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Reply ashdown
[PRP] is it a welcome change? {temperance x alois} Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Garbage Cat

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:16 am
Alois still wasn’t certain of this life. He thought he might hate his work now. In fact, he started to wonder if he hated his work when he started it. Ashdown held less appeal for him now that he spent so long under the whims of the Court, and he knew he never appreciated the town in the first place. Small wonder he remembered being incessantly grumpy, even with Schatzie at his side.

Schatzie, he thought to himself, turning over the dog’s old collar in his hands.

Maybe I should give up on the business. Find something else. Somewhere else. Ashdown… I don’t think it’s the right place for me. Not when I stepped into something that I have so little knowledge of. At the party, Zac said that people chose inaction because sometimes action causes more damage. I thought him silly at the time. But he spoke of things so far beyond my comprehension as a denizen of this world, and I had spent three-times-one-month under the care of Ezra. Maybe it speaks to my ease of learning, or chances at knowledge in such a place, but… Perhaps I wasn’t meant to be involved in all of this.

But I can’t untangle myself from it, not now. I drew myself from the wall of the Cave, and now I stare into the fire, blinding. It hurts terribly.

This isn’t such a simple path, is it?

With a sigh, Alois tossed the collar to the counter and, like ice, slid over the top of it. He executed a few strides for the door, where a small bell rang when he passed through the portal, and stood outside beneath the shallow awning. Rain poured in droves, leaving him homesick. He wondered, then, if he was truly in Regular Ashdown. But it must’ve been, for mists failed to strangle his vision here. After fighting his pocket, he drew out a cigarette and lit up for the smoothing of nerves.

the semblance of unity
hope this works!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:49 am
Temperance could have called, or emailed, or sent a letter. But she was here, in person, and she couldn't quite explain it. The rain came down; her ruffled umbrella hardly working. It didn't even remind her of that other place - it was too forceful, too strong. She huffed out a sigh and skirted what looked to be an exceptionally deep puddle.

The glow if a lit cigarette would be her beacon, interestingly enough. Temperance stepped closer to Alois' work and tilted her umbrella to look at him.

"Looking to smoke yourself into an early grave, Alois?"


The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim


Garbage Cat

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:15 am
He heard the voice call from beyond the grey landscape and recognized it vaguely. Bony fingers tapped ash off his cigarette. Green eyes watched the sweeping fall, where a glow of ember soon faded into mud. Swept away, forgotten, nonexistent.

„It’s my bane,“ he confessed. „I must’f tried to quit sree times already. Life just enjoys piling s**t onto me, I guess. Not testing my stress levels so much as pushing zem overboard.“ Strange how running high chance of getting murdered will do that to a man. „I must be ze shittiest smoker, too. You would sink I’d stop just by virtue of being shitty at it. But…“ He shrugged, and gestured to the flimsy green awning over his workplace. „Here I am, nursing my vices and trying my damndest to catch a cold.“

He looked to her and her crooked umbrella, and watched where she stood apart from him. „What are you doing here?“

the semblance of unity
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 11:15 am
Temperance made a face at him. Smoking was so bad for his health and he just got his life back and. She took a breath. "I could buy you a stress ball instead. Maybe the kind that has eyes that pop out when you squeeze it." Alois certainly had enough to stress about recently. She wanted to ask him more things, to - But first...

"Well, I was looking to go inside because it's wet."


The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim


Garbage Cat

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:31 pm
“I don’t turn down gifts.“ Another drag, and the smoke caught in the wind. „It was easier to manage stress when I had my dog. Zis might just be life’s way of telling me I should just keep smoking. What’s it wors’, anyway?“

With his free hand, Alois caught the handle of the door and pulled it wide for Temperance. „After you. Zere’s a chair in ze corner wis’ a sheepskin draped over it. It’s comfortable if you’re looking for a seat.“

For a minute after, Alois continued working on his cigarette. Half-finished, he lost the taste for it anymore and tossed it to the puddle nearest him. Street sludge collected in an oily rainbow over its surface. He spat in it before he headed inside.

the semblance of unity
PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 5:58 pm
She'd heard through the grapevine vague stories of Alois' dog and his unfortunate end, though she wasn't quite sure what had happened. Frowning, she at least made a mental note about gifts and moved into his workplace. "Ooh, my favorite," she said dryly, and carefully stood her umbrella up near the door.

Surprisingly, though, the chair was damn comfortable. Temperance curled up in as much as a gangling giraffe could. After a bit, Alois came back in. She had expected him to make her wait longer.

"I'm glad you came back"


The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim


Garbage Cat

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:48 pm
Alois halted at her sentence and regarded her suspiciously. „What’s your angle?“ He crossed to the long counter where he often conducted business and leaned against it, feet crossed at the ankles. Long bone-white arms braced against the formica surface. „Haf’ we ever had a positif’ interaction? I seem to only recall you yelling at me for all kinds of medical oversights. Or did you just need a proverbial dog to kick in your life?“

Alois looked to the wall of mounted heads where his sights settled on an old timberwolf. „I’m not glad I came back,“ he muttered under his breath. Looking to her, he continued. „I didn’t want to come back to zis. I’f changed, and Vale changed zis life. I don’t sink I can keep running zis place, frankly.“ He shrugged, rubbed his nose.

„Every time I mount a skin on a mold, it just reminds me of zose fetches. Taxidermy feels like it’s half a step away from what zose patrons did. Now not only is my life all ******** up, and my dog dead, but my career is heading for ze shitter too. Why come back at all?“

the semblance of unity
PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:01 pm
She peered over at his through her lashes. "An angle? Oh, please. I don't have to love you forever and ever mushy gushy to be glad you didn't die, Alois." Temperance looked down at her fingers: thin, pale. They always felt sticky. "Do you know how hard it is to stay alive? How the arteries interconnect and how fragile skin can be? And it's not just that, but the will-" Trailing off, she looked up again.

