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cam rylan // firefighting juggernaut // warg Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:01 pm
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:02 pm


      Lt. Rylan has been the officer of Ashdown Fire Company 13 ("The Lucky 13") for nearly two years. The Ashdown native returned to his hometown after seeing the world, following four years of rowing at Washington and a stint in the Marine Corps. An admitted adrenaline junkie, Rylan's not great at thinking before diving into action, but he puts the well-being of the public and his company far above his own, which makes him pretty damn good at his job. He's got a one-track mind and enough mental fortitude for fifty so when he puts his mind to it, no measly fire, natural disaster, disease, or accident is going to stop him from saving people. He'll get them all or die trying, end of story. If his family and friends constantly have to worry that his next shift will be his last, well... Rylan will just call that collateral damage.


      Rylan works his a** off to make sure his town is as safe as can be. There's no question he's dedicated to the fire station. A few months back, he even gained some local fame after almost single-handedly pulling a five-person family out of a burning house and landing himself in the hospital for two weeks. His success got his face splashed all over Ashdown papers. Everyone thought Rylan was on the fast track for Captain and, after that, Battalion Chief.

      But when it came time for the promotion, the fire department gave the Captaincy to the Lieutenant of Company 19 instead. Rylan's station calls it a snub, but if Rylan himself is bitter, he doesn't show it. Still, there's talk around town that he's not going to take this sitting down.

      Reactions are mixed. Some people still herald him as a local hero, while others are starting to keep their distance. He's shown no signs that he's unhappy about the whole ordeal, but you never know, after all, how an angry ex-marine with two tours under his belt might react to things like this.


      No one outside his family calls him Cam. He gets Ry, Rylan, Lieutenant, or any combination of the above. He has nothing against being addressed by his first name, but is so unused to it that he may not respond.

      Rylan is the self-appointed caretaker and BFF of the fire station's resident Dalmatian, Fidget. On slow days, he can be seen throwing balls for Fidget outside the station. It's plain to see he loves his spotted friend to death and would take him home every night if he could.

      He's also a hulking figure. 6'5", 210 pounds, still keeps himself in fantastic shape. At 28, he's stronger now than he's ever been, and he does his best to keep it that way.

      There's nothing Rylan loves more than competition, but more than anything, competition with himself. He's never let his own head beat him and he's not about to start. This man knows what mental toughness looks like, and he's got what it takes to push himself even when nobody around him can.

      Influence album is here. (Has amber eyes.) Tactical boots x. Jeans.

      Things we know about Rylan:
      - He was a scrawny kid before he hit puberty in high school and was picked on a lot in middle school. Then he grew 12 inches and became pretty darn good at rowing, which shut the bullies up. But he still has a lingering reflex to to prove non-believers wrong and to root for the underdog. Because ******** those guys.
      - His 2k PR is a 6:06.
      - He is not awesome at ball sports, but getting better.
      - Tattoos: this on his left forearm.
      - Left Marines shortly before eligibility for promotion to First Lt.
      - His favorite beer is the Harpoon IPA.
      - Hates candles.
      - Birthday: April 22, 1988. Taurus.
      - He is a warg. His familiar is a melanistic great grey shrike called Vlad the Impaler (or Imp).
      - Manx cat patronus, Gryffindor, Cypress wood and unicorn hair core wand

      *reference by isacchili

      basically the rylan clan
      Rylan and Cas lovechild



PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:04 pm

User Image
    dreamer power

      When Rylan needs to get somewhere, the road is always clear. No errant cars, no pesky pedestrians getting in his way. The lights are always green and there's never need to turn on the siren.

    riser power

      When making a conscious effort to do so, Rylan can slow down his perception of the speed at which things are moving relative to him. Much like taking a deep breath can seem to slow everything down, this power allows him to perceive external objects as moving at a much more manageable speed, allowing him the chance to react if a punch/bullet/fire blast/etc is moving toward or around him. This power only applies to things in his line of sight.

