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[PRP] Testing the Waters (Nyota/Pachi)

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Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:45 am
User Image Staring tentatively at the river's quick current from where he stood on one edge of one bank, wishing very much for an easier way to reach the opposite side, the monochromatic cheetah sighed with deep seated reluctance. He knew his brothers had passed this way, their pawprints lead straight to the very edge of the water. Engraved in the mud tauntingly. He also knew that they had most likely dove into the water like maniacs and swam across without hesitation or a spared thought to the potential danger of such recklessness. Pachinko was the only one who ever thought of those things.

They've lost their minds. Muttering to himself, the youngest of the four siblings stared down the length of the river in both directions. There might have been a narrower, more shallow spot to cross somewhere further up or down stream but if so, it wasn't within view. Crossing here though... Those idiots!

It was amazing his elder brothers had lived as long as they had considering how careless they were with their lives. Genge didn't even have an excuse. Being the most intelligent of them, he knew the risks and yet continued to act like a baboon's a**! Of course the fact that Genge could and always did calculate risk versus reward in any situation was a factor Pachi preferred to exclude for the sake of argument. He knew, as the oldest, the solemn Genge would have never put any of his family members in harm's way if he thought the outcome wasn't in their favor.

But still. Pachinko couldn't help but be concerned.

It didn't help that he didn't have as much confidence in his ability to cross safely as his brothers, but if Genge didn't think he could make it he and Menka would have gone a different way, wouldn't they?
PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:32 am
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On the other side of the riverbank, there was a bit of commotion. The reeds and bushes shivered with brief excitement, before stopping. Suddenly, it all kicked off.

Bursting forth from the foliage came the panicked form of a bushbuck. A nanosecond later, the wiry, sleek cheetah known as Nyota'eusi followed suit. Pursuing her lunch as always, the female stuck to the drier ground away from the water's edge, knowing that the mud would only slow her down. The bushbuck didn't seem to get the memo-- she herself was beginning to tire out as the thick silt caked her hooves. She tried to run through the water that lapped at the land's edge, hoping to wash off the dirt.

As the prey sprinted ever nearer the water, Nyota knew it was now or never. With a powerful flick of her paws, she sprung towards the bushbuck, managing to snag a claw or two on it's back. The animal responded recklessly by doing a hairpin turn, causing Nyota's paw to be thrown off. The inky black cheetah went tumbling, but within a few seconds she was back on her feet and angrier than ever. Her tail was snaking wildly in the air, like a cobra ready to strike.

The event came to a head when it flew by Pachinko's field of vision, and the bushbuck sprang into the water. For a brief moment, it looked more like a lively ballet performance; water droplets flying everywhere, the bushbuck taking a swan dive into the water, and there in the center was Nyota. Time seemed to stand still as she sprinted into the river, and for a few seconds, her feet appeared to skim across the surface, like a wonderful skipping stone. It was breathtaking.

However, the moment the bushbuck reared up and head-bashed her was not. Even over the river's audible current, one could definitely hear something crack. The resulting blow caused Nyota to tumble into the water and the herbivore to escape.

Neon Fly

Gene Wilder

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:25 am
Startled by the sudden explosion of energy Pachinko fled the river's edge instinctively, circling around only once he was a safe distance from the chaos. With the stretch of about thirty strides between himself and the unexpected intrusion the ungainly cheetah felt comfortable assessing the situation without the threat of immediate bodily harm. Admittedly, it took some effort to understand what he was seeing initially as his eyes adjusted to the blur of erratic motion he realized that he was watching a rather intense game of cat and mouse--or cat and antelope if you will--between a frantic bushbuck and the agile cheetah on its tuft of a tail.

They veered and swerved along the stretch of land upon the opposite bank of the river Pachi had been, and still was, reluctant to cross like dance partners. Reacting to the movements of the other almost simultaneously. And then they were charging directly at him. With a headlong dive, the buck surged into the river, muscles flexing visibly as it kicked hard to cross the hungry current. Right behind it was the daring female, her sleek figure a shadow on the earth as she followed suit without so much as a pause to consider if she should. A pause that might have prevented the unsightly turn of events.

Wincing as the stranger made a solid collision with the bushbuck's hard skull, the monochrome cheetah felt the air hiss from his lungs in a breath he hadn't been aware he was holding. The poor female had gotten clocked hard as as he prey scrambled up the bank and darted past him he watched her ragdoll body sink into the water lifelessly.

Damnit. Damnit!

I'm not a hero. I'm not a hero! His plaintive cry was repeated in an awkward chant even as some unseen force drew him back to the river. Even as he willed himself to leap into the water. Even as he paddled in the most graceless, unimpressive manner to catch the silhouette that had already begun to sink, jaws clamping firmly around her scruff.

I'm not a hero! I'm not a hero! I'm not a hero! The added weight pulled his body beneath the surface once, then twice and his nose sprayed droplets with each puff of air he took when his head bobbed up again. Pachinko was flailing now, digging at the wetness that closed in around him and moved so fluidly against his lanky frame.

By the time they reached the shore, ironically the one he had been uncertain of how to get to initially, the ineloquent cheetah was wheezing. I'm not a hero! I'm not a hero!

