In general, before it was discovered as a cure for the Bloodmadness and forced evil alignment of a shifter, an angeni charm was a charm worn close to the body, created by an angeni using a bit of themselves (Feathers, hair, even blood) and combining their ability to bless things with their holy light to bless it, their 'sacrifice of self' holding onto the holy light. When worn or in physical contact with a living being, it would light up with the holy light when a shifter (or even a dark hearted Kalona trying to use their disease based powers) approaches and repel them for a period of time to give the individual a chance to escape. It required recharging if unused after about half a year, and could only last an hour of time total in use before needing to be recharged. Only the angeni who gave the sacrifice of themselves can give the blessing, though some charms may be made as a collaboration or add to it to allow several individuals charge recharge. They are frequently made available by angeni who know how to make them on Offering posts and as trade and gift items for friends, family, herd and allies.
A specific type of of charm, made with a gemstone and angeni blood, if touched by a shifter, fuse to the shifter and 'cure' them of their blood-madness. Some retain their evil ways, but others wake up from the painful fusing process innocent, and some are wicked but can be rehabilitated.
With the new knowledge, the process of creating this particular combination mix of Angeni Charm became wider spread and sought after, and charms made in larger amounts with many angeni and artisans pitching in, creating necklaces, bracelets, headbands to protect others and possibly lure a shifter into stealing a charged accessory and getting snared, traps set and individuals hunted down to be 'tagged'.
Now shifters have something to fear......
Reasons to Charm You wish to form a permanent shifter pack You wish to lifemate shifters. You want a shapeshifter that isn't of an evil alignment Easier shades of grey RP and personalities. Cosplay of Character or Original character where shifter fits best (werewolves etc) but the uncharmed personality does not fit the character.
Answers to common questions
Charms DO work on pure shifters, though it is rarely a sudden change for older shifters since they have no memory of ever being any different they can be 'shocked back' into, but sometimes it can be a sudden amnesiac shock to the system -- its up to you! Charms do not pass onto children naturally -- they are born uncharmed. However, if you have a Charmed Pure Shifter you can request the whole lot to be charmed at birth (since the charmed shifter would be able to seek them out and gather them for their children and care enough to do so) however it effects all of the children -- If you want to charm only a single foal (Maybe they get adopted by someone) you can request it here. Foals can be charmed These only fuse into shifters: they are traditionally worn as a necklace or other accessory by non-shifters, with additional decorations and often additional elements that can hold onto the holy light (Such as feathers and hair). These additional elements, however, cannot fuse to the shifter. so often shatter, snap, or 'burn' away.
RULES Please fill out the form completely shifters only. Only one charm can fuse to a shifter. One shifter per post These are completely free! yes, you are allowed to give tips if you want to since that's up to you. Charms must be visible on the soquili-based template, and, if its placement is somewhere where it would be visible on the feral form, also placed on the feral form. If you have an even split in rights in a shifter co-ownership and are thus both able to host in teepee and RP, you need your co-owner to confirm the charming by quoting it and giving their approval. If you are the primary co-owner and have RP rights and the other owner only owns rights to a breeding/some breedings/signature rights, etc, you don't need permission to charm them. Should you give your shifter an Angeni Charm, they can feel emotional bonds and more complex emotions and desires compared to others, developing bonds and individuals they have no evil-intent toward, and make connection or bond with others, including familiars. Charmed Shifters can lifemate. Charmed Shifters can enter Wishing Stars. Charmed Shifters can be good and become good. They will retain their shapeshifting ability, but now have a full spectrum of personality possibilities and emotions. They will NOT regain any old breed powers i.e. a charmed uni-cursed shifter will not be able to heal, but still can turn into a coyote. Having an angeni charm does NOT mean the shifter automatically is good. Some charmed shifters keep their evil and twisted natures, but now choose to be evil or do so because it is all they remember, instead of being forced to be wicked. They can also continue to form bonds or connections, and have feelings and plans for others that are not evil should they chose not to do so.. The choice is yours whether or not you want them to stay evil or be good . . .or somewhere in between. Once charmed the charms are just as permanent as the pelt on their body: they cannot be taken off to return them to their original state. This does not mean they cannot, while charmed, 'relapse' or have split personalities should they become good after charming. RP note: After the charm is fused, other charms won't flare to life, but they are still repelled by holy light from an angeni/angeni spawn even if the shifter is good of heart. If two of this type of angeni charm touch at the same time, the more 'perfect' crystal or the one with the most blood/additional decorations from the angeni/etc is the one that fuses and the other just lights up, so there is no way to make more than one fuse canonly. Right now we only have one fusion-capable charm shape, but we may add more in the future. Custom drawn angeni charms (Fused) are not available as gemstone mutations are a thing that happens and having the angeni charms be templated only helps separate Mutations from Charms. Please be patient -- we'll get to these as fast as we can, and check regularly, but sometimes everyone gets super busy.
