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Reply Breeding Thickets
Strife's October 2015 TT Breedings [Winners!] Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 8 9 10 11 [>] [>>] [»|]

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Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:44 pm

There are rules unique to these slots. Please read everything in this post. If you don't, I will cry. ;__;

Note: I have a busy, erratic schedule and I'm an extremely slow colorist.
You could be waiting >4 months for these if I make any heavy edits/mutations and/or take on more slots!
By entering these slots, you are implicitly acknowledging & agreeing to a long wait. Please bear this in mind!

Also note that couples with highly limited permissions (anything other than "until a slot is obtained" or blanket permission) are not eligible for these slots.

Please also read all of the questions & notices posted on this page prior to opening!

Note: I made a newbie error ;w; These slots are limited to 10 pairs. Sorry for my screwup!

Strife's Halloween 2015 Breedings
format shamelessly, permissibly stolen from Ryuu >w> thx

Starts: October 20, 2015 @ 8PM PST / 9PM MST / 10PM CST / 11PM EST
Starts: October 20, 2015 @ 2PM PST / 3PM MST / 4PM CST / 5PM EST
Ends: October 22, 2015 @ 12AM PST / 1AM MST / 2AM CST / 3AM EST
Ends: October 22, 2015 @ 5AM PST / 6AM MST / 7AM CST / 8AM EST

Opening a few hours early since I'll be absent for most/all of the 21st. Sorry for the mess!
Any permission restrictions apply to the original time, not the new one!
Rolling will be done on the evening or afternoon of the 22nd!

1 Open
1 Unedited
Any Others ???
(Other colorists are encouraged to set up their own threads to increase LL opportunities!)

For rolled slots, I will roll for the username, and can either roll or CC one of the couples in the post.

Pay what you want!

  • Since rules change periodically when the need arises, please make sure you are up to date on everything listed here. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. We are not obligated to inform you if you have broken a rule.
  • Post certed images. It helps us see soquili without having to click every link! If you don't have a cert, a thumbnailed uncert will suffice, along with a link proving the soquili's eligibility (eg. a cert request made some months ago).
  • Provide full names. This applies to both the soquili and all owners. Please make sure they're spelled correctly as we copy the information directly from the form.
  • Fill out the form completely. If we spot something wrong, we'll point it out so it can be reposted edited.
  • Forms cannot be edited. Once the couple is put on the main list, we will not be going back and re-checking every form. However, you are allowed to edit anything that doesn't affect the list, such as adding uncerts, teepee links, throwbacks, or form modifiers. (For these slot openings where lists are made by username than by couple, you can also switch couples of the same category around.) If you need to edit anything past that, see the next bullet point:
  • If you need to fix anything that changes the list, (be it by our request or your own) state in this thread that you are voiding your listed entry and that you’ll be reposting. After that, you may post the new form. If you fail to do this and are rolled for an incorrect slot (ex. you removed your unedited couple), your win will be nullified and someone else will be rolled instead. You can change the LL identifier and the seasonal twist forms as many times as you want until slots close without needing to void.
  • Uncerts are HIGHLY!! preferred, but not required. Please link to Uncerts if you have access to them. They let us see the pet more clearly, and pass on small traits that we may have otherwise missed.
  • Each person can be involved in no more than two pairs in each raffle, and only win two slots per month. One person MAY enter both of the couples they are involved with themselves if they need to, but make CERTAIN that couples are not posted twice. Work out ahead of time with your breeding partners who will be responsible for entering in a pair. If they are entered twice, they will be disqualified from that raffle. Furthermore, you must have basket rights to the breeding (and therefore own or co-own one of the parents) in order to post the breeding. Proxying is not permitted.
    If you do not have breeding rights to a soquili you co-own, then it does not count towards your two-couple limit, but you may NOT receive a basket from that breeding in any way, shape, or form.

  • You may only win two breedings per month total (via CC or raffled breeding slots. Bribes do not count). If someone wins a breeding raffle slot, then they may only enter one couple for the remainder of the month's raffles.

    (Rules and notes in blue are unique to these slots.)

