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stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:51 pm

Gallow's New Years Custom Slots!


If you have posted familiar just omit from your form.

Starts: 25 Jan @ OPEN
Ends: 27 Jan @ 6pm EST (please note it closes with or without me, anything posted a minute late won't be accepted sorry sad )

★★★ 3 Slots ★★★

Unedited to Moderate

1 Mini/Common/Uncommon -- All Mini Breeds (Seathi, Usdia, and sub-breeds), Regular, Draft, Warhorse, Cerynei, Wind, Kelpi and Unicorn
1 Rare -- Mer, Kirin, Flutter, Hippogryph and Kalona
1 Super Rare -- Angeni, Ulun'suti and Cursed Skinwalker

Edits: Up to MODERATE. No extreme or heavy. If edits are found to be extreme or heavy, I will either request for you to downgrade the edit level. If you do not comply, I will reroll your slot.



I WILL NOT BE READING YOUR FORM BEFORE ROLLING (because unfortunately, I’m lazy and don’t want to peruse/scrutinize many forms to do that) If for some reason, you do not comply by the rules, I will ask you to adjust your custom. Examples include changing/removing edits to downgrade your edit level, altering the traits or edits so that it is not a mutant (i.e., no pawed/4-clawed, no custom wings, etc). IF THIS HAPPENS AND YOU DO NOT AGREE, YOU WILL BE ASKED TO FORFEIT YOUR SLOT AND I WILL REROLL YOUR SLOT

PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK THE LIST I WILL NOT REROLL IF YOU WERE MISSED. The list will be updated on occasion so double check to make sure you are not skipped.


★★★Trying for an (Angeni) theme? Look over the Taken List of Cosplay and Theme thread before posting!! ★★★

ALSO: If your Angeni quest's Domain is questionable (Example: Angeni of Disease) please check the power's abilities and uses with Uta (Aka RP manager) before entering, as if your domain power isn't confirmed as having a positive bend, you're angeni will NOT get the domain. CHECK BEFORE ENTERING, IT'S THE RULE IN THE CUSTOM INFORMATION THREAD. ALSO FILL OUT THE FORM FOR ANGENI/SUTI/SKINWALKERS I HAVE POSTED BELOW

★★★ RULES!! ★★★

    • Payment trades go to me, these are pay what you want slots.
    • Once you win slot post your form in Custom slot/Naming Thread
    • I will not do fully cloth soquili, I will not put full dresses either. Please be advised I do hate super clutter soquili and I utterly hate doing super cluttered soquili. The more edits you keep putting on the less of an interest I will have and even more so more time will it take to complete. You can may enter them but I am giving fair warning.
    • I reserve the right if I feel uncomfortable or do not feel capable of completing your pony that I contact you in regards of not being able to complete your request.
    • I am fine with doing CC'd/partially CC ponies/inspirational pieces (from a photo or theme) - HOWEVER be aware that you are giving me choice - my choice, not yours, as to how that aspect will turn out, so you can't come back later and complain about it! X'3 That wouldn't be very fair now would it.
    • Make sure your form is correct! Once the slots are rolled for, you cannot change what you want or you forfeit your slot. However, you may edit your form up until the closing date. If you edit your form, please post the date/time of editing at the top of your post in red, so I know it has been edited. Thank-you!
    • You will need to post your pony in the cert thread for it to be certed.
    • Twins are allowed, but ONLY SAME GENDER TWINS. (Female/Female twins, Male/Male twins only) TWINS MUST BE 90% SIMILAR. This means they have to have the same hair, and edits with the exception of one small item change (IE one can have a scarf the other a necklace). The colors can change but the markings themselves and edits will stay the same. Please see example below.
    • I am going to ask staff refrain from entering as well from these customs thank you!
    • Adults only – no growing this time ‘round. Please see below about twins.
    • If you have any questions please pm me.

★★★ SAMPLES ★★★

Minor Edits
- x - x - x - x - x - x -

Moderate Edits
- x - x - x - x -

Twin Examples
- x - x -
- x - x -

Also I stole this from Dj who stole from others yay!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:56 pm


For Angeni/Angeni hybrids
~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain:
Justification for Domain Choice (required if Getting Domain):
Powers from Domain (required if Getting Domain):

Personality (required In general):
Plot ideas (required):

For Ulun'Suti/Suti Hybrids
~*~ Ulun'Suti ~*~
Do you want them to have an Element?:
(If so) Element:

For Skinwalkers in General
~*~ Skinwalker ~*~
Original Breed:
Pelt Species:

Personality (required):
Background (required):
Plot ideas (required):

Custom Limitations

Yes, I will do
- Ulun'suti elemental edits
- Crossbreeds
- Draft lines for any species
- Alternate poses and templates for species
- Up to moderate edits
- Unwinged/unclothed/unmasked/unscarred versions
- Expression changes
- Non-hair/feather tails (unicorn, suti, kirin, Kalona, cerynei etc)

Check before Proceeding
- Angeni Domains: Make sure they dont already exist.

