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Reply Familiar Breeding Dens
June Prehistoric Familiar Breedings - Rolling Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 [>] [»|]

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Swashbuckling Fairy

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 11:06 am

Prehistoric Familiar Breedings Breedings
~Format mostly stolen from Odet~

~~~These are Pay What You Want Slots~~~
Starts: June 4th @ 12:01 AM EST
Ends: June 8th @ 9PM EST

Colorists: Feel free to edit yourself in
Unedited Rolled: spelldancer 2, Kaitaia 2 slots, Ovarian Paint 1, Devil NightShade 2, Spoof x 2, odet amo 2
CC: spelldancer 1, Kaitaia 1 slot, Ovarian Paint 1, Devil NightShade 1, Spoof x 1+?


  • Post Certed Familiar images: This makes it easier for me to see the familiars.
  • Familiars must be certed: This is the only way to know the age and gender of the familiar.
  • Names: Use full names of the familiars and owners.
  • Entry Line: Put the entry line at the top of each of your breeding pairs. This is what I use to put you on the list.
  • No editing forms/posts: Please make a post saying you are voiding your previous post and then post again. I will not be going back and checking over the list once post is on the list.
  • Mistakes: Same procedure as above. Post that you are voiding your previous post and then post again.
  • FORMS:Please use the form provided. This will make it easier for me.
  • A Reminder That: Each person can be involved in no more than two pairs in each raffle, and only win two slots per month. One person MAY now enter both of the couples they are involved with themselves if they need to, but make CERTAIN that couples are not posted twice. Work out ahead of time with your breeding partners who will be responsible for entering in a pair. If they are entered twice, they will be disqualified from that raffle. Furthermore, you must have rights to the breeding (and therefore also own or one of the parents) in order to post the breeding. No Proxying!
  • You may only win two familiar breedings per month total (CC or raffled breeding slots. Bribes do not count). If someone wins a breeding raffle slot, then they may only enter one couple for the remainder of the month's raffles.
  • There is a two month cooldown for a winning pair, starting in the month that they won. If the pair won last month they cannot enter this month. The Owner may enter other pair though.
PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 11:08 am

~Entry Line~

Mother’s Name (owner) x Father’s Name (owner)

~Entry Form~

[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:[/b] (WRITE FULL FAM/OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE)
[img][/img] [url=]Uncert[/url]
[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of father:[/b] (WRITE FULL FAM / OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE)
[img][/img] [url=]Uncert[/url]
[b]Low Luck?: [/b] (Links to 10 unsuccessful tries at breeding raffles - link to your teepee or journal link list is fine. Not winning in the MCCL does not count toward low luck.)
[b]Are Either Familiars Rped?:[/b] Mother: [url=]Example[/url]
Father: [url=]Example[/url]
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.)
[b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] (If said Yes to Throwbacks please link to all parents (and grandparents/etc) NOTE: LINKS ONLY NO IMG TAGGING)
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b]

Prehistoric Twists

[size=16][color=green][b]I want to make some prehistoric history[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Faded colors?[/b] Y/N
[b]Blurred Markings?[/b] Y/N
[b]Bones Markings?[/b] Y/N
[b]Bone Accessories?[/b] Y/N
[b]Scale Markings?[/b] Y/N
[b]Feather Accessories?[/b] Y/N
[b]Body Paint?[/b] Y/N
[b]Cloth?[/b] Y/N
[b]Horns?[/b] Y/N
[b]Fangs/teeth?[/b] Y/N
[b]Spots or Stripe markings?[/b] Y/N
[b]Earth tone colors?[/b] Y/N
[b]Prehistoric alternative templates?[/b] (There are some lovely new alternative templates for prehistoric familiars) Y/N

[size=16][color=brown][b]Nothing prehistoric here[/b][/color][/size]

Familiar breedings may be new but a lot of the Soq rules apply. Please make sure and read through the Familiar breeding information Thead before entering. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. I am not obligated to inform you if you have broken a rule.

It has been required for both owners to post permission for the breeding in the FAMILIAR PERMISSION THREAD prior to the close of the raffle in order to be eligible for raffles now, so hopefully everyone has gotten the idea. However, just as a reminder:


Familiars are meant to be simpler and shouldn't need co-owner agreements. Familiars should only have one owner.

