Velveteen Angel:
User ImageGhasia balanced delicately on a branch overhanging the river, thanking water deity was around that there was no crocodiles in the water beneath her, just fish swimming just out of reach of her paws. She was not an adept fisher, not at all, but there were little prey beasts around that she could take down on her own, which left her with…fish. Slippery, fast moving fish.

She swiped her paws out towards one that darted close to the surface, feeling confident. Her paw hit empty water, however, and she had over-swung, dislodging herself from the branch. She shrieked as she tumbled into the water; grateful it was not that deep.

PIma was wandering along looking for something to eat. She thought fishing would be the best way to go- it was easy and fish was pretty darn good. Maybe that was a leopard thing. Sometimes it seemed like leopards liked fishing more than other animals. Then again, if she were a lion, she wouldn't want to splash her giant paws around in the water, hoping for the best. Plus, a lot of other animals usually didn't bother with it, which meant she had a good chance of being alone. And alone was just how she wanted to be, especially with her mind in a tizzy. She had a lot to think about. A male had interested her. She had never thought of anyone else as more than a potential game to be played. What the heck?

She paused from the thoughts when she heard a splash, the brown leopard moving over to the nearby river to see what was going on. But all she found was someone sitting in the water, looking a little like she didn't mean to be there. It was a cheetah, and a rather pretty one at that. She didn't look terribly happy though, which was a shame considering her color and her markings.

"Err, are you alright?" She asked lightly. She didn't like seeing bummed out cheetahs, that was for sure!

Velveteen Angel:
Ghasia was annoyed at herself falling into the water, even more so when she heard another voice ask if she was alright. Great, she had failed at fishing and someone had seen her do it. Fantastic, Ghasia. Well done, she praised herself inwardly as she brushed wet fur from her face to look at the female leopard who had addressed her.

“I am not a fisherman,” she offered with a slightly sheepish smile, “but nothing is injured other than my ego.” She stood up, fur soaked and dripping with the water, fish darting around her almost mockingly. She huffed; there had to be an easier way to do this. She attempted to step on one of the fish, but, again, it was faster than she was.

“Ugh! Fishing is stupid,” she announced in frustration.

Pima laughed lightly, though she didn't mean to tease the other lady. Now she really was starting to think that fishing was a leopard thing. It didn't look like the cheetah knew what she was doing at all. Lucky for her, then, that she had something of an expert there to show her what to do. "Well, I guess I wouldn't like fishing either if I got all wet because of it!" She moved a little into the water, looking down into the clear stream. The fish seemed to be very energetic now and were moving all around them. It was full of food! That was amazing.

She would eat well as long as the other one didn't scare them all off. then again, with the way they were swimming around, it seemed like nothing was going to frighten them off. Was it mating season or something?

Well. The idea of fishing making babies wasn't really something she needed to keep in her head.

"You have to be quiet," she said softly, looking into the water with a very serious expression. The jovial nature from a moment ago had vanished as she became a huntress. Even when fishing, you had to take things seriously, "and you have to stay perfectly still." She raised a paw and stopped moving, just watching the water carefully. "If you do these two things long enough, the fish will slow and think you're not there anymore. Then it's just a matter of waiting for the right one to come along for you to nab."

Velveteen Angel:
Ghasia blinked as the female explained to her the realities of fishing. “Oh,” she mused and stilled her body, falling silent though she swayed a little, unable to stay completely still. She was a cheetah after all. She was built for speed and movement, and it was weird to be completely still for her. She felt her paws itch as she tried to mimic the other’s movements.

“Are you a good fisher?” She asked, in a whisper, that would probably still disturb the fish but at least she was trying not to ruin it altogether.

pima chuckled faintly and gave the other a nod in respone to her question. She wouldn't claim to be the best fisher around, but she knew what she was doing, at least. She knew how to catch a few fish to keep her satisfied. At that moment, she was trying to make sure she didn't talk too much to scare them off again, or they'd never catch anything.