  • Please use my forms!! There are several modifications for both the regular breeding entry form and the seasonal twist form.
  • I am messing around with these slots. Please understand that anything done this time around may not be done in the future, and nothing here resulted from an official staff discussion.
  • There is a 10-pair limit on the number of pairs you may enter. Entering as many as possible could (maybe) increase your chances. The same pair can be entered several times, but can only be posted by the people eligible for baskets.
  • For pairs to be eligible for these slots, they must have breeding agreements set to "until a slot is obtained" (with agreements made before these slots officially open), or have blanket permission. Any couples that have highly limited permission (ex. "October 2015 slots only," "Strife's slots only," etc.) will be ignored and you will need to remove them; if ineligible pairs are caught after rolling, the win(s) will be nullified. Sorrybutnotreallysorry -- for these slots, I want to focus on established couples that people will actively enter until they get baskets. ;w; There will be a time for spontaneous flings some other time.
  • Each person automatically receives one ticket for the open slot. You will receive one ticket for the unedited slot if you have at least one unedited pair in your post. These are two separate lists.
  • Unlucky entrants or low-luck couples are not entitled to CCs -- please remember that CCs are colorist's choice and are entirely up to them; they do not count towards quota and are the fun things to work on to unwind. If I decide to CC any pairs, I will CC pairs that are in line with my likes (ex. themes, colors, edits, family lines, etc. that I am fond of).
  • I don't mind if a soq gets entered with different partners (ex. AxB, AxC, and BxD can be simultaneously entered) -- as long as you understand that the same soq can't breed more than once every 2 months. If a soq has already bred or been rolled, any following (additional) wins involving that same soquili will be nullified, and if you do not have any other eligible couples in your post, you forfeit your chances of obtaining a slot.
  • These slots count only once on a LL list, no matter how many times a pair is entered. These slots also only count towards low luck for one of your couples. If you do not add the LL header to the couple's form, this will not add to their LL count.
  • You may request an unedited slot for an edited pair! If they win an unedited slot, all offspring will be unedited.
  • All information must be kept in one post. They may be freely edited for the most part; if you need to change your ticket distribution, however, please follow the editing procedures listed above.
  • You have a chance of receiving seasonal twists in these slots. You are not required to use twist forms; any pairs without twist forms will be treated normally in breedings.
  • You should have several seasonal twist forms, one for each couple, so I can tell which couples you'd like to receive twists and which couples you want to breed normally. (If you include only one form, at the very end, I may assume that you only want your last pair to receive twists.) Your forms can differ from couple to couple, ex. you can ask for accessories-only for AxB, body-traits-only for CxD, and a mix of traits & accessories for ExF.
  • Don't try to box me in by restricting twists too much -- ex. if you're only okay with mutant wing twists, you run a high risk of not getting any. Please aim for giving me a minimum of 5 options from the 21 listed in the form.
  • If you have page loading issues due to too many posted pairs, and would still like to enter, please PM me so we can find a solution! I promise I don't bite!
  • Please understand that I am human; I make mistakes! If you catch an error -- ex. I left you off the list -- please PM me about it right away. You are responsible for checking that you're on the list; it is probably easier for you to check one name than it is for me to double check many. I am afraid I will not CC specific individuals to apologize for a mistake. If I roll additional slots, it will not be for this reason.
  • If you have other concerns or questions about these slots, I am the best person to answer them since I am running this opening. Please PM me or post here (prior to slot opening) about anything regarding these slots. This is highly preferable to posting in the main thread, where the people who will see your questions are not responsible for these slots and will be unable to make any rule clarifications or judgment calls if necessary.

  • Major mistakes that are spotted after winners have been rolled, such as triple-entries into the breeding raffle or lack of permission, can result in a nullification of the win. It is in your best interest to spot these ahead of time so that they can be corrected, or extraneous pairs removed instead of nullifying all of your chances.



It is required for both owners to post permission for the breeding in the MATES AND PERMISSION THREAD prior to the close of the raffle in order to be eligible for raffles.

UNLESS BOTH PARTIES HAVE POSTED PERMISSION IN THE PERMISSION THREAD (not this one, but the permission thread) BY THE TIME THE RAFFLE CLOSES, THEY ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE RAFFLE AND WILL BE REMOVED. This also includes co-owners; if you co-own a soquili and your agreement involves agreeing on mates or breeding, BOTH co-owners have to have posted permission.

If one of the co-owners of a Soq in a pairing is NOT getting baskets from the breeding, please put the co-ownership agreement link in the form in the appropriate place and say who does or does not have breeding rights. We will assume that any pairing submitted without a form counts the breeding toward ALL co-owners. If it's not in the co-ownership agreement, the co-owner forfeiting will need to post here saying as much.

