Dawn before the heat was the idea time for... Well, a lot of things. Datura found that his method of 'flight'... Was not one of them. Much like plants, he tended to find his power abating in the time between twilight and dawn, forcing him to walk. The various plants adorning him swayed as he moved, looking now and then to the eastern sky and waiting for the sun to crown the horizon. He'd grown quite large, reaching the apex of adult growth his father likely would never reach, and with it came a bit more mane than his father had. One could call it, in short... A mullet.

Not that he found anything wrong with a mullet, though many thought him an adolescent with how little mane he had. He never let it bother him, of course. The young god quite liked his mane the way it was, not covering every inch of him. What did he have to fear?

As the sun began to, finally, crest the eastern horizon, he happened upon a pool. The water looked quite clear and inviting and, in a moment of habit learned from his father, he stepped in and sank into the water, his head the only thing above the line. The smile was pleasant, as he enjoyed the feeling of the liquid enveloping him.

The lands where Wotlich lay had been blessed by her, a way of stretching and toying with the gifts she had been given. So far there had been many more creatures in the area, fights for food and aggravation due to trespassing abundant. Utter chaos, exactly what she wanted to see. Smirking smugly to herself, the impressively sized Goddess stared across the water only to notice another deity approach, step into the pool and all but vanish save his head.

Getting up almost immediately, Poaching wandered closer to the God an inquisitive look upon her face. Although fairly wicked, Wotlich was still very interested in what other domains there were in the world. Who knows, this one might even be entertaining or useful for her.

“Enjoying the water?”

One long ear flicked, then the other. Somebody was approaching... Surely he should get up? But Datura was content as he rested his chin on a rock, eyes closed and a smile on his maw. Only when the approaching being spoke did he open one eye... And found himself beheld by, and in turn beholding, another deity. Surely that was all she could be, after all - Mortal lions didn't come in such a size, nor did they have horns sprouting from their head.

The male god stretched, feeling joints pop. "Aaaah..." He licked his lips, then smiled up at her. "Aye, it's quite comfortable in here." He rolled over, raising his paws slightly out of the water and tucking them closer to his body. They still peeked over the water, though. "Ah don't think the pleasure's been had of such a fine pool." He then grinned at her. "The name's Datura, God of Poisonous Plants. Who might you be and what domain might ye have?"


The word seemed to cling to the air as she watched poisonous plants scuttle about in the water. It did indeed look enjoyable, but the cleaning she would need to do afterwards didn’t seem all that worth it to her. She could be enjoying a battle or watching all the game wander through the lands instead of licking herself.

Touching one paw to the water and licking it dry, Wotlich sat down, tail flicking with both interest and annoyance. “So, what has brought the God of Poisonous Plants to these lands? Did you not realize these lands were blessed by me? Or rather… were you enticed by that fact?” Grinning, she waited for a reply. If she had abilities that even the deities were interested in, surely she would do well for herself.

He stared at her a moment, frowning just ever so slightly. "Poaching... Interestin' domain." He rolled back over and stepped out of the water, dripping as he moved. The black feline stepped a couple feet away, before stopping and looking over. "Nothin' in perticular brought me here, just wanderin' around. The water looked right invitin', so I took a dip." He looked at his dripping self, licking his lips a moment, before he began to shake back and forth. Water flew in every direction, leaving not only his coat but most of his mane that ran along his spine. The last bit of water left his tail, leaving only his legs still wet. He'd survive that, though.

Pale blue eyes then glanced around, before notching some plants. One seemed to be growing faster, while it and another plant were being pointedly avoided by the local animals. Quite clearly, he'd been around long enough for the local plants and animals to.. TAKE NOTICE.

“It is a fantastic domain.” Smirking she watched him remove his body from the water, black fur soaked while the strange plants around him swelled. She could only assume they were poisonous due to his domain. She too had her own plant, something rare and delicate; The black bat orchid. Only those that worshiped her were allowed a seed from her beautiful flower and if ever she was to find someone who wasn’t part of her clan with a black bat orchid she would smite them in the cruelest of ways.

Frowning when he told her the truth, Wotlich cursed to herself silently. So her powers didn’t work on the Gods after all… or perhaps she wasn’t strong enough currently? Noting that her companion was now starting to stare off into the distance she trailed his line of sight, stopping on the plants that were affected by his presence.

“Interesting… What else can you do?”

Datura lifted a paw, looking under it at a tiny sprouting vine. "Other than makin' poisonous plants more so than they are t' begin with, and the local animals aware of it? I make 'em grow fraster than usual." He went over to a more mature plant, brushing it with his paw. It grew a few inches, starting to reach out for him. He smiled at it, then stepped back over to Wotlich. "Other than tha', I can make it so a not-native plant grows far better in an area."

Watching in amazement and curiosity Wotlich moved closer to the plant that Datura had recently stroked. It certainly was an amazing gift. Looking down at her black bat orchid an idea hit her. He could grow non-native plants? Could he also make them grow larger?

“So… Datura. Does this mean you could make my flower grow larger? Even plant them to grow in areas? If so…” She moves a bit closer, green and brown eyes shimmering mischievously, “Perhaps you could be my companion for a while?” Lifting her paw she gentle stroked the God’s mane.

“What do you say?”

Under the dark fur covering his cheeks, Datura's skin began to turn red, as his eyes grew wide. This was unexpected! Not unpleasant, but still unexpected. "Ah, well..." He glanced at a very similar flower that was on his own vine. "It's within the domain, aye... So if ye plant it, I can make it grow. I can make it so it'll thrive in a specific place... Dependin' on who ye ask, that'd either be a blessin' or a curse, it could go either WAY, but regardless of which way ye call it, I can do it, aye..." He shifted, floating just a bit. "As fer yer other... Proposition... Aye... I can be yer companion, fer a while." And then his brain to mouth filter failed. "So ye know, me da is the God of the Cursed, mum is Misfortune, uncle is Roses, and brothers are Loss and Distrust..." He wasn't sure why he'd SAID that, but... He'd said it.

Grinning, Wotlich ruffled the lion’s mane. “Very good, then you will be the perfect companion for me. Come this way, and tell me about this family of yours. Sounds like you have many domains in your family tree.” Walking away from the water, Wotlich started off to the location in which she had blessed the lands with her ability. She thought it would be nice to leave a little gift there, a way for others to know just who had given the lands its new gift.

Turning her head back to look at the God, Wotlich smirked, “By the way, my name is Wotlich.”

Well, then! He stood up and followed after her, tail waving rather merrily behind him. "Da says his brother is Loneliness... S'pose that explains me brother being Loss..." He presently took his father's word on that one... Not that it mattered much to him right now.

Behind his paws, a flower sprouted up, very much a bat flower much like Wotlich's.