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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands [IC]
[PRP] Rather Angry [Afriti & Baku]

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Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:12 am

The Goddess of Villainy was not exactly in a good mood. She was bloody, tired, and a few of her trinkets that she loved so much had been stolen from her by wicked little mortals who had dared to attack her. They got the drop on her because she let her guard down. How was she to know they would be brave enough to try something so ridiculous?

She would never let that happen again.

Her anger was unfathomable. She blamed every single mortal on this stupid spit of land, and she was not going to be happy until she found the two that attacked her and made sure they understood the consequences of messing with a Goddess of her domain.

They had no idea, the enemy they made.

For now, though, she had to circle out of the sky and land on the mortal plains, somewhere in the rogue lands, because her body was feeling heavy and the loss of blood from the long gashes above her wings, on her back, neck and ankles was catching up to her. She needed to recover some strength, and did not have enough to get herself to the God Haven.

Finding a small river, she drank carefully and flopped down to the ground, taking slow breaths and considering her options.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:36 pm

Baku had finally left the sanctuary of Gods Haven. Truthfully, he practically ran away. As much as the mortals could annoy him, his fellow immortals could be even more infuriating. Not to mention how some of them were downright dimwits to not understand that he wanted 'nothing' to do with them. Baku was a creature who had select taste in companionship. It's no wonder that, even now, he was companionless. Ah well, such was life. After all, why worry about such things when you had an eternity to dwell on them.

So, having had fled from Gods Haven, Baku found himself a rather sturdy looking tree in the mortals lands. These, he had found, were wonderful in staying out of the mortals ways and still being able to view them without them knowing he was there. His bat-like wings were furled up against his back. The golden chains make little noise as a rare breeze ruffled his mane and the leaves around him. Yes, this was a beautiful spot to just enjoy being alone. With a lazy yawn the God looked up through the tree boughs just in time to catch sight of a tanned figure flying past him to land below.

He watched curiously as the lioness was clearly an immortal like himself, but was showing signs of distress. As he watched her he noted her pained movements and the blood upon her hide. With a smirk, the God laid he head in his front paws, which were folded one over the other on the branch. "Find yourself at the loosing end of a fight did you?" He chuckled.



Inquisitive Agent


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:23 pm


Afriti jumped at the voice, turning to find another god leering at her, looking smug as if he was enjoying her pain. She snarled at him, rolling her eyes. The last thing she wanted to deal with right now was deal with another God, especially one who was so clearly taking delight out of her pain.

"Not as quickly as you will, if you don't leave me alone," she snapped back, trying to walk away from him and huffing heavily as she did so. She wandered a few steps to leave him, but her legs buckled and she collapsed to the ground.

The little water she had been able to drink did very little to revive her.

"Oh leave me alone, whoever you are. I don't have time to be your amusement," she growled, curling her wings against her as best she could, though it pained her, and not looking back at him out of embarrassment. She was not used to being hurt: this was the first time she had ever been so badly wounded, by another mortal or a god. Not that she had been in many real fights before.

It was good practice, she supposed, for the war to come. Now she knew what to expect. But she was certainly not happy about it.

"Who are you, anyway? Why are you down here?" And not in the God Haven, she meant.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:28 am

Baku raised a brow at her as her attempted to silence him. "I doubt yo could follow through with that threat with the state you're in." He watched with mild amusement as she attempted to walk away and failed. This Goddess had certainly gotten herself into quite a predicament and his curiosity was beginning to get the best of him.

"Now you were the one who came to where -I- was already resting so if either of us were to leave I would have to insist it were you. I mean, I am fine with sharing the space since it's rather obvious that moving for you would be quite a hardship at the moment." He flicked his tail as he lifted his head to get a better look at her. Oh yes, she was in quite bad shape. Whomever she had run into had done quite a number on her. Actually, it looked like it was a possible someone's. Mortals maybe? Baku had doubts that another God would attack her with such mundane ways as his or her claws.

Rising from his perch in the tree, Baku hopped off the branch, his leathery wings opening and allowing him to glide down to where the Goddess was resting. "I am Baku of Nightmares and what I am doing here is really none of you're business but I felt the need to escape the suffocating confines of our...home." At this point he was practically hoovering over the lioness as he rounded about her to stand near her head. "And who might you be O' Wounded One?"