Notes to colorists Finished Charm fusions should be edited into the application posts with a quote added. Please mark "Claimed by: _NAME_" On the top before starting on it so we know it's being worked on and by whom. Notes for staff: Following the rules above, staffers can color their own charms without posting it in the thread, so if you want one of your shifters charmed and don't have a co-owner that shares rp rights, you can go ahead and do so!
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:18 pm
Style and Placement
Excess of charms to give a rough idea of placement appearance. Only one charm per shifter
Angeni charms end up fused almost anywhere depending on how they touched and how the shifter was charmed -- some may end up on the chest as a necklace, on the forehead as a circlet, on the leg as a band if the shifter took the charm, not knowing what it was (or possibly wearing it before getting cursed, since it'd only activate AFTER they became a shifter), while for others it might have been getting it flung into them by a familiar skilled with a sling or a tumble into an offering post during a struggle..
There are a few guides though 1. They must be VISIBLE on the shifter form -- if they are in a location where it would be visible on their feral form, it should be placed there as well. 2. There is some CC involved with this: If a certain location doesn't work, the colorist may adjust it to somewhere similar. 3. The legs are known as "Far Front leg" and "Far Back Leg" For the legs furthest away from the viewer, and "near Front leg"/"near Back leg" for the legs closest to the viewer.
Currently available charm shapes
The classic charm is quick and easy to make and easy to load into a sling for who are actively hunting shifters down to charm. Being a shape commonly used in pendants, headbands, bracelets, and other sorts of accessories as both beads focal points, it also makes it inconspicuous as a charm.
It is currently the only charm available at this time, due to the fact that, at the moment, ease of production is more desired than aesthetic originality.
Co-owned?: ---Co-ownership agreement Link: N/a ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: N/a
Color for Charm: Bright red, noticeable against her pale purple Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: Is it possible to get it on her wing somewhere? Where she'll always be able to see it and be reminded of it so she can't ignore it? Your model doesn't have wings so I thought I'd see if that's possible. xD
If nooot, then on her chest is fine. <3
Reason for Charming: It gives her family some hope that maybe they can get Neva back, and that maybe Neva wasn't truly evil. Poor family has been through so much that it'd be nice to give them a small chance at hope. It'll also give me more of an ability to further develop Neva's character as she struggles with both the curse of being a skinwalker and the ability to feel emotions once more from the charm.
(optional) How were they charmed?: I'm thinking that someone from her family, probably Adelle, had heard word of these charms and seeked out information on them and then devised a way to get Neva one of these charms.
Co-owned?: Nope ---Co-ownership agreement Link: N/A ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: N/A
Color for Charm: CC Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: CC
Reason for Charming: FOR THE DRAMA!!!
The charm will not be a good thing for Blackie, his mind is already so warped that it will never be able to be saved.
The charm will go unnoticed at first by Blackie, he will continue to exist to sleep, eat, kill, and collect. Overtime though he'll begin to notice ever so slowly that he's changing. Suddenly he feels a small pang at each new death, this will start to drive the bear mad. He will believe that he is sick and diein, this will be the breaking point and he will become completely wild. He will live to kill, especially those multi-winged things .. like the one he fought before he got sick!