-- ALSO: If your Angeni quest's Domain is questionable (Example: Angeni of Disease) please check the power's abilities and uses with Uta (Aka RP manager) before entering, as if your domain power isn't confirmed as having a positive bend, you're angeni will NOT get the domain

No, I will not do
- Any clothing that has not been modified for a horse.
- Male/Female Twins
- Skinwalker Angeni Crossbreeds, mer/Anything but pure Kelpie, Seathi/Anything but Nixie, or Mini/regular crossbreeds.
-Cursedwalker Hippogryphs
-True Dresses, actual shoes covering the hooves
- Purewalkers--not this time around, sorry!
- Mutants
- Crossbreeds of three or more breeds--hyperhybrids aren't allowed in regular customs, unfortunately!


• Being legit -- Please read over the customs information thread (link above). PRICES have been changed especially but please read the entire thing over. It’s much more clearer then it was before.
• Forms -- Please fill out the form correctly. If I spot something wrong I will point it out and you can repost it. NOTE: You do not HAVE to post the forms
SPECIAL NOTE: If you don't feel comfortable posting your entire form (perhaps a cosplay you're concerned someone may rush to get if they see someone else actively trying for them), please post the following one in its stead.

[b]Username of owner(s):[/b]
[b]Level of Edits:[/b]

[b]Reason you do not want to fill out the form:[/b] (time restraints, Cosplay, gift for someone etc)

[b]Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed?[/b]

• No editing forms/posts after rolled, and you CANNOT change species if you do edit.
• Mistakes? -- If you need to fix something (be it by my request or your own) post it in thread that you are voiding your first entry to fix a mistake and that you’ll be reposting, so I can edit the list accordingly.
• Proxy? -- You may proxy for ONE other person besides yourself. Make sure you make a separate post for them and too mention that you're proxying for said person.
•Sending Trades -- If you won a slot please send a trade with your pay to mE HERE within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in losing your slot.
exclaim Titling Trades -- Any trade sent should have the title of “Custom Win - Un/Common/Super/Rare (Price here).” Fill in the title of the trade with the words “custom win” followed by the slot type you won and then the price it cost you.
• Processing Trades -- I will NOT accept any trades until final pet is done. I will send you WIPS in the process but I will not finish the trade request until the customer is happy with the product they paid for.
• Mule trades -- You are allowed to send me payment via “pay mules.” These are mules people tend to have that store all of their money or expensive items. If deciding to pay using a pay mule post in thread that you are doing so and with what mule. Also try to state in your trade what your main account is.
• Failure trades? -- Those who have not send a trade to the mule within 24 hours or sent the incorrect amount are in danger of losing their slot. Those who put the incorrect amount will me PMed saying so and have the option of resending it. Those who failed to send any trade at all will have their slot revoked.

• Refs are wonderful, wonderful things. I love refs. 8I If you've got examples of what you want, go on ahead and fire 'em on over! They'll be greatly appreciated, I assure you.
• If you want to do something like--give me a song and a vague concept to go with it, that's completely game. Semi-customs of any sort are great, and I can guarantee that I'll enjoy doing them!
• Don't link me anything with IRL or photorealistic gore without warning tags.

stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:01 pm


=Unedited Pricing=

== Click on the header pictures to see Stock Breed Options for that type of Soquili ==

=Mini Base Prices=

User Image
Only Minor/Moderate Edits allowed on Seathi

Seathi Base Prices
10k for just adult stage
20k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

User Image
Only Minor/Moderate Edits allowed on Usdia

Usdia Base Prices
15k for just adult stage
25k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

User Image
(Additional Template Information for each breed will be added beside their names below if there are more than one available template option for the breed)
Only Minor/Moderate Edits allowed on Usdia-Subbreeds

Usdia Sub-Breeds Base Prices
Sub-breeds Include:
PixieAvailable template Options*
Putti Available template Options *
Imp: Available template Options
Nixie: Available template Options
Nymph: Available template Options
Minicorn: Available template Options
Quilin: Available template Options

25k for just adult stage
35k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

* Currently nothing but default templates available.