Remember guys, if an owner has no rights to this breeding it MEANS NO RIGHTS. Aka, you cannot gift nor co-own a basket with the person with no rights.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:47 pm

(Choose one; it should go at the top of your post! Read rules in the first post and make a new post if you need to change your ticket distribution.)

[b]Username:[/b] (Please do not leave this blank!)

[align=center][size=18][color=orange][b]I Only Have Edited Pairs![/b][/color][/size][/align]

[b]Username:[/b] (Please do not leave this blank!)

[align=center][size=18][color=limegreen][b]I Only Have Unedited Pairs![/b][/color][/size][/align]

(If you go with the split ticket option below, make sure to separate the two types clearly in your post so that a couple won't be chosen for the wrong slot category.)
[b]Username:[/b] (Please do not leave this blank!)

[align=center][size=18][color=deepskyblue][b]I Have Both Edited & Unedited Pairs![/b][/color][/size][/align]


Indomitable Seraph


Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:51 pm

Entry Form
(One per couple. Read rules in the first post before editing posted forms.)

Please note that this version of the form (LS info, gender choices, etc.) is a one-time thing unique to this opening, and should not be used for the MCCL or future openings.


[quote="1: Mothername x Fathername"]

[b]Is it ok to livestream the breeding?:[/b] (If you say yes, it's possible you -- and other viewers -- will be able to see the adult stages ahead of time. Say no if you'd prefer they be kept a surprise. I am excluding the option to stream after baskets are dropped, as all stages will be completed by then. I will [b]not[/b] heed any conditions for streaming, ex. "only stream on weekdays," etc., even if you ask nicely. Please understand that saying yes does not guarantee that I will stream anything; if I feel self-conscious, pressured, or reclusive/asocial, I will not stream. You are free to ask me to quote you if I do stream, and if I remember I will do so.)

[b]Twins okay?:[/b] Yes/No
[b]Triplets okay?:[/b] Yes/No

[b]Two-basket gender ratio?:[/b]
[b]Three-basket gender ratio?:[/b]

[b]Unedited?:[/b] Yes/No (If you use the "Unedited" header, you must have at least 1 pair with this marked "yes")

Entry Code:
[code]Mothername ( owner(s) ) x Fathername ( owner(s) )

[url=]UNCERT[/url] (optional: [url=]Nekkid[/url] | [url=]Markings[/url] | [url=]Feral[/url] (purewalker only) )
[b]pregnant stage:[/b] [url=]I have one already[/url] / I want one / No thanks

[url=]UNCERT[/url] (optional: [url=]Nekkid[/url] | [url=]Markings[/url] | [url=]Feral[/url] (purewalker only) )

[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] (List who isn't getting baskets, AND link to the co-ownership agreement)
[b]Teepees:[/b] (Please do me this favor and link your teepee ;_____ wink

[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=LINK][ X ][/url]
[color=white]---[/color][b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes/No

[b]RP Approved?:[/b] Yes/No

[b]Low Luck?:[/b] Yes/No

[*] list of attempts

[b]Same Breed Variants:[/b] (Allows colorists to use templated wings/tails/horns/hair/poses/etc. other than the ones the parents have. This modifier only gives you the chance of template variants; it does not guarantee them.)
[color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] (If there are breed templates you'd like to avoid, post here. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY LIST TRAITS THE PARENTS THEMSELVES DO NOT HAVE.)

[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. Mock-relatives also go here!! NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.)
[color=white]---[/color][b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] (If said Yes to Throwbacks [strike]please link to all parents (and grandparents/etc) NOTE: LINKS ONLY. NO IMG TAGGING[/strike], link only to individuals from which you'd like to receive throwbacks -- in my slots, you DO NOT have to link to all ancestors.)

Form #2 goes here inside the spoiler

Form #3 goes here inside the spoiler

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:22 pm

Additional Form Modifiers

Low Luck Down the Road
Use this code to denote which couple will count toward low luck. Remember, even if multiple people choose the same couple for the low luck counter, they may only be counted once during a single breeding.

[size=18][color=dodgerblue][b]We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck![/b][/color][/size]

Bald Ponies
If you have a bald parent or both parents are bald, their offspring will get hair with a random style thrown into the mix. If you would rather just have a bald kid, please add the following to your form. This modifier only gives you the chance of passing down baldness; it does not guarantee it.