After enough time had passed, she finally swiped at the water, splashing down quickly and picking up a fish with her claws. She knocked it right out of the water and let it slam down on the bank, where it flopped around helplessly until she moved and placed a paw on top of it. "It's just a matter of patience, see?"

Velveteen Angel:
Ghasia watched her in utter fascination as she moved, grabbing a fish with the skills of a master. Gosh, she had a lot to learn, she mused as she tried to follow the movements, but only really resulting in splashing water everywhere and looking a fool. She huffed.

“You have a lot of patience,” she remarked. “I suppose I have a lot to learn.” She smiled. “I’m Ghasia, by the way,” she introduced herself, realising she had been rather rude and silent this entire time. Her grandfather would be disappointed in her lack of manners, she mused to herself.

"I'm Pima," chuckled the leopard lightly, "and I really only have patence in fishing! Everything else, I'm all over the place." That was true enough- she couldn't even stay in one area of the rogue lands for very long without getting bored. Maybe it was just what it meant to be without a pride. Always moving around. Always restless.

She wondered, sometimes.

"Anyway, Ghasia, I'm sure with a little practice you'll be fishing like a pro in no time! They only way to get better at anything is to keep doing it, right?" She imgined that was as close as she was going to get to some kind of sagely advice.

Velveteen Angel:

"Well at least you have patience in something though!" Ghasia pointed out. "You could be impatient in everything; you at least have one thing that you can sit and be silent with." She grinned and shrugged her shoulders, trying to look on the brighter side of the situation. After all, it wasn't like being impatient was the worst thing in the world.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Pima! I will definitely have to keep practicing," Ghasia agreed, staring down at the water surrounding her at all the fishes. "It would make hunting far more easier if I knew how to fish properly. Taking down big prey is hard on your own!" She missed being with people. Maybe it was getting time for her to find a pride for herself; or just a home. She wasn't sure how well it would work out, but surely not all prides could be bad?

Pima chuckled lightly, nodding along with the other. "You're right about that- I guess I could be completely restless all the time. That probably wouldn't do me a lot of good." Sleeping and fishing- they were about the only two things she had any patience for.

Sighing softly, she moved away from the water, deciding it might be best if she started to make her way off. She needed to find a nice place to settle in for a little while. Maybe catch up on some missed sleep. "I definitely prefer fishing to hunting," she hummed, "anyway,I guess I should be on my way. I wouldn't want to keep you from your practice!" She was teasing lightly, of course, but it wasn't meant to be offensive. she did think the cheetah could get the hang of fishing without too much trouble. She didn't seem like the hopeless case type.

"If you want, you can have that fish I caught," she added lightly, just in case.

Velveteen Angel:
Ghasia was a bit sad that her new friend was leaving (and yes, Ghasia already considered her a friend even after the short words that they had spoken to each other) but she understood the need to keep walking. Ghasia smiled at her and nodded. "Thank you for your teaching!" She said to the female, with a warm smile. "I do appreciate it. I have the basics of a new skill thanks to you."

She put her paw over the fish that the female had caught, grateful for the handout. "Thank you! I will practice but it is nice to have a definite meal," she chuckled. "I wish you well with your travels. Perhaps we will meet again some day and I can return the favour of a meal!" She suggested cheerfully, glad to have met a new friend today.

"Haha, that sounds great," the leopard remarked with an affirming nod of her head, "the next time we meet, you had better be able to catch really big fish! I'll tease you if you can't!" She did hope that they would meet again in the near future- she had never taught anyone before. She was curious to see if her lessons would really do anything to help the other. Well, it seemed there wasn't much reason to worry about it too much. She had a fish now and the rest would be left up to her! "It was nice meeting you! Good luck with the fishing." She smiled once more before finally turning and heading on her way. It hadn't been the fishing trip she had expected, but she had made a new friend from it and that was pretty cool, in her mind.