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Familiar Celebrant

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:44 pm
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The grey on this fellow is not part of his markings, he's just old. Really old. Given his status as both king and commander of an entire pride, it's a wonder he's made it this long. This lion oversees a group known as "The Kuta."

In Swahili, the word "kuta" directly translates to "walls," a name they've worked hard to earn. These lions are, essentially, muscle for hire. Those who know of them hear the name and picture a row of steadfast lions guarding pride borders. They are often addressed individually as "wallers" or "wall guards."

Their history dates back to the time of their grandparents' grandparents. They were originally formed to combat the rising threat of The Lightbringers, an anti-lion extremist group responsible for displacing each of their original members; however, for as long as any of those presently living can recall, they have always been willing to work for the highest bidder against anyone deemed their enemy by their employers. Due to this, they are seen by some as awe-inspiring heroes and by others as greedy bullies with no minds of their own.

They are paid in "luxury and laziness," meaning food, shelter, and round the clock servants at their beckon call when off duty. On duty, they are expected to guard any pride under their protection with their life, and indeed they do: many of these soldiers have died in the line of battle.

Recently, the Lightbringers have resurfaced, and these two groups crossed paths. The Kuta were not the victors.

After suffering a staggering number of losses, the Kuta's entire membership boils down to less than twenty lions and lionesses, albeit highly trained, battle ready lions and lionesses. For the survival of their people, they have agreed to join the Nchi'mahadhi, a peaceful and musically-inclined pride recently targeted by the Lightbringers as well.

Note: The ruler of the Kuta is called a king. The next in line is selected by the king prior and known as the successor. The other members are unofficially known as guards.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:45 pm
arrow You may enter as many events as you'd like, and you may also win more than one.

arrow Mean, selfish, or arguably "evil" characters are permissible. It's unlikely all these lions are happy sunshine, especially in the wake of recent events, so the sky is the limit.

arrow These are to stay in the Nchi unless plot takes them elsewhere. Planning to have them leave to venture to an I/T concept or another pride is not allowed. RP that forms naturally and happens to lead them elsewhere (falling in love with a rogue, being banished, etc.) is fine.

arrow This will end July 31st, barring extensions.

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Familiar Celebrant


Familiar Celebrant

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:47 pm
Contest #1

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This contest is for the lion above and any one lion/ess from the group below. Click for full images.

Here is his younger version to be used for flashback RPs and breeding purposes only.

[ONE] User Image [TWO] User Image [THREE] User Image
[FOUR] User Image [FIVE] User Image [SIX] User Image
[SEVEN] User Image [EIGHT] User Image

arrow You may enter with a friend or by yourself.
arrow Names should be Swahili / African sounding, but meanings are 100% optional.
arrow One of these two will be appointed the 'Captain' rank in the Nchi. Captain is a council rank. Click the spoiler for more info.

There are seven members of the pride's Council, consisting of the Malenga, the Lead Drummer, the Lead Singer, the Lead Dancer, the Captain, the Head Hunter/Huntress, and the Head Ambassador. This group of varied individuals promotes good foresight, critical thinking from different viewpoints, and ensures each faction of the pride has a voice amongst the higher ups.


The Captain is in charge of the pride's more military-centric ranks, which at this time includes him/herself and the guards. They are expected to create and enforce schedules to keep the pride protected around the clock, as well provide training for any member who requests it or appoint an experienced instructor in their stead.

Daily IC Duties

- Overseeing the general welfare of the guards.
- Creating and enforcing schedules and guard rotation.
- Providing mandatory routine training and sparring sessions for guards.
- Providing training or appointing a personal trainer for any who ask, regardless of rank.
- Bringing any security concerns to the Malenga.
- Selecting and training appropriate apprentices.
- Serving on Council
- Leading guards into battle when necessary.

arrow As mentioned above, this lion is on the older side. So old, in fact, he has far more years behind him than ahead of him. Well aware of this, he's in a hurry to elect his next successor. He'd chosen another before this one, but they were killed in the recent battle.

[b]Entering alone or with a friend?[/b] If you're entering with someone, put their username here.
[b]King's Name:[/b] Name of the grizzled SoA above.
[b]Successor's Name:[/b] Name of his chosen successor.
[b]Successor Number:[/b] Put the number of your chosen SoA here.

[b]King Personality:[/b]
[b]Successor Personality:[/b]
[b]Why was this SoA chosen as the replacement successor?[/b]
[b]How does the successor feel about joining the Nchi'mahadhi in a seemingly permanent manner?[/b] Does s/he plan to revoke the truce? Support it? Was s/he the one who (secretly) suggested it to start with?
[b]Other:[/b] Anything else you feel is important.

User Image
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:49 pm
Contest #2

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Meet Nakawa. You are NOT entering for her, but rather her mentor from any of the SoA below.