[color=red][b]I Have a Bald Pony and DON'T want random hair mixed in![/b][/color]

Scarred Ponies
If you have a parent with scars, they won't be added to the offspring (assuming they're recognized as scars, as some may be misinterpreted as markings). If you want your kids to have scars like their parents do, please add the following to your form. This modifier only gives you the chance of passing down scars or other battle damage; it does not guarantee it.

[color=red][b]These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)[/b][/color]

Human Clothing
Soquili with human clothing -- such as pants, tight skirts, and most shirts -- will be ponified and made into capes, arm/leg warmers, blankets, and additional accessories, even if both parents are fully dressed in human clothing UNLESS you add this to your form. This modifier only gives you the chance of passing down human clothing; it does not guarantee it.

[color=blue][b]I want my clothed ponies kids to have a chance at clothes!![/b][/color]
[color=white]---[/color][b]Even pants/skirts?[/b]: Y/N

Bearded Ponies
While we have no issues with facial hair, if you don't fill this out we'll likely be a little more Strife will be extremely hesitant of adding it to even the sons. Please note: facial hair is NOT 'fluffy fur'. Examples: Facial Hair vs. Fluffy Fur. This modifier only gives you the chance of passing down facial hair; it does not guarantee it.

[color=brown][b]FACIAL HAIR[/b][/color]
[color=white]---[/color][b]Do you want the facial hair to be passed on[/b]: Y/N
[color=white]---[/color][b]Just on Males? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick)[/b]: Y/N
[color=white]---[/color][b]I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83[/b]: (facial hair can be turned into fluff instead!)

Removing this; I won't read all that was indicated here. ;w; HOWEVER -- you are free to add links within the couple's form (inside the quote box) if you'd like to link to a page that has herd/family information!

Skinwalker Form Addition
REMOVED -- not applicable for rolled slots and I will not CC purewalker couples


Indomitable Seraph


Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:23 pm

Seasonal Twist Forms

If you exclude these forms, your pair will not receive seasonal twists and will instead be bred normally.

Please note that I have modified the form for this opening, and I am extending these seasonal twists to include autumn-inspired traits, not just Halloween-based traits. If you wish, you are free to avoid one or the other (opt out of autumn traits, or opt out of Halloween traits) by appropriately filling out the form. Please fill out the form as necessary if there are things you do not want to get.

.Halloween AND Autumn Twists
Twisted Tunnel of Love: Short Version

If you want a chance to have seasonal twists added to your breeding, fill out the modifier below.

[size=18][color=indigo][b]TWISTED TUNNEL OF LOVE[/b][/color][/size]

Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes/No
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes/No

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:

Twisted Tunnel of Love: Detailed Version (modified for these slots)

For those worried about getting twists they wouldn't be happy with, please add the form below. If you don't mind a category, but dislike a few things within it, please specify what you DISLIKE. (Example: "No lizard tails", "no guts or rot", "no bug legs.") Note: doing the opposite and saying you ONLY want something in a category, ex. "Yes to pawed mutant feet (only)," is a bad idea.

I've edited the forms so that "yes" means YES, you do want that trait.

Heads up: I usually do creepy things in an "elegant" way, ex. clean bones with flowers/lace, wings with tatters, etc., and usually only use small amounts of blood.
I will occasionally make things that are straight-up creepy (ex. skullheads, tentacles).
I will rarely make things that are gorey (zombies) or cutesy (grimalkin companions, pumpkins).
I won't do gimmicky things (trick-or-treat bags, ghost sheet costumes, clowns...).
I won't do creepy-crawlies unless the parents have them (flies, centipedes, spiders).
I will never do creepy-crawly parts like spider eyeballs or beetle pincers or something ;_____;
I don't do traditional eyeball mutations/traits unless the parents have them.
If I use eyes as a twist that is not inherited from the parents, they will be of a solid color and stylized to be... less like eyeballs? and more like this or something.

