~:Introduction Post:~ The story of how the Cheshire Clan came to be part of the Soquili lands is a truly marvelous tale, with more twists in it than there are trees in the Tulgey Wood. The trouble with such tales (of course) is that the Cheshire Cats never think they are quite twisty enough, so they add their own turns wherever it pleases them (hint: everywhere). Of course, this means it may take hours for you to hear such a tale, or days. And it may be even longer depending on which sister you get it from, and what her mood is at the moment. (So consider this a warning, and be careful who you ask!)
The Short Version (If You Insist): One of the Queen's more layabout Cheshires (a male of the Diamond Clan, and therefore used to being decorative) stumbled across the Oraculum while shirking his duties one day. Because he was the curious sort he gave it a toss or three, just to see if it had anything interesting to say. Instead of some amusing tidbit, he read something about the possible end of Wonderland. In a panic he carried his news to the Queen of Hearts, but she cared little for what he had to say (to be fair, he was always a foolish sort). Somewhat dejected, he wandered away from her, only to be approached by one of the Princesses. Katya didn't really see eye to eye with her mother, and if there was danger to Wonderland she wanted to hear of it. So she sought him out, heard the tale and read the Oraculum for herself. Determined not to be caught unawares, she decided she would scout for a new Wonderland, a safe haven for her kin and kinsmen to retreat to. Once such a place was located, they could send word back to Wonderland and other refugees could follow. The Cheshire male (whose name is not spoken here) was declared Guardian of the Oraculum and sent as an advanced scout. He left Wonderland by routes unknown to seek out a new home for those who were willing to leave. After much time had passed and her worry grown too great, Katya sought out her sisters and explained that she must follow. If he had not returned, perhaps some ill had befallen him and it would be up to her to find a new place for them to go. But her sisters would not let her go alone, and so six Cheshires swam through the waters of Looking Glass Lake and have come to the Soquili lands to settle anew.
About the Herd: An important thing to note about the Underland is that Familiars and Soquili are equal within the herd. Familiar members would be prized for their ability to do things like keep watch, decorate cakes, easily gather berries and herbs, and other such skills. A familiar does not need to be partnered or bound to a Soquili in order to join Underland.
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 4:34 pm
Introduction Navigation/Resources (You Are Here) Herd Origin & Herd Roles Territory Herd Members Allies/Enemies of the Herd Events & News How to Join Forms Herd Bios A Glossary of Nonsense: The Underland Dictionary Reserved Reserved
Queen: Acting leader of the Underland band, a former Princess of Wonderland.
Queen's Champion (Lead Protector): Chief Protector & Consort of the Queen; Protector of the Herd.
Queen's Knight (Lead Herd Protector): Protector of the Herd.
Queen's Side Bishop: The Queen's SpyMaster (or SpyMistress) and a Messenger for her will. Possibly also her runner and/or confidant.
Keeper Of The Deck: (The Magician) Somewhat outside of Herd Hierarchy, answering to the Queen but equal in rank to some other positions like the Queen's Knight & Vorpal Sword.
Lore Keeper: Appointed StoryKeeper and historian for the Clan. Seek them for tales of Wonderland!
Lore Keeper's Apprentice: A Grand Storyteller In Training! The Lore Keeper's aid, errand runner, and successor.
Riddle Speaker: Perhaps the maddest of the mad (in a mad herd), this one may speak wisdom or warnings or just plain nonsense. Who knows? Works closely with the GameMaker and occasionally the LoreKeeper.
Game Maker: Look no further for fun, the Game Maker exists to make mischief and play games. Works closely with the RiddleSpeaker and occasionally the LoreKeeper.
Heir: A royal who stands to inherit the throne in the event the current Queen steps down. (Acts as leader in her absence with assistance from Queen's Side Castle and Vorpal Sword.)
Queen's Side Castle (Secondary Protector): Protector (and possibly Consort)* of the Heir.
Vorpal Sword: The most highly trained of the warriors, leader of the Vorpal Blade. (Acting leader if there is no Queen/Heir available).
Vorpal Blades: Highly trained warriors that work to protect the Herd.
Ambassador/Envoy: An individual with the ambassador or envoy role requires one (with the potential for more) trusted members to make overtures to other herds on behalf of the Underland. They may visit other herds and deliver gifts or enact trade to strengthen the bonds between Underland and their ally herd,
Royals & Nobles: Members of the Royal family (immediate or more distant) that have no chosen vocation or specialty within the herd at the present time.
Healers: Highly trained herbalists and (eventually) healers that work to keep the Clan healthy.
Crop Manager: Those with a specific crop-tending specialty that they use to either feed or benefit the Herd in some way. (i.e. If not suitable for food, it is a trade good or commodity that can be used to obtain alternate goods or products the herd may have need of but not produce internally.)
