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Tags: magical, realism, roleplay 

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[PRP] face the thunder [Rylan, Cas & Jo][FIN] Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Enigmatic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:37 pm
Jo was positive the word '********' had never crossed her mind in her life, as many times as it had crossed in the past hour.

Her stomach was tight, heavy with lead and flighty at the same time, her palms sweaty and her breath short; if she didn't know better, she'd have said she was sick. In a way, she wasn't wrong. The very thought made her pause in her walk, hand over her mouth for a moment, world ******** green eyes, she drew in a shaky breath and continued on her slow, uncertain walk, hoping the fresh air would clear her head but there was a lot more in her head than it seemed Ashdown could erase. The fear was there, clawing at the back of her skull and racing up her spine -- and she was trying desperately to squash it, to push it aside, until she could figure out how to deal with it, how to compartmentalize it, to talk to --

Jo blinked slowly, standing on the street corner and staring dully at the firestation across the way. Pursing her lips, an immediate game plan came to mind, most of which relied on dragging a perfectly innocent man into the fray of her own personal war. Convinced that was the only logical thing to do, she padded across the street and practically made herself comfortable in the back of Rylan's truck, knowing he'd be out soon. He would just have an extra unit to take home with him.

Or two.

MoonRazor w FIN edit
PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:46 pm
Rylan hadn't had what he'd call a long shift in a while, and he was starting to think he was due for one soon. You never knew with these things. Some days, the station was racing from one call to the next, each one worse than the last.

Today, though, he'd escaped relatively unscathed. With the exception of an old lady who'd gotten herself trapped in the attic, there hadn't been much excitement. It was arguably a good thing, especially considering the fact that the whole city was apparently some sort of magical ticking time bomb. Rylan would take whatever victories he could get at this point.

He'd just emerged from the showers, hair wet, street clothes still new. It took two minutes to sign the fire engine over to the next shift, and then he and Fidget were walking quickly toward the truck, both of them eager to get home.

So it was a pleasant surprise when he made it to the parking lot to see a familiar figure perched on the back of the truck.

"You know, I'm pretty sure this isn't the time period-appropriate car you were talking about last time, or I would've really been Captain America for years now," he said, the smile on his face spilling into his voice as he unlocked the doors and ushered Fidget into the back seat. "Everything alright?"




Enigmatic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:51 pm
"There's my favorite guy!" Jo called when she caught sight of the two, hopping out of the back of the truck and kneeling to ruffle Fidget's fur. It was only half teasing, of course, as she stood and kissed Rylan's cheek. "Not yet, great things take time, I mean, look at you~" She smiled, and for one brief, beautiful moment, her mind was clear. Then he asked the most innocent question and it all went to hell again.

Her smile faltered. "No. Yes? But mostly no. Can I ride with you?" She knew it was abrupt and sudden, but she wasn't in the mood to give the poor man much of a decision, looking a little flushed. Climbing into Rylan's truck from the driver's side, she slid over to the passenger seat, looking at him almost sullenly -- almost apologetically. Probably a sure sign that something was up.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:00 pm
"Oh," he said, taken aback mostly by the way Jo's usually-sunny demeanor crumbled in an instant. That single most innocuous of questions had brought it all crashing down, and whatever joke he'd had prepared died on his lips. "Yea, of course, of course."

He gave her time to slide in and over to the other side before climbing into the driver's seat and shutting the door. The keys went into the ignition and the truck rumbled to life. "How can I help?" he asked, glancing over at her and seeing the look on her face, so much more worried now than he'd ever seen it before.




Enigmatic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:05 pm
The seatbelt clicked into place (with a wry thought of who she was protecting), and that alone seemed to set her off again. Jo rubbed her hands over her jeans and practically curled up against the back of the chair, as if she was trying to climb over it and away. Green eyes flicked over to Rylan, then back out the window, drawing in short breaths between her lips.

How did she start this topic? How did she broach it? Her heart was beating so fast she nearly felt faint, and words were beginning to feel jumbled --

"I'm pregnant," she blurted suddenly, gripping her own knees in a white knuckled hold. "I'm pregnant and it's Cas's and I'm trying to not crawl out of my skin." Jo, while usually fair skinned, looked positively pale, especially with flushed cheeks.

