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[Event] A big choice (Part 2) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Usafi Tukufu

PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:58 pm
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Sometimes unexpected things happen. The Usafi'tukufu had carefully cultivated a colony of nothing but leopards, and were proud of their accomplishment - As far as they knew, no other leopard colonies existed anywhere else in the known parts of Africa, and they shared their jungle with no others. But as before, the winds of change can happen, and this time was most unexpected...  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:03 pm
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Parts of the colony were absolutely abuzz. A leopardess who had been brought in before Sayen's edict of leoaprds going out to try adn bring in mates had turned out to be pregnant when she joined, and she had finally given birth, sheltered by the royal family. And then Sayen had sent out word for the colony to gather.... Something forboding was going on.

As the leoaprds of the Usafi'tukufu gathered, the striped leopardess stood on the remains of a statue, not the usual stone steps of the temple, to look down upon the colony with pleading eyes. "As many of you know, some time ago a leopardess was brought into our midst by my nephew, Sakura. As it turned out, the leopardess, Shakuntala, was pregnant..." Somewhere a leopard cheered, causing Sayen to wave a paw. "Don't cheer yet! There's a problem... A very BIG problem. She gave birth yesterday, and... The cubs..." She cringed. "The cubs are hybrids. Their father, from the looks of it, was a cheetah... Given the state Sakura found her in, she is NOT to blame for this, and she is an innoccent party in what's happened to her! She had NO choice in this, and neither have the cubs... As I am not my father, I am NOT going to kill them. This is where I'm calling on you the colony. Many of you before me have grown up in a different Usafi'tukufu from what Sayuri and I grew up in, and many others have come in from outside where hybrids are more tolerated. So I need to know from you... What should we do with these cubs?"

Usafi Tukufu

Usafi Tukufu

PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:04 pm
This is the part where all of you come in! The fates of the cubs needs to be decided! And here are the cuties!

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They have a sister owned by Cuddlycuttlefish, Bhula, and they are colored by Blu Chalk. They are not fertile.

Will they be the exception of the rule because of the circumstances surrounding their conception and birth, or will they have to leave? If they have to leave, WHEN? And if they leave before they're old enough to survive on their own, where will they be sent? The Usafi can claim at least one ally, because of shared blood, with the Bhanu, and there are a number of places they'd be accepted, but final word will come from the colony members!

Here are the rules!

1. Keep this civil! While some arguing amid the leopards is okay, no all-out brawls, please!
2. Any suggestions of killing the cubs will be dismissed by Sayen - She is NOT the sort to kill cubs!
3. You may only RP leopards here! I'll be happy to allow this to count as a JRP!
4. This RP is only for adolescent and adult leopards!
5. Remember that this is to determine the fate of the cubs!
6. To keep it fair, you can't just spam-post. What that means is that each post needs to be a full RP post, not a single line of observation or something. That is annoying.
7. On that note, you need to wait until at least two more people post after you to post again, just to try and sprinkle things out more.
8. Have fun!
9. You CAN join the RP with passing leopards or familiars, but this RP is primarily an Usafi matter and only Usafi members may voice opinions! You CAN use this as a JRP for your leopard, though smile

But how will this work? Every post is a ticket. When the event is over, I will make a list of all participants
PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:52 pm
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It hadn't been terribly long since Haveta had returned to the colony. Like many, she had left when the previous plague had struck, and had been brought back thanks in part to others finding her and telling her the colony was rebuilding. She figured bringing herself home was good enough, as it gave the colony a priestess... And she'd found she wasn't the only one. That pleased her.

What didn't please her was the news of hybrid cubs. The pink leopardess scowled at the chieftess, rising to her paws. "If you're not going to kill the little wretches, then dump them on another pride as soon as they're weaned! They shouldn't be here and you know it! What would your FATHER say?"


Sweet Kitten

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Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:22 am
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Kekipi had just been passing by on her way through the territory. With a series of multiple events, she found her self in the back of this group that were deciding the fate of two little hybrid cubs. Hearing that the leader did not want to kill them was refreshing at the very least.

The leopardess let out a quiet pleased sigh of relief.