Hunters: Those that hunt to provide the Clan with meat.
Gatherers: Those that gather to provide the clan with alternative foodstuff.
Artists: Those that create using assorted media; possibly working with LoreKeepers regarding Clan Lore/History. Definitely perfect when beautifying or rose painting is in order.
Pawns: Any adult member without a role, as well as children of the Clan.
*Notation: Regarding Queen's Side Castle " (and possibly Consort)": Prior to this point the girls were too young for breeding consideration, as such, Queen's Knight & Queen's Side Castle were protective/bodyguard type positions. If you're interested in breeding/flinging opportunities please reach out to the owner of said Cheshire for such discussion.
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 4:37 pm
Surefire Sex Symbol
Surefire Sex Symbol
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 4:44 pm
~:Herd Members:~
Queen's Champion:
Queen's Magician:
Queen's Knight (Herd Protector):
Queen's Side Bishop:
Lore Keeper:
Lore Keeper's Apprentice:
Riddle Speaker:
Game Maker: [Chief] /
Queen's Side Castles (Secondary Protectors):
Vorpal Sword: ||
Vorpal Blades:
Crop Manager (Tea):
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:54 pm
~:Allies/Enemies of the Herd:~
~:The Good:~
~:The Bad:~
Surefire Sex Symbol
Surefire Sex Symbol
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:59 pm
~:Events & News:~
July 30. Herd Helper Selected! August 2. Herd Thread Set Up. August 3. 5/6 Cheshires have been homed. (~Latonia de la Courtel~, DarkenWoodWolf, Nisshou H, Roniel Targaryen). November 7. Roles Updated, Some Herd RPs begun. [Wow This Needs Updating, Apologies!] April 2022. Massive Update Spree: Some original Cheshires rehomed (Leena-chan, Silver Metallic Dragon) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Irina had a mixer child (x2); 1 is a part-time citizen of Underland xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Katya & Irina have both had 2 traditional breedings (Total Kittens: 9 & 6) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx As such from this there are Royals in the hands of: Saint Vis, Phail Ninja, Mythi Red Panda, Kyaishi, Ririka, Lunadriel
First and foremost this Herd is designed to be a Haven for anyone from the Wonderland Realms (including but not limited to: Wonderland, Underland, the Land Through The Looking Glass, Land of Hearts, The Wonderland in Looking Glass Wars, etc.). Other Welcome Themes/Breeds: Cheshire Cats, Hatters, Hares, Rabbits, Queens, Cards, Chess Pieces, all manner of Tea Varieties, Flowers, and More. We want to have Tea and Cake and Celebrate Unbirthdays, host weekly Caucus Races, paint roses red, believe impossible things and play cards and chess.
Membership Types:
Full Time: (Largely open to Underlanders of all sorts and mates. Includes Overlanders that "move" into the herd and remain permanent.) Full Time members of Wonderland will be expected to know how to make tea, enjoy cake, play games, and be silly. They are also understood to live with the Herd, though traveling throughout the territory is understandable. If they are going to leave for an extended amount of time, they may need to train a replacement for their role or speak to the Queen before their departure.
Part Time: (Open to Everyone!) Part Time members of Wonderland are those who were not born to the herd, and possibly have a family elsewhere. It is understood one would want to visit family, however these souls have proved themselves friendly or valuable to the herd. As such they have a 'Part Time' Membership status, during which they may visit and apprenticeship for a specific role. (Note, our Heir, Vorpal Sword, LoreKeeper and the like really cannot be splitting themselves between locations. In the event you have family elsewhere or something that otherwise takes you away from the herd, you may prefer Part Time membership status. Part Time members are still welcome to be Vorpal Blades, or become an UnderStudy to the LoreKeeper).
The Actual How-To Bits: Select the appropriate membership type and please fill out the form. Please post it in thread, if you would rather NOT post it in thread, please quote me (Latonia) and notify me you will be PM'ing me your form. This way I will be able to double check I have everyone. Once your form has been accepted, you may seek out any of the original Six Sisters to do your joining the herd RP (as you like/the owner's time allowing). If you are seeking a specific role, you may wish to pick the sister most relevant. (Information Pending).
