OOC: Set before Gakere's fight with Surtak, and thus before they were declared gone. Essentially, both have 'half' an RP and I'd like to fix that xD Thus their 'posts' are short, so they can fill the role of 'half an RP' to couple with another ~

There were many vultures around the Ithambo lands, and all were welcome. Usually. The only ones Isasa had ever seen came in natural colors - Browns, white, black, and greys, with some fleshy coloring exclusive to their heads. She rarely saw them deviate from a 'norm', really. So seeing a vulture the color of a plant was unusual. She snuck up on it, crouching and pouncing with a small, almost cub-like roar.

Vunde had been on his way south again, having paid the Nergui a visit. They paid no mind to the green vulture, or practically any birds. He quite liked it that way, and he liked to visit his children that remained in the pride. If he could call it a pride... It was a collection of strange lions his master usually avoided, especially after the news he was bringing.

He was brought from his thoughts, as he rested on the ground, by a lion hitting him. "GWAGH!" The bird flapped his large wings, scrambling away from the paws and claws and managing to get into a tree. "RUDE!"

The lioness gave a snort, then paced under the tree. "You look like a plant, bird! What kind of creature are you?!" A green feather fluttered down, landing on her nose. It certainly SMELLED like a vulture...

His feathers ruffled. "I, madame, am a VULTURE!" He waved a wing at her. "I follow the Cursed One!" For no other reason than the god fascinated him... Then he'd grown fond of him.

Isasa gave a snort. "Could have fooled me! Come down here so I can be sure!"

"I think not." Instead, he turned his back to her, settling down to continue his resting before he continued his flight. Even vultures needed rest now and then, especially when their flight wasn't a lazy one.

Determination had taken hold, and the dark-backed lioness began to climb up the tree. A paw reached out, swiping at the supposed vulture.

He let out a surprised squawk, moving further down the branch and away from her reaching paw. "You, lion, are far too determined!"

"Or not determined enough." She climbed onto the branch, starting to carefully place her paws as she walked along it, inching closer.

He'd had enough of this! Giving the lioness that refused to leave him alone a sour look, Vunde spread his wings and jumped off the branch, taking to the air and flying away. He'd find somewhere ELSE to rest...

She watched for a moment as the bird flew off, then slowly backed up. When she got out of the tree, she let out a huff. "Stupid plant bird..." He'd think twice before resting in HER pride's lands! She turned, heading back toward where the others were.