[size=18][color=orange][b]TWISTED TUNNEL OF LOVE[/b][/color][/size]

Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes/No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes/No
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes/No
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes/No
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes/No
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes/No (Likely won't do unless you say yes to bones as well????)
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes/No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes/No
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes/No (ex. hellfire, autumn wood, etc.; I will be considering this a mutation for these slots, not a 'suti trait)
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: (ex. wooden antlers, etc.)
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: (If you do not want any body mutations, ex. custom scales, you need to state this here. Anything related that is not covered above and not mentioned here is fair game.)

~~~ Blood?: Yes/No
~~~ Bones?: Yes/No
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes/No (hunter's prizes: teeth, claws, antlers, pelts, feathers -- if you say yes to bones/blood above, these can be combined with bones/blood; otherwise, these will remain "clean" and bone-free)
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes/No (I default to elegant, but I can do creepy-vampiric; human clothing -- like dresses -- and accessories like top hats are not included here)
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes/No (ghostly lanterns, creepy metal lanterns, pumpkin/jack-o-lanterns, skull lanterns, etc...)
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes/No (scythes, axes, sickles, knives, bows, etc. -- saying something like "yes only to bows" is a bad idea)
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes/No (ex. bats, black cats, shadow creatures, blackdogs, ravens, etc.)
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes/No (also includes other arcane things, not necessarily demonic themes -- candles, pentacles, etc.)
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: (ex. autumn plants, flowers, branches, trees, bonfires)
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: (ex. hellish or normal cornucopia, pumpkins, etc.)
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: (really just limited to moths, calavera butterflies)
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: (If you do not want any TT/autumn-inspired markings/coloring (ex. sugar skull markings, bone markings, spiderweb/lace markings) -- or anything else that wasn't stated above -- you must state this here. Anything related that is not covered above and not mentioned here is fair game.)

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey ([b]Please list [i]at least 3[/i] of these in order of your preference, starting with your [i]most[/i] liked,[/b] or leave this completely blank. If you only list 1 or 2, I may ignore this question; if you exclude something here, you can still receive it if you have not said "no" to the corresponding options in the list above. Although I will take this section into consideration, you are [i]not[/i] guaranteed to receive your top choices; this may just help me make decisions. If this addition to the twist form causes problems, I will exclude this option from my future breedings ([url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2f/ed/39/2fed39355af84f054840c2584d1bbfb9.jpg]relevant image[/url]). Additionally, if you create a paradox -- ex. say "no" to undead mutations but have gorey as your top style preference -- I will disregard this question and go by your answers to the options above.)

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:44 pm


Please note: I will double-check breeding agreements after rolling. Ineligible pairs will result in nullification of a win.

.Open List
    .... Page 2
  1. FaithoftheFallen
  2. AstoriaFallen
  3. Sleet Tempest Snape -- note to self: add LL modifier for single couple just in case
  4. DeeJaye
  5. Kaya Wolf Moon -- check MCCL
  6. Kara Asumie
  7. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko
  8. dawns_aura
  9. Divena

    Page 3
  10. ChaosTheories -- double check
  11. [Eskimo] -- note to self: add LL modifier for single couple just in case
  12. ~Latonia de la Courtel~ -- wait for response
  13. Kyrieko
  14. LunaRei_SilverBlood
  15. Lady_Ourania
  16. Mia Lovasz
  17. Roarie Desu
  18. Strawberri Stardust -- double check
  19. Pandora Talie
  20. Sabin Duvert -- extenuating circumstances; address if rolled
  21. Roniel Targaryen
  22. Seruta
  23. Odet Amo

    Page 4
  24. dolphingurl
  25. Calixita
  26. Thalea
  27. CitrusCupcake
  28. Ebonrune -- note to self: add LL modifier for single couple just in case
  29. Ryuukishin
  30. ATh e a r t
  31. Pollack
  32. ProphetOfProfit
  33. SwordOfTheDarkOnes
  34. ramenli -- contact re: I forgot, see file
  35. mistalina13 -- contact re: I forgot, see file (also see PM)
  36. Kamiki -- extenuating circumstances; address if rolled
  37. Of The Epidemic

    Page 5
  38. Agneza
  39. Master Wild Mage
  40. Amirynth
  41. Wasteland Wyvern
  42. Nyx Queen of Darkness -- double check
  43. tefla -- check MCCL
  44. I Lady Kiya I
  45. Phail Ninja
  46. Sawaki
  47. Summer Raaven
  48. Meepfur
  49. She-Ra of Etheria
  50. lysia_nyteblade -- double check (re: forms)
  51. Shesha Sama
  52. stormflower