Surefire Sex Symbol
Surefire Sex Symbol
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:01 pm
To Join:Full-Time Herd Membership
[align=center][b][color=indigo]Pour a Cup of Tea For Me, Please![/color][/b][/align] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Soq Name:[/b] [b]Soq Image:[/b] [b]Desired Role:[/b] [b]How Did You (the Soq) Find The Herd?:[/b] [b]A Little About:[/b] [b]Wonderlander Native?:[/b] Y/N [quote="~Latonia de la Courtel~"][/quote]
To Visit:Part-Time Herd Membership
[align=center][b][color=blue]I Just Wanna Be Mad For Awhile![/color][/b][/align] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Soq Name:[/b] [b]Soq Image:[/b] [b]Desired Role:[/b] [b]How Did You (the Soq) Find The Herd?:[/b] [b]A Little About:[/b] [b]Wonderlander Native?:[/b] Y/N [quote="~Latonia de la Courtel~"][/quote]
Here's to Friends: Allies
[align=center][b][color=#66B3B3]You're Invited to My Unbirthday Party![/color][/b][/align] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Soq Name/Herd Name:[/b] [b]Soq Image/Herd Link:[/b] [b]Basis of Alliance?:[/b] Friendship, Trade, Mutual Interests, Etc. [b]How Did You (the Soq) Find The Herd?:[/b] [b]A Little About:[/b] [b]Wonderlander Native?:[/b] Y/N [quote="~Latonia de la Courtel~"][/quote]
Can't We All Just Get Along?: Enemies
[align=center][b][color=darkred]You're NOT Invited to My Unbirthday Party![/color][/b][/align] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Soq Name/Herd Name:[/b] [b]Soq Image/Herd Link:[/b] [b]Reason They Are Enemies?:[/b] Competing for Resources, Because You're Evil That's Why, I Hate Tea, etc. [b]How Did You (the Soq) Find The Herd?:[/b] [b]A Little About:[/b] [b]Wonderlander Native?:[/b] Y/N [quote="~Latonia de la Courtel~"][/quote]
Let's Talk About It: RP/Plot Requests
[align=center][b][color=green]Honey Can you Squeeze Me In?[/color][/b][/align] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Soq Name/Herd Name:[/b] [b]Soq Image/Herd Link:[/b] [b]Who Do You Want Plots/RP With:[/b] [b]RP Request or Plot Requet:[/b] Specify which, and any ideas for said RP or Plot. [b]How Did You (the Soq) Find The Herd?:[/b] [b]A Little About:[/b] [quote="~Latonia de la Courtel~"][/quote]
Name: Ekaterina Hopscotch Nickname: Katya About: Ekaterina "Katya" Hopscotch never meant to become Queen at such a young age (or perhaps even at all, considering how fond of beheadings the Queen was). Well aware that the circumstances surrounding her and her sister's arrival were somewhat unorthodox (though perhaps not by Wonderland standards) she rather doubted she would ever ascend to the throne. Of course, upon arriving to this new land that was exactly what happened, in a way. She was the leader of this merry expedition, and the eldest besides, and now instead of Princess she was a Queen. As such, she is understandably hesitant and protective of her siblings. Not one to come out and tell you she's royalty, she enjoys playing the role of "a peculiar stranger" and meeting the natives of this land. Her sisters are certainly subject to her mischievous side, and well aware that she liked to pull pranks whenever she gets the chance. Capable of being diplomatic when it is absolutely necessary, Katya prefers a good game of Fade-Tag, collecting mushrooms in the forest, or merely sitting down for tea and cakes with those she cares about. If you're part of her family or her herd, she loves you for life... even when you try to cut off her head.
The Clever Con Artist
Name: Irina Knucklebones Nickname: Iri About: Irina Knucklebones is the next eldest sister, and was entirely relieved with a perfectly plausible reason to escape Wonderland came up. She loved the place and the people, of course, but the Queen's temper was known and Irina was very fond of her head (thank you very much). It had her lovely eyes and her tall tall ears attached to it, which made it one of her best features (not to mention her grin). So no, the head staying where it was was perfectly fine for Irina indeed. And finding new people to con and trick? That was icing on a very delicious tea cake, as far as she is concerned. The one most likely to invite you to tea (and pick your pockets clean while plying you with cakes) is Irina, make no mistake. She is protective of Katya and the heir, Serafima. A collector of stories, picker of pockets, starter of mischief and many other things besides. Irina's temper changes quickly, she can be lovingly grooming you one moment and eyeing your neck for the noose the next. There's no guessing, really, but do your best to stay on her good side and she might just lead you around the Frumious Snapper, rather than into his waiting jaws. (Might.)