Inquisitive Agent


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:18 pm


"Oh please, you do not know what I am capable of," she huffed, but he was right. She had no power to attack him, especially since he was another God, and likely stronger than her from the get go. She did not have the magic some Gods had, and her skills at being villainous only served so far in a fight. Beating up mortals was one thing, but someone on her level? A lot more difficult, especially when injured.

She grunted and rolled her eyes as he continued, lifting her paws up and putting them over her head to cover her ears and block him out, though it failed completely. She could still hear him.

"Nightmares?" She looked up at his domain, though, looking him over with interest now. She couldn't help the smirk, always liking to meet other domains with dubious definitions. She did not know what to think of him just yet, but she could put aside her instinctive annoyance at being teased while injured for now.

She watched him as he landed, sitting up a bit more but wincing as she did so, pain lancing through her wings and back.

"My name," she said, taking a slow breath, "is Afriti. Goddess of Villainy. It's nice... enough... to meet you, Baku."
PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:42 pm

Baku chuckled. "I think you're capable of hardly being able to stand at this moment."
He quirked an eyebrow at the Goddess as she seemed to, well, perk up at the mention of his domain. Interesting indeed. Though, to watch her struggle just to sit upright was almost painful to watch. Taking pity upon the battered immortal, Baku backed himself up a bit before sitting. His wings tucked close to his side as he yawned in boredom.

Oh ho! What was that? Baku eyed the female. The Goddess of Villany. Now that certainly was an interesting domain and not one he was expecting. Truthfully, he had been expecting something more...softer form her but as he looked at Afriti with a more critical eye he noticed her features were not geared towards a more gentler disposition. Maybe this wouldn't be such a boring event after all?

With a smirk Baku gave a low chuckle. "No need to sugar coat it. I am hardly being the most...uh, hospitable of companions. I've just found, through experience, that other immortals rarely meet the qualifications I desire in any sort of companionship." He shrugged. "Almost all of them have been of a...sweeter domain."

He shifted his weight slightly before lowering his front half down to relax in the grass fully. This way, he hoped, Afriti wouldn't feel the need to keep herself sitting up if it was too painful to do. The wounds she bore certainly had to be causing her some distress. "Now, pray tell. What happened to you?"



Inquisitive Agent


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 12:40 pm


Afriti watched him, taking it easy for the moment. She did not want to push herself too far, too fast, and felt like if she just managed to get some solid rest, some food, and a good place to hide herself, she would be alright in due time. She healed faster than mortals, anyway.

One of the many perks of being a God or Goddess, she supposed.

"I know what you mean. There are a lot of fluffy and kind Gods out there, the ones that coddle the mortals and treat them like they are somehow more than we are. It's disgusting, sometimes, to see the way they fawn over this realm, and themselves."

She snorted derisively, shaking her head. Chivalry came to mind, as he had been bending his will to keep his mortals safe, and annoying the hell out of Afriti while doing it.

It was a relief to lay down, though, and she watched him with mild patience, though her tail continued to bat at the ground. She was a little annoyed, still.

"I was attacked by a pack of mortals. First by a pair that claim to be vikings, whatever that means, and another set after that, who took advantage of my injuries from the first fight. Those vikings stole some of my necklaces and bones." That seemed to annoy her more than anything else. How dare they not only attack her, but steal from her as well? What an indignity for her to have to suffer. As if it weren't embarrassing enough.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:14 am


"Mortals injured you like this?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "I have to admit that the mortals have become less and less fearful of the Gods and I am blaming those who are far to nurturing towards them." He snorted with distaste. "They must be taught their proper place in this world not told that they can do whatever they will."

He flexed his claws as he thought about some of the mortals he had come across. All of whom he had taken advantage of in some way or another and many he had, in some shape or form, broken them into thinking Gods were the superior life forms. A sly grin spread across his maw at the memories. Such good times those were.

"I do hope that you were either severally outclasses or taken by complete surprise by them. I certainly would not let them get away with what they did if it was me. Those mortals would find it hard to get any rest if it was me they had attacked." Of course, Baku was referring to one of his abilities to trigger nightmares in mortals. Something he could set up to occur whenever a mortal would attempt to sleep. He had found that ability quite useful in breaking down even the most resilient.


Inquisitive Agent


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:23 pm


Afriti sighed. She did not exactly take joy in the fact that mortals had managed to get the better of her. Of course, she had been picking fights with mortals left and right, so she had not really been helping herself by being so violent and in constant confrontation. Her injuries had no chance to really real, and she had little rest so far.