=Common Base Prices=

User Image User Image User Image
Regular Base Prices
35k for just adult stage
55k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

User Image
Cerynei Base Prices
55k for just adult stage
75k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

=Uncommon Base Prices=

User Image
Wind Base Prices
65k for just adult stage
85k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

User Image
Kelpi Base Prices
75k for just adult stage
95k for 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

User Image
Uni Base Prices
77k for just adult stage
97k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

=Rare Base Prices=

User Image
100k for just adult stage
120k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

User ImageUser Image
Kirin Soquili Prices:
130k for just adult stage
150k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

User Image
Flutter Soquili Prices:
150K for just adult stage
170K for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

User Image
Hippogryph Soquili Prices:
170K for just adult stage
190k or all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

User Image
Original Kalona versions also available.
Kalona Soquili Prices:
200k for just adult stage
220k mill for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

=Super Rare Base Prices=

User Image
Original Angeni versions also available.
Unedited Angeni Prices:
400k for just adult stage
420K for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

Custom Angeni may request domains when being ordered that are NOT on the taken themes list. The ONLY pure blooded Angeni (and Uni-Angeni with four wings) may have themes - NOT Crossbreeds.

Please keep in mind that pure angeni cannot be evil and cannot have domains that are destructive/evil spirited/Negative in use. If you want a questionable power (example: Disease) please explain on the form how the domain works for good (Example: Disease: helping ease diseases side effects and putting them into hibernation until they burn out by the bodies immune system) and
get it approved by the RP manager (Uta) before questing for it. Do not abuse your domains or else they can be revoked.

User Image
Unedited Ulun'suti Prices:
400k for just adult stage
420K for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

Ulun'suti are not required an element, but if you wish to have one please address the RP guide information to see the elemental limitations.

To be a Pureblooded Ulun'suti, your design needs: Back/tail scales, long serpentine tail, The Cloven hooves,and the wings. (Jaw/mouth, spikes, horns, claws, belly/leg scales, ears, muffles, tail tips, frills etc are not necessary to be pureblooded)

Elemental edits (Fire hair, Wooden horns and vine hair, etc) have to be restricted to the element (Fire hair for Fire 'Suti, Wooden horns for a Wood 'Suti, Inky shadow hair for a shadow 'Suti, Etc).
Not all colorists do elemental hair/horns: Check their filters before entering your custom!

User Image
Unedited Skinwalker Prices:
Templated Skinwalkers - Wolf, Fox, Cat, Bat, (Female) Owl
(You can ASK for Male owl and I will do the template as I make yours 8'D yaaay)
New Cursed Regular: 400k for adult (no 3 stages; does not require existing pet)
New Cursed Non-Reg: 350k + Base Species Price
Cursed Corpse Powder: 350k (no 3 stages and the pet has to exist already)

Read this post about Skinwalker Rules FIRST

WARNING Please be aware of these finite rules concerning Skinwalkers. Failure to adhere to them will result in staff intervention.

If you wish to RP Skinwalkers there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
Skinwalkers do NOT form family bonds
Skinwalkers do NOT fall in love
Skinwalkers do NOT have positive or healthy relationships with anyone
Skinwalkers ARE solitary by nature, though OCCASIONALLY work together for short periods of time for a common goal.
Skinwalkers ARE evil.
Skinwalkers ARE Demonic to the core of their being
Skinwalkers ARE killers and/or violently chaotic
Skinwalkers CANNOT be saved, redeemed, or otherwise 'changed' in to anything good.

There are no exceptions to any of the above rules, and there never will be. If you do not think you can follow these rules, it would be wise to look into another breed, such as Kalona.

Races Not Allowed to be Skinwalkers of either type:
• Usida, Angeni, Mer, Seathi, Hippogryphs*, Pawed Mutants*

*Hippogryphs and Pawed Mutants are ABLE to breed with Skinwalkers, but cannot be Cursed.

=Crossbreeds & Halfbreeds=

Unedited Crossbreed Prices:
More expensive breed + 50% of less expensive breed
+20k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)

Disallowed Crossbreeds: Usdia x anything (Excluding other Usdia Sub-breeds), Seathi x anything except Nixie/Mixes with Strong Nixie blood (obviously aquatic), Mer x Anything except Kelpi/Kelpi Mixes with strong Kelpie Blood (obviously aquatic) (Mer/Kelpi allowed), Angeni x Skinwalker

Unedited Halbreed Prices:
Halfbreeds cost the same as the type of soquili they are a halfbreed of.
Ie, a unicorn without a horn costs the same as a unicorn. A Kalona without wings costs the same as a kalona.
There are no halfbreed Winds (removing a Wind's wings makes it a Reg)



The price for edits is the same for ALL breeds of soquili
• +10k for Minor Edits
• +20k for Moderate Edits
• +50k for Heavy Edits
• +100k for Extreme Edits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:08 pm