[ONE] User Image [TWO] User Image [THREE] User Image
[FOUR] User Image [FIVE] User Image [SIX] User Image
[SEVEN] User Image [EIGHT] User Image

Nakawa is owned by Hopefolly. She is the daughter of an NPC rogue and Waseme, a lioness who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Waseme was killed by the Lightbringers on their way to combat the Kuta. Nakawa witnessed this, hidden beneath a log. She was spotted and spared by a wild dog in the Lightbringers (played by Shia bean). As luck (or not) would have it, this wild dog now resides in the Nchi himself after being beaten and supposedly left for dead by his kin.

Nakawa has two siblings, a sister and a brother. Both were lost in the chaos, leaving her on her own. She was taken in by one of the Kuta lions/lionesses. Why and how is up to you.

arrow Names should be Swahili / African sounding, but meanings are 100% optional.
arrow Please remember to provide a second choice in case the winner of the first contest chooses the same SoA.

[b]Mentor's Name:[/b]
[b]SoA Number:[/b] Put the number of your chosen SoA here. Please include a second choice!
[b]Mentor Personality:[/b]
[b]Why did they choose to take Nakawa in?[/b]
[b]How do they feel when Nakawa confesses she was spared by the wild dog? On a similar note, how will they feel about her seeing that wild dog in their new home?[/b]
[b]Other:[/b] Anything else you feel is important.

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Familiar Celebrant


Familiar Celebrant

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:51 pm
Raffle #1: Entrant Raffle

Provided there are enough, each entry in both contests will count toward a ticket for a raffle. You may choose from the SoA in the contest not taken by the winners.

Raffle #2: Anyone Raffle

This raffle is open for all. Just post you'd like a ticket. Click for full images.

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IC Notes: These two do have parents and siblings. Their mother is Kya (owned by Hopefolly) and their father is Michezo (owned by ChezaRain). They were abandoned at the borders of the Kuta's former lands by their mother, even before they were weaned. They were far too young to have any memory of her and will likely never will meet her or their father; likewise, the only sibling they know of lives with them in their new home of the Nchi, Malaika (owned by Hopefolly).
User Image
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:52 pm
Entry Raffle
1. Gene Wilder
2. SilverLutz
3. CaliWolfe
4. Shia bean
5. Midnightglow18
6. Zohwee
7. Sareibear

Everyone Raffle
1. SilverLutz
2. Caliwolfe
3. Sareibear
4. Midnightglow18
5. Zohwee
6. Patji


Familiar Celebrant


Familiar Celebrant

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:52 pm
This is open!  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:39 pm
Mentor's Name: Shaka Zulu

SoA Number: FIVE. (Or ONE if five gets taken.)
Mentor Personality: Despite his large head and body, Shaka is a gentle giant. Due to his stature, newborns and young cubs are often scared of him, much to his chagrin. He is sometimes a bit naive, as well, allowing others to take advantage of him.

Why did they choose to take Nakawa in? Before joining the Nchi'mahadhi, Shaka was hired to be a bodyguard. Actually, more like "duped". Many times, his clients would use his size as a deterrent to potential threats. Shaka disliked this life, and after nearly getting killed himself, he fled to the Nchi for safety.

Since then, he has tried to fit in with the rest of the pride, but he's always a beat off from everyone else. Having Nakawa under his wing would make him feel less like an outcast, and allow his protector skills to be put to a good use.

How do they feel when Nakawa confesses she was spared by the wild dog? On a similar note, how will they feel about her seeing that wild dog in their new home? When Nakawa reveals her secret, Shaka can't help but want to confront the wild dog. He thinks more with his heart than his mind, but he knows that doing so may cause Nakawa to dislike him, or even hate him for it. Struggling internally, he decides to simply be overprotective of her. He'll be making sure she keeps a safe distance from the dog, and the dog keeps a safe distance from him.

Other: :V~  

Gene Wilder


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:52 pm
Entering alone or with a friend? Alone
King's Name: Abosi - stoic, stern
Successor's Name: Enzi - power, might, sovereignty
Successor Number: 4