      To others, this appears as a sudden change in Rylan's position. If someone threw a punch at him that was sure to land, they would look again to see him somehow just out of reach. If a fire blast erupted close enough to envelop him, they would turn to see him somehow safely out of the blast radius. How did he get there? No one knows.

    riser warg power

      Upon growth to Riser, a warg will find that they now can communicate with their familiar. Though their familiar is not a scintillating conversationalist, it's now possible to be much more exact about information and to better use your familiar as a scout.

    extra power

      Rylan can generate golf ball sized fireballs in his hands and use them as light or throw them for damage. Up to one in each hand. Once they leave his hands, they behave like regular fire and will catch and spread on flammable materials.

    extra power

      His kick is much more powerful than the average human's. Can put holes through walls, knock doors off their hinges, and even fell small trees.

    HP UP
    extra power

      He can raise his personal defenses before a fight or a fire, making his body less susceptible to cuts and burns. He will feel the same amount of pain, but will be physically more difficult to damage.

    extra power

      By focusing on a conversation within his line of sight, Rylan can listen in as though he was right beside the speakers, even if they're out of earshot.

    quest reward

      Rylan can now see in the same detail as Vlad the Impaler, including color and distance. Night vision comes as part of the standard package: The average dark room is now merely dim to Rylan.

    bonus power

      It doesn't matter when or where you are: when you whistle for Fidget, the pup will be there. What a good dog.
      *written by cibarium

    opt-in bonus power

      Be careful making the thumb-and-forefinger gun with your hands. You now shoot small pellets of magical power whenever you do that and say 'pew pew'. They are about as harmful as a Nerf pellet, but hey, you can still put out someone's eye.


    faerie ball meta reward

      This box of enchanted truffles never runs out! When you eat one, another appears in its place twelve hours later.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:05 pm


      Younger sister, 22, on a coxswain scholarship at Ohio State. She's 5'3", 115 pounds but she's the fiercest Rylan kid by far. History and Psych pre-law, on track to graduate summa c** laude.


      The baby of the family, 20, captain of the volleyball team at Rider-Waite. Runs marathons in her spare time and likes to climb, bike, ski, what have you. Basically, if it involves a ball or if it happens outdoors, Corra will try it. She's tall like her brother, 6'. Pursuing a degree in physical education.


      The dad, 58, played Minor League baseball and almost made it big, but suffered a career-ending injury at 27. Now he's an in-house accountant for a local software company. Frets constantly about his kids' well-being.

      Dad of the year, every year. He didn't miss a single match or race in his kids' middle and high school careers and was never late picking them up from school. He'll still rally his buddies together to tailgate Corra's volleyball games. The practical one of the bunch, he did his best to instill a sense of duty and financial know-how into his children.


      The pop, 53, born Lance Armstrong. He dropped the last name to avoid being tied to THE Lance Armstrong. Amateur competitive triathlete with an obsession with biking (that's not a coincidence; The Lance Armstrong was his idol for a long time). The competitive spirit in the family, he's the one who taught his kids to always gun for the win.

      He's a carpenter for a living, and sells everything from birdhouses to altars and gazebos. The free spirit of the parenting team, he wasn't always the best at remembering birthdays or parent-teacher conference days. Lance has earned himself a reputation as the coolest dad on the block - his kids' friends all seem to love him. Still has the wooden model of a uterus he made to teach the girls about their periods.


      The surrogate, 50, the biological mother of all three Rylan kids, who were conceived through in vitro fertilization. They know who she is, but they call her Aunt Laura. She plays the cool aunt role to perfection and has covered for them on more than one occasion. The kids don't know which one is their respective father, and they don't ask (although just looking at their respective heights, they can probably guess).

UW Crew

    Stroke: SAM LOFFE
    Seven: DEAN ANGELO
    Six: CAM RYLAN
    Five: CAS STARK
    Four: ED NOROWIC










PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 7:03 am
RP Log

    ☐ - in progress | ✔ - finished | ✘ - used for growth/powers | ♺ - drabble





      ☐ | Field trip. Ninfia Rey Lucero - In which Ninfia ditches the field trip.
      ☐ | I know you - Isra Sterling - In which


      ✔ | Solitude in service - Lucas Reis - In which Rylan hits it off with a fellow veteran. @
      ✔ | Know that feel, bro - Alexander Thorne - In which Rylan and Thorne discuss life? @
      ✔ | Hey mistah fireman - Thorne - In which Rylan rescues Thorne from a tree. @
      ✔ | Casual - PRP - Lucas - In which Lucas and Rylan flirt over food and a car wash. @