A reminder of what stands for what.
MINI: Usdia, Imp, Putti, Nixie, Pixie, Nymph, Minicorn, Quilin, Seathi
COMMON: Regular, Cerynei
UNCOMMON: Kelpi, Wind, Unicorn
RARE: Kalona, Kirin, Mer (Mers can hybrid with Kelpi, gaining minor traits like their flying fish wings and a few fish-like scales), Flutter, Hippogryph.
SUPER RARE: Angeni, Ulun'suti, Cursed Skinwalker




[b]Entry Tag:[/b] Username | Species | Edit Level | Solo Custom
[align=center][color=deepskyblue][b][u][size=22]HONEY I SHRUNK THE PONY! I shall call it[/size] [size=9]Mini-me[/size].[/b][/u][/color][/align]

[b]Entry Tag:[/b] Username | Species | Edit Level | Solo Custom
[align=center][color=deeppink][b][u][size=22]COMMON SENSE IS UNCOMMON![/size][/b][/u][/color][/align]

[b]Entry Tag:[/b] Username | Species | Edit Level | Solo Custom
[align=center][color=teal][b][u][size=22]RARE CANDY.. LVLUP![/size][/b][/u][/color][/align]

Super Rare
[b]Entry Tag:[/b] Username | Species | Edit Level | Solo Custom
[align=center][color=slateblue][b][u][size=22]DOUBLE UP THAT RARE. [/size]

stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:10 pm



    Page One
  1. Calixita | Wind | Moderate | Solo Custom

    Page Two
  2. Teh Cheryl | Unicorn | Moderate | Solo Custom
  3. xX Green Tea Tree Xx | Cerynei | Moderate | Solo Custom
  4. [X]Natty-Chan[X] | Draft | Minor | Solo Custom
  5. Pollack | Regular | Moderate | Solo Custom
  6. Rein_Carnation | Kelpi | Unedit | Solo Custom
  7. DaisyMilk | Regular | Moderate | Solo Custom
  8. Lunarflowermaiden | Nymph/Usdia | Moderate | Twins
  9. Mameha Otome | Nymph | Moderate? | Solo Custom

    Page Three
  10. Kitomyx | Uni-Wind Crossbreed | Minor | Solo Custom
  11. Chibi Hige | Minicorn | Unedited | Solo Custom
  12. Kesmi | Uni | Moderate | Solo Custom
  13. She-Ra of Etheria | Wind | Moderate | Solo Custom
  14. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko | Cerynei Halfbreed | Moderate | Solo Custom
  15. Lita Rutherford | Seathi/Nixie | Moderate| Twin Custom
  16. Lady Aria Starstone | Unicorn | Moderate | Solo Custom
  17. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki | Alicorn | Moderate | Solo Custom
  18. Tigeria | Cerynei | CC | Solo Custom

    Page Four
  19. Kaya Wolf Moon | Quilin/Nymph crossbreed | Moderate | Solo Custom
  20. Fea Line | Regular | Moderate | Solo
  21. Nyx Queen of Darkness | Cery-Unicorn | Moderate | Twin Custom
  22. ~Twilight...Angel~ | Usdia | Moderate | Twin
  23. Ruler of Everything | Regular | Moderate | Solo Custom

    Page Five
  24. Kettyn | Regular | Moderate | Solo Custom
  25. Rhyleigh | Quilin-Nixie | Mod | Solo Custom
  26. Roarie Desu | Draft Regular | Moderate | Solo Custom
  27. NovaCracker | Unicorn | Up to Moderate | Solo Custom
  28. Death Resurrected | Alicorn | Moderate | Solo Custom
  29. Jinx Creed | CC | Moderate | Solo Custom

    Page Six
  30. stormflower | Half-Uni | Moderate | Solo Custom
  31. Lady Argentum Draconis | Kelpi | Mod | Solo
  32. o-Elixir-o | Mini | Moderate | Twins
  33. Master Wild Mage | Wind | Moderate | Solo Custom

    Page Seven
  34. Meepfur | Half Uni | Moderate | Solo Custom
  35. CitrusCupcake | Regular | Moderate | Solo Custom


    Page One
  1. The Dawn of Twilight | Kalona | Mod | Solo Custom
  2. Shesha Sama | | Half-Hippogryph | Minor
  3. pippi18848 | Fluttercorn | Moderate | Twins

    Page Two
  4. AstoriaFallen | Hippogryph| moderate | Solo Custom
  5. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. | Kalona | Moderate | Twin Custom
  6. Sawaki | Kalona | Moderate | Solo Custom

    Page Three
  7. White Neko Chan | Kirin | CC | Solo Custom
  8. nekolulu | Kirin-wind | CC | Solo Custom
  9. Kivras | Cerynei-Kalona | Edit Level | Solo Custom

    Page Four
  10. SwordOfTheDarkOnes | Flutter | Minor | Solo Custom
  11. tefla | Flutter | Moderate (I think) | Solo Custom

