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Yosun sighed heavily, dropping his chin to his green and black paws, red eyes closing in weariness. It had been a long day, training both mentally and physically until he could neither remember his own name or make the walk back to the dens.

With a heave and a grunt the young adolescent rolled heavily onto his side, legs sticking out haphazardly and tail limp as he rubbed his face into the dusty ground, too tired even to itch himself. Resting flat on his side like some long dead carcass, Yosun wondered how long it would be until he was discovered, chastised and given yet more chores for ‘lazing around’. Not that he resented any of his teachers for the level of training they enforced, nor the strict structure of the pride in general. It was after all, his home. No… he was simply exhausted and it was his own damn fault. Maybe he should stop going out at night? But no.. if he wanted to become a Knight, he had to train more not less, or he would never make the cut. Still… the idea of a full night’s sleep was tempting.

Sighing hard enough to raise a plume of dust, he squirmed about, digging his hip, ribs and shoulder into the ground, relishing in the feel of the wonderful scratchy dirt working through his coat and scrubbing away the dried sweat and grime of the day.