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Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:07 am
The day was hot but a breeze cut through keeping the sun from total oppression. The cycles of life and death played out in the rogue lands as they did everywhere. The pale form laying in the rogue lands might have been mistaken for dead were it not for the slow steady rise and fall of breath still being taken. Her form was sprawled out in a manner no lion would feel comfortable sleeping in. She looked like a sudden mound of snow stark and colorless unless one moved in close enough to examine her pelt. Pale spots were her only markings but even those were leeched of color.

The only splash of color was a vivid red that seeped out and blossomed over the white coat from just behind her ear. The lioness whoever she was apparently wasn't having a very pleasant day. Her only good fortune it seemed was that she hadn't landed in enough water to drown, and that she hadn't been found by any unpleasant scavengers who didn't care about her still breathing status...at least not yet.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:08 pm
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It was strange, being free.

He didn't have to worry about his father trying to attack him anymore- he had overcome that trial and made it so Angusho would never hurt anyone again. And he didn't have anyone who would come rushing to avenge him, either. Not that he was dead of course. As much as he hated his father, Jeraha would never kill him. It wasn't worth the guilt it would bring.

Sighing, he moved along sluggishly, feeling a bit tired. Perhaps he still hadn't healed completely from his injuries. It wasn't like he had walked away without damage from that brutal encounter. But he had still won- that was the most important thing.

As he moved along, he noticed a lump of something white sprawled on the ground, the large lion arching an eyebrow. He would have dismissed the sight, were it not for the profound smell of blood in the air. Well, he supposed he wasn't the only one having some troubles. Moving closer, he nudged the frame with a large paw, checking to see if it was still alive. Yup, it seemed to be breathing.

Or rather, she seemed to be.

"Hey," he grunted, almost annoyed, "wake up. Are you alright? This isn't the best place for a nap."



Generous Unicorn


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:02 pm
Her paws twitched slightly at the nudge, the sensation she had was the vague memory of running...running for her life. She slowly woke groggy and hot with her tongue feeling as dry as a riverbed in drought. Her eyes were as pale as the rest of her with only a tint of blue to keep them from appearing colorless, lifeless. She blinked up at the dark shape that offered temporary shade and then tried to get her feet under her.

"Whoooo..." She paused and tried again after gaining some measure of control over her tongue. "Who are you?"

In that same moment she had a worrying realization that she was uncertain if the question was for the male or herself. She slowly got to her feet and stood for a moment on trembling legs a small droplet of blood falling in a tiny bead from her otherwise pristine fur. Finally she managed to get the trembling under control but slowly her hind lowered so she could sit a moment rather than risk falling.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:24 am
Jeraha sat down as he watched the lioness stir. She looked disoriented, and he noticed she seemed to be bleeding, too. Perhaps she had been when he had arrived, he just hadn't looked hard enough to see it. If she was wounded, that certainly explained the weird sleeping style. But who was around here? It didn't look like anyone was nearby. No one who may have attacked her. Either she had been out for a while, or she had run from the attacked and passed out some time after whatever had happened. Either way, it didn't look like he would be seeing who did this to her.

He had been sort of looking for a fight, too.

"I am Jeraha," he said sharply, watching her with the same arched eyebrow as before. "Who are you?" He could see she looked a little confused. Did she not remember how she had gotten there? It was common, he supposed. When animals hit their heads, they couldn't always remember how it had happened.

"Don't push yourself too hard. Looks like you're wounded." He spoke words of caution, but his tone remained flat.



Generous Unicorn


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:41 pm
Jeraha, unfortunately it didn't ring any bells good or bad and the female frowned trying hard to remember something other than running. She flicked her ear feeling a faint sting and throb but ignored it for the moment. A few more blinks had her vision cleared and her mind alert enough to take in the larger male. The dark mane with it's streaks of green triggered no memories, nor did his dark coat or the strange serpent symbol on his leg. Slowly she licked her lips and tried to consider how to respond to his question.