    Page 6
  53. Lestragne -- contact (re: modifier, triplets/twins, last pair missing info)
  54. Celestial Requiem -- contact (re: TT form clarification; for last couple only or for all?)
  55. pippi18848 -- contact (re: missing "unedited?:" question, using this to count # of couples)
  56. Nisshou H
  57. Kettyn
  58. JetAlmeara
  59. cheyriddle4
  60. Death Resurrected
  61. ~Twilight...Angel~
  62. Niyaru Delacroix
  63. Sesshiyasha
  64. musicaloner7
  65. xxx Yuki Bear xxx -- contact (re: twins, adding "unedited?:" line )
  66. Tara de Draiocht -- contact (re: twists named are unwanted?)

    Page 7
  67. Rhyleigh
  68. o-Elixir-o
  69. Caitlyn Hellstorm
  70. dbz2010 -- note to self: add LL modifier for single couple just in case
  71. spelldancer
  72. Fea Line
  73. Mewsings of An Angel -- check MCCL
  74. DivenasMom
  75. Bardess Ookami
  76. Kesmi
  77. [Mistress Morbid]
  78. honeyed cuppycake aka Sweenys_Revenge (missing LL mod)
  79. Lunadriel
  80. Cuppa_Darjeeling
  81. Junglerunner

    Page 8
  82. Rein_Carnation
  83. Rita Zyon
  84. UniWingdFox
  85. catmagick
  86. Angelique DelaMort
  87. XxXPandamoniumXxX (missing LL mod)
  88. Nikkichomp
  89. Mahogany Sunset
  90. irishgirl1017
  91. .Tortured. .Pumpkin.
  92. sage_the_vampirc_angel
  93. Novablu (missing LL mod)
  94. Frezir
  95. Lady Argentum Draconis
  96. Mameha Otome

    Page 9
  97. Cajmera
  98. Tiger_kisa699
  99. Parasitic Candii
  100. Kyribird
  101. White Neko Chan
  102. FitzRoyal
  103. Ruler of Everything
  104. Fatal Irony (check if #1 is for future LL)
  105. Ovarian Paint (not numbered, 6 entered)
  106. Kivras
  107. Fuzzy-Gumdrop (see numbering, has 3)
  108. Jackariah Beckett (no geners, no numbers, has 10)
  109. Infinities
  110. Lady Aria Starstone

    Page 10
  111. Natelie
  112. hanging gallow
  113. Draconian_Peacock
  114. AislingJuno
  115. Tudora
  116. GrnGriff
  117. Lunarflowermaiden -- check MCCL
  118. Epine de Rose
  120. Devil NightShade -- extenuating circumstances

    Please double-check for: functional links, LL attempt count modifier (all posts should have this even without a LL couple, please see page 2 for clarification), form-matching to mine (I strongly prefer that you use mine, but if not please make sure that your form has all components in mine -- twins/triplets, "unedited?:" part, etc.), headers (void and repost if your header is incorrect), form completeness, etc.

    After slots close, there will be a grace period until 6pm EST on Oct 22 (?? possibly pushed later since I'm not 100% on my plans tonight; may not be here around 6) allowing for pre-rolling corrections!

.Unedited List
    .... Page 2
  1. FaithoftheFallen
  2. Kaya Wolf Moon
  3. Kara Asumie
  4. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko
  5. dawns_aura
  6. Divena

    Page 3
  7. ChaosTheories
  8. Kyrieko
  9. LunaRei_SilverBlood
  10. Roarie Desu
  11. Strawberri Stardust
  12. Roniel Targaryen

    Page 4
  13. CitrusCupcake
  14. Ebonrune
  15. mistalina13
  16. Kamiki -- extenuating circumstances; address if rolled (2 pairs)
  17. Of The Epidemic

    Page 5
  18. Master Wild Mage
  19. Amirynth
  20. Wasteland Wyvern
  21. Nyx Queen of Darkness
  22. tefla -- check MCCL
  23. I Lady Kiya I
  24. Phail Ninja
  25. Sawaki
  26. Summer Raaven
  27. Meepfur
  28. She-Ra of Etheria
  29. Shesha Sama

    Page 6
  30. Celestial Requiem
  31. JetAlmeara
  32. cheyriddle4
  33. ~Twilight...Angel~
  34. Niyaru Delacroix