However, he had made it with his limp cargo, making sure to pull her far enough on to the land so as not to tempt any passing crocodiles. Laying out beside the now drenched female, his own body equally as waterlogged, Pachi coughed and sputtered, ears pinned with annoyance. Everyone h-has gone ins-sane!

Gene Wilder
PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:07 am

After what felt like an eternity to her savior, Nyota spluttered back into life. She at once tried to get up, only to yelp and sink back down miserably, paws flung over her head. It felt like she'd been knocked out by Mkodi herself. Hopefully nothing was broken; she made a mental note to do a full-body checkup once she felt up to it.

Then there was that little tingling feeling, the kind that made the fur on the back of her neck stand up. Years of being chased by larger predators gave her this uncanny sixth sense. The cheetah slowly moved a paw to spy at Pachi, hoping he wasn't, in fact, a hyena or leopard. Actually, he was rather...

Well, anyway. Nyota finally dropped her guard to look at him directly now. Hesitantly, she spoke.
"Are... did you... I mean, am I to thank you for... back there?" she said, nodding her head towards the river, before wincing again and clutching her head.

Neon Fly

Gene Wilder

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:30 pm
I don't know if you should thank me. It wasn't exactly the most ideal of rescues. Pachinko admitted awkwardly, earnestly relieved when the unconscious female had finally come awake. He'd managed to stop choking and his heartbeat had finally calmed into something less than a frantic drumbeat of galloping zebras, but there was still enough adrenaline racing through his body that the young cheetah couldn't quite contain his trembling.

But I'm glad to see you're alive. You took a solid knock to the head and sank pretty quick. Even after I brought you to the shore you still weren't moving for a while and I was afraid... He didn't dare finish his sentence, sheepishly glancing off into the distance as the antsy fidgeting of his tail gave him away. He could hardly help worrying, even if they were two perfect strangers. Pachinko wasn't the sort to wish ill on anyone.

Tipping his brilliant blue gaze back to her once he'd managed to push down his embarrassment, worry warmed his gentle voice. It must still hurt... y-your head I mean.

Gene Wilder
PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:28 pm

Nyota gave a weak smile; at least he wasn't bragging about saving her. She'd met a few lions on her adventures who boasted at any chance they got. With cheetahs, though, it was sort of a species-wide "thing" that they all understood. When you can hit 70 mph chasing down a gazelle, there's no need to brag.

"Well I should still thank you," she stated, noting the nervousness. She couldn't help but get infected with it, herself. She'd never really attracted the attention of other males, or been in the company of one for more than a few minutes. Their current poses, lying on the riverbank, seemed to fool neither one of them.

Speaking of fools, Nyota's mom certainly didn't raise any. And her older sister secretly taught her about getting a boy's attention. For a long time, Nyota'eusi looked back on those "lessons" with disgust, but right now... right now, they could use a test run. J-just for scientific purposes, of course.

"A-a little, yeah," the black cheetah admitted, keeping a paw pressed to her forehead. She closed her eyes for a moment, massaging her head, before stopping abruptly. She sat up, her eyes locking with his.
"There isn't a bump on my head, is there?" she asked, suddenly distressed.

Neon Fly
Set the bait, plenty of line... >:3c

Gene Wilder

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:28 am
Looking on the bright side, his main challenge was now behind him, for that he was honestly grateful to the panther-esque cheetah, exceedingly lovely in her silky black coat. He could just barely make out the faint details of almost equally as dark markings if the sun glared on her just right. Pachinko wasn't certain if he would have crossed had he not been forced to by the strange events that had just transpired. The thought made him hum with amusement as he lifted his shoulders in a modest shrug, still reluctant to accept her gratitude in his humbleness. I had to cross anyway.

Lifting himself off his haunches, the monochrome male shook out some of the water from his fur, sending a spray of murky droplets to fleck the dry dirt which soaked up the moisture greedily. At her request, he crossed the distance to check, not seeming to mind the intimacy as he bent to hover close, inspecting the smooth space between her ears critically. Is it tender? Looks like you might have a little lump. That buck really got you good.

Without thinking Pachinko gently bowed his head, nuzzling a ever-so-careful lick to the bump the same way he would have any one of his reckless and rowdy brothers. It didn't really occur to him that she was a stranger until after the instinctual reaction had already surfaced. By then it was too late to do anything but quickly back away and smile as apologetically as he knew how. I.. sorry.. it's habit.

Gene Wilder
PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:52 am
Holy gods, she was NOT expecting that. At the feeling of his tongue on her head, Nyota jumped up on all fours. Small droplets of water went flying everywhere. She ignored the pounding feeling in her head, but even more worryingly, the slight tingling sensation. Thank heavens for black fur, or else he would have seen her cheeks flush.

"Th-that-- you shouldn't have- at-- at least give a girl some w-warning!" she stammered out, her long legs tripping over each other as she tried to pace about. Her heartbeat was fluttering at a speed usually reserved for sprinting.
"I don't even know your name," she said, a little more softly.

Neon Fly

Gene Wilder

[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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