King Personality: Abosi has seen a lot in his life and has gained much wisdom from it. He used to be a firecracker in his youth, but the weight of the kingship slowly chipped away at his cockiness and pride and left him quiet and worn. He's steadfast, though, and would never abandon the band of lions that follow him, even after their horrible loss. The years of his kingship have turned him into a calculating and tactical lion rather than one that relies solely on strength, and he values those who think outside the box.
Successor Personality: Enzi is everything Abosi was in his youth: she's full of energy and has a cockiness about her that speaks of her power, but also her naivety. A powerful lioness with a heart of gold, she's more interested in helping others for the sake of helping rather than for the payment that comes with it, something of a rarity within the Kuta now a days. Genuine and friendly, Enzi makes a point to remember everyone's name and a tidbit about them so she can have something to talk to them about...or to use as blackmail should they turn out to be unfriendly.
Why was this SoA chosen as the replacement successor? Abosi sees a lot of his younger self in Enzi, but with the added bonus of her genuine personality and crafty mind. He's grooming her to take over, but she's not quite ready yet, still too cocky for her own good. He is confident she'll rise to the challenge gracefully when the time comes, and he hopes that it won't take her as long to settle into the role of King as it took him, and that she'll weather the storm of responsibility better than he.
How does the successor feel about joining the Nchi'mahadhi in a seemingly permanent manner? Enzi isn't thrilled with the idea of a permanent place within the Nchi, but she can understand why they're forming an agreement. Still, once things have settled down, she might try to re-work the truce and their place within the pride should she be 'king' by then.
Other: Enzi has the potential to turn down a dark path should the right lions speak to her. She's genuine and has a heart of gold, but her pride and independence is strong within her. Depending on where the plot needs/wants to go, she'll change to adapt.

Mentor's Name: Enzi
SoA Number: 4, second choice 7
Mentor Personality: Enzi is a powerful fighter but has a soft, gooey inside that she keeps to herself for the most part. When not fighting, she enjoys making little flower chains to decorate herself with, but is careful not to let anyone see. Flowers are meant to be walked on, not worn. She is loyal to the Kuta and will do whatever the king tells her to do without question. She's not a very free thinker on the best of days, preferring to be told what to do rather than venturing off on her own.
Why did they choose to take Nakawa in? Enzi has a soft spot for cubs and couldn't stand to see one left on her own. She took her in to protect her, knowing that although their numbers were small, it was the safest place for the young cub.
How do they feel when Nakawa confesses she was spared by the wild dog? On a similar note, how will they feel about her seeing that wild dog in their new home? She won't believe the story when she's told, laughing it off. Had it been a rouge wild dog perhaps, but from the Lightbringers? Of course not, she must be joking. Upon seeing the recovered wild dog in the Nchi, though, she'll realize the cub was telling the truth the whole time and it will make her question what she knows of the Lightbringers. She'll probably try to get the wild dog on his own to grill him, whether or not he's interesting in talking about it.
Other: She'll decorate Nakawa with flowers and make her fight like a goddess! Terrifying, but will smell nice.

I'd like a ticket for the second raffle, please  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:42 pm
Mentor's Name: Tunza (care for, provide for)
SoA Number: Two or Five
Mentor Personality: Tunza looks very serious in nature. He has only known fighting and fighting became his life. He won't hesitate to play the part of the mindless drone and will protect whoever asks of it and expect nothing in exchange. He is known for having committed a few violent acts as well to please his clients. But Tunza also has a gentle side and although it is hidden from the world around him, that part of him is still there. Those who are weak, injured beyond point of fighting, children or elderly Tunza will not raise an paw against. He feels no pleasure or need in injuring those who cannot fight back and will go out of his way to let them escape. He is kind and gentle, but it is shrouded in harsh words and backstabbing glares. He is loyal to those he has come to trust or has known for a very long time; and wouldn't hesitate to protect them from threats should their lives be put at stake. He would even roll over and die if promised his loved ones would be issued no harm.
Why did they choose to take Nakawa in? Out of pity at first. Seeing her unable to survive on her own he decided to take her in until she could grow strong enough to take care of herself. He is too busy being a bodyguard to raise children, let alone by himself. Yet Nakawa grew on him and Tunza eventually decided to let her stay by his side if she so chose to do so. He will raise her with a rather roundabout love and teach her how to protect herself, in case something happened and he couldn't be there to save her. Despite how it might look to outsiders Tunza cares deeply for Nakawa's safety and will do all in his power to ensure she doesn't end up hurt in some way.
How do they feel when Nakawa confesses she was spared by the wild dog? On a similar note, how will they feel about her seeing that wild dog in their new home? Tunza is concerned for Nakawa's safety, especially since her mother was killed by an enemy force. Whenever he spots the wild dog in his home Tunza will feel a ping of concern and not keep his eyes off the stranger. After all, he wouldn't want her to end up more hurt just because of this new threat.

I'd like a ticket for the second raffle please! If that is allowed.  


Shy Prophet


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:20 am
Can I have a ticket for the everyone raffle, please? Will try to get a contest entry up later as well! ^w^

Prefs would be lioness then lion. <3

Thank you!  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:48 am
Entering alone or with a friend? Alone!
King's Name: Sudi (Good Fortune)
Successor's Name: Idihi (Perseverance)
Successor Number: Eight

King Personality: For all his bravery, courage, and strength, however dwindled by age, Sudi has always lacked true vision; the sort to see through to you with. He's had a questionable era of ruling because of this, but has not lost his respect amongst The Kuta. It is also because of this that trust is easily gained and easily lost. He believes wholeheartedly in keeping friends close, and enemies closer.