Major mistakes that are spotted after winners have been rolled, such as triple-entries into the breeding raffle or lack of permission can result in a nullification of the win. It is in your best interest to spot these ahead of time so that they can be corrected, or extraneous pairs removed instead of nullifying all of your chances.


Swashbuckling Fairy


Swashbuckling Fairy

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 11:09 am


1.Roxy (Fea Line) x Saylem (Fea Line)
2.Chimera (AstoriaFallen) x Daiki (Devil NightShade)

2. Password Denied (Kyrieko) x Wanigami (Revolutionary Roniel)
1. Plume (Mindsend) x Ratna (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko)

1. A'Woof ( ArashiX ) x Kaybok ( Mindsend )
2. Hiro (Kivras) x Puren (Chibi Hige)

1. Sylgia (Calixita) x Falan (Ebonrune)
2. Nova(o-Elixir-o) xAristide (Mythi Red Panda)

1. Lonán (Sabin Duvert) x Omen (Sabin Duvert)
2. Brindle (Twitchapher the 3rd ) x Oak (Rita Zyon)

1. Abduxuel (Calixita) x Brightstar (techabyte)
2. Eclipse (Kamiki) x Netdahe (Kamiki)

Devil NightShade
1. Shadow Creeper ( techabyte ) x Red XIII ( ~Masamune~ )
2. Soyala ( Wasteland Wyvern ) x Wynn ( ProphetofProfit )

1. Teuicui (Agneza) x Pai (Agneza)
2. Dulcibella (spelldancer) x Seaweed (Kyrieko)

Ovarian Paint
1. Avalon (Cheyriddle4) x Procylian (SwordOfTheDarkOnes)

1. Saenalirr (ArashiX) x Raiden (Pandora Talie)
2. Umbra (Insane Butterfly) x Adahy (SSBrosB)

1. Navina (Cheyriddle4) x Allen (~MoomoolatteCha~)
2. Whisper (Ovarian Paint) x Admiral (Leez0rz)

1. Muninn (one over three) x Yogsorroth (Lady Aria Starstone)
PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 11:12 am

The List

List is a List

    Page 1
  1. Shatash (Twitchapher the 3rd) x Quinlan (Lunarflowermaiden)
    Chimera (AstoriaFallen) x Daiki (Devil NightShade)
  2. Countess (xxx Yuki Bear xxx) x Rasputin (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
  3. Megapixel (xxx Yuki Bear xxx) x Waffles (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
    Plume (Mindsend) x Ratna (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko)
    Soyala ( Wasteland Wyvern ) x Wynn ( ProphetofProfit )
  4. Jalani (Summer Raaven) x Lupine (Summer Raaven)
  5. Starlight (Astoriafallen) x Ray (Dolphingurl)
    A'Woof ( ArashiX ) x Kaybok ( Mindsend )
  6. Petunia (junglerunner) x Gershom (Leez0rz)
    Whisper (Ovarian Paint) x Admiral (Leez0rz)
  7. Esma (Agneza) x Ragnar (Agneza)
    Teuicui (Agneza) x Pai (Agneza)
    Page 2
    Roxy (Fea Line) x Saylem (Fea Line)
    Sylgia (Calixita) x Falan (Ebonrune)
  8. Apple Pucker (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.) x Gromit (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.)