    AFTER THE STORM (official manifestation as dreamer)


      ✔ | ✘ Eyes like a shrike - PRP - Sunny Shore - In which Rylan searches the beach for missing teens and bodies. @
      ✔ | ✘ Bleeding over - Solo - Cas Stark - In which Rylan reflects on his search. @
      ✔ | ✘ Which no longer exists - PRP - Thorne, Viv Hawken - In which Rylan discovers some relics from the past. @
      ✔ | ✘ Ghosts - PRP - Kazuko Hawken - In which Rylan learns more from Viv's mother. @
      ✔ | ✘ Following the trail - PRP - Liam Noor - In which Rylan returns Liam's engagement ring. @
      ✔ | ✘ Words - PRP - Lucas - In which they exchange information on OAD (happens after We've got it made). @
      ✔ | Here is gone - PRP - Lucas, various memories - In which they explore the OAD library.

      (growth to riser)

      ✔ | Escapade - PRP - Lucas - In which they go camping. @
      ✔ | Double date - PRP - Lucas, Cas, Jo - In which they go on a double date.



PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 7:05 am
Growth Requirements


      One event
      East conference room
      1st floor

      Ten RPs
      All RPs used for the growth are found in The best four years. Word counts in brackets.

      Req 1 – Recruitment Part 1 (293) + Recruitment Part 2 (295)
      Req 2 – He's good (239) + Seat races (385)
      Req 3 – Drinking (306) + Pair Partners (357)
      Req 4 – Acid trip Part 1 (685)
      Req 5 – Acid trip Part 2 (359) + Life in the house (406)
      Req 6 – Journey: The beginning (432) + Journey: The drive (430)
      Req 7 – Journey: Black Springs Ranch (583)
      Req 8 + 9 – Journey: Truths uncovered (1037)
      Req 10 – Journey: The end (651)

      (If the 1000-word drabble can't count as 2, let me know, he has additional RPs that can be used for the final req!)







PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 7:08 am
Rylan's OAD Knowledge


      - Went to investigate the bay where Michael Mitchell's body washed up
      - "They" sent Michael back (and Sunny thinks it was a disservice; Heliodora and Adoelle would have had burial ceremony of some sort for him)
      - She knew he was doomed the moment they returned him to the Otherworld
      - The Burning Man and the Spinel Lady conspired to push him out
      - They've never tried it before
      - They wanted him dead because he tried to help close the Enemy's cage; now he's dead, the otherworld is bleeding into this world again, the Enemy is getting stronger
      - Now Adoelle is out her protector and is going to die; then Heliodora; then he'll be free and the real world will run out of time
      - Sunny is a thing:
      The thing defied comprehension, a shriek of animal terror searing through Imp's mind. A creature of eyes and wheels and alien geometries, endless euclidian spirals, defying description. The shrike backwinged and fell towards the water in a steep dive, pulled up at the last minute with a wallet in its claws, and then-- Rylan returned to himself, and the thing resolved into Sunny again.
      - "Kin but not kind"
      - Imp finds an old wallet with a license of Rylan from the 60s; the face is a little off, though you can't really tell what


      - Viv appears
      - She leaves her MIT hoodie and keys
      - Leads him to a leather jacket belonging to her/her dad
      There is a label inside the coat. It's a worn-out blue medical alert tag, blue star of life and its rod of asclepius worn nearly to illegibility. It says the wearer of the coat is DNR and undergoing chemotherapy, and gives a phone number to call for more information.

      The objects inside are a ring of keys and a ring on a long chain. There's another medical alert tag, this one punched metal like a dog tag. It gives the same information, but another tag gives an address, too, here in Ashdown: 18 Waite Vista. The ring is a red gemstone, dark garnet or ruby, set in tarnished silver and flanked by two diamonds, small, tasteful, old. Inside, there's an engraving, nearly worn away, that reads with my love, always, liam. The chain is of noticeably lower quality, silver gilt rubbing away to bronze and greening from age.