    Page Five
  12. Bardess Ookami | Flutter twins | Moderate | Twins custom
  13. Leez0rz| Kirin | Moderate | Solo Custom
  14. Tsunake | Kirin/Kalona crossbreed | Moderate | Solo Custom

    Page Six
  15. XxXPandamoniumXxX | Flutter/Uni | Moderate | Twin Custom (Identical)
  16. Belloblossom | Hippogryph/Unicorn | Moderate | Twins
  17. Strawberri Stardust | Uni/Kirin/Flutter | Unedited | Solo Custom
  18. RadiantRose Midnight | Kalona | Moderate | Twins
  19. lysia_nyteblade | Flutter | Unedited | Solo Custom

    Page Seven
  20. Ishtanballa | Kalona/Uni | Moderate | Solo Custom
  21. mistalina13 | Regular/Hippogryph | Moderate | Solo Custom
  22. Agneza | Mer | Medium | Solo Custom
  23. Aneiron | Hippo-Kirin | Moderate | Twin Custom

Super Rare

    Page One
  1. Thalea | Ulun'Suti | Moderate | Solo Custom
  2. Rinial Sisterdragon | Ceyreni Angeni | Moderate | Solo Custom
  3. dawns_aura | Kalona-Angeni | Up to Moderate | Twin Custom

    Page Two
  4. Ebonrune | Skinwalker | Moderate | Solo Custom
  5. LydaLynn | Light Ulun'suti | Moderate | Solo Custom
  6. Wasteland Wyvern | Angenicorn | Moderate | Twin Custom

    Page Three
  7. Kamiki | Angeni | Moderate | Solo Custom
  8. iloveyoudie | Skinwalker | Moderate | Solo Custom

    Page Four
  9. Malikztiah Ankhere| Kirin-Angeni | Minor-Moderate | Solo Custom
  10. Divena | Ulun'Suti | Moderate | Twins
  11. AlexiaSilver | UniAngeni | Moderate | Twins

    Page Five
  12. ~Latonia de la Courtel~ | Hippo'Suti | Morderate | Solo Custom
  13. DarkenWoodWolf | Angeni | Moderate | Solo Custom
  14. Sesshiyasha | Unicorn Suti | Moderate | Twin Custom
  15. Tara de Draiocht | Ulun'Suti/Angeni mix | Moderate? | Solo Custom
  16. Angelique DelaMort | Ulun'Suti Kalina CrossBreed | Moderate | Solo Custom
  17. (Nisshou H | Suti/Gryph | Moderate | Solo Custom

    Page Six
  18. Infinities || Angeni/Kirin || Moderate || Twins
  19. Tiger_Kisa699 | Cerenie/Angeni | Moderate | Solo Custom
  20. Rita Zyon | Angeni | Moderate | Solo Custom
  21. cursedandwandering | Ulunsuti | Moderate | Twin Custom
  22. Gracie Loff| Skinwalkeri | Unedited | Solo Custom

    Page Seven
  23. AislingJuno | Ulunsuti | moderate | Solo Custom
  24. baby_gwing | Uni/Ulun'suti | Minor to Moderate? | Twin Custom
  25. Summer Raaven | CC | Morderate | Solo Custom
  26. Painted Moose | Kalona/Angeni | Mod | Twin Custom
  27. Zee Oddwyn | Uni'Suti | Moderate | Solo Custom
PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:11 pm


Mini/Common/Uncommon Slot: stormflower | Half-Uni | Moderate | Solo Custom
Rare slot: pippi18848 | Fluttercorn | Moderate | Twins
Super rare slot: Tara de Draiocht | Ulun'Suti/Angeni mix | Moderate? | Solo Custom

stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:12 pm

- Reserved
PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:35 pm

Entry Tag: (The Dawn of Twilight | Kalona | Mod | Solo Custom

Edit Category: Moderate

• Up to 3 minor edits (You can use more than one "bullet" for extra minor edits. Each bullet allows up to 3 minor edits.)
XXX • One small detailed piece of jewelry (example: necklace with glowing dragon pendant & mist)
XXX • Expression Edit (eyes, mouth, and/or ears in different "poses")
XXX • Short to medium length Mane ('natural" length - must end above the knees.)

Soquili Species: Kalona
Body Build: Regular, with fetlocks.
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Character designed on his own but will also be part of a larger plot. heart
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed?

