes. Since others have not been seen differing manes, they can only assume the member that do not have a black mane are removed from the pride. This pride functions with three or four males in it and around a dozen lionesses. No other feline species have been observed living in the pride. They are extremely hostile to the Lucani as they are competitors for every resource in the Kalahari.

    Intentional interactions with them are strictly forbidden as the Kichwa from generations past have been trying to form and alliance with them, all attempts have failed and they are left with a tentative peace that acts more as if they ignore one another. Despite this peace, Caldurem still chase and sometimes injure members of the Lucani, but each Kichwa has been unwilling to risk war and possible re-enslavement or death of her brothers and sisters of the sand.

    Things to Note:
    - The Caldur are 100% lion only.
    - They consist of dark maned, pale body lions.
    - Any cub born without those traits are killed if male, or thrown away if female. There are few exceptions for female cubs, but few males survive.
    - They are hostile towards the Lucani and will attack them if they cross paths.

Allies & Enemies
    While the Caldur are an enemy to the entire pride and live nearly right on their borders, the Lucani needs allies much rather north then they currently are, up where most rogues are located. They need word of mouth to spread, to bring others into their fold and strengthen their pride against any possible attacks. If anyone may be interested in having the Lucani as an ally, please PM me!

    The exact opposite, they need enemies. In fact, in some way, the Lucani could even the enemies in this. Their life is hard and while herds and prey are plentiful during the rains, during the dry season, starvation is nearly always the killer of cubs and older members. The goddess of poaching is known to play tricks within the pride and sway them to hunt in other lands, namely other land owned by prides. This could be the exact opposite, as she could sway another pride to hunt within the Lucani's borders during their wet season. Plots, of course, could be discussed. There need to be more prides at each other's throats out there.

[ Joining Us ]

Your Pelt Color
    The color of one's pelt does matter only slightly. While all are accepted, some of the more traditional members may have a hard time accepting them right off the bat.
      Normal colors include black, white, browns; including tan for the typical coloring for old blood Lucani.
      "Caldur" colors, which will be light browns; tan, copper and sometimes chocolate and a dark mane. The mane can either be black, brown or in some cases, red. Anyone with these colors will be looked upon with a mixture of fear, anger and distrust by old blood.
      Red, grey, yellow and "hot" variants of red such as orange are fairly common as well, but less so then the colors above.
      "Unnatural" colors, any that are not listed above, can be the color of markings, but they must take up no more then 35% of the lion to not be considered abnormal by old blood.
      "Unnatural" colors such as blue, green, pink and purple as the base color are allowed, but are often times seen as extremely strange to the more traditional members.

Your Name
    There are no enforced naming traditions but many old-blooded members have Persian, Swahili, Arabic or Egyptian style names. It is also not uncommon for older member to inherit some sort of variation of a previous relative's or hero's name. With the addition of so much rogue blood though, any naming traditions are beginning to be lost to time.

Your Species
    Any feline species is allowed within the pride.
      Lions are the dominant species within the pride as the Lucani were strictly lionesses prior the recent attack. Since then, they opened their ranks up to non-lions to help fill them out.
      From the stance of a traditional Lucani, lion hybrids are the ones looked upon with the most acceptance. Then leopards, leopard hybrids, and then cheetahs.
      Gods are allowed within the Lucani.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:19 pm
[ Our Structure ]

    "Structure is the basis for everything in our world. It keeps the balance in all things and through it we survive. We are not warriors. We are survivors."

    The divine. Any god that lives within these sands receives this rank a gift from the pride. They are respected and revered highly, especially with domains that fit more to their everyday life such as rain or the sun. Sacrifices, feasts and gifts are common when a god first arrives within their pride territory. Regardless, no god is higher than the goddess that saved them from captivity under a male paw.
      Current Mungu:
      - will go here

    The matriarch. Her word is law and her voice unquestioned except by those she would consider her equal or greater then herself. Her rank is one of great prestige and great responsibility. Every triumph the pride has she celebrates and every failure she burdens. She is their warrior-queen in times of war, lead huntress in times of great feasting and grand-mother to all of the pride.
      Current Kichwa:
      - will go here (in the works)

    The elders. These lionesses are those who can no longer perform their previous duties on the pride for any reason; age, injury, mental state and illness are just a few of the reasons. They then become the teachers, the storytellers and assistants of the Watu during births. They are the holders of all the traditions within the pride and as such respected by the pride as a whole. In fact, they are usually brought to the Kichwa to help decide on matters of importance.
      Current Ndae:
      - will go here

    The snake tamers. The pride lives with the desert and the desert lives with them. Through this they share a symbiotic relationship with the serpents of the desert. Believed to be the physical manifestation of the spilled blood from the avatar of their sun goddess, they are respected within the pride as living religious artifacts. The Nyoka are those within the pride that have learned how to befriend and train the snakes of the Kalahari to aid the Mtoa with their patrols, large hunts and defense in the event of an attack. They tend to these precious reptiles and make sure they are well cared for. Their daily duties consist of hunting mice and other small rodents as well as birds, cleaning and removing shed skin from nesting areas and moving flat stones into the sun to bake during the afternoon to keep the reptiles warm through the night. Each of these elite members of a long standing tradition must have at least one snake to prove themselves capable of the rank.

