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[ORP] The pirate's sons (Done!) Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Sweet Kitten

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:04 am
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They'd been wobbly-legged little things when they joined the pride with their mother - Six little cubs, five boys and a girl, the offspring of a lion professing to be a pirate. There'd been worry that the sea would be angry, what with fatherless cubs in the lands, but the sea, to its credit, had remained placid and peaceful as ever.

Perhaps it was accepting of them, as they'd been born outside the lands, as rogues, and brought in by a mother seeking asylum from the dangers of the world beyond, somewhere her children could grow up safe.

But things hadn't gone QUITE to plan, as three of the cubs - The two oldest and the one who bore the most resemblance to their paternal family - had gone... Missing. Reports were that they'd last been seen, tumbling over their own paws, heading for the neighboring Kizingo'zaa, perhaps enticed by the stories the other pride members told of the friendly but item-wealthy gypsies right down the beach!

Welcome to a random ORP!

This is NOT a Meta RP, but entirely independent of the Metas(As you can guess, the Bahari don't yet have an over-arching long-standing meta)! This is open to anybody in the Bahari'mtoto and Kizingo'zaa prides, as the cubs are in the stretch of jungle between the prides' lands! So what does everybody know so far?

- The mother, Ixcatzin, came from the Ashnai'le lands - Oppressive rulership, not an ideal place for cubs by any stretch, but she'd long departed before her children were even conceived
- Their father, Pilipili, is a pirate! Ixcatzin has done nothing to hide this fact from her children, but what little she knows about pirates is what Pilipili, the father, told her... So her knowledge is a bit skewed toward the romanticized version of piracy. Oh dear.
- The three boys have REALLY taken to the ideas about piracy... But they've also grown up so far learning about the Kizingo'zaa, so they could very well twist what little they know about pirates to become little gypsies instead
- Ixi was told by Pili about his twin brother, Munyu - And from descriptions, her second-youngest son is his spitting image!
- Their maternal grandmother is somewhere out in the roguelands, but presumed to be alive
- Finally, their paternal uncle is a Stormborn. Ixi has no idea what this means past them apparently taking slaves(Thralls), but if the pride ever encounters them, there's hope that having the nephews and niece of one of their own in the pride might help.  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:06 am
The other important information

How will this work?

Simple, dear boy, a dice game! A short and simple one, at that! For every SoA you use(Limit of 3), you roll one 6-sided die! Each number corresponds to something:

1. You've found a lovely feather! How nice! Best to keep that safe, yeah?
2. You disturb a bird poking into some bushes. Whoops!
3. Moving a frond out of the way, something shiny catches your eye - What a lovely shell!
4. You find tiny paw prints! Unfortunately they're a clustered mess. Best keep looking!
5. As you check around a rock, you hear giggling. The cubs! You dart to catch them... But they're not there. Instead, you find a cluster of birds. You chase them off in frustration.
6. You find tiny paw prints! They lead you closer to the cubs!

So who can join?

As mentioned, anybody in the Bahari'mtoto or Kizingo'zaa! Adolescents and adults only, though - We don't need MORE cubs lost in the jungle!

For the cubs, is there a name restriction?

There is not! The named cubs are Magar(Hindi, Crocodile), Jhames(Variation of James, for Jim Hawkins of Treasure Island/Planet), and Pilixcatzin(A combination of the parents' names), so they can literally run the gammut of languages and meanings! Just keep it SFW and shop appropriate!

Can my cub leave the pride?

If they're departing the Bahari'mtoto for another pride, ONLY for the Kizingo'zaa! If they're planning on just exploring and visiting places, but will remain a member of the pride, such as to, oh, find their father, then they're okay to do that!

What about a dad within the pride?

Right now, there is none. They have plenty of father FIGURES, though! The pride is replete with adult males!

Who can win a cub?

Anybody who doesn't already own a sibling, basically.

When will the cubs be found?

When 6 is rolled 8 times! The idea is that it's SHORT, basically. REALLY short.

And the buffalo ORP?

This is set some time AFTER that, ICly!

Who colored these cuties?!

The amazing Safaia did! So watch her drop off thread for their certs and growths!  


Sweet Kitten

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Sweet Kitten

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:58 am
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It hadn't been too long since she'd arrived in the Bahari'mtoto lands, her six little wobbly-legged cubs in tow. From what she could tell, they were currently the only cubs in the land, with no others their age to play with. While this meant they only had each other for companionship, she also knew there was the option of the neighboring lands, where cubs were plenty for them to play with. So it was no surprise to Ixcatzin that three of her cubs had gone into the jungle between lands, heading for a land they didn't yet know, unknowing of the right path with who knew what in it. "Cubs! Little ones! Where are you?!"