The Heir to the Hat
Name: BluRazberry JinxParTea Nickname: Blu About:
The Vorpal Sword
Name: Kittredge Nickname: Kit About: Kittredge is the youngest of the Cheshire sisters and the only one to be sent away to study amongst the Spade Clan. Showing much promise in her training as a Vorpal Blade she was elected to become the Vorpal Sword. She equal parts fierce and ridiculous and has never seen a problem with being both. She is quick to act so when she learned that her sisters were departing she was quick to follow after them to make certain that they would be safe on their journey despite barely knowing them. To follow her sisters, however, it meant leaving behind anyone and anything she had ever really known. The realization hit her hard at first. After coming to the conclusion that her sisters would spoil her just as badly as the Spades had, however, Kit settled right into her new life. Her days mostly consist of training, playful and not so playful fighting, and eating more cake than any creature has any right to consume. She tends to have a playful demeanor but don’t let that fool you; Kittredge can gut her opponents with lightning speed all while wearing her prize winning smile. (Though to be honest she’d rather have cake or three.)
The Verdant Hunter
Name: Charlbury Chase Nickname: Charl About: Charlbury is the third youngest of the cheshire sisters, but still has a lot of youthful rambunctiousness to her personality. She was hesitant to move away from their old home and misses it still, but she couldn't stand to see her sisters leave without her. Sometimes she resents them for this, though she has acclimated well to their new digs. In a lot of ways, she has alway been equal part cat and horse. She enjoys scratching her claws against trees or very large mushrooms, knocking tea cups off tables, and smelling what everyone else is eating. Though she is not particularly large for a soquili, the humans whose laps she sits in might tell you otherwise. Another catlike habit that she took to is hunting. She'll chase a feather, but she'd much rather chase a bird. She's proud to carry her catches back to her sisters to eat. She is rarely seen without her deck of cards. She can do every card trick in the book and a few more that she invented herself. She likes to convince people to bet on her card tricks. This is a bad idea. Also, sometimes she rhymes, sometimes she doesn't. No one knows why.
The Unchained Sky
Name: Catriona Cricket Nickname: Catri About: As the second youngest of her sisters, Catri sees a lot of what goes on but she says little of it. At least in any way that is obvious. She is the Riddle Speaker after all. Nothing can be said without more than one meaning, unless she is talking to Katya alone. Then she speaks as plainly as she can, which isn’t always that plain. She is quieter than her sisters, but loves strange things and tea just as thoroughly. She chases rhymes and lyrics with patience and has the voice of a songstress. She sees nothing wrong using her voice to help take a mark down but she doesn’t usually instigate it. There was no question that Catri would go with her sisters. She could see some of what was going on in Wonderland and it concerned her. Besides, she wanted to see Katya shine and dance the way she should be able too.
The Herd Itself: Coming Soon
Queen's Knight
Name: Brillig About: Brillig has spent much of his time wandering the lands, berating trees, thoroughly confusing the native creatures, and bemoaning his lost Wonderland. (The Queen's Wonderland, really. Don't let her know he's been calling it his.) He's quite capable of taking care of himself, and has made something of a living selling his services as a hired bodyguard. However, he craves the company of his fellow Wonderlanders.
Lore Keeper's Apprentice
Name: Wafi Role: Artist & Lore Keeper's Apprentice About: Wafi loves the nonsensical. If it doesn’t make sense then he will be delighted. But more than that he loves to say the truth and what he means without the others understanding him. He enjoys stories and history, believing there is a lot to be learned from them. Sharing that knowledge provides him even more enjoyment but he also believes that the one he is sharing it with needs to work to understand it so that they will learn it more thoroughly. He is kind and caring, with a silly mischievous nature.
Vorpal Blade
Name: Epsilon About: Epsilon has a rather complicated and checkered past, although he is not aware of much of it. He was raised in a loving and protective family along with his birth sister, Genesis Rose. Although he is aware he was adopted, he is unaware that he was stolen as a basket from his birth mother, Sophia Rose, by Berceuse, his adoptive brother, who had found out that Sophia had stolen him as a basket from his birth family and lied to Berceuse his entire life about being his real mother. Berceuse decided to confront Sophia but she had just given birth to her own foals and placed them in baskets when he arrived. Changing his plans, he instead continued to play ignorant of his real parentage to get her to keep her guard down so that Berceuse could instead take off with her baskets to save them from her influence and to raise them among his birth family instead. Epsilon has no idea that his parents did not choose to give him away, indeed, only Berceuse is aware of how Epsilon and Genesis truly came to be apart of his family. It has never bothered Epsilon that he was given up, but as he grew to adulthood, the differences between Epsilon and his adoptive family became glaringly obvious and his curiosity about where he came from grew.
For one, Epsilon is an omnivore, he craves meat to supplement his diet and he also has a strong attraction to things most other soquili would consider 'evil' for reasons he doesn't entirely understand. Blood and carnage are both delightful to his eye and he often experiences unsettling dark appetites that he can't quite explain. Although he has yet to act upon these urges, he finds their presence somewhat unnerving considering the dynamic of his family and his upbringing and avoids discussing them, even with those he would otherwise trust with his life.