He is a prideful male who will not acknowledge his own mistakes but, instead, quietly accept the consequences of them. He is also hot-headed and a jealous lover, demons he struggles with daily. On most days he is a low-key alpha who will expend only enough energy to exert his dominance, and only when it is necessary. As an older, less responsible lion, a bit of raunchy banter amongst friends and comrades is what he prefers, where the difference between King and Waller becomes a blur.

Successor Personality: A female who, with many faces, adapts quickly for ideal solutions. Nearest to her heart is her own skin, second comes that of a lioness in their midst who may or may not know of Idihi’s greater affections, and third – The Kuta. But she plays the game well. In light of this, she’s most known for her perceptiveness, charm, and strength in debate. Deeper yet, she is a prideful and competitive being who strives for the upper-hand. And as her name suggests, Idihi can bounce back from the greatest of devastation's with grace -- and in many ways much stronger than before.

Why was this SoA chosen as the replacement successor? A mix of two different circumstances. He began to see her more clearly, or to the extent of which that he could see clearly, some time after the attack. She was smart enough and strong enough, and could lead a group expertly. She seemed to get along well with everyone, right down to the grittiest of the bunch… and this left an impression on him.

But not nearly as much as her taking to him, and him to her, the moment her parents were confirmed dead. Whether it could be said that she fit the mold perfectly, or that she seduced him into conceding, or even both – it would be hard to tell. And in truth, very few would question the decision as Idihi had not given them any reason to doubt her.

How does the successor feel about joining the Nchi'mahadhi in a seemingly permanent manner?

She is mostly conflicted, but keeps quiet any opposition. With their numbers dented and the Nchi’s weapon of choice likely to be a drum, Idihi fears for her own safety should they receive blows from the Lightbringers. (Or anyone else, for that matter)

But she is not likely to uproot The Kuta without a bit of effort, as is the way of a challenge. From a subjective standpoint, Idihi would not leave her life to chance. She’d rather they move, find a better vantage point (in this, a new pride), and call it a day. Objectively, however, and if only to appeal to her soon-to-be rank as 'Queen' of The Kuta, she will consider preparing the Nchi for battle.

Other: Open for plot TWISTS of any kind!  

Shia bean



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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:51 am
Mentor's Name: Akinyi (born in the morning) if number 7, Alemayeum (I have seen the world) if number 3, Asha (Life) if number 6
SoA Number: 7,3,6
Mentor Personality: Warm and very protective, she is fierce when it comes to protection what she considers hers. She is very fond of the cubs in the pride, though she has none of her own at this time. Akinyi has yet to find the right mate, in order to have any cubs of her own, but she deeply wishes to find the right male. She is patient, and enjoys teaching the young, pouncing and other lessons.
Why did they choose to take Nakawa in? Akinyi fell for the little cub at first sight, deciding to claim the little one as her own. As to what will happen after she has cubs of her own, who knows.
How do they feel when Nakawa confesses she was spared by the wild dog? On a similar note, how will they feel about her seeing that wild dog in their new home? Distrusting of the wild dog, after all who knows if the wild dog can really be trusted, or is trying to manipulate the little cub for a later plan.
Other: Anything else you feel is important.

Raffle ticket female preferred ^_^  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:54 am
Mentor's Name: Kuba'Dilishana (To barter)
SoA Number: 2, 6
Mentor Personality: (Written with "he" for ease) Interesting in bartering in the way of trying to always get a little something else for their services, Kuba is always pushing his luck but is suave and sophisticated with it. Not out to offend or annoy, he are interested in something that would benefit both parties when it comes to such a trade. Kuba is generally not up for more responsibility than he/she can handle, and will always weigh up what works the best for themselves, as they are priority number one. He will also not take on any extra work that does not benefit himself. A strong and capable lion, he is aware of the nature of his services and how valuable they can be.
Why did they choose to take Nakawa in? It was a moment of tough decision whether to flee or to take Nakawa in, but Kuba is not a cold-hearted lion and deep down knew he couldn't live with it if he left the cub to die. His job involves protection, and he was given a second sense of purpose when he assumed responsibility for the cub, though he worried it was more than he could handle.
How do they feel when Nakawa confesses she was spared by the wild dog? On a similar note, how will they feel about her seeing that wild dog in their new home? Surprised that she was spared, more than likely. Kuba would probably realize that even in the most "evil" of things could lie a basic moral code or form of humanity. As they grow protective over Nakawa, he would mean potentially hiding the young cub from the wild dog at first, and watching very very closely as time goes on. He would never really trust him despite him sparing Nakawa, and would try to instill a sense of caution into the young cub that not everyone would be so kind.
Other: Thank you <3

May I have a ticket for raffle 2 also please.  


Fashionable Bear


Familiar Celebrant

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:18 pm
Updated to here.  
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