    Page 7
  35. Rhyleigh
  36. o-Elixir-o
  37. Caitlyn Hellstorm
  38. dbz2010
  39. spelldancer
  40. Fea Line
  41. Mewsings of An Angel -- check MCCL
  42. DivenasMom
  43. Bardess Ookami
  44. Kesmi
  45. [Mistress Morbid]
  46. honeyed cuppycake aka Sweenys_Revenge
  47. Lunadriel

    Page 8
  48. Rein_Carnation
  49. Rita Zyon
  50. UniWingdFox
  51. catmagick
  52. Angelique DelaMort
  53. Nikkichomp
  54. Mahogany Sunset
  55. irishgirl1017
  56. .Tortured. .Pumpkin.
  57. Frezir
  58. Mameha Otome

    Page 9
  59. Tiger_kisa699
  60. FitzRoyal
  61. Ruler of Everything
  62. Fatal Irony
  63. Ovarian Paint (not numbered, 6 entered)
  64. Jackariah Beckett (no genders, not numbered, 10 entered)

    Page 10
  65. Natelie
    Draconian_Peacock -- only 1 pair, edited; not eligible for unedit
  66. Tudora
  67. GrnGriff
  68. Lunarflowermaiden
  69. Epine de Rose
  71. Devil NightShade -- extenuating circumstances

    Please double-check for: functional links, LL attempt count modifier (all posts should have this even without a LL couple, please see page 2 for clarification), form-matching to mine (I strongly prefer that you use mine, but if not please make sure that your form has all components in mine -- twins/triplets, "unedited?:" part, etc.), headers (void and repost if your header is incorrect), form completeness, etc.

    After slots close, there will be a grace period until 6pm EST on Oct 22 (?? possibly pushed later since I'm not 100% on my plans tonight; may not be here around 6) allowing for pre-rolling corrections!

Last Updated: 1:30pm EST Oct 22
Remember to check that you've been added to the list correctly!


Indomitable Seraph


Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:45 pm


Will fix this to be pretty tomorrow...

Melusine (Roarie Desu) x Pushmataha (Demeter Jade)
Fyglia (Frezir) x Megapi (Geyser Eelborn)
Muse (Rein_Carnation) x Tooki (kaliskanny)
Verity (Roniel Targaryen) x Zamiel (Roniel Targaryen)

Open: Page #, Roarie Desu (unedited pair)
Open: Page #, Frezir (edited)
Unedited: Page #, Rein_Carnation (unedited pair)
CC: Roniel Targaryen (edited)




PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:20 pm

Please don't post actual forms until the start date!

That said, this thread is now open for any questions and rule clarifications that need to be made. *w*

Please post any questions before slots open, or PM me! I promise I don't bite, and receiving PMs does not bother me. <3

Thank you!


Indomitable Seraph


Sparkly Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:10 am

There is no limit on the number of pairs you may enter. Entering as many as possible could even (maybe) increase your chances. The same pair can be entered several times, but can only be posted by the people eligible for baskets.

Okay, so, I am just a little confused about what "several times" means, here. Did you mean once by each person eligible for a basket, or...? Who are the people eligible for baskets, in this case, and how many times can a couple be posted?

I just work better with finite amounts, so any clarification you might have would help me to better understand.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:19 am

Miss Cherie
There is no limit on the number of pairs you may enter. Entering as many as possible could even (maybe) increase your chances. The same pair can be entered several times, but can only be posted by the people eligible for baskets.

Okay, so, I am just a little confused about what "several times" means, here. Did you mean once by each person eligible for a basket, or...? Who are the people eligible for baskets, in this case, and how many times can a couple be posted?

I just work better with finite amounts, so any clarification you might have would help me to better understand.

I meant entered once by each person eligible for a basket, yes! :3 The people eligible for baskets would go by the breeding agreements in the standard way -- it includes both of the owners involved in a breeding, and any co-owners who (by demand of the breeding agreement) would get a basket if the appropriate number of baskets is rolled (2 baskets for a self-pair with one co-own, 3 baskets for two owners and one co-own, etc.).

So I guess... the entry limit for a single pair would be 3 times in the case of co-owned non-elder soquili, and 4 times in the case of co-owned elders (going by maximum basket number)? I'm setting this limit in the case of non-elder co-own x co-own soquili since there is no way each of the 4 owners for a double co-owned pair can obtain a basket from a non-elder.

