Sakura - NovaCracker
Halisi-amili - Das Tor

Word Count: 1224 (according to Google Docs)

Halisi-amili took a deep breath, green eyes closed and a smile on her face as the mist from the main waterfall in the pridal lands filled her nose. This had been the best discovery, in her opinion. Finding her long-lost son, the one she had left so long ago to be raised by those she saw in her visions. And her only regret was not seeing him grow. Because he'd become such a strong lion, a loving and kind soul with a family large and strong. He'd grown up with far more than she would have ever been able to give him. And she was a great-grandmother! That had surprised her the most. Especially that her grandson-in-law was a god, like her long-vanished mother had been. But this little pride they were all building, this wonderful place she had taken to calling 'home' like a fish to was wonderful. It was proof of their bloodline, a bloodline of beginnings.

A sound caught her ear and she opened her eyes to look in the direction of it.

"Hello, child. What might I help you with?" Really, the entire pride was children to her, save Codail, Muscail, and her mate.

Sakura was a quiet child not terribly close to anyone, but her delicate colours gave her a name from a distant flower, so she'd hoped one day for a good husband. Still, when the pride scattered and she fled with family, she felt lost - no handsome young men to take her away, no mate waiting to woo her - she was adrift here, and her visions didn't usually make sense, so the female pad to her favorite hiding place. Still, she hadn't expected to find the crone, and she peered at her before looking down. This was an important lioness, family or not, and she, as a lowly maiden, was of absolutely no use to anyone, so when she was addressed, her voice was soft.

"Only walking ma'am." She whispered, almost not audible at all.

Halisi blinked, tilting her head to one side before moving forward to nudge the girl's cheek. "Little one, you need not be cautious with me. I'm your great-grandmother. Would you mind a little company as you walk? I would like to better get to know my family. We've all been so busy, getting this place settled and getting things worked out." The poor child seemed so nervous and shy. Perhaps she needed someone to talk with?

"If you'd like." Sakura said gently. The female kept her eyes averted, expression one of a subdued, quiet slave rather a free adult female at her prime, and the lioness pinned her ears. "I suspect I'm boring though."

The old lioness eyed the girl oddly before settling herself to walk beside the girl. "I would think you aren't. Perhaps you've just not found your paws, yet." She smiled slightly. "That does happen, you know. Blooming late. From the stories I heard, your grandfather took a bit to find his paws."

"Maybe. Everything’s just so different though. I always expected to grow up and mate, But now.... Now I don’t know what will happen. And I barely see much of myself." She sighed.

The Crone chuckled. "Child, many seers see nothing relating to themselves. Do not rely on your visions. Use them only as a tool to help yourself and others. Instead, make your own path. What would you like? Is it a mate and cubs you would like most? There is no shame in that, especially here. Perhaps start by finding out what else makes you happy? Crafting, or singing, or making games. Anything."

Sakura smiled shyly, then looked down.

"I'm not very good at much at all, really. Nothing feels quite right... I always hoped I'd be swept off my feet, though, by some lovely maler." She paused.
"But that's fairytales and most lions don't think I'm that pretty, I'm sure. I'm just me."

Halisi laughed, a cheerful sound rather than hurtful. "Dear descendant, most males in the pride right now are related to you! Perhaps you ought to go wandering again for a bit? See if you can find yourself someone who does indeed sweep you off your feet...or vice versa."

Sakura shivered, shaking her head and looking up anxiously.

"I've never been alone, great grandmother. I don't know how to be alone!" Wide eyes watched anxiously and Sakura shivered a bit, frowning.

"Perhaps find someone to accompany you, then? There is no shame in not knowing how to be alone. Especially with how large a family you have." Halisi nudged her great-granddaughter. "Perhaps one of your siblings or cousins?"

"Maybe..." Sakura looked to her paws, trying to make herself smaller. "But I don't know if they'd want me there."

"Child, you never know unless you ask." She licked an ear on the pale lioness. "And your family seems to love you very much."

"I know, but they're all amazing and I'm... I'm not." She fidgeted, looking down. "Sorry..."

Halisi shook her head. "Sakura, you are amazing. You just haven't found how to release that yet. And there's even an amazingness to the simple things. To wanting to care for a mate and cubs. After all...behind every great person, there is a quieter person acting as their rock, their compass."

"I'm scared of not finding anyone." Sakura admitted. "I just.... What if things get... Bad?"

"Things won't." She smiled. "I can assure that." She chuckled. "Trust an old woman, hm?"

"I hope not." Sakura whispered. "I'm so scared."

"And that's okay. It's not the lack of fear that makes someone's being able to work around that fear, or look past it." She reached a paw up and pat the girl's head.

"I feel so useless though." Sakura said, almost a whisper again. "I don't feel... Good enough."

"We all have those periods in life. For now..." Halisi sighed, shaking her head. "I know I've certainly had them. But you will pull through. Find a companion, go take your Time of Wandering Paws. You are overdue, little one."

"I'm just scared." Sakura admitted. "I feel like there's more important things."

"Finding your path, be it here or elsewhere, is important. Trust me, little one, when I say that finding your path is one of the most important things in life. Find your beginning." Her smile was calm and soft.

"But the needs of the many..." Sakura said softly. "They're important too."

"The needs of the many cannot be tended to if you've not found your path. By doing this thing, you will help others. Perhaps you might even help bring more blood to the pride."

"Maybe." Sakura shrugged, looking down. She knew this was a mistake, troubling an elder.

"Youngling...promise me you will find a member of the pride, and go on your Time of Wandering Paws?" This girl needed it. Badly.

"I... Can try?" Sakura looked up, awkwardly and tried not to flatten her earts like a scolded cub.

"Good." She nudged the girl, smile still soft. "You'll find your paws. I promise. It may take some time, but you'll find them." Sakura was a good child. Halisi had faith in her.

"Okay." Sakura swallowed softly, letting her great grandmother nuzzle her, and she shut her eyes, sighing. She wasn't sure about this, at all.