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Nox was out and about again. He had a bit of pep in his step, he was heading back out to find the beautiful orange leopardess he had met the day before. He had thought hard about the questions she might asked him, he hoped that she had all the answers she would be looking for in order to convince her. It wasn't like it was something simple he was asking for. He came trotting over the last little hill and saw that there meeting spot was empty. He felt his stomach drop a little bit, worried that perhaps she had changed her mind. He took a seat and waiting for her an optimistic smile on his face.

Chiyo had spent all night fussing over the coming conversation. It showed in the way she drug herself around; while she'd had sleep, it hadn't been enough to keep her cognative. When she crested over the bank towards the stream she yawned and caught herself looking at Nox. The sight of him so early put a burning sensation in her cheeks, and kept her movements jerky as she sat down across from him. "So...good morning." Chiyo shifted her paws, took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. "Okay, so, what kind of pride are you looking repopulate?"

Nox felt a flutter when he saw Chiyo coming his way. He was releived that she hadn't decided to stand him up. He still had a chance at closing the deal. He took a deep breath as she took her seat, he pretended not to notice any sort of flush in her cheeks. "Good morning Chiyo." he said to her kindly. She seemed like she was going to be all business but Nox wanted to make her feel valued. When she jumped into her questions though he took a breath ready to give her all the answers. "Well it is a Roman Pride. I was actually born in a Pride called Binadamu but it failed, the lions that led it were not capable and everyone is gone now. My grandma though was a member of the counsil and has strong beliefs so we are remaking the pride, it will be stronger and better with leopards in charge." he told her, the words his grandma told him everynight came flodding back to him.

She placed a paw on her chest to calm the fluttering in her heart. He could have just said 'good morning' in return, but Nox had made sure to say her name. This either meant he was an actually nice guy, or a very committted actor. As she listened to his explinations, she felt herself formulating new questions. "What exactly is a 'Roman'?" She tried not to make a face when he spoke of lions, though their failure was expected. Lions were good for little other than distruction, her grandparents being the exception. "You are not allowing the lions to return, are you? And what are the prides values? Do you prefer strength, intelligence, swiftness? What kind of culture and structure do you have? What is your grandmother like and will she accept the cubs into your family or view them as bastards?"

Nox was overwhelmed with the rate at which the questions came. It was intense, but he made a mental note of each one trying to make sure that he was going to be able to answer them all. "Roman, is the peoples that lived there before us, they were a proud people, we found the temples they built and we lived there after they left."

"Lions, well they are technically allowed they would be considered servants, they are low and unable to hold any position of power only Leopards can be in power. We value intelligence and strength, one is no good without the other. We are family based ones house is their family and they must suppose each other, so there for the cubs I bring home would be family they would not have to live as bastards or in secret. My grandmother is stern but fair." he let out his breath he was pretty sure he answered all her question, he looked at her trying to read how she felt about all his answers.

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Chiyo sucked in a sharp hiss. Humans. Why in the name of the Gods they would want to live as the two leggers, she would never understand. At the very least there would be none around to harm the tentative cubs.

"...The scars I carry are from lions that attacked my colony. They harmed my sister to a point where we feared she might die, and blinded my brother. I am...uneasy that they will be involved at all in your pride." No matter how well he talked of it, the presence of lions made all of it seem wasted. They would only ruin all that was good, and trick good leopards into doing their dirty work. Lowered positions or not.

It came with some amount of relief, though, that the grandmother who was the supposed leader would not cast them out. Chiyo was still uneasy, and it showed, but her questions meant she was at least interested. "And what of you? Can you be trusted to raise them?...Do you have a mate that will assist you?" The last question was an awkward one, the very thing that Chiyo wished she hadn't asked but there it was. I may be talking about sleeping with a taken male. Gods help me.

Nox swallowed hard, this isn't going well. he thought to himself. "Well I can assure you are currently no lions in the pride, and no talk of lions coming in. If they ever do I will keep our cubs far from them, I can raise the cubs to never go near them." he said hoping that it would give Chiyo some peace of mind. "I have no mate as of yet, but I have a sister, who is very kind and would be heavily involved with helping me raise the cubs. I do hope to find a mate soon though and would not pick one that is not okay with our cubs being around. Our cubs would be just as important to me as any that came from a mate. I will love them." he said finally. He wondered what more he could say to help her feel good about this.

"That would be best," She murmured, shifting her paws in the damp earth. It had a sandy quality to it that sucked her in the longer she sat. Which wasn't long in any stretch, given how nervous she was.

Closing her eyes, Chiyo took a deep breath to steady herself. Sisters were a good, stable thing to have and something that she would be relying on herself should this happen. "This all sounds good when you say it, but I...I'm just scared, I guess." When she looked at him, she tried to keep her voice steady. "If you promise me on your life that they'll be safe and well loved..." He had said as much earlier, but she wanted to hear it once more. A definite, honest promise. "...then I will help you. But you'll have to stay until we conceive, then I'll need help until they're weaned."

Nox couldn't keep the smile of his face. He was pretty sure that his Uncle Octavian never had to work this hard for his flings but he would learn how to do it. Besides, Chiyo was too nice to have just a one night stand with. "I will of course stay, and I will help when they come and do all that you ask of me." "The cubs will be very safe and very loved. My grandmother would have it no other way." Nox knew that Atia would freeze hell before she let anything come of any of those that came from her. "So umm I guess this is the awkward part." he said with a laugh... "Do you have a den around here?" It felt weird to ask, but well they might as well get comfy with each other.

It was a little odd, given how many questions she had asked about him and his pride for the same not to apply to her. Still, she supposed it didn't have to, given how eager he was for all of this to happen.

"Ugh, no, I don't," She responded lamely, and gave a weak little chuckle. "I'm actually traveling at the moment trying to learn all I can about...well, fighting, I guess. I've just been staying over there, past the trees in this little dug out." Chiyo motioned towards the way she had come, and looked back to him awkwardly. She smiled shyly, which was odd, given her scarred appearance and her almost drill sergeant personality. "If you don't mind traveling around so I can keep up my training until it's official, then I guess...we can...yeah, let's just go." Standing up, she made her way back through the trees.

Nox didn't wait long. He jumped at the chance to follow her. He wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. So the indigo male got to his feet quickly and trotted off to catch up with the female. He was happy to travel with her, though he'd have to check in with home every once in awhile, it was worth it for the chance of babies!