  9. Galaxy (Nayci) x Glostick (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.)
  10. Captain Periwinkle (XxXPandamoniumXxX) x Pinwheel (Odet Amo)
  11. Eleuia (Revolutionary Roniel) x Danphe (Revolutionary Roniel)
    Navina (Cheyriddle4) x Allen (~MoomoolatteCha~)
    Avalon (Cheyriddle4) x Procylian (SwordOfTheDarkOnes)
  12. Umbra (Insane Butterfly) x Adahy (SSBrosB)
  13. Princess ( Wasteland Wyvern ) x Albero ( Pollack )
  14. Tanis | Kivras Teh Cheryl | Barnard 72
  15. Citlali (Ririka) x Elijah’s (Ririka)
  16. Spectre (Kaya Wolf Moon) x Dhampir (sesshiyasha)
  17. Quest (Of The Epidemic) x Mangekyō (Kaya Wolf Moon)
  18. Yamka (Dea and #Teddy#) x Sorin (SwordOfTheDarkOnes)
    Abduxuel (Calixita) x Brightstar (techabyte)
  19. Agony (magnadearel) x Thrice (Rita Zyon)
    Page 3
  20. Pleione (Pollack) x Felix (Lunarflowermaiden)
    Lonán (Sabin Duvert) x Omen (Sabin Duvert)
  21. Prototype (Sabin Duvert) x Bob (Sabin Duvert)
  22. Pa'al (One Over Three) x Yeep'Yip (FitzRoyal)
  23. Chi (FitzRoyal) x Digamma (FitzRoyal)
  24. Jiang- Phail Ninja x Raiden - Tara de Draiocht
  25. Lady Kendria (She-Ra of Etheria) x Whistler (JetAlmeara)
  26. Utina (JetAlmeara) x Balcon (She-Ra of Etheria)
  27. Saenalirr (ArashiX) x Raiden (Pandora Talie)
  28. Mishka (FrostyPeaches) x Lune (Fea Line)
  29. Sara (Pandora Talie) x Lumina ( Tara de Draiocht)
    Eclipse (Kamiki) x Netdahe (Kamiki)
  30. Plainsfoot (Kamiki) x Anoqwa (Kamiki)
  31. Water Lily (Tiger_kisa699) x Bracken (belloblossom)
  32. Yosei (Tiger_Kisa699) x Damian (belloblossom)
  33. Allegrezza Muscatel (spelldancer) x Aucaman (Miss Cherie)
  34. Twilight Pie ( hanging gallow ) x PrickPrick ( FrostyPeaches )
    Page 4
  35. Coral ( catmagick ) x Omega ( catmagick )
  36. Sprite (Tygress Dream) x Flint (Tygress Dream)
  37. Oriana (Tygress Dream) x Windrace (Tygress Dream)
  38. Lyness (Mewsings of An Angel) x Walela (Valkymie)
  39. Kenina (Naru_Uchiha007) & Imperial Cerulean (Rein_Carnation)
  40. McKinley (Kesmi) x Honaw (Rein_Carnation)
  41. Meya (Kara Asumie) x Zaniah (Ririka)
  42. Arina (Niyaru Delacroix) x Noya (Kara Asumie)
  43. Muninn (one over three) x Yogsorroth (owner)
  44. Nyctimene (Thalea) x Holmes (Thalea)
  45. Wadulisi (Valkymie) x Glasso (LydaLynn)
  46. Blossom (Deejaye) x Chord (Deejaye)
  47. Mistea (Lunadriel) x Barnabee (Lunadriel)
  48. Akiru (Moon_Princess_Yuki) x Starling (Lunadriel)
  49. Iris (Phail Ninja) x Brah'mang (DeeJaye)
    Hiro (Kivras) x Puren (Chibi Hige)
  50. Gall'eo (Chibi Hige) x Zuri (Mewsings of an Angel)
    Page 5
  51. PEBKAC (Hanging Gallow) x Amnesia (Kettyn)
  52. Pandora (Kettyn) x Silk (-[The Spoof]-)
  53. Speed (magnadearel ) x Geist (Cajmera)
  54. Lucy (Faithofthefallen) x Zarin (Cajmera)
    Dulcibella (spelldancer) x Seaweed (Kyrieko)
    Password Denied (Kyrieko) x Wanigami (Revolutionary Roniel)
  55. Mozilla (Ryuukishin) x Lioth (Faithofthefallen)
  56. Kosetsu (~Twilight...Angel~) Dustiel (Amirynth)
  57. Vulpecula(o-Elixir-o) x Feonix (LydaLynn)
    Shadow Creeper ( techabyte ) x Red XIII ( ~Masamune~ )
    Nova(o-Elixir-o) xAristide (Mythi Red Panda)
  58. Celeste Lixue (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Astor (Caitlyn Hellstorm)
  59. Kari (nekolulu) x Arebati (Fatal Irony)
    Brindle (Twitchapher the 3rd ) x Oak (Rita Zyon)
  60. Paldesses (Summer Raaven) x Desu Desu (Summer Raaven)
  61. Grisgris/Nyx Queen of Darkness x Nefarious/Nyx Queen of Darkness


Swashbuckling Fairy

Twitchapher the 3rd

Beeping Lunatic

18,840 Points
  • Who's The Boss Now? 300
  • Blob's To You 100
  • Super Converter 100
PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 11:03 pm

Shatash (Twitchapher the 3rd) x Quinlan (Lunarflowermaiden)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Shatash/Twitchapher the 3rd)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Quinlan / Lunarflowermaiden)
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: N/A
Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: No (Some of Shatash's family links are broken.)
