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[PRP] This is a water joke. [Wailele/Wingu'anuru]

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Headless Hunter

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 8:12 pm

User Image Feeling a little better about herself after a few conversations with those of her kind again, Wailele had decided that she wanted to be more active and meet more lions - mortal or not. She couldn't be a shut in all her life.

Well, no she could totally be, but it wasn't healthy for her!

Wandering the water's edge of the little oasis she had kept to the last couple days, she watched a small rogue band of lions in the distance, with whatever they were doing.

How nice it would be, to be like them, in a little group. The goddess sighed, before flopping unceremoniously near the water's edge, her tail dipping in to it again, a cub-like action she never grew out of.

Gene Wilder
PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:14 pm

User Image

Seems the oasis was playing host to not just one, but two gods. For lo, the god of colors, Wingu'anuru, was also relaxing, hiding safely in the colorful foliage. The markings on his body had transformed to blend in with the surrounding plant life.

Of course, being in a cooler environment was nice and all, but having such a heavy mane, wings, and more fur than the average lion was a burden. The sun had beat down on him as he made his way to the refreshing rest stop, so this was a welcomed sight (no pun intended). And yet, Wingu felt something was... lacking. He had heard the soft sounds of water lapping against earth, and was curious.

He'd never gone swimming before.


That's one clever title, there, Nerp. xD

Gene Wilder



Headless Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:03 am

How she missed him originally was a mystery - his pelt was shimmering with every colour of the rainbow, even in the shade that he was trying so hard to squish in to.

Really, she was kind of jealous - her pelt was so dark and simple, unlike his, but, it didn't mean that she would shun him - quite possibly the opposite! She wanted to know more about this pretty god who seemed so pensive.

Pulling her now soaked tail out of the water, she sidled up quickly next to him, blue eyes looking at whatever he was peering out to.

"What's got your mind?" She said with a somewhat quiet tone, wet tail flicking side to side on the oasis floor. "You look like you're really considering the water there."

Gene Wilder
It's actually really funny how many rps are water named for her.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:13 am

He should've sensed her coming, or at least heard her, really. But it had been such a hot, lazy afternoon for him. That is, until she spoke to him. Then, he nearly jumped out of his pelt.

At once, Wingu leapt to his feet, stumbling backwards to hide more. Eventually, he backed up against the trunk of a small tree, his eyes darting back and forth.
"Who's th-there?!" he called out in a demanding voice. This was slightly undermined by his visibly shaken expression. "I warn you, mortal, I-I'm not to be trifled with!" And just to prove his point, a silvery liquid poured from his paws, swirling and slithering across the ground, until it reared up like a cobra ready to strike its target.


Gene Wilder



Headless Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:20 pm

Admittedly, it wasn't the first time Lele had this reaction from her rather . . . open personality. But, it was the first time that the other party had misunderstood her to this point. His eyes were flighty and not focusing on her, and he kept assuming where she came from - had he no sight?

Eyebrows raised and ears flickering, she sat down where she had arrived, watching the silver cobra that threatened her so honestly.

"Well, mortal I am not." She started with, flapping her wings a little, the charms within her feathers jingling softly. "I'm Wailele, Goddess of Waterfalls - named after my birth mother. . ." She stated, the last line stated with a side glance. She was still a little sore about her.

"You just looked so forlorn by yourself, sorry for scaring you! I do like the snake-trick."

Gene Wilder
PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:03 pm

Upon realization that whoever he was addressing wasn't a threat, Wingu relaxed slightly. Allowing her words to soak in, a look of shock and mild embarrassment swept across his face. The silver liquid pantomimed its master's feelings as it slowly slunk to the ground, retreating back to Wingu's paws and pooling around them.

Taking a step towards the direction of her voice, the male gave a deep bow, thankful he could hide his face for a moment. It was plenty red now.
"I-I'm the one who should be apologizing, Lady Wailele," he said, chastising himself. Upon standing up straight again, he looked just slightly off of where the goddess stood. "I am Wingu'anuru, God of Colors. It's an honor to meet you."

Forlorn? Wingu winced-- he didn't mean to look quite so pitiful as the goddess had described. He gave a soft groan, before smiling sheepishly at her.
"Oh, please milady, d-don't-- don't think of me like that. It's not as though I'm a lost foal separated from the herd!" As he spoke, the liquid slowly spilled back out again, curling and weaving through the air. Wingu seemed to be able to see it, as he smiled knowingly at it, as though it were an old friend. "I see the world through different eyes, is all."


Gene Wilder



Headless Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:34 am

"Oh, formalities aren't needed around me, I am no lady." She started, kind of flippantly flicking a paw, even though she now knew that it was obvious that his sight was misplaced. "Just a misplaced Goddess who wanders. But it is a pleasure to meet you, also, Wingu'anuru" She finished, looking him over once again.

A God of Colour, who is unable to take pleasure in seeing the colours around him? It seemed rather bittersweet, and she found it kind of sad. She didn't want it to come off as pity, more like sympathy.

Nodding as he spoke, watching the silver liquid dancing around him, she couldn't help but smile a little again, tail flicking behind her. "I see. I apologize for coming off incorrectly - I meant you appeared curious about the water. Have you never been swimming?" She asked, head tilting one way.

Gene Wilder
PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:50 am

Now, Wingu had a number of options here: lie through his teeth (which could easily backfire), tell the truth (which would make him seem even more pathetic and sheltered), or run away. And running away was not an option.

"As a matter of fact, I was ju-just about to go for a swim! Care to join me?" he asked hurriedly, and began walking past her. For a few moments, Wingu seemed completely confident and knew where to head to. In fact, he was cheating horribly and using the liquid to guide him. Tiny, silver tendrils swept across the ground ahead of him, projecting the terrain and its colors into his mind's eye. Soft earth tones and hues painted a picture, gradually becoming more and more cool-colored.

