User ImageThey'd been traveling for what felt like forever.

Sebae had been steadfast, and it was likely the lioness would have found herself in dire straights if not for her sister. It wasn't that Tulia looked after Sebae, but she did make sure that Sebae looked after herself, which was important, as Sebae was responsible for the both of them.

"I have hope that we'll make it tonight. I don't have it in me to take down another fu -- darn gazelle by myself," Sebae grouched softly to her sister, who followed dutifully behind her. Tulia never failed to amaze Sebae. The younger (not by long!) twin was blind, and yet she managed to get along just fine in most respects.

User ImageTulia was excited. Very excited. It'd been such a long time since she'd seen any of her babies; they'd all gone their own ways, one by one by one, until she was left alone with only her sister for company. She'd never complain about Sebae. The older lioness was her saving grace. Tulia knew without her sister, she'd be in trouble.

"I'm quite thrilled we've finally made it," she drew in a deep breath; there was a scent in the air, a stranger, and Tulia hoped that it meant they'd come to the right place.

"Are you excited, sister? I am. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it."

User ImageAt first, Pythis was certain his eyes were betraying him. He was not as young and spry as he'd been once upon a time, and sometimes he found himself lost in daydreams that were sweet and very dear to him. This day found him lazing about beneath a rather broad tree on the very edges of the pride; he didn't do patrols, as his bones sometimes caused a deep ache - but at times, his family overwhelmed him, and it was nice to sit alone.

When he caught sight of Sebae -- Sebae!! -- his heart skipped a beat. Their relationship had been fleeting, but it had been so very sweet. Just to be sure that he wasn't seeing things, Pythis remained silent and merely watched the lioness walk towards him, something out of a dream. He didn't notice that she wasn't alone; Pythis only had eyes for her.

User ImageSebae paused, one foot lifted in step. There was an oddly familiar scent on the breeze, non-threatening and certainly not a scent she ever thought would touch her nose again. It had been a long time since that particular musk had tingled in her nostrils, and Sebae paused and cautiously peered around. Nothing immediately caught her attention, but there was something in the distance, something unmoving.

It couldn't be. It simply couldn't be.

Sebae wasn't sure how she felt, and she paused. Was she hungrier than she thought? Or had he found his way to their sons before she had? She didn't know how to proceed. It was nerve-wracking.

User ImageTulia noticed her sister had paused. It didn't feel as if there was danger on the wind, and Sebae was not acting frantic or worried. Tulia could only assume that they were not in danger. There was an odd smell tickling her nose, but it wasn't one that Tulia recognized.

Clearing her throat, Tulia nosed her sister's hindquarter with slight curiosity. What was going on? It was times like this that Tulia wished for sight. It would be so simple to merely glance around and take in her surroundings.

"Is everything well, Sebae?"

User ImagePythis knew the exact moment when Sebae spotted him, but he made no move to approach. He didn't want her to feel cornered, despite the fact that they stood in the open. Never in a million years did he ever think she'd have made her way here. Then again, he shouldn't have been surprised. He knew she'd had that strong sense of dedication. It had been one of the things he'd admired about her when they'd first met.

So Pythis stood in the shade of his broad, squat tree, and he waited for the lioness to approach. His heart was beating in his throat, and he wanted to run to her as fast as his old bones could carry him - but he didn't.

He waited.

User ImageSebae let out a choked laugh and glanced towards Tulia. Never before had she been thankful for her sister's blindness. This was a day of many firsts, it would seem. It took Sebae a few long moments to gather her nerves, and when she finally answered Tulia's question, she was rather proud of the fact that her voice only trembled a little.

"Everything is fine, sister. There is a stranger ahead. Someone I might recognize. Stay close to me as we move ahead, and once we are close enough to speak I will ask him if we are in the right place."

Sebae cleared her throat and started walking ahead, a faltering smile plastered unconvincingly onto her lips.

User ImageTulia may have been blind but she was far from stupid, and that choked little laugh spoke multitudes. She was her sister’s twin, and Tulia knew Sebae better than anyone else. She’d heard that little laugh many times before. When Sebae was nervous, she made that noise. It was not like Sebae to get nervous, so the laugh was not something that Tulia heard often - but when she did hear it, it was quite obvious that there was something wrong.

Tulia did not press the matter, though, and merely nodded with a sunny smile, ears perked forward. She could smell the male, and he smelled a little familiar - but Tulia could not place the scent, and so she dismissed it as a mere coincidence.