    The healers. In this harsh, unforgiving world, there is a kindness to be found in the healing paws of the Watu in the Lucani. These felines have devoted their life to the study of the medicinal remedies around them in the form of brush, crushed snake skin, the juice from a tsamma melon and more. They are alchemists, healers and are trusted by the entire pride as they are the ones to who tend to the wounded and who help birth litters. Their art is a dying one as many Watu perished in the recent attack, including the eldest one. Many of the current Watu are novices, struggling to keep this practice alive each and every day. Because of this, there is only one Watu for every six members of the pride, not including them.

Leta Mtoa
    The head huntresses. They organize the daily hunts and there is usually one hunting party at any time of the day. They are respected for their skills with stalking and the deadliness of their claws and jaws. There is one Leta Mtoa for every five Mtoa in the pride. They command five huntresses in their hunting party and usually pick one to act as their second paw, allowing them to split into two groups if needed with little worry. This allows them to flank a herd and cause confusion.

    The huntresses. This is the default rank every female feline in the pride takes at adolescence after completing their rite of passage and the rank most joining adults take when joining the pride. The Mtoa of the Lucani are responsible for hunting and patrolling their borders on a day-to-day basis. Their duties also include scouting for rain clouds, gathering melons, tending water collection holes, and watching cubs when not tasked with anything else.

    The youth. The future of the pride. All cubs hold this rank regardless of gender until their first hunt. Every cub is taught to hunt and survive within their harsh home. During their cubhood, all cubs are formed into small hunting parties, headed by a mother of one of the cubs. Within this hunting party the cubs will learn to work as a coherent group and practice their hunting skills on rodents and birds until they can hunt prey a little larger.
      Current Mdogo:
      - will go here

    The men. Every adolescent and adult male within the pride is known as an Erkek. It is a protective rank, not an oppressive one that was bestowed to the other sex by the second Kichwa to allow males back inside of the pride after her mother chased them all away. The Erkek of the Lucani may do whatever they please within reason. Though they are expected to aid in whatever task a female needs help with as a payment for the protection the rank gives. Usually they are tasked with the collection of melons, maintenance of dens and the watering hols as well tending the cubs.

The Lucani

The Lucani

PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:31 pm
Annd posting is open. This is a saved post, but I figured I'd officially open it. No sense posting again just to clutter a nice thread up with an unneeded bump!

If you're interested, just say so at this point. There's really no form. Simply post an image, name and their desired rank. If you would like your lady to be accompanied by a snake or vulture, just ask. We have a stash of them and would be happy to accommodate and make people's RP experience within the pride a better one. As a note, males within the pride can have a snake, but it must join with them. Once in the pride, they cannot obtain one at this time as it's forbidden. Erkek on the otherhand can have avian companions with no problem.

Rank Notices
Leta Mtoa and Watu are both (sort of) limited ranks. There is one Leta Mtoa per five Mtoa, and one Watu per six members of the pride (not including themselves). Currently, we can accomodate...I think 3 Leta Mtoa and 2 more Watu (we can take 3 right now, but one is currently taken, or rather will be). If you are interested in this rank, you may apply for it. UPDATE: There is a chance all current slots will be reserved though so make sure to put in a back-up rank!

The rank of Kichwa is obviously taken and we have plans to get a suitable lioness in that rank. In fact, we have a few that up in the running for it.

Mungu, the god rank within the pride, is open to any god that may want to make their home here for some reason. The pride itself is currently looking for a goddess to act as the avatar for their sun goddess (and would have been the one to actually free them I'm thinking...six generations ago). It might work best if was a past life of her's, but this can be worked out if she's ICly an old goddess. If you're interested in this, please PM the mule!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:22 pm
            Very interested in this pride! I may have a lion or two to toss your way.

Bronze Coffee

Stubborn Senshi

13,275 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:03 pm
I think I want to put Talayeh into this.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:15 pm
/shoves support everywhere  


Timid Conversationalist


Generous Unicorn

PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:32 pm
This is a lovely pride!  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:05 pm
Thank you guys! It's been nearly a year in the making and I'm excited to finally have it up as at least an I/T. Your words mean the world to me.

I added a bit about possible allies and enemies if any pride (or pack) owner(s) may be interested in having the Lucani involved with their group! If you are, just toss the mule a PM.

Also, keep an eye out for an ORP soon! It'll be introducing the Kichwa as well as a few other characters into the pride. There will also be some fabulous prizes to be won! Any rogue will be eligible to join in on the fun, even hyenas and wild dogs; though they might need to be careful since they're normally chased out of Lucani land.

The Lucani


Generous Unicorn

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:11 pm
Can't wait!  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:49 pm
Two things to update on!

Number One: The first sketch of the Lucani's background has been seen and it is glorious. We cannot wait to show it to you all!

Number Two: CONTEST TIME. We're happy to announce that the Lucani is starting their contests off with a bang by giving away a completely free, custom SoA (+ a familiar). If you're interested in the pride by have nothing to put in, why not check it out! Click the trio below to take you there.

User Image  

The Lucani


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:32 pm
oooo... -ponders this-  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:50 pm
Here! Have an Erkek!

User Image

Ironically he's from another deserty pride, and also came from there with his own snake.  



The Lucani

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:40 pm
Yeeees, good. Can always use more Erkek. <3!  
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