"She said it was about making you all stronger, strong enough. I dunno. Things can be fixed." The fetches, the trials, the long three months... "What was there if you had stayed, though?"


The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim


Garbage Cat

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:36 pm
Alois flatted his lips together in a thin line. Inwardly he bit back curses, quips. „I’m aware of how frustrating human skin is to work wis’.“ As if on mention alone, his thumbs rubbed against their paired index fingers. „Sure, we’re fragile in ze context of our industrialized world, and probably just as fragile in ze context of zeir world. But I was never put in a situation where my physical self was in great jeopardy. Ze damage done wasn’t in a matter of scars.“

He sighed, his shoulders sank. „All I can guess is zat, if I had stayed, zen zat life would haf’ continued. I’d be wis’ a family I knew, compared wis’ a life where I haf’ no friends or family and my only companion is dead. I’d have a routine I recognized, duties I was used to but not so terribly tired of.

„I don’t know what she meant about making us all stronger. I don’t know who she is - Melany? Ze Spinel Lady? Ze one who practically masturbated herself when her pet broke my hand? It doesn’t matter.“ Alois waved the thought away. „Life here just doesn’t feel right anymore.“

the semblance of unity
PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:46 pm
Temperance frowned. It sounded like Ashdown really needed a counselor specifically well-versed in the other side of Ashdown. The worst scars never showed up on skin, after all. She listened as he rambled about his 'family' and duties and it all sounded like Stockholm syndrome.

"Yes, her. She said the cruelty was to make everyone stronger. What a load of s**t. To make you all fit for the court. This fake family, duties given to you while you were kidnapped away... is it really so ******** great?" She ran a hand through her damp hair.

"But isn't it yours - more than that other one? This life, I mean. Three months weighed against the rest of your years and you want to give up and go back?"


The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim


Garbage Cat

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 4:16 pm
Alois paused for a time, his mouth a thin line in contemplation. „Cruelty has its uses,“ he sounded at last, „but it needs an incubation period. It needs to gestate before any good comes of it. Whatever she was after, it would take time I expect.“ Fit for the court… Were they not already a part of the court? Did Melany have another task lined up for them?

„What I encountered while I was zere…“ He paused, laughed. „I wouldn’t call it a good life. I wouldn’t even call it a preferable life. It was a shitty life, but zis life became shittier. It’s like zat Buddha zat was blown up by ISIS. It takes quite some time to construct a sing, especially a good sing, and nearly no time at all to break it. Same prospect. Vale ******** my life quite well in zat short period. Now it’s… It’s not mine anymore. I wouldn’t haf’ cared if he took it. Zere’s not much left in it now.

„Maybe you sink it stupid of me zat I prefer my time in ze Court. Zat’s fine.“ Nails dug at the underside of the counter. „I don’t care if zis life is mine. It was never a good life to begin wis’.

„But zis topic isn’t a pretty one. Surely zere’s a different reason you came here?“

the semblance of unity
PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:47 am
Was three months not enough gestation? "She told me the nobles can't hurt you now, none of you." It was likely little compensation. Temperance chewed on her lips as he spoke. Her instinct was to rise up and smack him about the head a little, but that would help absolutely no one. There were issues here that she couldn't treat.

"I don't think you're stupid. Maybe I don't really understand what you went through, but if you go back there and try to stay, I swear I will go and drag you back by your hair." Temperance glared at him. She remembered how he'd beat at the doors to get out back in the study, and how he hadn't left with her.

She ignored his question for now. Even if it wasn't a pretty topic, it didn't feel done. "Take your life back, make it pretty."


The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim


Garbage Cat

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 12:53 pm
Alois’ brow furrowed as he considered the events privately. „It’s hard to explain. All I can say is, looking back on it, sings seem different here zan zey did when I was wis’ ze Court. I’m guessing it’s a trick of perspectif’e. Sings zat I would normally consider weren’t considered, and I can sink more critically now, but… Zat doesn’t change any of ze emotional effects. Maybe sings will work zemselfs out. I don’t know. I suppose my only option is ze most painful one.“

When she commented on making his own life pretty, he shot her a squint. „You are ze strangest nurse I’f met.“ He meant it sincerely. „I don’t understand people like you.“

He paused for a long time, his ears listening only for the heavy patter of rain against the storm windows of his shop. Sometimes the volume rose to crescendo, and other times reaching the pianissimo levels of a parting shower. „I sink I’ll haf’ to make a different life for myself. I need a new job, to start.“

the semblance of unity
PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 6:04 pm
She shrugged. "I'm only a nurse - that's not so strange, is it?" And well, she had to admit that going to other Ashdown and dragging out an emo boy was not a typical nurse duty. That part wasn't a nurse part, really. For all his doom and gloom, and shitty stitches (Temperance would smack a needle out of his hand if he ever did that again), she kind of, well, liked him.

"I don't understand you either, goth kid." He was insufferable, yet here she was. "Why do you need a new job - aren't you a taxidermist? Also," she said, crossing her arms. "-did my mask make it back?"


The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim


Garbage Cat

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:24 am
“Ze masks disappeared from our hands like zat,“ he replied, snapping his fingers. „So if it did make it back, it wasn’t wis’ me.“

On the question of his job, he looked back behind the counter for a moment and faltered. He scrutinized the floor there, looked for his answers within the black crevaces between each veneer surface. „It’s nossing,“ he answered finally. „Forget I said it.“ Finally he looked to her again.

„Did you want somesing zen? A piece of jewelry or a mounted bird? I’m not taking projects at ze moment - you can imagine why - but if zere was somesing on ze shelf you wanted, I can sell it to you.“

the semblance of unity

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