Although Epsilon is very loyal, compassionate, and protective towards his family and close personal friends, he is rather detached and disdainful towards outsiders. He is quite manipulative and somewhat arrogant in his youth. There is no denying that Epsilon is an extremely attractive stallion, breathtakingly beautiful some might even say, and he uses this to his advantage at times, seducing the unwary or corrupt to get what he wants. He has somewhat mercurial personality, and enjoys cultivating fear in those he doesn't like or doesn't know well when he has them alone or at a disadvantage, keeping them off balance as he weaves together a confusing blend of seduction and intimidation.
Despite this tendency, he is not heartless or sadistic, he has rules and morals even if they are intrinsic and somewhat fluid and he would never actually harm someone he considered 'good,' or innocent. Whenever someone is able to pierce his protective shell they would find that he is capable of great love and loyalty, he simply does not give it away lightly or easily.
Name: Pitter Patter Nickname: PitPat About: PitPat, as he finds himself being called, is very jovial and makes friends with everything from that tiny pebble there to the songbird in the trees over yonder. He seems to live in his own little world of strange and wondrous adventures, enjoys chatting with the most unusual of objects and creatures, and certainly will never be found with a frown. PitPat greatly enjoys finding homeless objects new homes. Since coming to Underland and finding his calling in trading and delivering items of importance, he's even started up his own little stand, adequately named PitPat's Orphan Objects Corner. So if you feel like adopting one of these poor, homeless items, stop by his stand! You may freely take what you please, leave a trinket behind if you desire, and he'll certainly never say no to a piece of cake and tea!
Name: Lunellis Starfall About: Lunellis was born blind, tho he has wings their merely for show as he is unable to see therefore is unable to judge landing. He lives with a human and several other stallions [plus one mare who keeps wanting to teach him to swim but lets not go there], but feels. As if he's a burden, he watches the stars, odd due to his blindness but he claims he can "feel their warmth". He is adept at sensing the warmth of others and if allowed to will memorize scents linked to that warmth. He enjoys a good story and listens with rapt attention...
Name: Celeste About: Celeste has always felt out of place among 'normal' soq as she believes she was born in the stars and fell to the earth. She loves to make charts and maps of the night sky, trying to find her way home. Her true talents lie in her growing and tending of roses, however. Under her guidance, rare blooms in exotic colors grow in abundance. From these blossoms she fashions pieces of living adornments for the herd. Still, from time to time she will become 'star struck' as Orion puts it, and wanders the place they now call home, attempting once more to map the night skies.
Name: Kingston Paradox About: King has some sociopathic tendencies that tend to make those around him feel rather uncomfortable, although that could also be the fact that his head seems to be floating atop his neck. However, he doesn't have the size to truly threaten anyone yet. As an adult, he comes across as a cheery sociable stallion who just happens to have a habit of trying to kill people without hesitation or remorse. He does not often succeed but his attempts often scare people half to death anyways. King has dramatic manic aggressive mood swings that often make spending any prolonged time in his company an exercise in self preservation as really anything can set him off, breathing strangely, a hair out of place, an odd tone in your voice. He is not vengeful or sadistic, he will often suddenly attempt to kill his companion for a few minutes, and upon failing, return completely to normal and be able to pick up their conversation from where it left off... That is, if his conversation partner has not fled. The combination of Kingston's rather intimidating appearance and his murderous spontaneity, tends to leave him feeling very lonely. He craves attention, affection, and acceptance but just can't seem to find it without scaring said person away, he just can't understand how other soquili function. He often over shares and appears awkwardly overeager to converse upon meeting someone in an attempt to bond with them before he tries to do them in and they run away. King also constantly smiles in an attempt to reveal how cute and charming he thinks he really is, which is also unhelpful as his teeth, as well as his eyes glow with a disturbing green light that tends to make him look maniacal.
Part Time Member Name: Caesium Brightshade Nickname: "Cae" About: Cae is very strange. Capricious and fickle, he can go from innocently teasing to completely berserk in two seconds flat. Bipolar with ups and downs. He's possessive and predatory, and protective over those he loves, though thus far he's only loyal to family--if the Underland herd becomes family? That's for a future plot. He is in it for fun. For the games, the tricks, the kills. And for the ladies. Six Cheshire sisters, all with matching grins... Grins like his? Yes, please. He does have a good side--he CAN be gentle and even sweet on his good days. The rest of them? Just take him as a giant grey area?
Name: Ace About: Ace is a friendly, foolish sort of guy. Totally cheerful and never gets down. But that can be a tad bit annoying, as he's friendly to everyone (even the bad guys) and he doesn't seem to have a mental filter. ADHD to the max. A directional idiot, but has a good time along the way. So he gets lost often. He is a knight--and while his skills may seem sub-par (as he's never serious about ANYTHING) he's actually quite good. It just takes a legit life or death situation for him to sober up and get s**t done.