As soon as the tendrils touched the water, Wingu froze in place and recalled the liquid. Like a scalded cat, it shot back to his paws, leaving the god to stand there, stiff as a board. Turning to face back to where Wailele (hopefully) was, he gave a small bow before saying (with forced casualness), "Ladies first."


Gene Wilder



Headless Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:27 am

Dark eyebrows raised as he rushed past her, walking towards the water with his silver tendrils almost chasing after the rocks and sad that moved him close to the water. She seriously expected him to just . . . jump right in like she would, but he stopped on a dime, his white toes barely lapping at the white toes of the deity.

Ladies first, hunh?

She wasn't sure if he was trying to pawn it off her (so obvious), or if he really was trying to impress her (probably also.) It didn't matter, because she was basically one with the water. Prancing over contently, she took no time, going to dance right in to the water, her paws splashing through it before she basically flopped on her side, floating on the surface, hair everywhere.

"Home sweet home~"
PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:34 am

A tiny voice in the back of the god's mind warned him that something terrible would stem from this, but he ignored it. Wingu had been afraid and shy for generations, and this would be the first step (or leap) onto the long road of recovery and transformation.

Gently, cautiously, he hovered a large white paw over the water. It lingered for a few moments, before he pulled it back, thinking against the idea; it would be better just to go in all at once. Besides, she didn't know that he couldn't swim, right?

The god took a few steps back. A deep, shaky inhale. It was now or never!

His body tensed, before uncoiling like a tightly-wound spring and making a charging leap into the water. The resulting cannonball dive made a tremendous splash, lots of bubbles and fizzling, and water everywhere. But this was just the beginning of Wingu's troubles.

As he felt his body slip underneath the surface, all at once did it become a sensory overload: the water surrounding him on all sides, pulling him down deeper, getting into his nostrils and mouth. The god tried to cry out, but his voice, he discovered, was useless underwater. Only large bubbles of air flew to the surface mockingly. Wingu flailed his limbs around, his wings flapping in a desperate attempt to fly. This was like nothing he'd ever experienced, and it was the most terrifying thing he'd ever done. Again, he tried to cry out, but nothing.

Gods couldn't die the way mortals could, which made this pure agony by now. It was like being waterboarded. He couldn't take any more of this. The liquid had shot out from his paws the moment he entered the water, but it had become so diluted, it was both useless and overwhelming at the same time. Millions of tiny droplets of the liquid had become scattered, swarming his brain with useless information about the water. He ordered the liquid back into a single tendril, and just in the nick of time, too. It barely stretched out to graze the flank of Wailele, and that was all the god needed.

Wingu rocketed towards the image, a navy-colored shape amidst a sea of pastels and pale blues. As soon as his paws felt flesh and blood, he grabbed hold. Chivalry hung itself as the god of colors more or less clung to her backside and scrambled over it, breaching the surface of the water. He gave a sputtering inhale, coughing and gasping for sweet, sweet air.


Gene Wilder



Headless Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:27 am

Unlike the Colour god, she was like a stream-line in the water, it was actually rare for her not to be swimming or lounging around, enjoying the coolness of the swim. Thus, while she waited to see if he would dare follow her in to her domain - especially without his eyesight.

She really expected him to just wander in, one paw after another, but after a moment of thinking, it appeared that he had something else in mind. Lele didn't want to tell him how he should do this - it was obvious that between the two of them, he was the older one, so she was hoping that he had enough experience and sense not to try anything too dumb.

But, then it happened.

First he was there, and then there was a giant cannonball of white and colour, and then the water swallowed him up, making the Goddess start panicking. Swimming in circles, she started trying to figure out where he was, the chaos of him flailing in the water unsettling her, making her panic even more.

"Wingu! Don't fight the water, just try to follow i--" She started to come out with, before a weight suddenly dragged her down by her flank end, making blue eyes widen and her paws start flailing a bit and pumping harder, long wings expanding so it would keep her on the surface, the lion's gasping breaths behind her making it obvious he was alive still, at least.

"Oh my goodness, don't do that again!" She said out loud, as she tried to push them closer to the shallow end. "I thought you were just going to walk in, oh man, alright. Looks like someone needs swimming lessons!" She rambled, trying to make it less of a crazy event.

Gene Wilder
PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:25 pm

Unfortunately, Wailele's words seemed to fall on deaf ears: Wingu was more concerned with gulping down air and heading towards the shore. As soon as solid ground was underneath them, he released her back and instead glued himself to her side, not daring to become separated from her. Not while that demonic water was still around them.

This was as good a chance as any to see who this goddess really was, so the liquid tendril slithered up between the two's shoulders (unknowingly to Wingu), before dispersing itself across her body. Not like she would feel it, anyway, seeing as they were both soaking wet. Just as Wingu's heartbeat was steadying out, the image that painted itself in his mind galvanized it.

Out of blackness, a dark blue form bubbled up. Small intricate tattoos, like tiny rivers, were etched across her arms and legs. Her wings were smaller than most gods', but that was nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, the delicate, curling patterns on the feathers were like light dancing on water (the first he'd ever truly seen). Her hair, which was much longer than his, poured over her body like, well, a waterfall. As for her face, it wa--

This was getting to be too much. Being a burden was one thing, but this was downright invasion of privacy. The tendril discretely reformed itself between their bodies and slithered down to his paws. The god was now aware this wasn't just a goddess he was leaning against-- this was a beautiful goddess. He forcibly removed himself from her side, choosing to flail-paddle to the shore. Once safely out of the water, he shook his mane out, as well as any embarrassment and impure thoughts.

"That... that wasn't swimming?" he managed after a few moments. He sounded dumbfounded.


Gene Wilder

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