User Image She was very glad the other cubs were safe at the dens, watched over currently by Mahatma and Dimbwi. Siobhan could only imagine Ixcatzin's panic as they poked through the trees, looking for the three tottering cubs. "They can't have gone far, their legs are tiny!" She moved a bush, finding nothing.

User Image Peeking around a log, Natsu frowned, "Maybe we need more eyes..." When he looked at the lionesses and found them staring at him, he went back to the edge of the trees. A cluster of birds were nestled above, simply relaxing. "Excuse me! Friends?" The birds all looked down, watching him. "Could you do us a favor and get more of the pride? There's some little cubs wandering the jungle and we need more eyes to find them..." The birds chirruped to each other, then took off flying. As they left, Natsu called, "Thank you, friends!"

Do not worry about making an intro post - You can dive right on into rolling from here! Again, anybody in the Bahari and Kizaa may join, and you may join at any time so long as the cubs haven't been found yet!  
RuIerr rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:20 pm
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Faatina had sort of missed the roguelands.

As she was wandering around the Bahari lands earlier in the day, she realized she was close to the border. Which prompted her to wander beyond. After all, she was free to explore. And she knew she wouldn't leave leave this time, so there really was no harm done.

As she moved, she knew she was headed towards the Kizingo'zaa lands - she'd skirted them previously, during her hiatus away from her home pride. They were allies, essentially, which made them safe to be around. Many prides were not so - she'd heard horror stories of rogues stumbling into the lands of fighting prides, never to be seen again. Thankfully, however, the lands around the Bahari were quite safe. Pawing further, Faatina took a deep breath. The salty sea air had dropped away, now smelling fresh. Save for - what was that? The lioness took another deep breath, this time positive that she could smell the scent of another in the area. Lifting her head, she glanced around. Curious. She couldn't see anyone - but they had to be around here somewhere. Always the socialite, Faatina set on a search to find them.

Faatina kept her nose low, poking it around. She attempted to follow the scent blindly, but it led her into a bush. Almost immediately, the bush rustled - and out flew a small bird, squawking all the way. The lioness startled backwards a few steps, shaking her head. Best to keep her eyes up, this time.


Devoted Cultist

Excited Apathy rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-6)

Excited Apathy

Obsessive Hoarder

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:10 pm
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Seahawk was both surprised and intrigued by the bird that came flying into Kizi lands, calling for help. Lost cubs were terrible, of course, and he had all the pity for the poor mother searching while they wandered. But they were also an opportunity--to find them might also be to have a moment or two to stamp the lure of a less restricted lifestyle into impressionable young minds. The Bahari were nice enough, but they were hardly as colorful as the Kizi.

Whether it was sharp eyes, or dumb luck, he soon found a clear stretch of tiny pawprints. "This way!" he called.  
nessiaing rolled 3 6-sided dice: 1, 6, 3 Total: 10 (3-18)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:32 pm
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Keani was trying to make himself useful. As a nyangumi in the pride he felt at least somewhat responsible for the cubs getting out. There should have been a guard somewhere between the pride and the jungle. He swallowed hard trying to get the insane thoughts he was having out of his head. They would find them. he repeated to himself. The male was only starting to grow into the idea that he would soon want cubs and he hated to think that the pride wasn't safe for them in every way, of course the sea held all sorts of scares but the jungle, for Keani at least, was an unknown terror.

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The large seafoam green male was in a grumbly mood. "There is a reason we have cubsitters" he murmured to no one other than himself. As a Pomithi in the pride Atl took pride in watching over the next generation, but nothing bothered him more than parents not talking advantage of the resources the pride could offer them. This mother had come single with her cubs in tow and of course Bahari let them in, they would never refuse souls looking for a home, but she hadn't known enough to know that the pride would look out for the cubs all she had to do was ask. Atl was no mind reader he couldn't know she needed help if she didn't ask. He was grumbling as he walked. The large male knew that it wasn't really the mother's fault, it was no one and everyone's fault but he was grouchy and he needed someone to blame.

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Meli was moving quickly through the jungle. The young lioness hadn't settled into the pride too long ago but it already felt like she had always been here, it was clearly where she was meant to be. She liked being able to help out her pride so when the call went out saying their was missing cubs Meli sprung to action. She wished it was something happier that she was helping with but she poured her heart and soul into everything she did. She was determined to find these cubs as quickly as possible. She tried looking as she went into every nook and cranny cubs were small and could end up just about anywhere.  