His whole world will revolve solely around killing everything that breaths
(optional) How were they charmed?: This is still being worked out in plots wif people xD~~ Though I have a decent idea.
Co-owned?: no ---Co-ownership agreement Link: ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?:
Color for Charm: blue Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: on the shackle on the near front foot
Reason for Charming: To cure her sanity, and make her trustworthy.
(optional) How were they charmed?: Argent, a loyal member of the Alliance, was one of the few willing to give Lycotheia a chance. She was no friend to the Horde, but her mind had been twisted. When Argent heard stories of charms able to calm skinwalkers, he sought one out immediately. Without her knowledge he placed it in one of her shackles, and hoped for the best.
Co-owned?: No ---Co-ownership agreement Link: NA ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: NA
Color for Charm: blue (ideally, matching his scabbord color) Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: The "third eye" ? (center of forehead) - where a unicorn horn would be
Reason for Charming: Ambrose is based on an old werewolf OC of mine. I was very excited to get him in soquili, and he was my first skinwalker (back in 200cool. It was before I had a good, firm idea of just how unrepentantly evil the breed was designed to be, without hope of redemption.
However, appropriately enough, being cursed to become a mad skinwalker, and then redeemed, matches the original character's story very closely - where he was infected with lycanthropy, but was able to overcome the bloodthirsty madness normally associated with it, becoming a man who merged man and wolf into a form of control.
Before he was cursed, Ambrose was lifemated to a native soquili, Angelina. The two of them planned to elope, and it was on the nite he was supposed to meet her that he was found by another, menacing creature - and cursed.
Angelina, upon hearing of his condition, sought a way to help the soquili she still loved that had turned the things he felt for her into a twisted perversion of the once pure emotion.
With the story begining to spread along the Kawani lands about a cure for the madness that plagues skinwalkers, she sought out a gem from an angeni, so that she could cure the soquili she loved.
[I might very well actually RP this out, but that's the story smile ]
Co-owned?: No ---Co-ownership agreement Link: N/A ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: N/A
Color for Charm: Red, like her eyes. Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: Possible to put it right below her horn, between her eyes? If not, then on her chest, please.
Reason for Charming: I just got her cursed recently, but she is not cursed ICly yet (if it's not OK to charm them early, that's fine!). But, this is where I want her story to progress to. Amaterasu being reunited with her long lost daughter, only for her to later become cursed will leave her completely conflicted. On one hand, Amaterasu knows in her heart that there is no cure for skinwalkers, and that they are all irreversibly evil and must be killed. But on the other hand -- this is her daughter, whom she had only just begun to start to know. She doesn't want to end Arcadia's life, but knows she must, or else others were die.
There may be a few confrontations after. Of course, when the news that a way to 'cure' skinwalkers has been discovered reached her ears, she had a new mission: To obtain a charm and save her daughter. The success of this will change how the Order of Celestial Light operates, finding a constant source of charms to purge evil from all skinwalker souls! Of course, they have yet to discover that it doesn't always succeed.
(optional) How were they charmed?: This will be RPed out when the time comes! Amaterasu will be successful in getting the charm on Arcadia, one way or another.
Co-owned?: No ---Co-ownership agreement Link: ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?:
Color for Charm: Golden matching his eyes Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: Forehead
Reason for Charming: Barracus is pure evil and will always be pure evil, but I'd like him to be able to form connections and work with other soquili to achieve his goals, etc. I think it would add more depth to his sadistic nature because he is choosing that path for himself and add more interesting shades when rping his character besides mindless helpless evil. Also, I kind of think it would be interesting for him to start developing some small shred of 'humanity' for lack of a better word popping to mind and then, because he's a twisted son of a.... -cough- Well, he will start doing even eviler things just to torture that part of himself... Because he thinks its funny... He's just an awful creature. He will try to be worse and worse to get the nasty charmed feelings to go AWAY.
