WC: 1002

All was quiet and the sun had come to it's final resting place for the day. The moon had replaced it's spot in the sky and the stars twinkled lightly on the dark backdrop as the pale glow illuminated the world around the dark figure. As one's eyes focused you could make out the form of a lion and next to it a vulture. Anyone who wasn't familiar with the bonelands would almost think it strange that a feline and an avian could be next to one another like that and have it not end badly for the bird. But yet there it was.

Facial muscles twitched and a paw extended and then wrapped around her face as if to shield her from something terrible. After a few more facial twitches everything seemed to die down and the bird opened one eye and lifted it's lean head to peer at it's companion before becoming satisfied and then tucked it's head back under it's wing. It was just muscle spasms and nothing more. There wasn't anything for Avani to fret about so he was going back to bed.

Dreamless nights were a common occurrence for her, so having a dream with substance wasn't something she was used to. Not that she remembered them most of the time. What made this even a bit more rare was the fact that this wasn't just any ordinary dream, it was worse. It wasn't often that Liyana had odd visions while she slept but for whatever reason, this night of all nights she was having one that she would label later as a nightmare.

"I'm sure it wo-" Her words were cut off as her friend finished telling her the rest of the story. "YOU DID WHAT?!" She stood up and took a couple of steps back, her eyes wide. Her voice had kind of risen up an octive or two as she realized what her friend had just said. Did she understand what this meant? She started pacing back and forth and looked over at her as she paused in her strides. "I don't know what to say." Her facial expression said it all. It was a mixture of sadness, filled with concern and confusion. "Why did you think it was a good idea? EVERYONE IS GOING TO KNOW!!" Her voice raised up in panic as she began to pace once more and her friend tried to say something and she put up a paw and let out a small growl in frustration and her friend remained silent.

How could she do this. Granted cubs outside of the Abaholi wasn't entirely a horrible thing, the fact that they would or could be hybrids was something else. They would have to die or be banished once of age. "You'll have to leave if they are hybrids. You know this right?! You're my best friend and you went and did something so foolish that I can't even save you from the fates at hand." She growled as she turned away from her unsure what to do. She heard a noise and looked back to see her friend, eyes cast down, shoulders hunched over as she was clearly upset. She sighed and went over towards her and placed her head on her shoulders. "I won't tell anyone... But if you give birth, and they are hybrids. You know that you will be forced to leave once they are of age."

Perhaps she could have her "disappear" until the cubs are old enough to stay with the father? Or perhaps the father could take them before anyone saw them. Clearly there was no way to hide the pregnancy once she started to show, if she started to show. It was breaking her heart and she was utterly torn. Rules were rules but never before had she been presented with a situation such as this. "Perhaps when the time comes the father will take them and you can say they were all still born." Her thoughts kept going with the idea. After all, the female was to choose to females to accompany her until the cubs were old enough to be brought back, if they lived. IT could work. "You could choose me as one of the females to go with you. No one would ever have to know and you could try and convince the father to keep them." What was she thinking? She shook her head. It was crazy talk! Besides, who would the second be that she chose?

She didn't know what else to do. She had to be alone. She had to go think. "I have to process all of this. You understand right? I'll come back, I just need some time to think." She gave her a hug and then walked away, eyes down as she thought of what to do, completely unaware of her own background linking her to hybrids.

She awoke from her dream and shook her head and let out a sigh of relief that was all it had been. It was just a dream right? Could you have imagined what would have happened if something like that really went on? She shuttered at the thought of it. She prayed it was just a nightmare and that someone would never do anything like that, especially any of her friends. The thought made her sick but she would help no matter what, that much was true in her mind.

Still, she couldn't help but wonder if it was just a dream or if there was something more to it than that. Either way she wasn't going to get any answers and she honestly didn't want to know the truth of it. If there was one anyway. At least not right now.

Satisfied that she wasn't going to be disturbed by anymore random dreams as such she finally laid her head back down and fell back to sleep. She was going to have a busy day tomorrow and needed all the rest she could get.