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

I want to make some prehistoric history
Faded colors? Yes
Blurred Markings? Yes
Bones Markings? Yes
Bone Accessories? Yes
Scale Markings? Yes
Feather Accessories? Yes
Body Paint? Yes
Cloth? Yes
Horns? Yes
Fangs/teeth? Yes
Spots or Stripe markings? Yes
Earth tone colors? Yes
Prehistoric alternative templates? YES!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:07 am



Winter Wolf


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:20 am

Chimera (AstoriaFallen) x Daiki (Devil NightShade)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Chimera / AstoriaFallen)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Daiki / Devil NightShade)
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: no
Are Either Familiars Rped?: Mother: Example
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Lucid Figment
Link to Breeding Agreement: Webpage Title

I want to make some prehistoric history
Faded colors? Y
Blurred Markings? Y
Bones Markings? Y
Bone Accessories? Y
Scale Markings? N
Feather Accessories? Y
Body Paint? Y
Cloth? Y
Horns? Y
Fangs/teeth? Y
Spots or Stripe markings? Y
Earth tone colors? Y
Prehistoric alternative templates? (There are some lovely new alternative templates for prehistoric familiars) Y

Devil NightShade
Letting you know I posted our pair. smile If you want me to pull them just let me know <3
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:40 am

Countess (xxx Yuki Bear xxx) x Rasputin (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Countess (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Rasputin (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: No
Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: Both mine

I want to make some prehistoric history
Faded colors? Y
Blurred Markings? N
Bones Markings? Y
Bone Accessories? Y
Scale Markings? Y
Feather Accessories? Y
Body Paint? Y
Cloth? Y
Horns? Y
Fangs/teeth? Y
Spots or Stripe markings? N
Earth tone colors? Y
Prehistoric alternative templates? Y

Megapixel (xxx Yuki Bear xxx) x Waffles (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Megapixel (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Waffles (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: No
Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: Both mine

I want to make some prehistoric history
Faded colors? Y
Blurred Markings? N
Bones Markings? Y
Bone Accessories? Y
Scale Markings? N
Feather Accessories? Y
Body Paint? Y
Cloth? Y
Horns? Y
Fangs/teeth? Y
Spots or Stripe markings? N
Earth tone colors? Y
Prehistoric alternative templates? Y

xxx Yuki Bear xxx

Rampaging Bear

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko


Shameless Elocutionist

PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 2:49 am

Plume (Mindsend) x Ratna (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Plume || Mindsend
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Ratna || Kitsune Mistress Nyoko
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: N/A
Are Either Familiars Rped?: N/A
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: [X]

I want to make some prehistoric history
Faded colors? Y
Blurred Markings? Y
Bones Markings? N
Bone Accessories? Y
Scale Markings? N
Feather Accessories? Y
Body Paint? Y
Cloth? Y
Horns? Y
Fangs/teeth? Y
Spots or Stripe markings? Y
Earth tone colors? Y
Prehistoric alternative templates? Y
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 3:37 am

Soyala ( Wasteland Wyvern ) x Wynn ( ProphetofProfit )

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Soyala ( Wasteland Wyvern )
User Image Uncert ll Itemless Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Wynn ( ProphetofProfit )
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: No
Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: CC
Link to previous Generations: N/A, both are 1st gen!