This had been the first pure group of leopards the leopardess had encountered. For most of her life she'd been on the receiving end of being the 'out sider' to mostly lion prides. Being chased off of territories was nothing new.

These were cubs though and they'd had no say in what they were born to be.

Wait what was she doing here again? She had no say in these matters. Kekipi was just another faceless leopardess passing through.  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:51 am
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Jayani was shocked at the news. She herself used to be a rogue, but even then, she spent much of her time alone if not with other leopards. But to kill...or dump them? The sweet leopard just didn't think that was the wisest of choices.

"Why not just raise them as leopards?" she asked carefully, her voice shaky as she was scared others wouldn't agree. She knew that before she said it, but she felt like she couldn't stay silent when these little lives were on the line.  




Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:40 am
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Aiyana thought about it the situation. She cleared her throat before she talked. “I think we should allow the cubs to live in the pride. Once they are old enough they should decide if they want to stay or leave.” She said. The thought of a mother losing her cubs made her stomach turn. She wouldn't wish that on her worse foe. “The cubs shouldn't be treated any different then our leopard cubs. It isn't the cub's fault that they were born in a leopard colony.”

She wasn't one for public speaking, but she couldn't just sit around and now allow her voice to be heard. Now all she could do was wait and hope that others had similar views. She prayed for the cubs and mothers sake that the colony would be understanding of their situation.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:22 am
She closed her eyes, fighting the urge to snap at the light pink leopardess. Her words came out strong and terse. "Of COURSE we're not killing them! They can't HELP what happened, it wasn't in THEIR control and hardly in their MOTHER'S!"

Sayen's eyes fell on Jayani. The black-marked white leopardess had had a litter of her own, and raised them, to boot. They had all grown up as fine young leopards, providing for the colony and helping to protect it. The brown leopardess smiled, nodding. "That--" She was cut off by Aiyana. Like Jayani, the dark pink leopardess' words reflected on letting the cubs stay and be raised as leopards. "That is a great idea, both of you, and I thank you for it!" She looked to the rest of the colony. "Does anybody else have any other proposals?"

She scowled. "What is WRONG with you two? This is a LEOPARD colony! If we let these HYBRIDS, these IMPURES, live here, then we'll have every lion, hyena, and chimpanzee pounding paw against the stone walls to let them in!" She climbed up a leaning tree trunk, so she could stand above the other leopards. "Do we REALLY want to violate the sanctity of what's currently the ONLY colony any of us know about that's ONLY leopards? Every other pride and coalition has leopards FREELY mingling with everything ELSE in Africa! Ours is a land of PURITY of the BLOOD, something these little hairballs AREN'T!" She pounded a paw against the bark. "Let them live somewhere ELSE, where the species MINGLE!"  


Sweet Kitten

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I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:29 pm
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It was exciting to hear, even if the cubs were hybrids. Lulua'line had hybrid aunt and uncles and she had no issue with them. Though she knew the rules quite well and was a bit worried on what the choices would be. She was relieved to hear that the cubs would not be hurt at all. She sat back and kept her mouth quiet for a moment.

She looked around the pride and then cleared her throat. "They could always be raised and then asked to leave the pride once of age." She suggested. If the pride was to maintain their leopard only, it was the best, in her opinion, to do. Raise them until they can take care of themselves, then kick them out on happy note to find their own way in life.

She didn't see the problem in it and looked at the leopardess who had the biggest issue so far. It would not make them part of the pride with her suggestion, and it wouldn't be tossing them out to die. She nodded at the other, "They may not be pure, but we can't just be heartless about it"

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Ayunken-vanzan was indifferent to the situation. He wasn't sure why he was there, this wasn't something he really thought he could help with. To him, it was something more a woman's thing. He flicked his tail and watched them bicker back and forth. He couldn't follow a lot of it. Well, he just hoped things were to get more interesting real soon.

He didn't like the idea of hybrids, and he wasn't very keen on cubs either. He had no problem with kicking them out onto some other pride or creature. He flicked his tail again and eyed the lot of them. There seemed to be at least one with his idea. "Let's just pawn them off on someone else." It was obvious no one wanted to take care of them, why not give them to someone who would? Since killing them was out of the question... It was still a good idea to do though...