(optional) How were they charmed?: I would like one of his 'pets' to attach it to him, either they have it on them when captured or they escape from him once and track him down to charm him and save others from him... But it doesn't work how they wanted >D It makes the threat he poses to others soooo much worse
Co-owned?: No ---Co-ownership agreement Link: n/a ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: n/a
Color for Charm: Glowing yellow to match his eyes Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: On his neck/throat
Reason for Charming: OOCly, I've always wanted a non-SW (well, non-evil) classic looking Kitsune and Kisunegari obviously is pretty on-point, just with limited personality. Having been born a purewalker, barely 'raised' by a purewalker mother sans of any kind of affection or structure, charming will not make Kitsunegari instantly 'nice.'
As is it, his personality is relentless. He will obsess and hunt down anything; able to take down larger prey than his small form would normally be able to overpower by slowly bleeding them out over the course of hours - sometimes days.
With the charm, he'll have a complete personality breakdown... well, more like his deep native personality will have a whole new breadth of emotions behind it. He's never ever had to crave the attention or companionship for another Soquili, for example, or even know how to interact with "normals."
I'm not sure if he'll ever be.... nice. Or good. But there's a lot of RP possibility with exploring him discovering himself.
(optional) How were they charmed?: Not sure yet. I definitely want to RP it out - I'd love to find an RP partner who has a "Skinwalker-Hunter" like Soquili who perhaps delivers the charm in an attempt to "cure" the lands.
Co-owned?: No ---Co-ownership agreement Link: ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?:
Color for Charm: Blue matching his eyes Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: Forehead
Reason for Charming: Same deal as Barracus, he is still evil, although he will likely be -less- evil than his father and more prone to being affected by the charm, but I want a little more freedom in the way he manipulates and tricks people in doing what he wants, and I want the drama of the internal struggle it would cause.
(optional) How were they charmed?: Barracus will remember he may have sired children and he will seek them out, when he finds Aeldra, he will 'infect' him with the angeni charm so he can take advantage of the emotions it causes and be able to use his son for his own purposes. Aka, trying to take over the worls. The pinky and the brain... the pinky and the brain.... -cough- Sorry....
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:53 pm
Claimed by: Mindsend
Oops hit submit instead of preview Sorry for double ping!
Co-owned?: No ---Co-ownership agreement Link: ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?:
Color for Charm: Similar color to necklace Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: Either on her chest, or if that's not possible because of her necklace, then first back placement please.
Reason for Charming: To have one evil as all sod twin and one twin that has a chance at redemption (maybe, I don't know yet).
(optional) How were they charmed?: It was a tale of true arrogance! Viona heard about the charms, and thought she could get one and trick her twin into putting it on, or just somehow getting it on her so as to weaken her and finally take her territory, as they were so closely matched neither could get the upper hand on the other. Of course, she didn't count on the fact that it would immediately affix to her instead.
Co-owned?: No ---Co-ownership agreement Link: ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?:
Color for Charm: Blood Red (Like the bottle at his back foot) Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: Somewhere not too obvious, but not too hidden either. Perhaps on his flank just below his pelt? Or on a front leg?
Reason for Charming: Plotsssss~ He poses as a doctor and acts like he is charmed anyway, so he figured... why not improve the story, make it more authentic. I want to play with his emotions a bit, have him realise that he can form stronger bonds. Not that he wants to, his nature will remain mostly unchanged I fear, there simply isn't any good anywhere in him.
(optional) How were they charmed?: He slapped it on himself
Username: Wyntre IceBlade Current Graphics Main Uncert | feral uncert Co-owned?: ---Co-ownership agreement Link: na ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: na
Color for Charm: cc Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: cc based on how seen below.
Reason for Charming: Plots...and lifemating
(optional) How were they charmed?: will be rped soonish
Harper was out hunting one day and stumbled upon Oreithyia and her mate Boreas. He was curious of their relationship. He'd never seen anything like them before and as he watched Boreas felt his presence fearing the safety of his mate he was going to attack. However, Oreithyia has different ideas. She noticed his lack of attack and his interest in them. Before Boreas inacted his attack Oreithyia stopped him and laid a charm out. She called out to the walker "if you are that curious about what we have then take this and find me for answers", then turned to leave with her mate. A risky move but one she believed was right. Harper hung back but finally investigated the charm..