It was only fair he should ask her name when he had provided his own, the fact that he had roused her and shared his name made her fairly certain he wasn't the cause for her current confusing situation. Of course the fact that he had to ask her who she was meant that he wasn't a friend or family either. She suffered a moment of distress and then took a few deep breaths to calm herself before looking at him gravely.

"I don't know...I..."

She slowly shook her head and then stopped because it made the world spin and tilt. She closed her eyes a moment and then looked back at him.

"I am sorry, but I...I cannot even...I do not even know my own name..." There was a tremor to her voice but she managed not to fall to hysterics.

His words made her look slowly over herself, she saw no injuries and only felt the pain in her head. The flat tone of his voice helped her to keep calm, he wasn't over-reacting and neither should she. She took another deep breath and then looked back at him trying to meet his gaze.

"Did you see anyone else with me? An attacker?"

What had happened, who would want to harm her and why? What was her name! Why couldn't she remember her own name or...family what if she had a family out there somewhere...sweet spirits she had to remember!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:28 pm
Jeraha frowned. She didn't know her name? Well, he supposed that hit she took had been more potent than he had first imagined. It didn't make much difference for him, since he didn't know anything about her anyway, but he supposed it was going to be quite the problem for her. It would probably feel really strange, not even know your name.

"Try not to panic," he informed her with a cold tone, despite honestly wanting to keep her from freaking out. She was still hurt and she didn't need to be exacerbating things by going completely insane.

Though he didn't blame her- it was probably frightening.

"No," he said to her question, appreciating that she seemed to have grown calmer, "when I arrived, it was only you." He got to his feet, moving towards her. "If you can't remember anything, it might be dangerous for you to stay alone. I don't know what attacked you, but it might still be around. You have no reason to trust me, I suppose, but if you would like, you are welcome to stay near. At least until your memories return." Maybe Abin had rubbed off on him.

He was going soft all over again.



Generous Unicorn


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:24 pm
She was trying hard not to panic, she really was, but her mind was swirling grasping for memories that simply weren't there.

"I-I'm trying..." She managed a few steadying breaths and looked at him.

He was cool and collected apparently finding her didn't ruffle him, she was fairly certain he hadn't been her attacker. If he had wanted to attack her he wouldn't have bothered waking her and trying to calm her. Still, his lack of emotion discomforted her slightly. She blinked at his next words, he was offering to travel with her?

"I would appreciate that...Jeraha. Where will you be going? Are there prides in this area?"

She was trying to find something to trigger her memory, something familiar. Her lack of name was still distressing, if she couldn't remember that then who knew what other vital information she was missing.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:59 pm
"I'm not sure," he replied when she asked about prides, "but if there are, we'll be sure to stop by them to see if anything sparks a memory out of you or something." He didn't really know much about memory loss, or how one went about getting memories back. He just knew that their best bet was probably going to be in searching. Sitting there and getting upset about it wasn't going to help her, that was for sure.

Though he could see she was trying to hold herself together. It was probably growing harder and harder to keep her cool.

"Perhaps we should go this way," he said, indicating the direction in front of him with a large paw, "it would seem, from how you were lying, that this is the direction you came from. It might be a little dangerous to go back, but if anythings happens... I'll do my best to protect you." He was a large lion with a lot of fighting experience.

Let any threats try and hurt him.

"Come on then, Snow, let's be on our way."



Generous Unicorn


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:08 am
Well he was quite the helpful sort, she was faintly surprised by it and very grateful for it. If she'd been found by one less charitable who knew if she would still be in any condition to travel.

"Alright, I suppose that's sound enough logic...and thank you Jeraha...I know I'm just a stranger to you but I appreciate that. I wish I'd had a traveling partner to watch my back before..."

She trailed off wondering worriedly if perhaps she hadn't been traveling with another. What if someone near and dear to her had betrayed her? Or what if they'd been killed and dragged off? No...no she couldn't think like that, besides there were no markings to indicate that sort of thing. She took a deep breath, she had to stay calm.

Her eyes lifted to meet his for a moment at the name 'Snow', she was startled by it and then glad. Snow had no desire to dwell on the painful truth that she couldn't remember something as vital as her name. She nodded and moved to follow him out her ear flicking at the barely there hint of pain.