"Tell me it's not the end of the world," she said numbly through tight lips. "Tell me my life isn't ending and Cas isn't going to flip out harder than I want to." She swallowed hard and glanced briefly to Rylan, wide-eyed and on the edge of a bad headspace.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:14 pm
"Uh," was all he managed to say for a few long seconds, eyes wide, trying to hear the words she was saying. They sounded, somehow, so foreign and strange and...


It almost felt like it was happening to him.

"You. Okay," he said finally, as if slowly regaining control of his senses. The very thought of pregnancy, of kids... in a time when none of them, least of all Cas and Jo, had been thinking about anything remotely along those lines. "How long? Are... are you going to keep it? Or... I'm sorry, that's not my business."

He glanced down, around the cab of the truck, looking for something. Anything. A loose bottle of water caught his eye, and he reached back to grab it, twist it open, offer it to Jo.

"No, no. No, it's not the end of the world, it... I mean, often is a good thing," he said a little weakly. It was hard to imagine how freaked out Jo must be when he himself was having trouble processing the news. "He... Cas will... Cas will understand. He's not. I mean, he'll freak out, at first, but... The guy has more decency in him than most people think. He'll do what he thinks is right. Eventually."

Which may not be the most comforting thing to hear, but it was the truth.




Enigmatic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:21 pm
Hearing Rylan suddenly in shock only frayed Jo's nerves, her body tensing, practically bending in half to bury her face into her hands against her knees. She began to shiver a little, and his question made her bolt upright, gasping softly. "I don't -- I don't know! I never planned on -- oh my <********> Rylan, what am I going to do? What am I supposed to do? Dios mio, ayudame!"

It said something that a woman of little faith was resorting to asking for help from something she didn't believe in. She dumbly took the water and tucked it between her knees, untouched, automatic. A shaky hand drew over her face, partially covering her mouth, a fine tremor going through her. "What's right? ********, Ry, I don't want him to -- to do something dumb like propose, because I'll kick him in his damn face, I just -- I don't -- I don't know. What to do. ********. God."

She gasped, and with it came a distant sort of whimpered sound. "I don't even know -- how. How? How."

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:36 pm
"Okay, okay," he said shaking his head to clear his thoughts and calm himself down. Get a grip. Because this was about Jo, not about him, and he didn't have the luxury of getting rattled.

"You'll be alright, Jo, don't worry. First things first, regardless of what Cas says or does, what do you want to do?" he said, leaning back in his seat, head turned toward her. "Are you alright with dealing with nine months of pregnancy? Raising a child? Because Cas, well... all of that will fall into place once you decide how you want to approach this."

She was the one almost disproportionately affected by it, after all.




Enigmatic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:44 pm
"I don't know," she whispered softly, eyes washed out and distant. "Ry, I just...I literally found out a half hour ago and just...started walking to try and sort things out. Saw the station and..." Jo exhaled slowly, though it shook, especially when he was describing what she was about to endure. It was terrifying.

Her mouth felt dry. Taking a sip of the water then, she tried to blink away the fuzziness at the edges of her vision. "It's up to him, too. I never planned for kids, I -- I -- I don't want to be my mother." That probably didn't make a lot of sense to Rylan but she was a touch beyond sense.

Nine months of carrying someone else's child was terrifying, yes, but being tied to said person for the rest of her life was what was really ******** her up. Would Cas feel the same? "What -- what should I do? Ry, I -- I'll have to move. Start saving money." She sucked in a nervous breath and held it, trying to stave off the borderline hysteria that encroached on her. "Selling restored cars is good chunk from time to time, bakery pays the bills, but I can't fit under a car with a big -- "

Belly, she wanted to say, but it ended in a strangled sound. A child, in her womb. Jo was in no way equipped to handle this.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:57 pm
"You're not your mother," he said, almost automatically. He didn't know for sure, but it didn't really matter. Jo was flipping out, and rightly so. For now, the goal was to keep her focused on the small things, details that weren't as overwhelming as the big picture. Part of him felt like he was responding to a call, talking to the victims and keeping them calm.

