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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands [IC]
[PRP-Viking] New Reavers

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Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:50 pm

User ImageTordenskall had long dreamed for the day he would become a reaver. It seemed like since his childhood the moment had simply passed on and he wouldn't amount to much other than the freeborn he was. No, used to be.

Walking alongside others now, out in the rogue lands he had never seen sight of previously, he could hardly call himself a mere freeborn any longer. It was... Exhilarating. He found himself breathless at the new environment outside of the stormborn hold. But more than that he found himself wishing to see more of the land he had only heard stories of.

"How much further?" He causally asked the reaver who had agreed to take him a-Viking. Tordenskall wasn't particularly impatient but he had noticed that the youngling that had also accompanied them was growing rather... Frustrated in a word, at waiting to do "something adventurous" as he explained to Skall.

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Frustrated was one way of putting it. Tollak had spent the greater portion of his short life wishing to go out and go a-Viking, and now he had the shot! Now he was doing exactly that! But his young adolescent desire for instant adventure was clawing over him. He wanted to do something, not wander around doing nothing with a bunch of old stinky men. Had he had his way he would have brought some of his friends along with him and they could go off on their own adventure. But as it was he had not received that option and went on exploring without any of them.

That was fine, that would make him the bestest reaver faster than any of them. He could go off on raids and spar with the other reavers while his friends sat miserably wishing they too could enjoy such a life. Only to go on a raid involved travel. Travel involved a handful of boredom. Boredom was not something Tollak handled well. That wasn't to say he actually voiced his boredom, but judging from the constant sighs and moans he gave with an unimpressed eye roll one could assume he was getting fed up with the lack of danger and excitement.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:07 pm


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It amused him to find himself once again escorting freeborns on their first viking. Only this time he was the only reaver on the trip. The well muscled tawny male trotted along easily beside his companions. Bousvor mused at there being so many male lions going out on vikings. He would have thought that there would be more females too. Except he hadn't gotten any. Maybe it was just bad luck. He grinned. Not that it made any difference to him if the freeborn was male or female. It made a nice change to get out and gather his own loot instead of always taking challenges.

Bousvor glanced at his two companions for this trip. He had managed to get them quite a ways out from the pride before their eagerness or impatience started to show. His shoulders gave a rippling shrug that didn't break his stride. "Look for signs. It's not as though there's a giant pile of loot with a big sign attached to it that says 'Reaver's Loot'." The male slowed his pace to a walk as he gave a look around. He didn't think the others realized what might be counted as loot. "What would you look for?"



Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:42 pm


Before Skall had a chance to voice his opinion of what was worthy to be considered treasure Tollak was more then glad to interrupt him.

"Thralls." He snorted. They always needed more of those. "Pelts." He added, seemingly to name items as they slipped off his tongue. He would be pleased to dig his growing claws into the back of a animal should they happen to be engaged in combat soon.

"You're forgetting gold and buried treasure." Skall faintly smiled to the youth, who had not per say rambled on earlier but he had been quite informative to present the older freeborn with a list of items he classified as treasure. "And women." He added as bits and pieces of the list became to flitter into his head.

A snapping noise temporarily captured his attention. His head turned slowly to face where it came from and not a word from his lips until he was certain it was nothing more than a bird taking flight.

Tollak on the other hand kept his eye trained on the area for a few more lingering seconds than Skall had. He hoped it was a thrall... Or a snack, or you know, something he deemed worthy of attention. Or more precisely Bousvor, as Tollak was fishing for approval from the clearly most experienced of the trio. "Let's take a look?" He suggested.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:58 am


Bousvor tilted his head. "Thralls give a lot of prestige, but they are by no means all." The male walked along and kept his eyes open as he listened. "Buried is hard to find. Food, feathers, skulls, any of that is loot too." They tended to focus on the more flamboyant items. He shook his head at the mention of women. Oh boy.

He flicked his ears at the bird. Bousvor nodded and motioned Tollak to proceed him. It was the grey lion's idea. He glanced at Skall to see what the other was thinking of doing. Personally he was hoping for a couple of nice pelts to take back and line his den with.



Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:20 am

I thought I replied to this already, sorry for the wait! sweatdrop

Bousvor's reaction earned a smirk from Skall. It wasn't he who originally had considered those treasure to begin with after all. A glance towards Tollak however told him the boy had chosen to ignore their leader's disapproval at the list he had talked Skalls ears off making. So much for an educational experience he supposed.

Although he had his eye trained on the same area as Tollak, Skall was not overly confident whatever was hiding was worth his attention. In fact he would have turned away and carried on with the march had it not been for Bousvor nodding in confirmation that they were to check it out.

He didn't sigh necessarily but he looked a tad... Disappointed almost as he waited for the smaller gray lion to stalk ahead.

Tollak wasted no time in doing so after his yellow eyes glance in their leader's direction. He was already in a semi-crouched position as he crawled across the ground effortlessly towards the bush. Once satisfied with his position he stared back at the older lions and waited for them to approach. Which from the looks of things they already were. Sort of defeated the purpose but Tollak was pleased with his efforts nonetheless.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:44 pm

Feel free to have Tollak find a feather or something if you like.

Bousvor moved quietly up behind the younger lion. Peering over he didn't immediately see anything of worth. So instead he whispered, "go in closer for a better look we will wait here." Maybe Tollak would find something to bring home down among the bushes or grasses. The tawny male moved back and closer to Skall. Talking softly so as not to scare anything in the area he talked to the yellow male.

"Where would you like to check now?" It would probably take the young lion several minutes to check it out, which would give the older lion time to think.



Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:23 pm


Tollak wiggled his way out of the bush and into the clearing, his hopes still set on having run into a potential thrall or a small animal he could devour. To the adolescences disappointment what he found was not a thrall like he had been hoping. In fact all he saw of what could be valued was a handful of fur and some bird feathers on the ground.

Some lion had failed to get a lucky lunch, he presumed. There was no blood and the scent of such did not linger in the air. After scooping up the best of the feathers that did not seem broken or ruined in his maw; Tollak continued to look around the area.


After Tollak had scooted into the clearing Skall turned to Bousvor with a thoughtful look.

Hmm.. Where to examine...

"There." He said, his voice moving faster than his mind. He nodded a few seconds later to a path that looked well worn. He had assumed that something worthy of the group's attention might just be waiting for them near wherever it lead. Maybe a skull, or a half eaten carcass. Of course looking in that direction might have been foolish as well. It was possible that another had already followed it to where it's treasures hid...

"Vback." Tollak told his comrades, carrying in his paw with the feathers from earlier drooping from his jaw. There hadn't been anything worth taking in the area. Just dust and dry earth and grass. Tollak didn't care overly so for any of those things. But he figured the feathers were pretty and the rock was useful. For you know, bashing heads in or something. Maybe if he gave it to a crafter they could do something with it.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:16 pm


He gave a nod. The track was definitely used regularly judging by the level of path. With any luck they'd find something worthwhile along or near it. It took Tollak much less time than he'd expected to return. Bousvor looked at him with interest to see if he'd found anything or given just the barest look before returning.

The tawny lion was pleased to see that the younger male had actually found something and remembered what he had said was also good. "Well done. Skall wishes to explore the path. One of use will walk on the path," he gave a nod to Skall to show he had his choice of whatever spot he wanted, "and the other two will flank along the sides." This would give them the widest possible search. Hopefully one of them would find something.



Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:30 pm


Skall took the opportunity to be the one in front, the one to walk the path. He after all, had been the one to suggest looking there. If they happened upon something of interest, or more gruesomely, something of danger then it would be him to first encounter it, and allow the others a chance at perhaps sneaking away unharmed.

Although, they were now reavers correct? Bousvor having been one the longest would might have put up a fight, undoubtedly Tollak would.

Regardless of having realized his choice of being in front for the sake of shielding the others, knowing well that big- and maybe not so big, burly men didn't need protecting, had been a mistake; Skall stepped forward onto the path. He looked to both Bousvor and Tollak to ensure they were aware of his intentions, and then began to move.

