Former New Ager Steven Bancarz Debunks Occult Myth of 'Christ Consciousness'

September 13, 2016|4:34 pm

Steven Bancarz was steeped in the occult for several years before turning to Christ last September and is now on a mission to debunk claims the New Age movement makes about Jesus.

Bancarz shared his journey of how he got involved in such spiritual darkness, his success running a New Age website, and how God delivered him from the New Age movement, during an interview with The Christian Post last week. His new website, Exposing The New Age, is a Christian apologetics resource specifically aimed at derailing the deception of the occult and addresses false claims made about Jesus.

In a follow-up interview with CP, Bancarz was asked to address a particular New Age myth known as "Christ Copiousness" — the belief that human beings can in a way become Christ, and that Christ is a state of consciousness.

Without a moment of hesitation, Bancarz rattled off several points. Suffice it to say, there is a big difference between being conscious or aware of the presence of Jesus and Jesus as consciousness.

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