I'm adding onto your question now, but this just occurred to me. <3
  • Co-owners who have no rights to a particular breeding cannot enter their co-owner's breeding.
  • Additionally, non-co-owners who have been promised to be gifted a basket resulting from their friend's self-pairing cannot enter their friend's self-pair, either.
  • A particular couple (AxB) can only appear once in each person's post.

Sorry for the quote spam OTL;;;; Much editing.


Indomitable Seraph


Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:44 am

Important Note:

New Breeding Agreements: I am accepting new breeding agreements, made prior to slots opening. However, if I catch anyone making new agreements and then canceling them after these slots close (in other words, using a loophole to get around my eligibility restrictions for this opening), there will likely be consequences.

Self-Pairings: Self-pairings without self-made breeding agreements are okay to enter, if you have entered them in breeding raffles in the past (or have something else that shows the pair wasn't spontaneously set up for these slots) -- please include that in the form or PM me!

Updating Completed Breeding Agreements: I will not accept updates to existing breeding agreements that are currently limited (anything other than "until a slot is obtained" or blanket permission). Existing breeding agreements tell me that owners definitely had other plans for a particular couple. Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing if any updates are made solely for these slots or if anyone would revert to the old agreement once these slots close, and I don't want to risk anyone entering these slots just to increase chances this time or capitalize on twists. However -- I'm good with updated permissions if the pair is kept in the MCCL (in an updated post, using the regular breeding form, not the form exclusive to this opening) until they can be entered regularly.

Lifemates: Any and all lifemate agreements made at any time, even after slots open, are good to enter. I really don't think anyone wants a 6-month cooldown from LM breaking just for a chance at breedings, so... this is good with me!

This opening was geared toward couples and owners who had been unlucky with breedings or planning/plotting a couple for ages but were unable to enter them due to (a) the standard 2-couple limit, and/or (b) a breeding shortage. There originally was even an "unlucky" slot (like those of Ririka's breedings way in the past), but since I could not guarantee a 3rd slot I excluded it for this opening. The twists are just a (possible) bonus. In the future, if I open slots like these, I will clarify this ahead of time and restrict eligibility so that only permissions started prior to my creation of the thread are eligible for entry.

In the mean time, I will sneakily hint that people who are planning couples for the long term (until a slot is obtained or lifemates) should go forward with breeding permissions, and that people may wish to consider keeping their MCCL posts up to date in the winter months.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:51 am

Hey strife! Is there any particular way that you would prefer we separate the Edited and unedited pairs in our entries, like an edited spoiler and unedited spoiler, or a big header or something?



Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:56 am

Hey strife! Is there any particular way that you would prefer we separate the Edited and unedited pairs in our entries, like an edited spoiler and unedited spoiler, or a big header or something?

There's no particular way I have in mind! *w* I think I would prefer that spoiler tags not be used, so that I can see all the couples without clicking through spoilers.

I'd prefer for them to be split so that (say) the top several are all edited, one after another, and the bottom several are all unedited, one after another (just not mixed together), nothing else required. There doesn't need to be a header or anything between the two sets, but you could add one if you like.

I will manually double check to see if both types exist when I make the list, and I will check how many there in each post are before rolling for a particular couple in someone's post! <3
PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:08 am

Hey strife! Is there any particular way that you would prefer we separate the Edited and unedited pairs in our entries, like an edited spoiler and unedited spoiler, or a big header or something?

There's no particular way I have in mind! *w* I think I would prefer that spoiler tags not be used, so that I can see all the couples without clicking through spoilers.

I'd prefer for them to be split so that (say) the top several are all edited, one after another, and the bottom several are all unedited, one after another (just not mixed together), nothing else required. There doesn't need to be a header or anything between the two sets, but you could add one if you like.

I will manually double check to see if both types exist when I make the list, and I will check how many there in each post are before rolling for a particular couple in someone's post! <3

Sounds good to me! Thank you <3 <3 <3



Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 11:39 am

Important Note:

;w; I'm so sorry! I made a big newbie mistake, please go easy on me.

Please keep in mind that there is a 10-pair limit per post for this opening.

(Also, I've had people IM me saying they were getting errors when trying to PM. I don't know what the problem is, since my PMs aren't blocked and my inbox isn't at 100% yet. ;w; If you're having trouble PMing and want to ask something sensitive/privately, please IM me at readysteadyenvy.)
Breeding Thickets

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