Tollak on the other hand did not view Skalls "bravery" and "honor" of attempting to protect the others as just that. He viewed Skall's rush to be in front as a way of stealing his glory.

He had just brought back a rock and bird feathers, now Skall wanted to look for something more? Well, obviously a big, old lion like him would want to prove himself successful, but was there really much point when Tollak had already done so good?

Well Bousvor must have thought so, because before he knew it Tollak was crawling along the left flank of Skall as they walked. Before long the youngest of the trio began to rethink Skall "glory-stealing" as more of a challenge of sorts. They had just begun to unravel some treasures, and Skall was hot on pursuit of another. If he found something better than Tollak's bird feather findings, then the younger lion could simply go out and see what he could find that was better then that. It could be a competition! Who could find the best treasure, and just what was the best treasure?! The thought of a competition between himself and Skall made Tollak grin, and a pleasant mood finally swept over him. He added his imaginations variant of a slightly jealous Bousvor to the mix and his blood started boiling with excitement as he moved behind Skall.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:02 pm

We can wrap this up whenever you like. ^_^

The two were coming along, Bousvor thought with approval. They were working together fairly well. It could be worse, and they could be at each other's throats. He trailed along quietly, counting on Tollak to notice anything of value on his side. It had been some time since they started and it was getting hot. The tawny male would give them a bit more time then call a halt for them to rest. After that he would see if they wanted to try their luck going in opposite directions alone, or continue to stick together. They could fan out quite a ways from each other, but then they'd have to roar to keep in contact. Which would inform everything nearby they were out there.



Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:32 pm

Last one from me then, if that's okay with you. We can continue this in another RP if you like. :3 I'm just trying to get Tollak certed, or at least approved to be certed as a reaver before he becomes an adult... Which is like, in a week, I think. last minute much XD

Tollak's imagination continued to bloom as he looked for the best treasure he could find, something that would easily outweigh whatever Skall found. He was unaware of Bousvor's intentions to have them stop for a break as the heat of the Savannah began to rise around them.

He was much too focused, much to in depth with his work. The gray lion's efforts were not in vain either, as he stumbled upon another lonely feather upon the ground. Granted, this feather was sort of... Well, near destroyed for lack of better wording, but it had a lovely bluish hue, almost aqua in colorization. Score. Tollak thought, what had Skall found hmm? He cocked his head more left than normal, to see what lay ahead of the bright yellow and black lion's pathway.

What Skall had found was more interesting then feathers. And it most certainly wasn't a rock. The lion's paw had touched the ground and found to his surprise that it cracked under the pressure of his foot. He motioned for the other two to stop. A pause lingered as he inspected the ground once again. Was a jackal den here? Or was the ground just weak? That didn't help to reassure him.

He then noticed it wasn't the ground that cracked but something in the ground that had done so. He used one of his paws to un-bury the small object, and plucked it free of the muddy prison that held it captive. "A bone?" He questioned why he had found a single bone, buried as if it had been in a grave of some sort.

Tollak seemed pleased. "I guess you found something too huh?" He laughed lightly. And the way he seemed so happy gave Skall the feeling he was up to no good with some sort of juvenile prank coming along.

Ignoring that, or at least as best as he could, Tordenskall turned to Bousvor calmly. "What now?" He asked, and then added, "Captain."
PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:52 pm

Up to you if you'd like to continue in another rp. Fin!

The males seemed willing to go on and in good humor the large male went along. He watched Tollak pick up something from the corner of his eye. His main attention was on Skall. Bousvor came to a halt at signal. There was definitely something ahead that had the male's attention. His ears remained alert as he watched but let Skall handle it.

He nearly chuckled as Skall called him captain. While he wasn't "officially" captain, he was the leader of this tiny band for now. "I say it's getting damn hot. Why don't we take a break and get out of this sun?" With a nod to the others, Bousvor took the lead and headed to the nearest patch of good shade.


[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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