RuIerr rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-6)


Devoted Cultist

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:51 pm
It was then that Faatina heard the voices of the others, and began to put the pieces together. She had been unaware of the situation, but now she understood the severity: lost cubs! It seemed they had slipped away from the Bahari lands. In the distance, up ahead, she could hear voices of others, apparently on the search. Faatina bounded forward, her paws landing next to other sets of much smaller prints. Her eyes widened as she looked around, locating the progressing tracks. These had to be the cubs'! Keeping her eyes low to the ground once again, Faatina continued to follow the tracks, hoping they would lead to something good. They were mostly muddled - cubs never seemed to walk in a straight and orderly fashion - but she could make them out well enough that she believed she would find them soon enough.
nessiaing rolled 3 6-sided dice: 5, 1, 3 Total: 9 (3-18)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:08 pm
Keani moved slowly through the dense jungle watching and waiting to see if he could spot anything out of sorts. There were plenty of other pride members joining the search and even members from the neighbouring pride. It was good to see everyone band together like this to help. Keani began to wonder if any of his family would be here helping the search. He knew his father wasn't well enough to be out in the jungle but perhaps some of his siblings would be here. Quickly glancing around him for other family members a movement caught his eye, he turned quickly and saw it was just a feather. Sighing a little he gingerly picked it up making a not to himself that it matched Naida's coat. He would make it into a gift for her.

Atl thought he was specially equipped for this search he after all spent every day around cubs, though there hadn't been too many litter around lately. He kept low to the jungle floor weaving through roots and branches. He saw the jungle as if through the eyes of a cub, everything was a jungle gym, something new to explore. Most adults wouldn't be able to see things this way but Atl was in tune with his childish side. It was as he was thinking this that he went to take his next step and froze. There were paw prints, small little one, ones that would belong to cubs. He considered calling out to everyone but he thought better of it. His call and then the inevitable stampede of lions in this direction would surely only frighten the cubs. No he would just follow this path on his own.

Meli was trying to be diligent in her search. She was looking under every bush, around every rock. If she were to tell the truth she had absolutely zero experience with cubs and really didn't know where to begin to look. She figured they were small though, chances were good if she looked around the ground she would be more likely to find evidence of them than she would be if she walked about looking eye level... of course they could climb things too. She frowned trying to reign in her concentration. She pushed back some leaves that were in her way and the shine caught her eye right away. She couldn't help but smile when she saw the beautiful shell. She quickly scooped it up. She wasn't sure what she would do with it but it certainly didn't hurt to have it, perhaps one of the cubs would want it when they were found.  


AstoriaFallen rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-6)


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:43 pm
User ImageThe rules had been simple. Stay in the cave while she went to find her three brothers. Yeah, like that was going to happen. She had given her mother the best angelic look she could before her mom left the den and then a grin came across her mug. She had TRIED to convince her brother to come with but he ended up staying.

You see, Pilixcatzi wasn't the best at sticking close to their mother since they had arrived and was quite interested in what the neighboring pride had to offer as well. She HAD debated trying to find this so called sister pride but she had changed her mind and decided she would go out and about to try and find three of her brothers. She was pondering on whether or not she should follow mother, but she figured she'd be good. Plus she didn't want her mom to see her out here, right? That and there were so many adults around, what could possibly go wrong?

Tiny paws carried her quickly around as she looked for her older siblings. She was the youngest of the litter, which was fine by her. Didn't mean she was the weakest. She took in a deep breath of the air and she enjoyed the saltiness of it and she felt a smile grow upon her features. There had to be plenty of treasures hidden around the salty shorelines. There had to be a shore, at least with this much salt in the air. She liked it, it was a lot better than the air they had been breathing on the way here.

As she pounced along she came across some footprints and thought she may have heard some faint sounds in the distance. Was she getting closer? She was hoping it may be them then she could be the hero so to speak and then her mom couldn't be mad at her for being out. She crouched and moved forwards slowly and as she stalked along she came barreling out of the tall grasses into a pale pink lioness. "You're not my brothers." She said with a giggle as she looked up at the adult.

Well this wasn't exactly what she was hoping for, but at least it wasn't her mother!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:32 pm
Ixcatzin's ears perked at the sound of somebody calling out a path. She turned and hurried after the other lion, looking around. Ah, there were the paw prints! She glanced at the lion, realizing she'd never seen him in the Bahari before now. Either he was somebody who was usually elsewhere, or he was one of the neighboring gypsies.

