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Jurlfalud had joined the pack of what she thought was leopards. Though, as time went on, she noticed there was more than just leopards. At first, it had been an issue. She didn't fully trust them, then eventually that feeling went away and now she was just accepting everyone. They seemed to all accept her, and that made good reason to accept them. There was nothing else she could really say about it.

It could have been worse, after all. She flicked her tail as she decided today she was going to be lazy. As long as she helped out most the time, that was good enough it seemed. They never bugged her if she decided to plop down on the ground and call it good for the day. There was no better luxury than sitting in the early morning sun. The temperature was just right, not too hot and not too cold.

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Zaliki's purple and orange eyes surveyed the land until his eyes crossed over a lovely sight. He moved towards the leopard who had decided to lounge for the day. He had seen her multiple times, not that the pride was too big to where he couldn't, but he had yet to introduce himself. Today he would. She striked his fancy, and he was determined to get to know her.

It didn't take long before he was near where she was basking. "Good morning for a little sun" He said without hesitation. He wasn't the one to really think about what he was going to say. Just let it pop right out there. "How are you?" He asked her pleasantly. He didn't want to scare her off after all.

"I'm Zaliki"

Jurlfalud grumbled. She was hoping not to get disturbed, but what can one do. "Well, it was" She said without opening her eyes. Couldn't that male see she was trying to enjoy a quite day. After a few moments she peeked an eye open. "Zuliko, was it?" Mispronounced on purpose, she eyed the purple and orange leopard before her. He was interesting, she had to admit. "I was trying to enjoy a relaxing morning to myself"

Of course, she doubt he caught the hint to leave her alone. She sighed and gave him a fake pleasant smile. She was annoyed, but she supposed she'd give him a bit of her time. He seemed to really want it, after all. "I'm Jurlfalud" The tip of her tail tick tocked back and forth.

He got the hint that she didn't want to be disturbed, but he was persistent. Probably more than he should sometimes. "I came out here to do the same." He lied, and gave her a smile. Her fake smile was good enough to fool the lad. "Don't mind if I join you." It wasn't a question, more a statement. He sat next to her, but not too close. He wanted to keep her personal space unbothered.

"Basking with someone is always better" He said with a smile. Even though he new that she would disagree. Perhaps not right to his face, but at least he could try. She couldn't blame him for that. "I'm not from around here." He continued to try to start a conversation with the female.

Ah jeez, he's a talker. She sighed, and decided to humor him a little. Can't a girl get some peace? "Yes, I suppose company can't be all bad." She said not really the truth. If she had been in need of some, she would have asked someone to join her. No matter. "I am" She lied. She hadn't started here, but she had been here for a while and she was sure that made it okay to say such things. "It's not too bad once you get use to it."

"I wasn't always from here" She finally said. If he wanted to talk, she'd talk. "I came from the jungle a while ago, seeking out adventure." She had gotten here just a bit after the plague, and right before the king had come back. It was a mess, and now it was better.

Oh good, she didn't snap at him. He smiled. "I'm from a savannah area." He said with a shrug. "I don't remember it, and my parents and siblings are probably still there." He hadn't seen them in a while. It was okay though, he was an adult and he had grown up.

"But that's history." He said with a nod. "We're here now." To him, that was what mattered for the moment. " The jungle might be nice" He said. He didn't know. Though most of everyone he had seen had said something about the jungle. "Maybe I will see it one day." Most likely not, he decided. He didn't think he'd leave from here much unless he had to.

That was irritating, he was the one that brought it up. She put the thought out of her mind however. "It's not too bad, the heat is different" She told him. She didn't care if he went or not. She'd never go back there. "It's more of a heat heat than a dry one like here." Here you could die from not realizing you were over heating. It made it good if you knew what to look for, and bad for anyone else.

It was probably why she felt safe here. Not many could handle it out here. Though a nice swim in the oasis was all one needed. "Stay, go, doesn't matter" She said with a nod. She was pretty much done with this conversation, but didn't want to get up. Soon, she would have to. He wouldn't leave her alone other wise.

He didn't know if he could handle that type of heat. "Maybe I won't, with how you describe it." He said with a chuckle. "Unless I can't help it." He knew that raiding parties went out to plunder and disrupt those around the area, though he didn't see any jungles around. so that was a good thing. He looked at her curious, her eyes fixed on him with a slight annoyed look to them.

Perhaps he should leave her alone now, he got to know her a little and they had introduced each other. Though she did say it wrong. He figured it was okay though. He didn't correct her after all. He stood and smiled. "Though I think it is time for me to get back to work."

"Until next time, Jurlfalud."