"I hope you don't think me a burden, I'll help with the hunts and I wouldn't turn my back on you in a fight, promise."

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:42 am
Jeraha chuckled faintly. A travel partner would have helped her out. Though, there was always the chance she'd HAD A partner and they were the one who had ended up turning on her and leaving her for dead. Of course, he wasn't really going to mention all the 'what ifs' out there. She was scared enough and it seemed like it would be quite a while before the edge would ease off. Being without memory must have been very terrifying.

Looking at her face, though, he imagined she had already come to the same sort of conclusion. Well... he supposed they had similar ways of thinking in some matters.

"Don't worry," he assured her, though left any further comments from reality.

"I wouldn't have offered if I thought you would be a burden to me," Jeraha assured her when she joined him, "as long as you don't try hitching a ride on my back, I think we'll be fine."



Generous Unicorn


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:34 pm
She was glad for the way he moved the conversation on and away from her lack of memory. She was trying to push it from her mind for the moment, she wanted to learn about her travel partner perhaps something of his experiences could trigger her own.

"I think even with your impressive physique that would make things challenging."

She laughed and then glanced at him wondering if she hadn't sounded too flirtatious, but no her statement had been truthful not flattering.

"So where are you actually planning on going? I mean I'm glad your willing to make some detours for my sake but I hope it's not terribly out of the way for you? Your family waiting for you?"

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:51 pm
Jeraha chuckled lightly. "Well, I suppose I can take that as a compliment." Of course, he had to think that carrying her wouldn't be THAT much of a problem. The male in him said he could do it with ease, even if he was a lion half his current size. He would be a bit of a pansy if he thought anything else.

But he didn't bring it up- there was no need to be macho when she was still feeling pretty freaked out about things.

It was strange. A long time had passed since he had been in a situation where he needed to consider someone else. How long had it been? Even traveling with his brother, they both took care of themselves. This was... familiar, but strange at the same time.

He frowned when she asked a question too many, keeping his eyes ahead of him. "I don't have anyone waiting for me," he commented, "and no home to return to. So there is no place that's too far out of the way for me."



Generous Unicorn


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:48 pm
She relaxed a bit more, her panic was fading now into a knot of worries in the back of her mind. She knew that her lack of memories was an issue but if she dwelt on it she'd go mad.

"Oh good, I'd feel awful if I was causing delay..."

She noticed his frown and wondered if he preferred to travel silently. Well she couldn't help it, she might have been pleased with silence but not now. Right now she was desperate for enough light conversation to keep the knot of fears pushed back.


She paused because she didn't know what to say, what to share about herself what she didn't even know herself. Finally she spoke in a low murmur giving voice to the floating thought in her head.

"I hope I don't have anyone waiting for me anywhere... "

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 4:49 pm
Jeraha sighed faintly. No delays on his part. Though sometimes he wondered about the life he had left behind. The family he had loved so dearly. Was he really any better than his father? He had abandoned them, just as Angusho had abandoned him. Of course, he wasn't now going to go hunt them down and kill them, but still.

He couldn't say he didn't miss that life, even if he felt it was the best choice he could have made for them.

Maybe he was a family lion after all.

"If they are waiting," Jeraha told her somewhat gently, "we'll make sure we find them, alright? Just.... try and keep hopeful." A strange thing for him to say, but it didn't make it less true.

She needed to stay positive, or she would probably be overwhelmed.



Generous Unicorn


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 5:52 pm
She glanced at him somewhat curious, his optimism surprised her and she realized she was not naturally optimistic. Yet she did find some sense of comfort in what he said mainly because there was no point in worrying.

"Are you naturally hopeful?"

She wondered if he'd always been a rogue and if he'd had a nice enough life to be so optimistic or if he'd had a miserable life and retained hope despite it. She felt rather practical herself which was probably the only reason she had yet to fly into a full blown panic, simply no point.

[IC] Rogue Lands - Overflow Storage I [IC]

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