“As you wish, Sebae.” Tulia followed dutifully behind her sister, curious and quite interested in the stranger.

User ImagePythis did not know what to do. Sebae was drawing closer, and there was an odd flutter in his chest as he watched her approach. She was just as he remembered her, and Pythis once more wondered if this was some sort of odd dream that he’d wake from feeling supremely disappointed.

When she stopped mere feet from him, Pythis gave a slight smile. Gods, she was prettier than he remembered. Those eyes, that pretty pelt.

There was a delicate clearing of a throat, and suddenly Pythis realized that Sebae was not alone - in fact, there was a very similar lioness next to her with glazed eyes and a very, very pleased smile on her lips. Pythis cleared his own throat and merely said, “Welcome to the Stormborn."

User Image”Pythis.”

He was so handsome, and those pretty blue eyes drew her in just as they had the first time Sebae had seen him. The time they’d spent together had been fun and carefree and while she’d been with him, Sebae had felt like a youngster again. Not only that but Pythis had given her the most beautiful gifts she could ever have asked for. Her children had been the joy of her life, every one of them, and she cherished the time she’d spent with them.

Sebae lost herself in his eyes, a feeling that was all too familiar. She nearly jumped out of her skin when Tulia brushed up against her, politely clearing her throat when the silence went on for too long.

“This is my sister, Tulia.”

She paused again.

“Tulia. This is, ah. This is Pythis. Father to my children."

User ImageWell, that certainly explained everything. Tulia let out a low laugh, unseeing eyes slit with her mirth. She looked in the male’s direction, eyes fixed on a point just over his head.

“Pythis. I am Tulia, Sebae’s sister. I am blind,” she added, humor thick in her voice, “and it is a pleasure to meet the father of my niece and nephews. They were good cubs, and Sebae has traveled long to find her family again. I do not have to have sight to see that she is shocked to have come across you again,” Tulia sounded amused.

“The children are here, then?"

User ImagePythis grinned at Sebae before turning his attention to Tulia, brows lifting with interest. When she finished speaking, Pythis chuckled softly.

“It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Tulia,” his voice was soft and friendly. “The children are here. The grandchildren are here, as well.” He sounded utterly proud.

“Your children, as well, Tulia. And a grandchild. Our family is large - one of the largest in the pride, though that means nothing since we are all what they call ‘outlanders’ - but we are happy and healthy and hearty and hale. My oldest, our Asper, is a reaver in the pride. We have grandsons here - all handsome and well.”

Pythis rose to his feet.

“I will take you to them. I am certain they will be so very happy to see you, Sebae. And you, Tulia. Come."

User ImageGrandchildren. She had grandchildren. Her sons had had children of their own, and she was mere moments from meeting them. The urge to burst into tears took hold of Sebae, and she glanced at Tulia, who wore a huge smile on her face.

It was amazing. They were newcomers to the pride, but they were home. Finally, after traveling for so long that they’d thought that perhaps they’d never find their family - they were here.

Nothing was more beautiful.

“Grandchildren,” Sebae moved to follow Pythis, glancing back now and then at Tulia. They were here and they were home, and life was good. Life was so, so good.

User ImageTulia could hear the emotion in Sebae’s voice, and she knew if she herself spoke the same emotion would echo in her own words. Her boys were here. A grandchild. It was amazing, and they’d been looking for this pride for so long. Tulia followed after Sebae, a tremble in her voice when she spoke.

“We have been looking for so long,” Tulia whispered quietly.

Finally. They were here, they’d made it. Tulia was going to see her boys again, the sons she hadn’t seen in so long. She briefly wondered about her daughter, but did not ask Pythis about her. Time would tell. If she was here, all the better. If not, well. Perhaps someday.


User ImagePythis laughed softly, shaking his mighty head as they walked. He did pick up the pace a little, and as the pride came into view he let out a soft purr. Pythis did not expect that he and Sebae might pick up where they’d left off, but part of him hoped. It was a silly hope, and he knew it, but he couldn’t help the thought. He’d found so much happiness when he’d found this pride, and now the prospect for even more contentment and happiness was within reach.

He swore to himself that he would not rush her. Time would tell, and that was all that he could hope for.

“We are close,” he whispered softly, anticipation tightening his throat. He could not way to bring Asper and Atheris and the others into a group so that he could show them who he’d found.

Life was good, and it was finally complete.