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Thona had been watching the pride for some time, it was a strange pride, but he decided it was good enough for him to finally pop his head in. After all, he was quite good at helping with problems... Or rather, causing problems.. No matter. He flicked his tail as he walked towards, who he thought, was the leader of the pride... Was a female, so a very big distaste filled his mouth from that. He'd much rather find a male to talk to..

He had listened to everyone from the crowed and finally decided to make himself noticed. He tapped his tongue with ever step before coming to a stop in front of the striped lioness. "I see you have quite the issue." He said with a purr. He liked conflict, and couldn't help but find enjoyment from all of this. "I could...... possibly help with this." He said. Not that it'd completely benefit him too much with the offer he had in mind. But if he wanted ties to another pride that might be interested in a sort of co-relationship status, he was willing to give it a shot.

One of his sons had found this place, and Thona had decided to check it out on his own accord. His eyes were only on the leopardess he thought was the leader of the pride. "Of course, that's if you can't find anything else to do with them."
PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:51 pm
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There seemed to be quite a ruckus going on not too far from where Kalama was basking in the warm sunlight. Her crystal blue eyes slowly opened and focused in the direction the voices were coming from. Curiosity killed the cat as some would say and Kalama was no different from that curious cat. Her white and coral ears flicked back and forth as she slowly pushed herself up to her paws and began slowly padding towards the voices.

As they grew louder, the words became clearer and Kalama seemed to have walked into quite the predicament. From what she gathered two lives were on the line and mixed feelings were causing quite the storm in this pride full of leopards. The young leopardess sat back for a moment as she watched the orange and pink female argue. "How interesting..." She muttered softly to herself as she watched a male leopard walk to the front of the group and start conversing with the orange female.

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Trouble? Akan grinned viciously at the sound of what seemed to be females arguing with one another. His black and white tail swayed playfully at the thought of what could be happening. Red eyes narrowed as his grin faded for a moment and he quickly began to walk in the direction of the commotion. When he finally reached his destination, the white and black leopard scanned the area for the leaders of this pride. Soon, his eyes landed on the orange female and he frowned slightly. What was a female doing attempting to lead this group? His blood red eyes rolled slightly before he listened on to the conversation. Perhaps a fight would break out? One could only hope.

Soon, a familiar voice pierced Akan's ears and his head quickly turned in Thona's direction. What was the king doing here? Now would be an excellent time to take notes. Akan drew closer to the group with a wicked grin attempting to seize his features. What did Thona have planned? Perhaps this would be more interesting than the male originally thought.


Skilled Hellraiser


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:25 am
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She had been traveling a lot as of late. She had struck out on her own from her group she had with Hadeth and Iregi. She missed the colorful hybrid a great deal, she couldn't say the same for the leopard. He had been okay overall, but she still didn't have to like him. She was somewhere new. She wasn't exactly sure but it seemed to her that she was around another leopards pard.

She couldn't help but overhear what appeared to be an argument. Her ears flattened and a frown on her face formed. What where they arguing about? As she got closer she realized they were talking about hybrid cubs. She was mildly confused as to why there should be any argument at all. Life was life and Hadeth, a hybrid herself, had been kind enough to allow Anju to travel with her. This however was not her pard and she wasn't going to be the one to voice up her opinion. She had just been passing by.

Still, it didn't seem right that they were seriously arguing about what to do with them. Just raise them till they can fend on their own then send them on their way. Was that so hard to do? If not surely someone would be willing to take them and raise them away from this meticulous place. She honestly wasn't too thrilled being here, but she was going to stay. She wanted to know what was going to happen.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:33 am
She looked over as the light blue leopardess spoke. "That is also an excellent idea! They get to grow up safely, and know their mother, and there's no early goodbyes..." She stopped Ayunken spoke, letting out a light sigh... But she did smile a bit. At least it wasn't a call for death! Clearly, though, his ideas and his mother's didn't necessarily reflect each other. Sayen didn't mind, of course - She respected that, because while parents could influence what their offspring believed, what the young animal ended up believing tended to be based on their own experiences. "And when would we... Pawn them off?"