Name: Vorpal "The Frumious Snapper" About: Vorpal is not evil but he is a naturally dangerous stallion to cross paths with, he is nocturnal, more due to his personality than to any physical objection towards the sun, he simply prefers dark and gloomy places. Vorpal is often childishly cruel although he somehow maintains a strange sort of twisted innocence even in his cruelty. Despite this, he is reasonably intelligent, in a depraved sort of way and enjoys coming across new acquaintances. He is rarely angered and behaves in a warm, friendly, albeit slightly creepy manner towards any soquili he deigns to start a conversation with. Still, be warned, while he may seem kind and genuine one minute, it is entirely possible he will try to lure you into a deadly trap in the next, without losing an inch on his too wide smile.
Vorpal extracts much entertainment by luring unsuspecting soquili and kawani into potentially life threatening situations, or getting them lost in his twisted and nonsensical section of forest. He can be difficult to get to know, evasively cunning in his ability to sidestep questions about himself on a personal level, and more than a little deranged. His advice, when offered, is often cryptic, unhelpful, and vexatious to unravel and he loves twisting other people's words to his own benefit or amusement.
Name: Glimmer Glitch About: Off in the head and prone to wandering, this peculiar fellow suddenly found himself in Underland. Hard to say when that happened or where he came from before. Glimmer isn't crazy, to him it is everyone else who has gone mad. He has moments where his mind misfires and he glitches. He might think he's somewhere else, or your someone else and occasionally he forgets who he is.
Surefire Sex Symbol
Surefire Sex Symbol
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:30 pm
~:A Glossary of Nonsense: The Underland Dictionary:~
Wonderlanders/Underlanders: Interchangeable terms, a name or title applied to anyone from Wonderland. Cheshire Cats, Hatters, Hares, they're all Wonderlanders to us.
Topsiders/Overlanders: Interchangeable terms, a name or title applied to anyone that is NOT from Wonderland. Oh, I suppose they're fine enough... But when you're an Overlander, your life just isn't as Wonderful.
Maddening: The name of a group of Cheshires. Look at that, it's a maddening of Cheshire Cats.
Classic Terms:
Bandersnatch: A swift moving creature with snapping jaws, capable of extending its neck. A 'bander' was also an archaic word for a 'leader', suggesting that a 'bandersnatch' might be an animal that hunts the leader of a group. (A Wonderland/Underland Monster).
Borogove: A 'borogove' is a thin shabby-looking bird with its feathers sticking out all round, something like a live mop." (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland). Described further as "an extinct kind of Parrot. They had no wings, beaks turned up, made their nests under sun-dials and lived on veal."
Burble: A sound one makes. Could be a mixture of the three verbs 'bleat', 'murmur', and 'warble'.
Frabjous: Possibly a blend of fair, fabulous, and joyous.
Frumious: Combination of "fuming" and "furious".
Galumphing: Perhaps used in the poem as a blend of 'gallop' and 'triumphant'. Later used as: "To move with a clumsy and heavy tread"
Gimble: Said to mean "to make holes like a gimlet."
Gyre: To gyre “is to go round and round like a gyroscope.”
Jubjub Bird: 'A desperate bird that lives in perpetual passion'. (A Wonderland/Underland Monster)
Mimsy: Said that " 'Mimsy' is 'flimsy and miserable' ".
Mome: (Somewhat Uncertain): "I think it's short for 'from home', meaning that they'd lost their way, you know". The notes in Mischmasch give a different definition of 'grave' (via 'solemome', 'solemone' and 'solemn').
Outgrabe: Humpty says " 'outgribing' is something between bellowing and whistling, with a kind of sneeze in the middle". Carroll's book appendices suggest it is the past tense of the verb to 'outgribe', connected with the old verb to 'grike' or 'shrike', which derived 'shriek' and 'creak' and hence 'squeak'.
Rath: "A 'rath' is a sort of green pig". However, Carroll's notes for the original in Mischmasch state that a 'Rath' is "a species of land turtle. Head erect, mouth like a shark, the front forelegs curved out so that the animal walked on its knees, smooth green body, lived on swallows and oysters.
Slithy: A word meaning 'lithe' and 'slimy'. Alternately defined as meaning "smooth and active"
Toves: Animals that are something like badgers—they’re something like lizards—and they’re something like corkscrews. They nest under sundials and live on cheese. (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) Alternately: A species of Badger [which] had smooth white hair, long hind legs, and short horns like a stag [and] lived chiefly on cheese" Can be used as an insult. Chesh: YE'R A SLIMY LITTLE TOVE, THAT'S WHAT YE ARE. AND IF YOU COME NEAR ME AGAIN I'M GONNA GRAB YE BY YER TWISTY SNOOT AND TOSS YE TO TUESDAY!!