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Slate grey that darkens along legs, neck, and upper neck/jawline. Light dappling. (See [reference image] for base coat color).
Leg markings: both right legs are white along the coronet band.
Face: Lightened, almost white face and cheeks, darkened to black nose.
Thin white stripe along nose: [like this].
I'd like some sort of Kalona snarl, but i'd like a more natural-looking eye.... no thick eyebrow/slanted eye combo.
Pale grey eyes.
Mane: Long and wispy, lots of movement. Falls past roughly chest-length. See ref for coloration.
Tail: Deviltail 1, matching body and coloration darkens towards tip.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Fluffy fetlocks please! Hooves dark grey/black on right legs, both left hooves should be white-grey. (White leg = black hoof, dark grey/black leg = white-grey hoof. xd )
Reference Image(s):
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
[Face Marking].

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): I'd like the new, bigger long horns that curve back please. Black.
Wings: Kalona Wing Style 3.
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items:
Custom Items: Shinies.
Armband made of worn leather wrapped a few times along front left leg, some sort of carnivore's bleached-bone teeth hanging from it in an elaborate pattern.
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Agarwaen ("Lasher")
Owner: The Dawn of Twilight
Breed: Kalona
Temper: Avaricious
Tag Background:
Tag frame color:
Tag feather color(s):

The Dawn of Twilight

Shesha Sama

Protected Aura

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:51 pm

Entry Tag: Shesha Sama | | Half-Hippogryph | Minor

Edit Category: Minor (CC on the tail, so he could end up being Unedited too xd )
Soquili Species: Half-Hippogryph
Body Build: War (With leg feathers)
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Real-life horsebreed color cosplay? So I suppose it fits under...
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? If you wish, I don't mind if you feel like working until it's just final approvals and I love seeing progress too o3o.

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Grullo. (see color reference here, lovely photo by venomxbaby.deviantart.com).
I'd love it if you could get as close to that image as possible. heart
I know it's a little hard to see in that photo, but it's important that he also has a black dorsal stripe running down his back. (If you need a better description of this, please ctrl+f for "Dorsal stripe" on this website and they have a great description in the 2nd hit inside the box, with pictures.)
Face: Please see reference image for facial darkening to black, note the small white marking on forehead.
Mane: Floppy hippogryph mane. Black.
Tail: Elegnat hippogryph tail. Also black. ... Considering asking for MORE FEATHERS 8D on the tail... think fuller, longer, nice.... Depends on if you'd want to explore expanding on the existing template; let me know/ ideas? :3
Hooves/Fetlocks: War leg feathers please, and hooves should be dark-grey-brown.
Reference Image(s): Grullo Stalion (Photo is a stock image provided for use courtesy of venomxbaby.deviantart.com).

Please note that where i've referenced specific templates, the name to the Custom Information Thread examples that uses that name. Trying to make everything as easy as possible. heart

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Wings: No wings.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: An Arrowhead necklace and a Sharktooth bracelet please. The arrow and sharktooth should be the color of bleached bone, and the ties should be the natural black-brown of dark-cured leather.

Would it be possible to get a version of him both with and without the accessories? If not, that's fine! heart
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Ba-kho-je
Owner: Shesha Sama
Breed: Grullo
Temper: Honorable
Tag Background: Either Winter Wonderland or Let it Snow, and could you please make the snow grey? xD His name literally means "Grey Snow" in the Ioway language.
I'm not sure how greyscale would look, i'm open to changing this if he ends up looking weird against that background. I trust your judgement! heart
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC
PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:55 pm

Editing: 1/27/16 1:50am EST

Entry Tag: pippi18848 | Fluttercorn | Moderate | Twins

Edit Category: - Moderate
Soquili Species: - Fluttercorn
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Both are Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin:
• Original Character - Based on an OC of your own design or existing pet(s) of your own design.

WIP Needed? Only if you want to.

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Perun: All black with purple lightning bolts on his legs
Thor: All black with blue lightning bolts on his legs
Face: Perun: Blue Eyes
Thor: Purple eyes
Mane: Perun: Edited long sexy awesome mane that's dark purple at the top that fades to a bright/pale purple at the ends
Thor: Edited long sexy awesome mane that's dark blue at the top that fades to a bright/pale blue at the ends.
Tail: Perun: Edited long sexy awesome tail that's dark purple at the top that fades to a bright/pale purple at the end
Thor: Edited long sexy awesome tail that's dark blue at the top that fades to a bright/pale blue at the end
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC
Reference Image(s): If you have any visual References, link them here.
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): Perun: Purple Uni horn
Thor: Blue Uni horn
Wings: Custom Flutter wings, you can CC how the wings look, just keep to the purple/black theme for Perun and blue/black theme for Thor
I just noticed the fantasy flutter wings which actually kind of look similar to their ref images and they are apparently a stock template, so I would be perfectly and 100% happy with those wings instead of custom made ones...at least I think I saw the fantasy flutter wings as actual temps.
Other Notes: Breed variants, traits not desired for halfbreeds, recustom, alt versions, non-standard traits, etc.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ .
Custom Items: Each of them has a silver necklace with a lightning bolt pendant in their respective colors. As far as other jewelry feel free to CC anything that would look good, be it hair pieces, anklets, even just standard unedit trading shop items
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Perun
Owner: pippi18848
Breed: OC
Temper: Perun: Vain
Thor: Charming
Mate: None
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): The color of the tag feathers (short/long)

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

Note: As all edits are pretty much CC'd based, feel free to make them within the needed parameters to match Moderate level.