      - Mr. Hawken died in 1966
      - Viv died in 1982
      - Live at 18 Waite Vista


      - Near the end she was obsessed with climbing the cliffs
      - She'd started seeing things - there was something in the cliff face
      - Viv had a brain tumor, inoperable
      - Killed herself with an overdose
      - There are TWO of the leather jacket
      - She kept in touch with Liam Noor


      - The garnet ring was an engagement ring
      - Liam says it shouldn't exist; it was destroyed and buried with Viv


      - Lady is Aleksy's twin, Tatiana
      - This is the 16th cycle
      - Have to collect: The world, the man, and the girl
      - Michael was supposed to teach them everything
      - Sunny is thousands of years old; she is a universal constant
      - Blood oath with Sunny

    HERE IS GONE (other library)

      - First vision - Liam in Edwardian garb with blonde-haired Sunny discussing how to raise a boy
      - Second vision - Sunny growling
      - Third vision - Rylan's kitchen from the 60s. Textbooks with Vivien's name on them in a backpack. A photo of Ry and wolfy Lucas dressed up. Kid's voice, reading, "Who in this world can survive unchanged?" (The voice is familiar, but no recognized)
      - Fourth vision - A room with a pile of pillows. Five year old Sunny emerges. Paintings on the wall show people who look related to Lucas. It's Sunny's home. There's a journal with Michael's name on it - an excerpt says Sunny is the enemy. Sunny sees an old painting of other-Rylan with a tabby cat and calls him Papa. Says Kitty a lot.
      - Fifth vision - Michael Mitchell is there. He says he died in the 19th iteration, meaning the timeline has changed. He says go talk to Renard about the sigil. The library only opens for certain people. Pride's kind of a douche - he's the one who deals with the teens. The faes get Sorry and everyone else gets Pax. Everything is like a rollercoaster; there are certain points you have to hit: First, meet Heliodora, then meet Michael (which ended poorly this time), finally meet Adoelle. Then they have to break the seal. If the cage exists, the Enemy is protected. Without the cage, it can be destroyed. Sunny is the enemy's child and the physical manifestation of the cage. Someone has to get rid of Heliodora and Adoelle.
      - Vivien related: Her older sister (Camilla Hawken) worked at police academy summer camp when Michael was 15; Viv hallucinated a lot, was really sick. She was more Adoelle's part than his. Renard and Liam were always closer than they should've been.


      - Adoelle: "Well, it's true," she says, adding the book and the bear to her pile of Stuff. "She's part of this world as much as gravity. She's part of the other world, too. The one I came from. And actually, I think the enemy has many forms. Your best bet is to let me and Heliodora die, and then when the cage is broken root him out. There's a spell, but I don't know it..."
      - Sunny: Says nothing about him mentioning her calling him Papa, but clearly knows something is up
      - Eldritch gentlman wants to protect her ^
      - Vivien:
      "Rylan," she says. "Where's Imp? He shouldn't be alone..."

      There's a long pause. "You'll want to save her. But some people shouldn't be saved. You just need to let her go."

      - "They know wargs when they see them," says Vivien. She keeps her back turned to him. "They would think it good sport to catch him. They wouldn't care if they hurt him, as long as in the end he was caught."
      - She found another world where Liam had grown old and was married to someone else, and she was dead.
      - "I don't know," says Vivien. "I... the girl before, the one with no mask, she asked if I had left something unfinished, if I was here to help. I wanted to talk to Liam. I wanted to tell him it was alright, that I understood why he didn't save me. But I saw his face... I knew that he could've. And in that moment I knew I didn't forgive him. He was willing to ruin the world, to change it to the world you know, for his husband. Why wasn't he willing to do that for me?"
      - "He's in the red mask," she says. "He saw me. He... I had to leave. I ran away."
      - "No," says Viv. "He and his husband are why there is no more."


      - Sunday (previously seen in Library arguing with Liam) disagreed with the way William Ozymandias raised Alexandra and forced a child to keep a momentous secret
PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 7:14 am



PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 7:25 am
PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 7:50 am



PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 7:52 am
PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 8:06 am



PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 8:18 am
PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 8:40 am



PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 8:41 am

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