Tulgey: Could be taken to mean thick, dense, dark. It has been suggested that it comes from the Anglo-Cornish word "Tulgu", 'darkness', which in turn comes from the Cornish language "Tewolgow" 'darkness, gloominess'
Vorpal: Carroll said he could not explain this word, though it has been noted that it can be formed by taking letters alternately from "verbal" and "gospel"
Wabe: A wabe is the grass plot around a sundial “because it goes a long way before it, and long way behind it— And a long way beyond it on each side.” (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
Places to Reference (in Wonderland):
Tulgey Wood, The: A dark, dense forest in Wonderland. Original home to the Cheshire Cats.
Tum Tum Tree, The: A lovely tree for resting under.
Pool of Tears, The: A strangely salty lake in Wonderland, courtesy of one giant girl that we do wish hadn't cried so much.
Snapping Swamp, The: A location within the far border of the Tulgey Wood, filled with all matter of carnivorous plants. You have been warned.
Some original terms by LDLC. Most definitions from Alice In Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass, References Jabberwocky Wikipedia Copied from the original location in the Looking Glass Lands Guild
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:31 pm
~:Some Herd Related Q&A:~
Q.Can I have my character fulfill ??? Role? You mentioned this/didn't mention this! A. Yes you certainly can indeed! Some of the roles I offered up were examples, and while they may be mentioned here they're not yet in the herd. (Largely because it seems a bit depressing to have 20 different roles with no one to fill them yet!) At the same time, please feel free to propose ideas for new roles!
Q.Can I custom my OC "????" In? A. Happy to hear about OCs that are Cheshire Cat in nature, or otherwise Underland adjacent. If you want to be part of the herd, we're happy to help you! If you want to be family, please reach out to Lat to discuss and plot! Thanks!
Q.Enemies? A. We need some! Sure! Propose away!
Q.Allies? A. Sure we need some! Propose away!
Q. A.
Q. A.
Surefire Sex Symbol
Surefire Sex Symbol
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:33 pm
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:34 pm
~:I Declare This Thread Open For Posting:~
Surefire Sex Symbol
Faithofthefallen Crew
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:27 pm
~Latonia de la Courtel~
Love this idea!!!
So to start:
Pour a Cup of Tea For Me, Please!
Username: Faithofthefallen Soq Name: Epsilon Soq Image: Desired Role: Hmmm... I'm not sure what he is qualified for since he's not a wonderland native and may not have the trust. I'd like him to be the Vorpal sword if possible and a vorpal blade if not n_n. How Did You Find The Herd?: Chat and plot zone A Little About:
Epsilon has a rather complicated and checkered past, although he is not aware of much of it. He was raised in a loving and protective family along with his birth sister, Genesis Rose. Although he is aware he was adopted, he is unaware that he was stolen as a basket from his birth mother, Sophia Rose, by Berceuse, his adoptive brother, who had found out that Sophia had stolen him as a basket from his birth family and lied to Berceuse his entire life about being his real mother. Berceuse decided to confront Sophia but she had just given birth to her own foals and placed them in baskets when he arrived. Changing his plans, he instead continued to play ignorant of his real parentage to get her to keep her guard down so that Berceuse could instead take off with her baskets to save them from her influence and to raise them among his birth family instead. Epsilon has no idea that his parents did not choose to give him away, indeed, only Berceuse is aware of how Epsilon and Genesis truly came to be apart of his family. It has never bothered Epsilon that he was given up, but as he grew to adulthood, the differences between Epsilon and his adoptive family became glaringly obvious and his curiosity about where he came from grew.
For one, Epsilon is an omnivore, he craves meat to supplement his diet and he also has a strong attraction to things most other soquili would consider 'evil' for reasons he doesn't entirely understand. Blood and carnage are both delightful to his eye and he often experiences unsettling dark appetites that he can't quite explain. Although he has yet to act upon these urges, he finds their presence somewhat unnerving considering the dynamic of his family and his upbringing and avoids discussing them, even with those he would otherwise trust with his life.
Although Epsilon is very loyal, compassionate, and protective towards his family and close personal friends, he is rather detached and disdainful towards outsiders. He is quite manipulative and somewhat arrogant in his youth. There is no denying that Epsilon is an extremely attractive stallion, breathtakingly beautiful some might even say, and he uses this to his advantage at times, seducing the unwary or corrupt to get what he wants. He has somewhat mercurial personality, and enjoys cultivating fear in those he doesn't like or doesn't know well when he has them alone or at a disadvantage, keeping them off balance as he weaves together a confusing blend of seduction and intimidation.