"Alright, let's make it simpler, keep it in the present. Right now, do you want to tell Cas?" The rest, the future, that could be a conversation for later, when she wasn't still reeling from the news half and hour after the fact.




Enigmatic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:12 pm
"Yes," she answered immediately, knowing that it was the one thing she had to do, if not the very first. "I don't know if he's...he's gonna take it well, but he has to know. And -- and I guess how he reacts is going to set me on the path I need to be on." The words came out slowly, worn, a little ragged around the edges.

It helped, though, Jo taking in gulps of air and water, alternating, but her voice wasn't cracking and she wasn't squirming in her seat. "I'm -- I'm sorry to dump this on you Ry, I -- I don't have anyone else I can tell. And you're brothers with Cas, it just..." She went quiet for a moment. "I was drowning and you're a fire fighter. It just made sense, somehow."

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:23 pm
"Hey," he said with a quiet smile. "That's what I'm here for."

There was a nod, and then he pushed the truck into drive, letting it roll forward toward the road that would take them back to the house. He spent the short drive asking her simple questions, pointing out the scenery, giving her a moment to prepare what she was going to say once she came face to face with the man she'd presumably spend a whole lot more time with in the coming months and years.

But she was right, Cas had to know.

The truck slowed to a stop in Rylan's driveway, and as he pulled it back into park, he glanced over at Jo, hoping that the drive and the water had done some good.

"I think you're right, telling him. He'll appreciate your doing it," he said. "Are you ready? Take as much time as you need."

God knew it was a big moment, a tough moment, and in Jo's shoes, Rylan wasn't sure what he would've done.




Enigmatic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:29 pm
"No it's not," she countered with a weak smile. "You're here to rescue hapless old women and people who don't know how to put out a cigarette, not comfort someone who should be happier about the news they have."

Was that what was going on? Jo had no idea. Her head spun, and she nursed the water while she responded to Rylan's questions, eagerly following his lead so she could calm down before facing Cas. He was much like she was, and she wasn't entirely sure he was going to be happy about the news. She had to not hold it against him - or herself.

In the driveway, she stared at the house with eyes that were unseeing, listening to the rush of blood in her eras and the pound of her heart. "It's not just my life that can change with this." Jo tore her green eyes from the house and looked at the man, nodding slightly. "Not ready at all, but this is the time to do it. When everything is raw and new."

And minds could still be changed, and life wouldn't be harder than it had to be.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:41 pm
"For you? It is," he said, and reached over to run a hand reassuringly through her hair. Things would change. Inevitably, they would. This was a person they were talking about. A real, in the flesh baby. There was no way to take that into account and not have the calculus change completely.

Despite not being part of the expectant couple, Rylan suddenly felt as if they had all stepped into a new stage of their lives, one that none of them had foreseen coming quite so soon perhaps. The days of long nights and wild drinking could well be on their way out, to be replaced with a kind of domesticity that that he'd seen all his life in his parents but had never thought to be part of just yet.

But that didn't make it a bad thing.

"This takes a lot more courage than you might think. You'll be alright, you know. No matter what he says or what you decide," Rylan added, one hand on the handle. "But he'll surprise you, I think."

He opened the door and climbed down from the seat, letting Fidget out after him. The dalmatian sprang out of the back seat and bounced around at their feet, following as they made their way to the front door.




Enigmatic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:48 pm
She offered him a small smile as he stroked her hair, bowing her head slightly and welcoming the comfort. Jo had no parents to turn to and her friend circle was very broad and encompassing but the type of friend she could talk to about this? Very small, and perhaps only truly included the best friend of the man that had caused her predicament.

Yes, she was blaming Cas while she could.

"I'll only be surprised if he's totally cool with it. And then I might kick him in the shins anyway." Jo sighed and let herself out of the truck as well, a little lethargic in her movements as if her limbs had suddenly gained weight. She gripped the near empty water bottle a little too tight, following Rylan's lead and reaching to pet Fidget as a last attempt of normal. The second she stepped through the door, the life she knew was truly over. For better or for worse had yet to be seen.


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