Link to Breeding Agreement: [X]

I want to make some prehistoric history
Faded colors? Y
Blurred Markings? N
Bones Markings? N
Bone Accessories? Y
Scale Markings? Y
Feather Accessories? Y
Body Paint? N
Cloth? N
Horns? Y
Fangs/teeth? Y
Spots or Stripe markings? Y to Stripes, N to Spots
Earth tone colors? N
Prehistoric alternative templates? Y

Entered these two! If you want to enter something else let me know and I will void them. <3

Wasteland Wyvern

Dangerous Demigod

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:07 am

Jalani (Summer Raaven) x Lupine (Summer Raaven)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Jalani / Summer Raaven)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Lupine / Summer Raaven)
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: No
Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Paternal: Mother & Father
Maternal: Mother & Father
Link to Breeding Agreement: [x]

I want to make some prehistoric history
Faded colors? Y
Blurred Markings? Y
Bones Markings? Y
Bone Accessories? Y
Scale Markings? N
Feather Accessories? N
Body Paint? Y
Cloth? Y
Horns? Y
Fangs/teeth? Y
Spots or Stripe markings? Y
Earth tone colors? N
Prehistoric alternative templates? Y
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:25 am

Starlight (Astoriafallen) x Ray (Dolphingurl)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Starlight (Astoriafallen)
User Image uncert No Stars
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Ray (Dolphingurl)
User Image Uncert

Low Luck?: No
Are Either Familiars Rped?: n

Throwbacks?: Sure

Link to previous Generations: none

Link to Breeding Agreement: [X]

I want to make some prehistoric history
Faded colors? Y
Blurred Markings? Y
Bones Markings? Y
Bone Accessories? Y
Scale Markings? N
Feather Accessories? Y
Body Paint? Y
Cloth? Y
Horns? Y
Fangs/teeth? Y
Spots or Stripe markings? Y
Earth tone colors? Y
Prehistoric alternative templates? (There are some lovely new alternative templates for prehistoric familiars) Y

Letting you know I posted our pair. smile If you want me to pull them just let me know <3


Winter Wolf

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:36 am

A'Woof ( ArashiX ) x Kaybok ( Mindsend )

User ImageUser Image
Uncert | Nude
User ImageUser Image
Uncert | Nude

Low Luck?: Nope
Are Either Familiars Rped?: Mother: Not yet
Father: Not yet
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations: N/A 1st gen

Link to Breeding Agreement: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=38&t=23872529#376720163

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Twins?: SURE
Triplets if Applicable?: SURE

I want to make some prehistoric history
Faded colors? Y
Blurred Markings? Y
Bones Markings? Y
Bone Accessories? Y
Scale Markings? Y
Feather Accessories? Y
Body Paint? Y
Cloth? N
Horns? Y
Fangs/teeth? Y
Spots or Stripe markings? Y
Earth tone colors? N
Prehistoric alternative templates? Where viable!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:05 am

1. Petunia x Gershom

Petunia (junglerunner) x Gershom (Leez0rz)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Petunia (junglerunner)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Gershom (Leez0rz)
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: N/A
Are Either Familiars Rped?: Father: Example
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Link

2. Whisper x Admiral

Whisper (Ovarian Paint) x Admiral (Leez0rz)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Whisper (Ovarian Paint)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Admiral (Leez0rz)
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: No

Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

I want to make some prehistoric history
Faded colors? Y
Blurred Markings? Y
Bones Markings? Y
Bone Accessories? Y
Scale Markings? N
Feather Accessories? Y
Body Paint? Y
Cloth? Y
Horns? Y
Fangs/teeth? Y
Spots or Stripe markings? Y
Earth tone colors? Y
Prehistoric alternative templates? Y

Please let me know if there's anything you'd like me to change.

Ovarian Paint
Please let me know if there's anything you'd like me to change.


Adorable Fairy


PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:06 pm

Esma (Agneza) x Ragnar (Agneza)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Esma / Agneza)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Ragnar / Agneza)
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: -
Are Either Familiars Rped?: no
Throwbacks?: sure
Link to previous Generations: none
Link to Breeding Agreement: both are mine

Teuicui (Agneza) x Pai (Agneza)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Teuicui / Agneza)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Pai / Agneza)
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: -
Are Either Familiars Rped?: no
Throwbacks?: sure
Link to previous Generations: none
Link to Breeding Agreement: both are mine

Modifier is valid for both pairs

I want to make some prehistoric history
Faded colors? Y
Blurred Markings? N
Bones Markings? Y
Bone Accessories? Y
Scale Markings? N
Feather Accessories? Y
Body Paint? Y
Cloth? N
Horns? Y
Fangs/teeth? Y
Spots or Stripe markings? Y
Earth tone colors? Y
Prehistoric alternative templates? Y
Familiar Breeding Dens

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