Despite this tendency, he is not heartless or sadistic, he has rules and morals even if they are intrinsic and somewhat fluid and he would never actually harm someone he considered 'good,' or innocent. Whenever someone is able to pierce his protective shell they would find that he is capable of great love and loyalty, he simply does not give it away lightly or easily.
Wonderlander Native?: N
I have some other wonderland based characters that I am potentially interested in involving with this herd, but they are kind of.... Morally challenged. Which makes me worry if they will be able to co exist peacefully with the herd members so I thought I would check to see if they would fit in with this crowd before officially filling out a form.
I have Vorpal:
Vorpal is the illegitimate child of a Shadow Ulun'suti and a Kelpi stallion. Abandoned at birth, he has no memory of his parents or family and believes that he was sucked into Kawani after the destruction of his home world, which he refers to simply as 'Wonderland'. Vorpal is not evil but he is a naturally dangerous stallion to cross paths with, he is nocturnal, more due to his personality than to any physical objection towards the sun, he simply prefers dark and gloomy places. Vorpal is often childishly cruel although he somehow maintains a strange sort of twisted innocence even in his cruelty. Despite this, he is reasonably intelligent, in a depraved sort of way and enjoys coming across new acquaintances. He is rarely angered and behaves in a warm, friendly, albeit slightly creepy manner towards any soquili he deigns to start a conversation with. Still, be warned, while he may seem kind and genuine one minute, it is entirely possible he will try to lure you into a deadly trap in the next, without losing an inch on his too wide smile.
Vorpal extracts much entertainment by luring unsuspecting soquili and kawani into potentially life threatening situations, or getting them lost in his twisted and nonsensical section of forest. He can be difficult to get to know, evasively cunning in his ability to sidestep questions about himself on a personal level, and more than a little deranged. His advice, when offered, is often cryptic, unhelpful, and vexatious to unravel and he loves twisting other people's words to his own benefit or amusement. He spends the majority of his time in a swampy area within the densely wooded tum tum tree forest, the canopy is so thick it is a world of perpetual twilight. There are many wandering nonsensical paths that weave and turn through the twisted trees surrounding his home, which are covered with unhealthy looking glowing mushrooms that provide just enough light to see by
He enjoys Swimming, darkness, eating the glowing mushrooms, scaring people and playing tricks on them, making shadow puppets, frightening people with his shadow puppets, seducing ladies with his creepy awkwardness, spying on people lost in his forest, singing, making up crazy stories
He's Epsilon's sire but they have never met and he has no idea he has any kids so I'd have to have them meet via this herd....His story and theme is based heavily on his belief that he is an escaped wonderland resident, and I could tweak it a bit so that he actually does hail from wonderland and was abandoned in Kawani easily and has settled in an area that reminds him of home, its just... He is terribly, terribly creepy, potentially violent, and not exactly nice. Would they still take him as a part time member? He could also maybe live in the same area and interact with them but not be an official member.
I have Kingston:
King has some sociopathic tendencies that tend to make those around him feel rather uncomfortable, although that could also be the fact that his head seems to be floating atop his neck. However, he doesn't have the size to truly threaten anyone yet. As an adult, he comes across as a cheery sociable stallion who just happens to have a habit of trying to kill people without hesitation or remorse. He does not often succeed but his attempts often scare people half to death anyways. King has dramatic manic aggressive mood swings that often make spending any prolonged time in his company an exercise in self preservation as really anything can set him off, breathing strangely, a hair out of place, an odd tone in your voice. He is not vengeful or sadistic, he will often suddenly attempt to kill his companion for a few minutes, and upon failing, return completely to normal and be able to pick up their conversation from where it left off... That is, if his conversation partner has not fled. The combination of Kingston's rather intimidating appearance and his murderous spontaneity, tends to leave him feeling very lonely. He craves attention, affection, and acceptance but just can't seem to find it without scaring said person away, he just can't understand how other soquili function. He often over shares and appears awkwardly overeager to converse upon meeting someone in an attempt to bond with them before he tries to do them in and they run away. King also constantly smiles in an attempt to reveal how cute and charming he thinks he really is, which is also unhelpful as his teeth, as well as his eyes glow with a disturbing green light that tends to make him look maniacal.
He's based off of a mix of American McGee's Cheshire cat and the Queen's executioner from the part of the story where she tries to have the Cheshire cat beheaded. He's very violent and unstable although not unfriendly. I don't see that changing, would the herd be ok with frequent albeit failed beheading attempts xD? I'm not offended if he is too dangerous to be officially involved n_n;