Sparkly Genius

12,615 Points
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  • Money Never Sleeps 200


PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:59 pm

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:04 pm

Entry Tag: Thalea | Ulun'Suti | Moderate | Solo Custom

Edit Category: - Moderate
Soquili Species: – Ulun'Suti
Body Build: Draft [like mama] – No roman nose
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Daughter of Pelashia and a Red Demon (Fire suti?)

WIP Needed? Yes please :}

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: She is in this Color Palette, CC the designs on her body. She is the daughter of Pelashia and a red fire suti, who could have any type of markings you as the colorist find interesting to pass on to the daughter.
Face: Eyes are golden. Her expression is kind. CC the rest. [face spikes are CC, if they look good, then go a head and add them]
Mane: Long thick crimson locks, similar to these styles [x] [x] [x] [x]
Tail: Tail spikes
Hooves/Fetlocks: She has the draft leg feathering. Hooves are black - cloven.
Reference Image(s): Pelashia Cert, Pelashia uncert, Color Palette
Description of Vestakia: Vestakia was fire to Pelashia’s ice. Vesta had a scarlet pelt and golden horns sprouting beneath long thick crimson locks of hair; her golden eyes shown like firelight on a cold night.

If you believe that some black would look good mixed in with the red, go on a head, but not too much please. I really want to keep the contrast between mother and daughter, how one is like ice and the other like fire.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): Smooth horns: they are golden in color.
Wings: Spread style wings scaleless
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: Since she is part fire suti, maybe some flame where ever you think will look the best (or where it is allowed to go) :}

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items:
~ The Veils of Eirameira:
• Coloration: [1] [2]

• Style: The veil is wrapped around her body in a similar fashion to the Amachi Clan's scarves. It wraps around her head and partially down her body.
• Not exactly like this but the basic idea -- how ever you feel inspired → [x] [x] [x]

Reference Image(s) for Items: [1] [2]

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Vestakia
Owner: Thalea
Breed: Dragenijs
Temper: Compassionate
Mate: N/A
Tag Background: The icy landscape with the aurora borealis by HG
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): Aurora borealis or similar to her markings

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: I own Pelashia.

~*~ Ulun'Suti ~*~
Do you want them to have an Element?: Yes
(If so) Element: Fire


Devoted Mage

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:41 pm

Entry Tag: Rinial Sisterdragon | Ceyreni Angeni | Moderate | Solo Custom

Edit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: Angeni Cross
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin:
• Original Character - Based on an OC of your own design or existing pet(s) of your own design.

WIP Needed? Nope. (Would love them though)

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: see image
Face: see image
Mane: See Reference
Tail: Cerynei fluffyness (cc)
Hooves/Fetlocks: whatever looks prettier
Reference Image(s):
Rather Inspiration:
Markings coloration
color palette for all the things
Hair fluff inspiration (basically scene girl hair)
Eyemarking inspiration
Marking inspiration
Marking inspiration

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): None
Wings: Angeni second style.
Fins: None
Scales: None
Pelt: None
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Custom Items: Couple of crosses Somewhere on her and a fun headband.
Trading Post Items: the beaded bracelets mixed with bandages. (CC for colors)
Custom Items:
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Soriana
Owner: Rinial
Breed: CC
Temper: Amorous
Mate: None
Tag Background: See Tag Gallery CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC
PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:50 pm

Entry Tag: Calixita | Wind | Moderate | Solo Custom

Edit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: Wind
Body Build: Regular w/ Alt Fetlocks
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: 2012 Winter Workshop CYO Plushie for the Badieh Badawie
WIP Needed? Yes please!

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Dark brown, with light brown markings. See reference image.
Face: Mint green eyes. Could I get the female Kalona eyes please? Basically what I want is the angry eyebrows and half-lidded eyes, and with the regular smiling mouth. I'd also like a single scar (like from a claw) going down vertically over her outermost eye, but not on the eye itself.
Mane: Black, edited, short. See reference image, her hair does not reach past her mid-chest.
Tail: Black, edited, short. See reference image, tail only reaches her knees.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Black hooves. Alt Fetlocks. The fetlocks are a light brown.
Reference Image(s):
User Image Uncert (reference for details under the wings)

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): N/A.
Wings: Type 2 Heron wings. Dark brown fading into light brown, with brown and pale brown stripes further down on the feathers; see reference image.
Fins: N/A.
Scales: N/A.
Pelt: N/A.
Other Notes: I'd like to request a wingless uncert for her markings, please!

