Thank youuu <3
I love your girlie, Desert Rose 8D Maybe I can toss Bix into that RP and let him meet her (though fair warning... he's an idiot xD;; )! Maybe Vegas too, but not right away.
Annnd if you were up to having more than one RP going, I'd be happy to have your fox meet my wolf, Nightfall? A meeting of predators or the like xD Nightfall is a scout for her pack though she's a sweetie too.
Both ideas sound fun.
I must warn you though Donovan I have this idea in my head of when he meets the Soquili mare I have floating in my head he will think of her as his mate... Yes I know they can't be and all but he will be that attached to her. That doesn't mean he won't breed with another fox if I decide to put him in the breeding dens.
I have desert rose there right now actually >.<
Alright so maybe we start with one rp then we can go to two if it is going well? With Rose, I'm not sure how to start her >.< lol