"Not soon enough, clearly!" She ignored the sour look that Sayen shot at her. Haveta noted the green-haired leopard, motioning to him. "There, see? Somewhere to send the abominations!" She jumped down, landing with the grace of any leopard... Any PURE leopard, she firmly believed. "They're nothing but a thorn in OUR sides, so send them off with King Thona here!" She'd been many places in her time away from the colony. Clearly, Haveta had heard of Thona and, from descriptions from others, knew him on sight. It was sort of like meeting something of a celebrity.

Haveta then decided to drop the axe, so to speak. "You know, your father would be so disappointed in you, Sayen... Letting them live THIS long... He would have taken care of the problem a long time ago."


Sweet Kitten

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:04 pm
She sat down and figured she'd stay and find out what happened to them. Perhaps if they decided that they should get tossed she could step in and offer to take them. Though what would she do with cubs? Hadeth would love them being that she wants some and can't have any. Bless her poor heart. She wouldn't be able to stand herself if she left now and didn't find out what happened to the poor things. It really wasn't there fault.

She looked over and saw Kalama sitting not to far away and it seemed she was in the same boat she was. She walked over towards her and she gave a small smile in greeting. "Seems like we've walked in on something huh?" She said taking a seat near her, hoping she didn't mind. Perhaps she was as curious as she was to find out what was going to happen to them. "It's not their fault they were born the way they were." She added with a ting of sorrow in her voice.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 4:05 pm
Thona liked the logic of this female that agreed to give him the cubs. He was a bit surprised they knew who he was, but didn't seem to bother him too much. He just couldn't play his games too much in this area, it seemed. He could still be charming, he was sure, though he felt as if they might know more about him than he really wished them to. He flicked his tail letting his bones make some noise and smiled. He smacked his tongue on the roof of his mouth, ignoring the fact that a member of his pride was also in the lands.

"I can simply take them off your hands, and you can all go back to pretending they never were born." He said simply with a nod. "And if any other issue, such as this, happens to ever present itself.... be it an accident, curiosity, or whatever you want to call it, I will be gladly to take those off your hands as well." Honestly, it seemed like a pretty good deal to him. They can be freaky with any creature they pleased, and he'd just clean up the mess. Of course, they wouldn't grow up in a happy-go lucky type of life... but they'd be stronger and more acceptable in his eyes than this sorry lot.

Of course, he'd never tell them that. He just smiled pleasantly, and watched the conversation. Ignoring the parts that didn't seem important to him. His eyes were strictly on those he thought that mattered. The pink leopardess, that was on his side, and the leader of the pride. Or what he assumed was the leader, anyways. "I see nothing more simple than that."

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Lima wasn't thrilled with any idea that was being tossed around. Though raising them and letting them go about their own lives when they were older was the best she had heard. She couldn't imagine what the mother of the cubs was going through, how she wouldn't ever be able to give up any of her children in such a manner. Even having one leave would be very sad for her, though she'd accept their choices. But being forced to give up your children... The idea was heart breaking...

She sat quietly and just watched. She tried to get a good idea of what everyone was talking about before speaking any of her mind. She knew the rules of the pride, she knew what was at stake, but there was something there that just seemed.... wrong to her... She shook her head and looked about with sad eyes.

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy




PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:13 am
Jayani was shocked at the anger that seeped from Haveta. Though she firmly believed that the best course of action was to raise them as leopards, the black and white leopardess was certain that nothing except banishment would satisfy the pink female. Jayani wasn't strong hearted enough to keep fighting, but she did hunch back at every angry word that came from Haveta. She glanced towards Sayen, pity flooding her eyes. She wasn't going to start a fight over this, but it was clearly a much larger issue than she ever would have imagined.

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Akuchi had only recently joined the colony, and part of him felt too new to really comment. He was still adjusting in himself, so what was the point of making this more hard for himself? It seemed that there was a safe outlet for these two, and so he nodded when it seemed like Thona may be the one with a solution. It would ease the tension in the air, though the green leopard guessed that there would be tension between some of these leopards for a while. One did not simply forget the words and strong emotions tossed towards one another.  
[IC] Usafi'tukufu Lands [IC]

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