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: The single middle hoop earring from the 3 Hoop Earring set, only on the outermost ear. Colored bronze, to match the color of the bell on her bracelet. If the placement of the scarf (which is more important) would cover up the earring, then I'd like the topmost earring instead please. I would also like the Beaded Bracelets, but only on the front leg that does not have the custom bracelet on it. I'd like the bands to be black and the beads to be bronze to match the bell.
Custom Items: A dark grey and light grey striped scarf band around the base of her tail, and another scarf of the same colors and pattern wrapped around her neck and forehead. She also has a bracelet of black beads above her ankle, with a single, small bronze bell attached to it. See reference image.
Reference Image(s) for Items:
User Image Uncert

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of Horse: Isra
Owner: Calixita
Breed: Gadwa Leila
Temper: Proficient
Mate: None
Tag Background: 033 Barren Canyon
Tag Frame Color: CC
Tag Feather Color(s): CC

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: The plushie was designed by mindsend and was a gift to me in the 2012 Winter Workshop CYO.

~*~ Familiar ~*~
Owner: Calixita
Name: Samirah
Breed: Hawk
Gender: Female
Temper: Sly
Familiar Description: Newer hawk template with harpy eagle crest please, with the bracelet with feather jewelry and satchel accessories. The bracelet should be copper to match the copper of Isra's bell, and the feathers on the jewelry should match Isra's. CC colors for the satchel, but in the brown-range to look natural. I'd also like a small copper bell to be edited on where the clasp of the satchel is, please. She should be colored like a Harris Hawk. [01] [02]
On its own tag, a soq's, or both?: Both! Will be paired with Isra. I'd also like to request an itemless uncert, please!
Tag Colors: CC, something to match Isra's cert please.



Wild Creature

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Peaceful Demigod

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:00 pm

Entry Tag: (dawns_aura | Kalona-Angeni | Up to Moderate | Twin Custom 

Edit Category: up to moderate
Soquili Species: Kalona-Angeni
Body Build: draft, no roman nose
Gender: Male (alt leg down)
Starting Stage: Adult 
Concept Origin:
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? not needed but loved

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~  
Mane: length long, style cc
Tail: cc
Hooves/Fetlocks: fluffy edited non-angeni fetlocks, cloven hooves
Reference Image(s):

 ~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ 
Horn(s): back-swept kalona horns
Wings: * this is just an idea, but if you can come up with something that works better, please feel free to disregard- kalona style three (or whatever works best with the angeni wing) / angeni style two (kalona wings black, angeni white), hoof wings
Fins: n/a
Scales: n/a
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ 
Trading Post Items:
Custom Items:

Reference Image(s):  

* They are mostly cc-ish, the main refs I want you to draw from are the palette and music, the others are there for the kind of feel I'd like them to have

Inspirational/mood images: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ 
Name of horse: TBD
Owner: dawns_aura
Breed: harbinger/daets'a madli/skautebi
Temper: tbd
Tag Background: cc
Tag frame color: cc
Tag feather color(s): If possible, I'd like mixed bone and rose elements if possible, cc color

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ 
Name of horse:tbd
Owner: dawns_aura
Breed: harbinger/ daets'a madli/khelis samart’lianoba
Temper: tbd
Mate: Lifemate, if any. 
Tag Background: cc
Tag frame color: cc
Tag feather color(s): If possible, I'd like mixed bone and rose elements if possible, cc color

~*~ Angeni ~*~ 
Desired Domain:  n/a
Justification for Domain Choice (required if Getting Domain):  ---
Powers from Domain (required if Getting Domain):  ---

Personality (required In general): 

Plot ideas (required): 

In general, they are two members of the daets'a madli sent out as advance scouts for the herd's migration from their native homeland to the kawani lands. So a lot will be fairly generic exploration, discovery and some adventure. And setting the stage for more of the herd to come...
Reconnaissance: one of the alpha's khelis samart’lianoba and skautebi are tasked with going out and seeking a new area for the herd to move to and settle in. The twins in specific were chosen because of their loyalty and trustworthiness

Forging Alliances: As they explore the kawani lands seeking an area suitable to settle in that can sustain the herd, they also meet other individual inhabitants and herds, and try to form relationships that could be beneficial to both parties

Whispers on the Wind: The herd's main purpose is the eradication of evil. The twins hear rumours of evil, and before they report back to the Alpha or her appointed representative, they decide to explore the rumours for themselves....


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