Sparing a glance at Atl, the tan lioness flicked her tail at him in mild agitation. "That may be what cubsitters are for, but that doesn't stop naughty cubs from sneaking off!" She turned her gaze, spying Faatina. Another set of track had been found, making her smile. They'd find the cubs soon enough!

Natsu began following the tracks, as everybody else was, before his gaze fell on a tiny form. He placed a paw in front of Pilixcatzi, an amused smile on his face. "Oh no, little one, you're not coming on THIS trip! Your brothers are being naughty enough, sneaking off like they are. Come on, back to the dens with you!"


Sweet Kitten

15,000 Points
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Excited Apathy rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-6)

Excited Apathy

Obsessive Hoarder

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:50 am
Seahawk spared a speculative glance for the lioness, and the smile he offered up afterward was warmer. She was easy enough on the eyes...it was a shame the Bahari weren't fans of casual encounters. Otherwise? Well, he might have considered it.

Right, lost cubs, not ogling pretty lionesses. Looking down, he realized he'd found more tiny pawprints...but they were so clustered and muddled as to be useless. Sigh.  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:31 am
User ImageShe figured staying right here where she was, wasn't going to do anything for her so she decided it was probably best that she got a move on if she wanted to find her brothers. As she scampered away from the pink lioness in search for her brothers she suddenly found a greyish tan paw blocking her way.

Well this was unexpected. She furled her brow and eyes glanced upwards as she skid to a halt and looked up at Natsu. "You're not my mother." She said it as a statement, not really as a retaliation. Was he keeping her from helping find her brothers? They were HER brothers NOT HIS! "But I wanna help! It's not fair that everyone else get's to help but I can't." She said with a pout.

This wasn't the adventure she was hoping it was turning out to be. A bunch of ideas went through her mind and she considered for a moment just running around him but he seemed awfully big. "What if I just stick with you?" Her little wheels started turning then, at least she'd be able to stay outside of the den longer. Maybe her idea would work. She gave him the cutest please face that she could muster. If she went with him then maybe, JUST maybe she'd be able to stay out longer. She really did want to help, but she enjoyed being out of the den much, much more.



Winter Wolf

RuIerr rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)


Devoted Cultist

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 6:38 am
Faatina laughed at the cub, about to remark to her before another from the Bahari scooped her away, telling her that there was no way she was coming on the trip. Smart, Faatina thought - we didn't need more lost cubs. Continuing her search once again with her nose to the ground, Faatina was lead once again into a small bush. Nosing into it, she heard a similar squawking to before. The bush rustled, but no bird appeared - but she knew it was there. She backed up slowly, not wishing to disturb the creature further, and followed around the bush, hoping to pick the tracks back up again. As she nosed about, she was not quite finding anything. Picking up her head, she glanced around at the other lions, near and far, also searching for the lost cubs. No one seemed to be having any luck. She grimaced sadly, and pressed on, hoping the cubs would turn up soon.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:43 am
After tucking his feather away Keani started to search again diligently trying to search out the cubs. His thoughts had hovered about Naida as he searched for the cubs, he wondered if she was out here searching as well. Perhaps after the search had concluded he would go back to the pride and try to find her. All the though of cubs had his mind wondering when it would be his time. As his thoughts drifted around the cubs, he heard a giggle. His ears perked up excited that perhaps he had found them, he moved around to the back of the rock only to see a flock of birds. He pounced, "Get out of here you." he said. He watched them fly off before resuming his search.

Alt heard the comment sent his way from one of the other lioness he flattened his ears and ignored it though. He wasn't going to get into an argument with her over it. He knew he was right it didn't much matter to him whether or not anyone else did. He continued to follow the paw prints he had found in the dirt nose to the ground. As he went he spotted a brightly coloured feather, a little smile played across his lips, it was beautiful he snatched it up quickly before trying to seek out the trail of paw prints he was on only moments ago.

Once her shell was tightly packed away Meli continued along happy to have found something so pretty. She stayed low to the ground still looking around beneath bushes. How far could three little cubs have gotten, she wondered to herself. She could hear the group searching getting bigger and bigger. It was nice to know that she was a part of a pride that would really band together and help one another in a time of need. She pushed back another bunch of leaves and again a glitter caught her eye. She smiled and scooped up another shell very similar to the one she had found only moments ago. If she kept this up she would have a shell for each of the cubs once the search was over, now if only she could find a cub to give them too.  


nessiaing rolled 3 6-sided dice: 3, 2, 1 Total: 6 (3-18)


PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:44 am
((Ooops forgot to roll.. ))  
[IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands [IC]

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