But her prey eluded her now, and she needed the rest.

"I agree with you there. I know too many Gods that just want to be friends with and pretend to be just like the mortals. I do not see the appeal of being pathetic and powerless, or why their lives are so valuable. Besides playing with them and making them fight with each other."

She huffed at his gloating, shaking her head and making a face at him.

"They did surprise me. And it seemed like they had hunted Gods before, they took out my wings before I had a chance to react. But I will find them, eventually, and they will suffer." She growled at that, just imagining all the things she could do to them.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:35 pm

Baku smirked at the face she made then paused for a moment as a thought invaded his mind. This Goddess was, to Baku's current memory, the first mortal with whom he did not want to merely walk away from, or mentally imagine himself torturing them. In fact, he noted he was actually enjoying her presence and, though it may not appear so to Afriti, playfully teasing her. At first, yes, he had thought her as nothing more than a way to pass some time but now he found himself not wanting to leave her until she was healed.

These strange thoughts and unusual emotions confused him.

"As is only right." He replied. "No mortal should think they are better than us and can get away with the atrocities they did to you."

Green eyes watched the Goddess carefully before continuing. "If you wish, I could help you get your much deserved revenge. After all, I would like to get a look at the mortals who dare think themselves on par with even the lowliest of Gods to attack us. I'd like to see what makes them think so highly of themselves."

And then delve deep into their minds and twist their sleeping thoughts into horrific abominations that plague them into pure exhaustion where they won't be able to escape his manipulations. Of course, Afriti didn't need to know that part...yet.



Inquisitive Agent


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 5:38 pm


Afriti watched him, surprised by his words and suspicious that he was teasing her again. She was not the most trusting lioness at the best of times, and after her horrible week so far, she was not interested in letting herself fall into any more traps.

"You want to help me, do you?" She said thoughtfully, watching him with her keen, sharp eyes. Even though she was exhausted, she still had her wits about her, and a good opportunity to cause some antagonism, to live up to her domain of Villainy, was always something she tried to take advantage of.

She shifted a bit, trying to get to her feet. It took some effort now that she had stopped walking, her legs shaking a bit from the effort. She managed, though, standing proudly and looking at him directly, nodding her head in a bit of a bow.

"Alright, I think I would like your brand of help. They deserve to suffer as much as they can before their pathetic bodies give out. I'm not used to working with others, but I think you might actually be something near my level." She gave him a teasing grin now, relaxing with thoughts of torture and anger. "It's rare I can find a match to keep up with me."
PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:42 am

Baku raised an eyebrow as she questioned him. Oh he could see the wheels working in those eyes of hers. Was he trustworthy? Was he merely playing her a fool? Making fun of her? But, as strange as it was even to Baku, his offer of assistance was true. He wanted to get back at the mortals. He wanted to teach them a lesson. Now, whether that was because they were simply mortals or because they had done harm to Afriti was not something that Baku was willing to debate with himself now. That was a bridge he'd cross later when he had time to himself to contemplate such things.

When she rose to her pas Baku watched her carefully. He did not offer assistance but should she have fallen in the process would have given her a helping paw. He knew how easily pride could he be hurt. He tilted his head when she finally got to her paws and grinned at her response. "Wonderful then!" He rose to his own paws in a much more graceful manner. "I think you may find yourself having to keep up with me instead of the other way around, dear Afriti." He chuckled. "Especially with those wounds of yours. But, if you're so willing to go I won't delay our plans." He spread his wings in response, waiting to see if she wanted to carry out their planned revenge now or if they would wait for wounds to heal.



Inquisitive Agent


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:31 pm

I think this is a fin for this one!

Afriti watched him, then nodded her head. She spread her wings despite the pain that spread through her body. The pain seemed more fitting now, though, as if it were fueling her rather than hindering her. It was a fresh reminder of her goals, after all. She had suffered a terrible indignity, and she was not about to let it go. Not now that she had aid and a willing, capable partner to make sure things went well.

"Let's do this, then. We'll hunt them down. I remember where they were. We'll find them, and make them suffer."

She grinned, nodding her head at Baku. She moved forward before they took flight, giving him a very forward and flirtatious rub before she looked at him coyly, grinning wickedly, and beat her wings to lift herself into the air. She was too determined to let her injuries and exhaustion stop her now: there would be time to rest when they were done.
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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